VB CStr, CDate, CBool, etc. vs. DirectCast for casting without conversion - vb.net

I usually avoid VB's built-in conversion functions (CStr, CDate, CBool, CInt, etc.) unless I need to do an actual conversion. If I'm just casting, say from an object to a string, I normally use either DirectCast or TryCast, under the assumption that CStr, etc., are doing some extra stuff I don't need. But sometimes the DirectCast syntax is a little cumbersome, as in the following example.
Dim value1 As String
Dim value2 As String
Using cn As New SqlConnection(cnStr)
Using cmd as New SqlCommmand(sqlStr, cn)
Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()
value1 = DirectCast(reader("COLUMN1"), String)
value2 = CStr(reader("COLUMN1"))
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using
SqlDataReader.Item returns an Object, which needs to be cast to a String. CStr is easier to read, type, and explain (IMO).
My question is, does it matter which one I use? Should I just go with CStr (and CDate and CBool, etc.) and not worry about the extra work I assume those functions are doing?
Is there any other downside to using these functions?

This is a good post with discussion in the comments about DirectCast versus the CType casts and variations.
In short, if you want to be explicit about it and know what to expect, DirectCast is suggested. On the other hand, a comment by Paul Vick (VB Technical Lead) says it doesn't matter much and to just use the CType variations.
Some useful links gleaned from that post:
How should I cast in VB.NET?
DirectCast Revealed (post on Paul Vick's blog)

In your example, you could just use:
value1 = reader("COLUMN1").ToString()
It will return the contents of the column as a string.
I always tend to favour using ToString() on an object if I can. Sometimes an object's ToString() method will return things like the class name of the object, rather then a content, so .ToString() isn't always an option.
I don't see the need for any of the VB functions CStr, CInt, etc, since the .NET framework provides plenty of good alternatives. For example.
Dim value As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(reader("Number").ToString())
Is a good way of converting a string to an int. It's worth reading up on these conversion methods, since the old VB style functions are only there for backwards compatability.

Most of the time, I use CStr, CInt, CBool and CType because it's shorter and easier to read. There might be a slight performance cost but most of the time it doesn't matter. It's good to know the differences between CType, TryCast, DirectCast, and others though.


String.Concat with non-string arguments, unexpected behaviour

As a summary: I'm trying to get String.Concat to use a reference type's ToString overload when sticking string together.
Edit: Added this overview: The example code below is a cooked down extract of my real code - as such it would be immediately obvious when refactoring if I only had two lines of code. The important issue here (to me) is that I changed from a string to an object and there was no compile error from String.Concat. Equally it's behaviour wasn't what I would have expected (Using my object's to string method, rather than the bog standard object name). If I'd been using "&", there would have been a compile error. I'm concerned that the String.Concat syntactic sugar may lead to bugs that otherwise would have been avoided (in this case when refactoring). I'd like to know if there's a way of altering the behaviour of String.Concat or if I should consider it to be dangerous.
The situation:I've got a solution which processes a whole heap of data; I was using a String to contain the identifier of each piece of data, but have just swapped this out for a class (FeatureIdentifier) to enable me to extend the identifier to include things like batches etc.
I've refactored my code so that I use this class instead of just the string. When refactoring this type of thing (rightly or wrongly) I tend to rely on compile errors as a to-do list.
Now, I'm a self-taught programmer and I'm probably a bit set in my ways (I tend to look at new features in terms of if they let me do anything new rather than if they let me do stuff I can already do only easier) and I've just come across something which makes me sad.
So, I was sticking my identifier onto an underscore onto a type. My code looked like this:
Dim x as string = "MyIdentifer"
dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x,"_ANCHOR.txt")
Running this I got myOutputValue equal to "MyIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt". Following refactoring, my code looked like this:
Dim x as new FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x,"_ANCHOR.txt")
Running this I got myOutputValue equal to "MyNamespace.FeatureIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt".
Having kicked myself and implemented a ToString method on my class, I run it again and get exactly the same output (that is "MyNamespace.FeatureIdentifier_ANCHOR.txt"). In immediate, if I do: ?x.ToString, I get "MyIdentifier", so I'm certain I've implemented ToString correctly.
So, here's my problem. I like the syntax of String.Concat but I don't like the fact that it doesn't do one of:
a) calling ToString on reference types it sticks together orb) throwing a compile error if you pass it non-string based arguments. The old school: x & "_ANCHOR.txt" gives me a compile error (which I would have picked up when refactoring).
Here's what I've tried:
I've tried shadowing the String.Concat function with an extension (something like this:
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Public Function Concat(...some arguments...) As String
Return String.Concat(...some arguments...)
End Function
) but hit two problems:
1) When trying to narrow the type of the arguments down to string to cause compile errors, I realised that the argument is a param array and hence objects in the first place. So fail there.
2) When I tried to make multiple overloads ((s1 as string, s2 as string), (s1 as string, s2 as string, s3 as string) etc), I felt it was a bit lame and also discovered that you can't actually overload an extension on a static class (which is what I guess String is).
So, does anyone know a way of getting String.Concat to behave as well as old-school concatenation, or should I avoid String.Concat in favour of old-school concatenation?.
(I'm not going to use a StringBuilder, as I'm only concatenating a few strings and I don't believe this is the place for one).
I don't believe there is any way that you are going to "fix" the String.Concat method to only allow strings. Chalk it up to another reason why shared methods should be created and used as sparingly as possible. However, through the miracle of operator overloading, you can make your custom class work just like a string. To fix the Concat method, you need to overload the CType operator. To fix the string concatenation operator (&), you need to overload that operator separately, like this:
Public Class FeatureIdentifier
Public Sub New(id As String)
Me.Id = id
End Sub
Public Property Id As String
Public Property SomethingElse As Integer
Public Overloads Shared Widening Operator CType(value As FeatureIdentifier) As String
Return value.Id
End Operator
Public Overloads Shared Operator &(value1 As FeatureIdentifier, value2 As String) As String
Return value1.Id & value2
End Operator
Public Overloads Shared Operator &(value1 As String, value2 As FeatureIdentifier) As String
Return value1 & value2.Id
End Operator
End Class
Now you can use it like this:
Dim x As New FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
Dim myOutputValue As String = String.Concat(x, "_ANCHOR.TXT")
Or like this:
Dim x As New FeatureIdentifier("MyIdentifier")
Dim myOutputValue As String = x & "_ANCHOR.TXT"
And it will work just like as if it were still a string, in those circumstances. You may also want to overload some of the other operators too, just in case. For instance, the + operator also concatenates when applied to two strings. However, I should caution you that operator overloading can cause confusion to people who are not familiar with the code, since it works unexpectedly, so you should only use it if it really makes sense to do so.
Do you need to override ToString and even make sure it's called for this? It would seem to be more proper to expose a property of FeatureIdentifier named Identifier, or some such thing, and then you can just do:
Dim myOutputValue as string = String.Concat(x.Identifier, "_ANCHOR.txt")

Using If...Else vs If()

Does cleanliness trump performance here:
Version 1:
Function MyFunc(ByVal param as String) As String
Dim returnValue as String
If param Is Nothing Then
returnValue = "foo"
returnValue = param
return returnValue
Version 2:
Function MyFunc(ByVal param as String) As String
return If(param,"foo")
Version 1 deals directly with unboxed Strings. Version 2 deals with all boxed Objects. [If() takes a TestExpression as Object, a FalsePart as Object and returns an Object]
[can't add comments]
COMMENT: ja72, fixed my naming.
COMMENT: Marc, so you would go with Version 2?
I think clarity trumps anything.
The If(obj1,obj2) function is the null coalescing operator of VB.NET. It functions the same as obj1 ?? obj2 in C#. As such, everyone should know what it means, and it should be used where conciseness is important.
Although the If/Else statement is clean, simple, and obvious, in this particular case, I would favor the If function.
The compiler would optimize these two to the same code or nearly the same depending on the optimization level (See project properties).
Write two methods this way, compile them and use Reflector to look into the VB.Net decompiled code (or even MSIL) and you will see that there is very little (some billionth of a second) or none difference in exectuion.
Compiler optimizations generally handle normal patterns that allows you to write if-statements and loops in different ways. For instance in .Net for, foreach, while, do, etc do not actually exist. They are language specific features that are compiled down to goto-statement logic in the assembly level. Use Reflector to look at a few of these and you'll learn a lot! :)
Note that it is possible to write bad code that the compiler can't optimize to its "best state", and it is even possible to do better than the compiler. Understanding .Net assembly and MSIL means understanding the compiler better.
Really? I don't think this function is going to be a bottleneck in any application, and so just go with brevity/clarity.
I would recommend:
Public Function TXV(ByVal param As String) As String
Return If(param Is Nothing, "foo", param)
End Function
and make sure the function returns a string (to keep type safety). BTW, why is your Function called MySub ? Shouldn't it be MyFunc ?
I believe that these two implementations are nearly the same, I would use the second one because it's shorter.
Since I come from a C background, I would opt for the ternary operator most times where it is clear what is happening - in a case like this where there is repetition and it can be idiomatic. Similarly in T-SQL where you can use COALESCE(a, b, c, d, e) to avoid having a bunch of conditionals and simply take the first non-null value - this is idiomatic and easily read.
Beware that the old IIf function is different from the new If operator, so while the new one properly handles side-effects and short-circuits, it's only one character away from a completely different behavior which people have long been wary of.
I don't think it's going to matter in terms of performance, because the optimizer is pretty good about these kind of transforms.

Difference between DirectCast() and CType() in VB.NET

I am an experienced C/C++/C# programmer who has just gotten into VB.NET. I generally use CType (and CInt, CBool, CStr) for casts because it is fewer characters and was the first way of casting which I was exposed to, but I am aware of DirectCast and TryCast as well.
Simply, are there any differences (effect of cast, performance, etc.) between DirectCast and CType? I understand the idea of TryCast.
The first thing to note is VB.NET does not have a direct analog to C#'s (type)instance casting mechanism. I bring this up because it's useful as a starting point and common reference in comparing the two VB.NET operators (and they are operators, not functions, even though they have function semantics).
DirectCast() is more strict than the C# casting operator. It only allows you to cast when the item being cast already is the type you are casting to. I believe it will still unbox value types, but otherwise it won't do any conversion. So, for example, you can't cast from short to int, like you could with a C# (int) cast. But you can cast from an IEnumerable to an array, if your underlying IEnumerable object variable really is an Array. And of course you can cast from Object to anything, assuming the type of your object instance really is somewhere below your cast type in the inheritance tree.
This is desirable because it's much faster. There's less conversion and type checking that needs to take place.
CType() is less strict than the C# casting operator. It will do things you just can't do with a simple (int)-style cast, like convert a string to an integer. It has as much power as calling Convert.To___() in C#, where the ___ is the target type of your cast.
This is desirable because it's very powerful. However, this power comes at the cost of performance; it's not as fast as DirectCast() or C#'s cast operator because it might need to do quite a lot of work to finish the cast. Generally you should prefer DirectCast() when you can.
Finally, you missed one casting operator: TryCast(), which is a direct analog to C#'s as operator.
With CType you can write something like Ctype("string",Integer). But with DirectCast the above statement would give a compile time error.
Dim a As Integer = DirectCast("1", Integer) 'Gives compiler error
Dim b As Integer = CType("1", Integer) 'Will compile
DirectCast is more restrictive than CType.
For example, this will throw an error:
Sub Main()
Dim newint As Integer = DirectCast(3345.34, Integer)
End Sub
It will also be shown in the Visual Studio IDE.
This however, does not throw an error:
Sub Main()
Dim newint As Integer = CType(3345.34, Integer)
End Sub

Casting in visual basic?

I want to check multiple controls state in one method, in C# this would be accomplished like so:
if (((CheckBox)sender).Checked == true)
// Do something...
// Do something else...
So how can I accomplish this in VB?
CType(sender, CheckBox)
VB actually has 2 notions of casting.
CLR style casting
Lexical Casting
CLR style casting is what a C# user is more familiar with. This uses the CLR type system and conversions in order to perform the cast. VB has DirectCast and TryCast equivalent to the C# cast and as operator respectively.
Lexical casts in VB do extra work in addition to the CLR type system. They actually represent a superset of potential casts. Lexical casts are easily spotted by looking for the C prefix on the cast operator: CType, CInt, CString, etc ... These cast, if not directly known by the compiler, will go through the VB run time. The run time will do interpretation on top of the type system to allow casts like the following to work
Dim v1 = CType("1", Integer)
Dim v2 = CBool("1")
Adam Robinson is correct, also DirectCast is available to you.
DirectCast will perform the conversion at compile time but can only be used to cast reference types.
Ctype will perform the conversion at run time (slower than converting at compile time) but is obviously useful for convertng value types.
In your case "sender" is a reference type so DirectCast would be the way to go.
Casting in VB.net uses the keyword ctype.
So the C# statement (CheckBox)sender is equivalent to ctype(sender,CheckBox) in VB.net.
Therefore your code in VB.net is:
if ctype(sender,CheckBox).Checked =True Then
' Do something...
' Do something else...
End If

Why use TryCast instead of DirectCast?

When I am trying to cast Object obj to Type T, if it can not be cast then there is something wrong.
And after I cast the object I will be looking for working with the cast object.
Rather I will be expecting to get an exception at the place where I will be casting it than say where I will be using that object.
In this sense, is it better to use DirectCast instead of TryCast?
Or am I missing some other significance of using TryCast?
(For C# developers, TryCast is similar to "as" and DirectCast is the equivalent of normal casting. As Mike pointed out in the comments, "as" works for nullable value types, but TryCast doesn't.)
If the value really should be a T, then DirectCast is indeed the right way to go - it fails fast, with an appropriate error.
TryCast is appropriate when it's legitimate for the target to be the "wrong" type. For instance, to get all the Button controls in a container, you could go through the control collection and try to cast each to Button. If it works, you do something with it - if it doesn't, you move on. (With LINQ you can just use OfType for this purpose, but you see what I mean...)
In my experience direct casting is appropriate more often than TryCast - although with generics I find myself casting a lot less often than I used to anyway.
The only difference between the two is that, a TryCast will return a null if it fails, while a DirectCast will throw an exception.
These has implications on how you can handle your program. Personally I prefer not having to throw an exception if the possibility of an improper cast (e.g., text input boxes for user input being cast into numeric types) is pretty high.
I think the others have mentioned the times when you should and shouldn't perform "safe casting" (where you ensure that the cast can succeed before risking an exception). If your program does need to perform safe casting then the TryCast method saves both you and the program some work.
I wasn't aware of the TryCast() function until today, and I feel like a fool for using the 'bad' method of safely casting.
If you did not know about the TryCast() function then you might end up with something like this:
'' wasteful, the TypeOf and DirectCast calls are redundant
If TypeOf obj Is SomeClass Then
someObj = DirectCast(obj, SomeClass)
'' More code
End If
The problem is that this method actually performs two casts (technically I think they're actually type-checks). Using the TryCast and checking if the result is Nothing eliminates the 2nd cast and saves needless work.
'' efficient, only one cast is ever performed and there are no InvalidCastExceptions thrown
someObj = TryCast(obj, SomeClass)
If someObj IsNot Nothing Then
'' More code
End If
Following this pattern lets you avoid having to handle expensive exceptions, and efficiently cast to the correct type.
If your design mandates that the object passed to you MUST be of type T, then assert (as in Debug.Assert) that the cast succeeds in debug builds and run exhaustive unit tests to prove that your implementation follows your design.
With your design proven and tested, you can perfrom the direct cast knowing that it can never fail.