How do I follow a WCF request from start to finish? - wcf

I have a WCF service defined, it accepts JSON and maps that JSON to an object at which point I can then begin debugging code.
Sometimes, the object fails to create. Most recently my service had a BodyStyle of Wrapped but should have been Bare. In this case I would have liked to watch the request come in and see what happens to it as it gets mapped from JSON to POCO and then onto the service so I can watch for errors.
I'd also like to see what happends with the response where I have also had issues in the past.
What is the best way of seeing what is going on in WCF when it is (kind of) out of my control? What kind of logging/tracing can I use and can I see errors/exceptions being thrown by WCF?

I don't know much but svctraceviewer might help in case you haven't heard about it already.

Arnis gives a good suggestion. I'd also suggest using Fiddler to trace WCF traffic assuming you are using a HTTP end point. I've used fiddler to troubleshoot WCF issues so it might be helpful to you as well.


Call WF Workflow from Browser

OK, I've searched the Internet for the answer to this and haven't found anything... maybe I'm missing the obvious here or just asking the wrong question, but...
How do you call a WF WCF Workflow just by it's URL with parameters? I have a Workflow xmlx, we'll call it DeepThought.xamlx, an operation named TheQuestion and I need to pass the parameter Answer = 42 to it.
I've tried http://localhost:8042/DeepThought.xamlx/TheQuestion?Answer=42 and just about everything else I can think of. I've scoured the Internet and even the wsdl but am either just flat out missing the answer or simply not seeing it.
I assume it's possible, otherwise, what's the point? Clues appreciated.
At least out-of-the-box this is not possible. The standard Receive
activity uses SOAP. I'm sure it's possible to implement a custom Receive but I guess it would be a non-trivial amount of work.
You can also take a look a the following questions. They are REST-related but still may give you some options (a community RESTful endpoint is being mentioned, no idea of its current state though):
RESTful Workflow Service Endpoints in WF4 / WCF
WCF Workflow Service REST interface
I ended up implementing the workflow as a regular activity (non service) inside WCF. This gave me the ability to use their parameters and pass them to the workflow directly. In the end, not too difficult to implement.

WCF - quick response with status then continue doing longer process

I spent few days search on this case. I checked out all wcf asynchronous implementaions.
I wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
Below is scenario.
WCF is running to accept xml
WCF needs to response to user for success receiving xml and release
the request immediately
WCF then needs to do processing to save xml to database and parsing xml to
convert something else.
I don't want to use separate service to process above. I want to use one service to handle all 3 cases above.
I checked out asynchronous way of coding in WCF, but this doesn't release the request right away. What is the best practice for this? Is there any sample code I can use?
Thank you in advance.
I think you would be better suited to using a different technology. Maybe look at Windows Workflow Foundation.
You can host WCF Workflow Services the same way as you host a standard WCF service, the main difference is that you can create specific workflows that can continue after acknowledging receipt of the original message.
You do this by persisting the message and returning to the user. WF allows you to create actions that continue after sending response back to the caller.
Visual studio provides you with a design surface that allows you to drag and drop components to create custom workflows. Additionally you can also make calls to other services if required.
With .net 4.5 you can now use C#, in previous versions of WF you had to use
You can read about it on the MSDN site here:
Hope this helps

Getting Null Back from Method Call

Ok, let me first state some facts:
This is a web service that has been working. There are several .svc endpoints all of which worked. Right now though there's one that is not, meaning I can make method calls to it when I consume the service through another project but I keep getting null back as a result.
The code for the methods in this service that continually sends back null HAS NOT CHANGED
I did mess around with the endpoint configuration pointing it to a couple different servers. I tried the original server it was pointed to also. No matter what I can update the service fine but even if I set it back to the old endpoint path, I still get null back from my unit tests when testing calls to this service. The unit tests are running in the project that's consuming the service of course
I've checked the app.config and web.config for the service itself. As far as I can see everything looks fine...but again I'm new to WCF
I know this is pretty general but I'm looking for some guidance on where to start looking to see why I'm getting null back all of a sudden. The stored proc behind these methods have not changed. Again these method calls were working at some point in time in the past week but now it isn't.
This is very general, but a few things to try...
Try updating your service reference to ensure you have the most recent version of your proxy objects
Have you tried debugging inside your service and seeing if the expected return value is being returned from the service prior to the client getting it?
Do you catch all exceptions in the service and then return a result object or do you let exceptions fall through? If you let them fall through, the WCF channel might be getting faulted.
Try using Fiddler and seeing if the endpoints you think should be getting called are and if the response object is indeed null.
Use an old-school trick and write the result to a file on the server just before you return to the client. This will help you know whether or not it is a server-to-client serialization issue. You may even need to write to file right as the service gets the call to make sure your client is connecting.
What you really need to do is start by debugging inside your service and stepping through the code there. Make absolutely certain the SPROC is returning what you expect and then there isn't an environmental bug introduced.
When you have weird problems with WCF, the fist thing to do it configure WCF tracing. It's a very powerful tool. You can even see the content of messages.
Here is the official doc on this: Configuring WCF Tracing

Error Handling in WCF Rest 4.0 online template

I keep getting the 400 bad request if there is de-serialization issue / other errors. If i try to debug by setting a breakpoint in the method that gets called, it does not get hit, if there is a deserialization issue. How do I intercept this and tweak the response to give me more details.
I looked at some articles regarding webprotocolexception but I think the WCF Rest online Template and the starter kit or not the same. Is the starter kit like an add-on to the template?
thanks for your time.
Handling Exceptions in RESTful WCF Services is tough. Deserialization issues are the worst since no user code gets called. The framework handles the Exception and simply returns an error to the caller. There is a way to see those errors though. You have to configure tracing for WCF (via Web.config). Here’s a link describing the process as well as where to find the trace viewer on your machine:
Service Trace Viewer Tool (SvcTraceViewer.exe)
Unfortunately there's no way to tweak that behavior. For other Exceptions, though, you can implement a custom HttpBehavior (or HttpBehavior2 if you're using the REST Starter Kit) with a custom IErrorHandler implementation to handle the Exceptions.
Error 400 means bad request => it is picked up at WCF level and does not even reach the method. So you need to look at the request and if you are passing JSON, fast chance it is in wrong format.
I had a personal project that I implemented in WCF REST and had to battle with this error which was quite frustrating. Also error handling on the server and returning error codes to the client is atrocious since you cannot return text content and all I have is HTTP error code and error description (first line in the HTTP response). I will never ever use WCF REST again as it is a bodged implementation.

Generic WCF Routing/Forwarding/Proxy Server

Is it possible to create a "generic" as in "adaptable" routing service, which will NOT have any public methods to call. Instead, you'd be able to call any command, which would then be mapped in the service and will pass it to appropriate end point with simple message transformation where required.
It may be hard to understand and idea might seem a bit crazy (it came from a colleague of mine), but it's clearer if you look at the example:
similar to what's described in this article, only difference is that our service should not have a "SubmitTimeSheet" public method, in fact it should have no public methods to call. We'd have to "intercept" an incoming call on a much lower level before it returns "Method Not Found" error.
Is this at all possible? The reason for this is obvious: possibility of adding new clients without having to change the code. All we'd have to do is to add a new mapping entry in some sort of config file or even database, e.g.
<Client address="newClientAddress" method="DoAnything" transformation="NewClientDoAnything.xslt" endPoint="endPointClientAddress" endPointMethod="endPointClientDoAnything" />
Check out WCF 4 routing - supports content based routing, xpath transforms and much more.
They have already done it in Nirvana. But it is very expensive.
This is not possible in WCF unless you define your contract as a very loose, fit-for-all contract which takes a message and returns a message. By doing this, you will los all the goodness (although not huge goodness in WCF) of WCF.