How to connect to SQL server through IP - sql

I have a remote server that has win2003 installed
I can connect to the machine using remote desktop and am succesfully hosting a web app on the server
I need to connect to the SQL server on that machine using a sql compare tool that I have.
What are the steps that I need to take to be able to connect to the SQL server given that all I have is the IP address to the machine and admin login credentials

if you are trying to remotely connect to sql server using ssms or another client on a different machine, you need to do the following:
open up sqlservr on server firewall
open up sqlbrowsr on server firewall
be concerned about security - if you can rdp/connect to sql w/o vpn, then so can other people - so you better make sure you have hardened environment and very strong passwords.

Depending on the specific access technology, different syntaxes for connection strings are needed. For the .NET provider, the syntax allows for passing server addresses.

Here's a sample connection connection.
imports System.Data.SqlConnection
dim cn as new SqlConnection()
cn.connectionString = "Server=;Database=mydbName;user id=notSA;password=C0mp!3xPVVD"
'Do cool stuff

Open up port TCP 1433 (Sql Server) on the remote server
And for your connection string jus use the IP Address for the Server, instead of using the computer name
You should be able to interchange between computer name and IP address without any problems, because the Computer Name gets turned into an IP Address anyway.


How can I identify what is blocking port 1433?

I like to consider myself a fairly smart individual with the superb ability to "Google" things. However, I am running into an issue that is driving me insane.
I am trying to connect to a Microsoft Azure SQL Server from my Alienware Laptop running Windows 10, over 5Ghz WiFi. It seems that something is blocking port 1433 (according to many Google results). Unfortunately, I have opened this port on my Nighthawk router, through Windows' Firewall (wf.msc) via inbound rule, and finally I have enabled port 1433 in Bitdefender for all applications. I still cannot connect to the SQL instance through SSMS (even tried DBeaver). I am getting TCP rejection messages "forcibly closed by remote host"
Here is the kicker. I can access my database on the same device through a application (though I believe this is a different port). The bottom line is, I know the credentials, I am the admin, but I cannot get port 1433 truly open.
What other steps can I try to remedy this situation? Any and all help will be appropriately credited.
You should open the port 1433 for outbound traffic from your local network instead of the inbound, also make sure you have added your client public IP address in your Azure SQL server firewall via the Azure Portal.
The full troubleshooting steps as below:
Ensure you have the appropriate ports open outbound from your local network or connection (typically port 1433)
Create a server-level firewall rule for your SQL database using the Azure portal.
Ensure you are using the correct server name and username for SSMS, the server name should be something like this:
Ensure you are using SQL Server Authentication
For SSMS the username format is username#servername
Ref: Use SQL Server Management Studio to connect and query data

Accessing SQL server DB of my local server over internet

My client is using my SQL Sever application, sever installed on one of his local computers, dbs are being accessed using
connectionString="Data Source=Office1-MAIN-PC\EziBilling;Initial Catalog=dbBilling;User ID=sa"
By now everything is fine, now he demands to access the databases attached to local server, through internet too.
I am planning to create a client application that could connect to the server instance over internet. BUT I do not know what connection string I should use.
Also, how can I get the IP address of the server (do not have static IP)?
1433 is the port, in this example.
The port must be free on the firewall, and you need to enable port forwarding (TCP) in the router, and SQL server must allow remote connections (and be enabled for the TCP protocol)
Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Cannot connect to Azure SQL database, even with whitelisted IP

I am currently unable to connect to my Azure SQL database from a separate remote standalone dedicated box in a private datacenter.
I have an Azure SQL database where I manage the list of IP addresses that can connect to this database. This has worked perfectly until now. I have recently set-up a new dedicated box in a private datacenter that needs to query the Azure SQL database at regular 5 second intervals, give or take.
The problem is, this dedicated box cannot establish a connection to the Azure SQL database, despite being able to connect to other remote FTP servers, MySQL servers, etc. The Azure SQL database does have the IP address of the dedicated box on the allowed connection list. Furthermore, I temporarily opened up a massive range of allowed IP addresses ( -> on the Azure SQL database to see whether this inability to connect may have resulted from IP blocking.
Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on what might be causing this and how I could begin debugging the situation better?
To clarify: I can connect to the Azure SQL database from laptops with individual IP addresses in my office and elsewhere, so long as they have been added to the database whitelist; I can make outward connections to remote FTP and MySQL servers from the dedicated box; I have tried to open-up a massive range of allowed IP addresses on Azure SQL with no luck.
C:\Users\graphite.rack.ID17157>osql -S -U XXXXXXX#v7o06blktw -P XXXXXXX
[SQL Server Native Client 11.0] Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a
connection to SQL Server [53].
[SQL Server Native Client 11.0] Login timeout expired
[SQL Server Native Client 11.0] A network-related or instance-specific error
has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not
found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server
is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server
Books Online.
To summarize.
Windows Azure SQL Database (formerly known as SQL Azure) works exclusively and only on TCP port 1433. It only support SQL Server Authentication, TCP connection and TDS protocol as of today.
In order to successfully establish connection to SQL Azure one must fulfil the following requirements:
Create SQL Azure server & Database
Setup SQL Azure Server's firewall rules to accept connections from the IP address of application that will connect to that server
Make sure the box (be it Virtual, or home, or whatever) has no blocking outbound TCP port 1433
Explicitly force encryption in connection string
Explicitly chose to not trust server certificate in connection string
Please note that many (if not all) ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and Hosters, as well as IT staff within companies DO block outgoing TCP Port 1433 due to the SQL Slammer worm. This outgoing port blocking appears to be one of the most faced issues of newcommers to SQL Azure.
UPDATE Nov. 2015
As of August 2015, there is preview feature that enables you to use Azure AD to authenticate to Azure SQL Database. You can read more on this new preview feature here:
If you're using corporate network for internet access and facing this problem,
a simple way around this is to use your phone's mobile hotspot for internet access instead.
Be sure to disable your ethernet connection too, which may also be connected to the internet.
Spent hours on this issue. The fix for me was finally found to be my setting on the Xfinity firewall. I had it set to high. Once I changed the setting to low security, I could connect to the Azure sql database with no issues.

SQL express deployment on multiuser?

I am developing a application for a small user group and decided to use sql express.
So the design as normal is sql express will be hosted in one machine(as server machine) and users client app will connect to sql-express host machine for accessing db.
Now the problem is remote clients are not able to connect the db, but host machine can access the db. Can someone please help if you have tried this before ??
Connection string used is as below, do we need to change the connection string ?
Data Source=Hostname\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;User Instance=true;
Note: Users are not domain connected they are LAN connected.
The database service is probably not setup to listen on TCP port 1433 by default for security reasons. You need to use the configuration utility to enable remote access. You also need to make sure that port is not being blocked by a firewall. These instructions for SQL Server 2005 are useful.
If the users are not running under a domain account I believe you will have issues with authentication. You may want to add them to a domain, or enable SQL Server (password) authentication. After enabling this you can specify a username and password via the connection string. You need to make sure that the user exists and has access to the appropriate tables, views, or stored procedures.
By default, SQL Server does not permit remote connections. You need to change this via the Server Configuration Manager in the Start Menu.

how to connect to another sql server database(server pc) in local area network

i m creating an application, inwhich client has to acces a database stored in a remote location connnected through a live ip. how can i connect simply with a database server placed in LAN. both using sql server 2005 express edition. please refer me or help me on this
Set in your connection string IP address of remote server.
"Data source=; Database=MyDb;User ID=my_user;password=12345"
where is your remote server IP and MyDb is your database name.
Also, make sure to configure your SQL Server Express to allow remote connections! Those are disabled by default after installation.
Check out the SQL Server Surface Configuration tool (if I'm not mistaken) to configure these settings.
This not about programming. You have forward the port which Sql Server uses on modem.