How bad is my query? - sql

Ok I need to build a query based on some user input to filter the results.
The query basically goes something like this:
SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY ordering_fld;
There are four text boxes in which users can choose to filter the data, meaning I'd have to dynamically build a "WHERE" clause into it for the first filter used and then "AND" clauses for each subsequent filter entered.
Because I'm too lazy to do this, I've just made every filter an "AND" clause and put a "WHERE 1" clause in the query by default.
So now I have:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE 1 {AND filters} ORDER BY ordering_fld;
So my question is, have I done something that will adversely affect the performance of my query or buggered anything else up in any way I should be remotely worried about?

MySQL will optimize your 1 away.
I just ran this query on my test database:
FROM t_source
WHERE 1 AND id < 100
and it gave me the following description:
select `test`.`t_source`.`id` AS `id`,`test`.`t_source`.`value` AS `value`,`test`.`t_source`.`val` AS `val`,`test`.`t_source`.`nid` AS `nid` from `test`.`t_source` where (`test`.`t_source`.`id` < 100)
As you can see, no 1 at all.
The documentation on WHERE clause optimization in MySQL mentions this:
Constant folding:
(a<b AND b=c) AND a=5
-> b>5 AND b=c AND a=5
Constant condition removal (needed because of constant folding):
(B>=5 AND B=5) OR (B=6 AND 5=5) OR (B=7 AND 5=6)
-> B=5 OR B=6
Note 5 = 5 and 5 = 6 parts in the example above.

You can EXPLAIN your query:
and see if it does anything differently, which I doubt. I would use 1=1, just so it is more clear.
You might want to add LIMIT 1000 or something, when no parameters are used and the table gets large, will you really want to return everything?

WHERE 1 is a constant, deterministic expression which will be "optimized out" by any decent DB engine.

If there is a good way in your chosen language to avoid building SQL yourself, use that instead. I like Python and Django, and the Django ORM makes it very easy to filter results based on user input.
If you are committed to building the SQL yourself, be sure to sanitize user inputs against SQL injection, and try to encapsulate SQL building in a separate module from your filter logic.
Also, query performance should not be your concern until it becomes a problem, which it probably won't until you have thousands or millions of rows. And when it does come time to optimize, adding a few indexes on columns used for WHERE and JOIN goes a long way.

TO improve performance, use column indexes on fields listen in "WHERE"

Standard SQL Injection Disclaimers here...
One thing you could do, to avoid SQL injection since you know it's only four parameters is use a stored procedure where you pass values for the fields or NULL. I am not sure of mySQL stored proc syntax, but the query would boil down to
FROM my_table
WHERE Field1 = ISNULL(#Field1, Field1)
AND Field2 = ISNULL(#Field2, Field2)
ORDRE BY ordering_fld

We've been doing something similiar not too long ago and there're a few things that we observed:
Setting up the indexes on the columns we were (possibly) filtering, improved performance
The WHERE 1 part can be left out completely if the filters're not used. (not sure if it applies to your case) Doesn't make a difference, but 'feels' right.
SQL injection shouldn't be forgotten
Also, if you 'only' have 4 filters, you could build up a stored procedure and pass in null values and check for them. (just like n8wrl suggested in the meantime)

That will work - some considerations:
About dynamically built SQL in general, some databases (Oracle at least) will cache execution plans for queries, so if you end up running the same query many times it won't have to completely start over from scratch. If you use dynamically built SQL, you are creating a different query each time so to the database it will look like 100 different queries instead of 100 runs of the same query.
You'd probably just need to measure the performance to find out if it works well enough for you.
Do you need all the columns? Explicitly specifying them is probably better than using * anyways because:
You can visually see what columns are being returned
If you add or remove columns to the table later, they won't change your interface

Not bad, i didn't know this snippet to get rid of the 'is it the first filter 3' question.
Tho you should be ashamed of your code ( ^^ ), it doesn't do anything to performance as any DB Engine will optimize it.

The only reason I've used WHERE 1 = 1 is for dynamic SQL; it's a hack to make appending WHERE clauses easier by using AND .... It is not something I would include in my SQL otherwise - it does nothing to affect the query overall because it always evaluates as being true and does not hit the table(s) involved so there aren't any index lookups or table scans based on it.
I can't speak to how MySQL handles optional criteria, but I know that using the following:
WHERE (#param IS NULL OR t.column = #param) the typical way of handling optional parameters. COALESCE and ISNULL are not ideal because the query is still utilizing indexes (or worse, table scans) based on a sentinel value. The example I provided won't hit the table unless a value has been provided.
That said, my experience with Oracle (9i, 10g) has shown that it doesn't handle [ WHERE (#param IS NULL OR t.column = #param) ] very well. I saw a huge performance gain by converting the SQL to be dynamic, and used CONTEXT variables to determine what to add. My impression of SQL Server 2005 is that these are handled better.

I have usually done something like this:
for(int i=0; i<numConditions; i++) {
sql += (i == 0 ? "WHERE " : "AND ");
sql += dbFieldNames[i] + " = " + safeVariableValues[i];
Makes the generated query a little cleaner.

One alternative i sometimes use is to build the where clause an an array and then join them together:
my #wherefields;
foreach $c (#conditionfields) {
push #wherefields, "$c = ?",
my $sql = "select * from table";
if(#wherefields) { $sql.=" WHERE " . join (" AND ", #wherefields); }
The above is written in perl, but most languages have some kind of join funciton.


SQL Server querying : improve performance by reducing WHERE clauses

I have a SQL query from my teammate that I think has a lot of predicates and this is the cause of a bad performance. It looks like this:
(#IdSenales IS NULL OR = comp.IdSenal)
(#IdAnunciantes IS NULL OR = comp.IdAnunciante)
(#IdProgramas IS NULL OR = emision.IdProgramaVariante)
(#IdTipoPublicidades IS NULL OR = orden.IdTipoPublicidad)
(#Canje = 0 OR (#canje = 1 AND comp.IdTipoCondicionCobro != 12))
(emision.Fecha BETWEEN #FechaDesdeContrato AND ISNULL(#FechaHastaContrato, emision.fecha))
(comp.FechaEmision BETWEEN #FechaDesde AND #FechaHasta)
(#IdSectorImputacion = 0 OR #IdSectorImputacion = simp.IdSectorImputacion)
I'm from Argentina so it's commented in spanish (sorry).
My questions is, is it a way to improve the performance by changing the comparisons in the WHERE clause with a function created by me that returns the same?
Thank you very much,
This is a bit long for a comment.
The only way you can really significantly improve performance is to use indexes. That would require a bunch of indexes for all the different combinations -- but perhaps a few are more common and would suffice for most use-cases.
SQL Server is pretty bad about optimizing complex where clauses. What you could do is use dynamic SQL. Construct the where clause by only putting in the conditions that are necessary.
Then, be sure you have indexes for the common situations. And when the query is compiled, it should run faster.
As #GordonLinoff mentions, your best option is to look into the indexes used. He's also a much better coder than me; so take his advice over mine if you're able to. However, if dynamic SQL is not allowed at your company for some reason, or the rewrite is not an option, read on...
You may not have as big a problem as you think here; have you seen a performance problem, or are you just looking at the code & thinking "there's a lot of stuff going on with a lot of brackets, so that's bad"?
i.e. take this line: (#IdSenales IS NULL OR = comp.IdSenal).
This compares a parameter with null, so will only need to be evaulated once, rather than once per line; which isn't too bad. Thereafter it's no different to either not having this statement, or having only = comp.IdSenal. The same is true for most of these lines.
That said, SQL will generate a query plan the first time it runs this code, and would thereafter use this for all subsequent queries, regardless of which parameters were used; so the plan may be entirely inappropriate for the new set of options. A good fix here is to add OPTION (RECOMPILE). You'll find a good explanation of this here:
Beyond that, this line may be a problem, since it involves applying a function, the output of which will be different for each row; so it won't be easy to optimise:
(emision.Fecha BETWEEN #FechaDesdeContrato AND ISNULL(#FechaHastaContrato, emision.fecha))
Change this to:
(emision.Fecha >= #FechaDesdeContrato AND (emision.Fecha <= #FechaHastaContrato ))
...and you should be OK.
Full Code:
(#IdSenales IS NULL OR = comp.IdSenal)
(#IdAnunciantes IS NULL OR = comp.IdAnunciante)
(#IdProgramas IS NULL OR = emision.IdProgramaVariante)
(#IdTipoPublicidades IS NULL OR = orden.IdTipoPublicidad)
(#Canje = 0 OR (#canje = 1 AND comp.IdTipoCondicionCobro != 12))
(emision.Fecha >= #FechaDesdeContrato AND (#FechaHastaContrato is null or emision.Fecha <= #FechaHastaContrato ))
(comp.FechaEmision BETWEEN #FechaDesde AND #FechaHasta)
(#IdSectorImputacion = 0 OR #IdSectorImputacion = simp.IdSectorImputacion)
Thanks for your suggestion #JohnLBevan !!
I have checked the predicates because I read an article from Gail Shaw that said:
"Another common cause of SQL Server choosing to scan is a query that contains multiple predicates, when no single index exists that has all the columns necessary to evaluate the WHERE clause. For example, an index on (FirstName, Surname), would fully support any query with a WHERE clause of FirstName = #FirstName AND Surname = #Surname. However, if there was one index on FirstName only, and a second separate index on Surname, then SQL Server can use neither one efficiently. It may choose to seek one index, do lookups for the other columns and then do a secondary filter; it may choose to seek both indexes and perform an index intersection, or it may give up and scan the table."
When I read this I remembered I have seen multiple predicates in my query. I want to mention that this query is one of the most expensive queries that returns my query to check the cost of all the queries against the database.
Well, I should check if there is enough indexes and/or create new ones.
David Linares.

Parameterizing 'limit' and 'order' in sqlite3

I have a sqlite query that I'm looking into parameterization to avoid bad sql injection things on the internet...
So things like:
Select * From myTable Where id = $id
are fine if I have $id defined somewhere and pass that as a parameter to my db calls.
paramters.$id = 150;
db.all(myQuery, parameters, function (err, rows) {
results = rows;
I wonder if I need to go out of my way to also parameterize things that are sorted and paginated (both are inputs that users can give)...
I tried to do something like:
var sorter = JSON.parse(value);
parameters.$sortMethod = sorter.method;
parameters.$sortOrder = sorter.order;
sort_filter += 'ORDER BY $sortMethod $sortOrder';
No dice though. I'm guessing sqlite3 just doesn't let you parameterize things that are in ORDER, LIMIT and OFFSET. I thought there was something really sneaky maybe folks out there could do by ending a sqlite statement prematurely in the order and then creating a new malicious statement, but maybe SQLITE3 only lets you exercise one statement at a time (
Should I not worry about parameterizing things in order limit and offset? For reference, I'm running this on node.js with this sqlite library:
Thanks much in advance!
SQLite (and any other database) allows you to parameterize expressions, that is, any numbers, strings, blobs, or NULL values that appear in a statement.
This includes the values in the LIMIT/OFFSET clauses.
Anything else cannot be parameterized.
This would be table and column names, operators, or any other keyword (like SELECT, ORDER BY, or ASC).
If you need to change any parts of your SQL statements that are not expressions, you have to create the statement on the fly.
(There is no danger of SQL injection as long as your code constructs the statement by itself, not using any unchecked user data.)

why would you use WHERE 1=0 statement in SQL?

I saw a query run in a log file on an application. and it contained a query like:
what is the use of such a query that is bound to return nothing?
A query like this can be used to ping the database. The clause:
Ensures that non data is sent back, so no CPU charge, no Network traffic or other resource consumption.
A query like that can test for:
server availability
CUST_ATTR49 table existence
ID column existence
Keeping a connection alive
Cause a trigger to fire without changing any rows (with the where clause, but not in a select query)
manage many OR conditions in dynamic queries (e.g WHERE 1=0 OR <condition>)
This may be also used to extract the table schema from a table without extracting any data inside that table. As Andrea Colleoni said those will be the other benefits of using this.
A usecase I can think of: you have a filter form where you don't want to have any search results. If you specify some filter, they get added to the where clause.
Or it's usually used if you have to create a sql query by hand. E.g. you don't want to check whether the where clause is empty or not..and you can just add stuff like this:
where := "WHERE 0=1"
if X then where := where + " OR ... "
if Y then where := where + " OR ... "
(if you connect the clauses with OR you need 0=1, if you have AND you have 1=1)
As an answer - but also as further clarification to what #AndreaColleoni already mentioned:
manage many OR conditions in dynamic queries (e.g WHERE 1=0 OR <condition>)
Purpose as an on/off switch
I am using this as a switch (on/off) statement for portions of my Query.
If I were to use
AND (0=? OR first_name = ?)
AND (0=? OR last_name = ?)
Then I can use the first bind variable (?) to turn on or off the first_name search criterium. , and the third bind variable (?) to turn on or off the last_name criterium.
I have also added a literal 1=1 just for esthetics so the text of the query aligns nicely.
For just those two criteria, it does not appear that helpful, as one might thing it is just easier to do the same by dynamically building your WHERE condition by either putting only first_name or last_name, or both, or none. So your code will have to dynamically build 4 versions of the same query. Imagine what would happen if you have 10 different criteria to consider, then how many combinations of the same query will you have to manage then?
Compile Time Optimization
I also might add that adding in the 0=? as a bind variable switch will not work very well if all your criteria are indexed. The run time optimizer that will select appropriate indexes and execution plans, might just not see the cost benefit of using the index in those slightly more complex predicates. Hence I usally advice, to inject the 0 / 1 explicitly into your query (string concatenating it in in your sql, or doing some search/replace). Doing so will give the compiler the chance to optimize out redundant statements, and give the Runtime Executer a much simpler query to look at.
(0=1 OR cond = ?) --> (cond = ?)
(0=0 OR cond = ?) --> Always True (ignore predicate)
In the second statement above the compiler knows that it never has to even consider the second part of the condition (cond = ?), and it will simply remove the entire predicate. If it were a bind variable, the compiler could never have accomplished this.
Because you are simply, and forcedly, injecting a 0/1, there is zero chance of SQL injections.
In my SQL's, as one approach, I typically place my sql injection points as ${literal_name}, and I then simply search/replace using a regex any ${...} occurrence with the appropriate literal, before I even let the compiler have a stab at it. This basically leads to a query stored as follows:
AND (0=${cond1_enabled} OR cond1 = ?)
AND (0=${cond2_enabled} OR cond2 = ?)
Looks good, easily understood, the compiler handles it well, and the Runtime Cost Based Optimizer understands it better and will have a higher likelihood of selecting the right index.
I take special care in what I inject. Prime way for passing variables is and remains bind variables for all the obvious reasons.
This is very good in metadata fetching and makes thing generic.
Many DBs have optimizer so they will not actually execute it but its still a valid SQL statement and should execute on all DBs.
This will not fetch any result, but you know column names are valid, data types etc. If it does not execute you know something is wrong with DB(not up etc.)
So many generic programs execute this dummy statement for testing and fetching metadata.
Some systems use scripts and can dynamically set selected records to be hidden from a full list; so a false condition needs to be passed to the SQL. For example, three records out of 500 may be marked as Privacy for medical reasons and should not be visible to everyone. A dynamic query will control the 500 records are visible to those in HR, while 497 are visible to managers. A value would be passed to the SQL clause that is conditionally set, i.e. ' WHERE 1=1 ' or ' WHERE 1=0 ', depending who is logged into the system.
quoted from Greg
If the list of conditions is not known at compile time and is instead
built at run time, you don't have to worry about whether you have one
or more than one condition. You can generate them all like:
and concatenate them all together. With the 1=1 at the start, the
initial and has something to associate with.
I've never seen this used for any kind of injection protection, as you
say it doesn't seem like it would help much. I have seen it used as an
implementation convenience. The SQL query engine will end up ignoring
the 1=1 so it should have no performance impact.
Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause?
If the user intends to only append records, then the fastest method is open the recordset without returning any existing records.
It can be useful when only table metadata is desired in an application. For example, if you are writing a JDBC application and want to get the column display size of columns in the table.
Pasting a code snippet here
String query = "SELECT * from <Table_name> where 1=0";
PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
ResultSetMetaData rsMD = rs.getMetaData();
int columnCount = rsMD.getColumnCount();
for(int i=0;i<columnCount;i++) {
System.out.println("Column display size is: " + rsMD.getColumnDisplaySize(i+1));
Here having a query like "select * from table" can cause performance issues if you are dealing with huge data because it will try to fetch all the records from the table. Instead if you provide a query like "select * from table where 1=0" then it will fetch only table metadata and not the records so it will be efficient.
Per user milso in another thread, another purpose for "WHERE 1=0":
CREATE TABLE New_table_name as select * FROM Old_table_name WHERE 1 =
this will create a new table with same schema as old table. (Very
handy if you want to load some data for compares)
An example of using a where condition of 1=0 is found in the Northwind 2007 database. On the main page the New Customer Order and New Purchase Order command buttons use embedded macros with the Where Condition set to 1=0. This opens the form with a filter that forces the sub-form to display only records related to the parent form. This can be verified by opening either of those forms from the tree without using the macro. When opened this way all records are displayed by the sub-form.
In ActiveRecord ORM, part of RubyOnRails:
Post.where(category_id: []).to_sql
# => SELECT * FROM posts WHERE 1=0
This is presumably because the following is invalid (at least in Postgres):
select id FROM bookings WHERE office_id IN ()
It seems like, that someone is trying to hack your database. It looks like someone tried mysql injection. You can read more about it here: Mysql Injection

Building Query from Multi-Selection Criteria

I am wondering how others would handle a scenario like such:
Say I have multiple choices for a user to choose from.
Like, Color, Size, Make, Model, etc.
What is the best solution or practice for handling the build of your query for this scneario?
so if they select 6 of the 8 possible colors, 4 of the possible 7 makes, and 8 of the 12 possible brands?
You could do dynamic OR statements or dynamic IN Statements, but I am trying to figure out if there is a better solution for handling this "WHERE" criteria type logic?
I am getting some really good feedback (thanks everyone) other thing to note is that some of the selections could even be like (40 of the selections out of the possible 46) so kind of large. Thanks again!
What I would suggest doing is creating a function that takes in a delimited list of makeIds, colorIds, etc. This is probably going to be an int (or whatever your key is). And splits them into a table for you.
Your SP will take in a list of makes, colors, etc as you've said above.
YourSP '1,4,7,11', '1,6,7', '6'....
Inside your SP you'll call your splitting function, which will return a table-
Cars C
JOIN YourFunction(#models) YF ON YF.Id = C.ModelId
JOIN YourFunction(#colors) YF2 ON YF2.Id = C.ColorId
Then, if they select nothing they get nothing. If they select everything, they'll get everything.
What is the best solution or practice for handling the build of your query for this scenario?
Dynamic SQL.
A single parameter represents two states - NULL/non-existent, or having a value. Two more means squaring the number of parameters to get the number of total possibilities: 2 yields 4, 3 yields 9, etc. A single, non-dynamic query can contain all the possibilities but will perform horribly between the use of:
overall non-sargability
and inability to reuse the query plan
...when compared to a dynamic SQL query that constructs the query out of only the absolutely necessary parts.
The query plan is cached in SQL Server 2005+, if you use the sp_executesql command - it is not if you only use EXEC.
I highly recommend reading The Curse and Blessing of Dynamic SQL.
For something this complex, you may want a session table that you update when the user selects their criteria. Then you can join the session table to your items table.
This solution may not scale well to thousands of users, so be careful.
If you want to create dynamic SQL it won't matter if you use the OR approach or the IN approach. SQL Server will process the statements the same way (maybe with little variation in some situations.)
You may also consider using temp tables for this scenario. You can insert the selections for each criteria into temp tables (e.g., #tmpColor, #tmpSize, #tmpMake, etc.). Then you can create a non-dynamic SELECT statement. Something like the following may work:
SELECT <column list>
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyTable.ColorID in (SELECT ColorID FROM #tmpColor)
OR MyTable.SizeID in (SELECT SizeID FROM #tmpSize)
OR MyTable.MakeID in (SELECT MakeID FROM #tmpMake)
The dynamic OR/IN and the temp table solutions work fine if each condition is independent of the other conditions. In other words, if you need to select rows where ((Color is Red and Size is Medium) or (Color is Green and Size is Large)) you'll need to try other solutions.

Slow SQL Code on local server in MS Access

I've got a particular SQL statement which takes about 30 seconds to perform, and I'm wondering if anyone can see a problem with it, or where I need additional indexing.
The code is on a subform in Access, which shows results dependent on the content of five fields in the master form. There are nearly 5000 records in the table that's being queried. The Access project is stored and run from a terminal server session on the actual SQL server, so I don't think it's a network issue, and there's another form which is very similar that uses the same type of querying...
SELECT TabDrawer.DrawerName, TabDrawer.DrawerSortCode, TabDrawer.DrawerAccountNo, TabDrawer.DrawerPostCode, QryAllTransactons.TPCChequeNumber, tabdrawer.drawerref
FROM TabDrawer LEFT JOIN QryAllTransactons ON TabDrawer.DrawerRef=QryAllTransactons.tpcdrawer
WHERE (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName Is Null
Or [drawername] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany.SearchPostcode Is Null
Or [Drawerpostcode] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchSortCode Is Null
Or [drawersortcode] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount Is Null
Or [draweraccountno] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque Is Null
Or [tpcchequenumber] Like Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque & "*");
The Hold up seems to be in the union query that forms the QryAllTransactons query.
"TPC" AS Type,
INNER JOIN TabCustomers ON TabTPC.TPCMember = TabCustomers.CustomerID
"CTP" AS Type,
0 as CTPXXX,
INNER JOIN TabCustomers ON Tabctp.ctpMember = TabCustomers.CustomerID;
I've done a fair bit of work with simple union queries, but never had this before...
Two things. Since this is an Access database with a SQL Server backend, you may find a considerable speed improvement by converting this to a stored proc.
Second, do you really need to return all those fields, especially in the tabCustomers table? Never return more fields than you actually intend to use and you will improve performance.
At first, try compacting and repairing the .mdb file.
Then, simplify your WHERE clause:
[drawername] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName, "") & "*"
[Drawerpostcode] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode, "") & "*"
[drawersortcode] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode, "") & "*"
[draweraccountno] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount, "") & "*"
[tpcchequenumber] Like Nz(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque, "") & "*"
Does it still run slowly?
As it turned out, the question was not clear in that it is an up-sized Access Database with an SQL Server back end-and an Access Project front-end.
This sheds a different light on the whole problem.
Can you explain in more detail how this whole query is intended to be used?
If you use it to populate the RecordSource of some Form or Report, I think you will be able to refactor the whole thing like this:
make a view on the SQL server that returns the right data
query that view with a SQL server syntax, not with Access syntax
let the server sort it out
How many rows are in QryAllTransactons?
If your result returns 0 rows then Access may be able to see that immediately and stop, but if it returns even a single row then it needs to pull in the entire resultset of QryAllTransactons so that it can do the join internally. That would be my first guess as to what is happening.
Your best bet it usually to do joins on SQL Server. Try creating a view that does the LEFT OUTER JOIN and query against that.
Your goal, even when Access is running on the SQL Server itself and minimizes network traffic, is to only send to Access what it absolutely needs. Otherwise a large table will still take up memory, etc.
Have you tried running each of the subqueries in the union? Usually optimizers don't spend much time trying to inspect efficiencies between union elements - each one runs on its own merits.
Given that fact, you could also put the "IF" logic into the procedural code and run each of the tests in some likely order of discovery, without significant additional overhead from more calls.
Get rid of those like operators.
In your case you don't need them. Just check if the field starts with a given value which you can achive whith something like this:
Left([field], Len(value)) = value
This method applied to your query would look like this (did some reformatting for better readability):
LEFT JOIN QryAllTransactons
ON TabDrawer.DrawerRef = QryAllTransactons.TpcDrawer
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName Is Null
Or Left([drawername], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchName)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany.SearchPostcode Is Null
Or Left([Drawerpostcode], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchpostcode)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!SearchSortCode Is Null
Or Left([drawersortcode], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchsortcode)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount Is Null
Or Left([draweraccountno], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchaccount)
(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque Is Null
Or Left([tpcchequenumber], Len(Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque)) = Forms!FrmSearchCompany!Searchcheque)
Note that you're comparing case sensitive. I'm not totally sure if the like operator in MS-Access is case insensitive. Convert both strings to upper- or lowercase, if needed.
When you upsized did you make sure the tables were properly indexed? Indexes will speed queries tremendously if used properly (note they may also slow down inserts/updates/deletes, so choose carefully what to index)