Does it consume CPU when reading a large file - file-io

Suppose I want to do following opeartions on my 2-core machine:
Read a very large file
Does the file reading operation need to consume 1 core? Previously I just create 2 threads, one to read file and one to compute? Should I create an additional thread to do compute?
Thanks guys, yea, we should always consider if the file I/O blocks the computing. Now let's just consider that the file I/O will never block computing, you can think the computing doesn't depends on the file's data, we just read the file in for future processing. Now we have 2 core, we need to read in a file, and we need to do computing, is it the best solution to create 3 threads, 1 for file reading and 2 for computing, as most of you has already pointed out: file reading consumes very little CPU?

It depends on how your hardware is configured. Normally, reading is not CPU-intensive, thanks to DMA. It may be very expensive though, if it initiates swap-out of other applications. But there is more to it.
Don't read a huge file at once if you can
If your file is really big, you should use mmap or sequential processing, when you don't need to read a whole file at once. Try to consume it by chunks is possible.
For example, to sum all values in a huge file, you don't need to load this file into the memory. You can process it by small chunks, accumulating the sum. Memory is an expensive resource in most situations.
Reading is sequential
Does the file reading operation need to consume 1 core?
Yes, I think most low-level read operations are implemented sequentially (consume 1 core).
You can avoid blocking on read operation if you use asynchronous I/O, but it is just a variation of the same "read by small chunks" technique. You can launch several small asynchronous read operations at once, but you have always to check if an operation has finished before you use the result.
See also this Stack Overflow answer to a related question).
Reading and computing in parallel
Previously I just create 2 threads, one to read file and one to compute? Should I create an additional thread to do compute?
It depends, if you need all data to start computations, than there is no reason to start computation in parallel. It will have to wait effectively until reading is done.
If you can start computing even with partial data, likely you don't need to read the whole file at once. And it is usually much better not to do so with huge files.
What is your bottleneck — computation or IO?
Finally, you should know if your task is computation-bound or input-output bound. If it is limited by the performance of input-output subsystem, there is little benefit in parallelizing computation. If computation is very CPU-intensive, and reading time is negligible, you can benefit from parallelizing computation. Input-output is usually a bottleneck unless you are doing some number-crunching.

This is a good candidate for parallelization, because you have two types of operations here - disk I/O (for reading the file), and CPU load (for your computations). So the first step would be to write your application such that the file I/O wasn't blocking the computation. You could do this by reading a little bit at a time from the file and handing it off to the compute thread.
But now you're saying you have two cores that you want to utilize. Your second thought about parallelizing the CPU-intensive part is correct, because we can only parallelize compute tasks if we have more than one processor to use. But, it might be the case that the blocking part of your application is still the file I/O - that depends on a lot of factors, and the only way to tell what level of parallelization is appropriate is to benchmark.
SO required caveat: multithreading is hard and error-prone, and it's better to have correct code than fast code, if you can pick only one. But I don't advocate against threads, as you may find from others on the site.

I would think this depends on the computation you are performing. If you are doing very heavy computations then I would suggest threading the application. Reading a file demands very little from your CPU and because of this, the overhead created by threading the application might slow it down.
Another thing to consider is if you need to load the entire file before you can compute, if so, there is no point in threading it at all as you will have to complete one action before you can perform the other.


Is it better better to open or to read large matrices in Julia?

I'm in the process of switching over to Julia from other programming languages and one of the things that Julia will let you hang yourself on is memory. I think this is likely a good thing, a programming language where you actually have to think about some amount of memory management forces the coder to write more efficient code. This would be in contrast to something like R where you can seemingly load datasets that are larger than the allocated memory. Of course, you can't actually do that, so I wonder how does R get around that problem?
Part of what I've done in other programming languages is work on large tabular datasets, often converted over to a R dataframe or a matrix. I think the way this is handled in Julia is to stream data in wherever possible, so my main question is this:
Is it better to use readline("my_file.txt") to access data or is it better to use open("my_file.txt", "w")? If possible, wouldn't it be better to access a large dataset all at once for speed? Or would it be better to always stream data?
I hope this makes sense. Any further resources would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not an extensive user of Julia's data-ecosystem packages, but CSV.jl offers the Chunks and Rows alternatives to File, and these might let you process the files incrementally.
While it may not be relevant to your use case, the mechanisms mentioned in #Przemyslaw Szufel's answer are used other places as well. Two I'm familiar with are the TiffImages.jl and NRRD.jl packages, both I/O packages mostly for loading image data into Julia. With these, you can load terabyte-sized datasets on a laptop. There may be more packages that use the same mechanism, and many package maintainers would probably be grateful to receive a pull request that supports optional memory-mapping when applicable.
In R you cannot have a data frame larger than memory. There is no magical buffering mechanism. However, when running R-based analytics you could use a disk.frame package for that.
Similarly, in Julia if you want to process data frames larger than memory you need to use am appropriate package. The most reasonable and natural option in Julia ecosystem is JuliaDB.
If you want to do something more low-level solution have a look at:
Mmap that provides Memory-mapped I/O that exactly solves the issue of conveniently handling data too large to fit into memory
SharedArrays that offers a disk mapped array with implementation based on Mmap.
In conclusion, if your data is data frame based - try JuliaDB, otherwise have a look at Mmap and SharedArrays (look at the filename parameter)

Processing large amounts of files, slowed down by I/O, how to make more efficent?

I've been maintaining an application for a few years ever since creator stopped working on it. This application does batch operations on a large amount of pictures such as resizing, applying text, adding a logo, etc.
Lately I've been rewriting this application in order to improve efficiency and try to fully use every capability of the system by using all the available memory and splitting the operation over multiple threads.
The previous maintainer implemented multithreading in somewhat awful ways such as doing long operations in the UI thread (rendering the stop button he made inoperable) and using a really small thread pool.
So I've been optimizing code and trying out increasing the size of the thread pool but apparently nothing improves at all, the bottleneck seems to be reading and writing to disk.
Is there a way to improve this situation?
Determine exactly what IO the application does at the moment. Then try to convert it to sequential access patterns. Random IO is 100x slower on magnetic disks and 10x slower on SSDs.
If it is a magnetic disk make sure that only one thread writes sequentially at a time. If you're forced to do random IO tune the optimal queue length.


I have a FORTRAN MPI code to solve a flow field.
At the start I want to read data from file and distribute it to the participating processes.
The data is consisting of several 3-D arrays(velocities in space x,y,z).
Every process stores only a part of the array.
So if every process is going to read the file(the easiest way I think) it is not going to work as it will only store a the first part of the file corresponding to the number of arrays that the process can hold.
MPI Bcast can work for 3d arrays? But then things become complex.
Or is there an easier way?
You have, broadly speaking, 2 or 3 choices, depending on your platform.
One process reads the input data and sends (parts of) it to the other processes. I wouldn't usually use broadcast for this since it is a collective operation and all processes have to take part. I'd usually just send the necessary information to each process. If it is convenient (and not a memory issue) you could certainly broadcast all the input data to all the processes, it's just not a pattern of operation that I use or see much.
All processes read the data that they require. This may involve a process reading an entire input file and only storing those parts it requires. But if you have very large input files you can write routines to read only the necessary part into each process's memory space. This approach may involve processes competing for disk access, which is only slow in a relative sense: if you are running large-scale and long-running parallel computations waiting a few seconds while all the processes get their data is not much of an overhead.
If you have a parallel file system then you can use MPI's parallel I/O routines so that each process reads only those parts of the input data that it requires.
The canonical way of such an I/O pattern in MPI is either to
Read the data on rank 0, then use MPI_Scatter to distribute it. Or if memory is tight, do this blockwise, or then use 1-to-1 communication rather than MPI_Scatter.
Use MPI-I/O, and have each rank read its own subset of the data file (to be useful, this of course requires a file format where you can figure out the boundaries without first reading through the entire file).
For extreme scalability, one can combine the two approaches, that is a subset of processes (say, sqrt(N) as a rough rule of thumb) use MPI I/O, and each MPI process sends data to its own IO process.
If you are running your code on less than 1000 cores with a good file system (e.g. Lustre) then just use Fortran I/O where each rank opens the file and reads the data it needs (skipping the rest). Yes it takes a few minutes but you're only reading the file once during start.
MPI I/O (binary only) is non-trivial and usually you are always better off using higher level libs such as HDF5 or Parallel NetCDF. Performance will depend on how the data is read (contiguous vs non-contiguous and so on). The following links may be helpful ...

Improve MPI program

I wrote a MPI program that seems to run ok, but I wonder about performance. Master thread needs to do 10 or more times MPI_Send, and the worker receives data 10 or more times and sends it. I wonder if it gives a performance penalty and whether I could transfer everything in single structs or which other technique could I benefit from.
Other general question, once a mpi program works more or less, what are the best optimization techniques.
It's usually the case that sending 1 large message is faster than sending 10 small messages. The time cost of sending a message is well modelled by considering a latency (how long it would take to send an empty message, which is non-zero because of the overhead of function calls, network latency, etc) and a bandwidth (how much longer it takes to send an extra byte given that the network communications has already started). By bundling up messages into one message, you only incurr the latency cost once, and this is often a win (although it's always possible to come up with cases where it isn't). The best way to know for any particular code is simply to try. Note that MPI datatypes allow you very powerful ways to describe the layout of your data in memory so that you can take it almost directly from memory to the network without having to do an intermediate copy into some buffer (so-called "marshalling" of the data).
As to more general optimization questions about MPI -- without knowing more, all we can do is give you advice which is so general as to not be very useful. Minimize the amount of communications which need to be done; wherever possible, use built-in MPI tools (collectives, etc) rather than implementing your own.
One way to fully understand the performance of your MPI application is to run it within the SimGrid platform simulator. The tooling and models provided are sufficient to get realistic timing predictions of mid-range applications (like, a few dozen thousands lines of C or Fortran), and it can be associated to adapted visualization tools that can help you fully understand what is going on in your application, and the actual performance tradeoffs that you have to consider.
For a demo, please refer to this screencast:

Scattered-write speed versus scattered-read speed on modern Intel or AMD CPUs?

I'm thinking of optimizing a program via taking a linear array and writing each element to a arbitrary location (random-like from the perspective of the CPU) in another array. I am only doing simple writes and not reading the elements back.
I understand that a scatted read for a classical CPU can be quite slow as each access will cause a cache miss and thus a processor wait. But I was thinking that a scattered write could technically be fast because the processor isn't waiting for a result, thus it may not have to wait for the transaction to complete.
I am unfortunately unfamiliar with all the details of the classical CPU memory architecture and thus there may be some complications that may cause this also to be quite slow.
Has anyone tried this?
(I should say that I am trying to invert a problem I have. I currently have an linear array from which I am read arbitrary values -- a scattered read -- and it is incredibly slow because of all the cache misses. My thoughts are that I can invert this operation into a scattered write for a significant speed benefit.)
In general you pay a high penalty for scattered writes to addresses which are not already in cache, since you have to load and store an entire cache line for each write, hence FSB and DRAM bandwidth requirements will be much higher than for sequential writes. And of course you'll incur a cache miss on every write (a couple of hundred cycles typically on modern CPUs), and there will be no help from any automatic prefetch mechanism.
I must admit, this sounds kind of hardcore. But I take the risk and answer anyway.
Is it possible to divide the input array into pages, and read/scan each page multiple times. Every pass through the page, you only process (or output) the data that belongs in a limited amount of pages. This way you only get cache-misses at the start of each input page loop.