Getter Sequence Of Events? - objective-c

I am trying to understand what is happening in the getter below, this is what I understand so far:
(1) the getter returns a pointer to an NSString object. (2) the NSString object is retained, possibly because we have just given away a pointer to it. (3) autorelease? when does that activate, when the PlanetClass instance is deallocated (released)?
#interface PlanetClass : NSObject {
        NSString *planetName;
- (NSString *)planetName;
- (void)setPlanetName:(NSString *)value;
- (NSString *)planetName{
return[[planetName retain] autorelease];
EDIT: I think I am more confused regarding the reason for the actual retain and later release. my understanding was that the getter simply returned a pointer to either nil or an object that already exists (i.e. was set by the setter) I think I understand the retain as we are giving away a pointer and we need to track that, but what about the release, is that just a failsafe incase I later forget to release the NSString object?
The instance variable planetName is also release in my dealloc method (see below) autorelease seems to be doing the same, just later when the pool is drained?
- (void)dealloc {
[planetName release];
[super dealloc];
cheers -gary-

It might be a good idea to let Objective-C handle this as a property, letting you clean up some of the implementation to keep the memory management, well, manageable:
#interface PlanetClass : NSObject {
NSString* planetName;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* planetName;
#end // PlanetClass
#implementation PlanetClass
#synthesize planetName
//... rest of PlanetClass here
#end // PlanetClass
There are plenty of docs available online for more details on Objective-C properties and #synthesize.
Memory Management Docs
I highly recommend this read from Apple on memory management to try and help understand what all the retain/release hubbub is about.

When autorelease is sent to an object, it is added to the autorelease pool. When the pool is drained, it sends release to all the objects in the pool. So any object in the autorelease pool will be release when the pool is drained

The return/autorelease in the getter method is not doing anything, you can just return planetName


Should I dealloc a nonnull property; and if so, how?

I'm exposing a few properties from an Objective-C project to Swift (based on this repo), but have no experience in Objective-C, so I'm rather out of my depth here, so please bear with me.
I'm wondering how to correctly dealloc a nonnull property (or whether it's necessary at all!). I've provisionally dealloc'ed the nonnull property surface by setting it to null (in the same manner as is done for the nullable partOfSpeech). However, this prompts the following warning:
Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument
... so I wonder whether it's redundant. Is there anything I should do instead to handle my nonnull property, during the Node class's dealloc block?
Given the interface, node.h:
#interface Node : NSObject {
NSString *surface;
NSString *partOfSpeech;
#property (nonatomic, retain, nonnull) NSString *surface;
#property (nonatomic, retain, nullable) NSString *partOfSpeech;
- (nullable NSString *)partOfSpeech;
... And the implementation, node.m:
#implementation Node
#synthesize surface;
#synthesize partOfSpeech;
// surface is assumed to be set post-initialisation.
- (void)setPartOfSpeech:(NSString *)value {
if (partOfSpeech) [partOfSpeech release];
partOfSpeech = value ? [value retain] : nil;
- (NSString *)partOfSpeech {
if (!features || [features count] < 1) return nil;
return [features objectAtIndex:0];
- (void)dealloc {
// WARNING: "Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument"
self.surface = nil;
self.partOfSpeech = nil;
[super dealloc];
... And given that a Node's lifecycle is like this:
Node *newNode = [Node new];
newNode.surface = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:node->surface length:node->length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
// ... Do stuff with newNode (eg. add to array of Node)...
[newNode release];
First: The compiler can automatically synthesize instance variables and
setters/getters for your properties. So your interface should be just
// Node.h
#interface Node : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain, nonnull) NSString *surface;
#property (nonatomic, retain, nullable) NSString *partOfSpeech;
and no #synthesize statements are needed in the implementation file.
The compiler will automatically create instance variables
_surface and _partOfSpeech, and also create accessor methods
- (NSString *) surface;
- (void)setSurface:(NSString *)value;
- (NSString *)partOfSpeech;
- (void)setPartOfSpeech:(NSString *)value;
which do "the right thing", with or without ARC. You can override
those methods if you want to implement some custom logic, but you don't have to implement a standard setter like your setPartOfSpeech.
If you use ARC (automatic reference counting) then that is all,
nothing more is needed. And
I would really recommend to do so. The compiler inserts the required retain/release calls at compile time, and is quite clever in avoiding
unnecessary calls. See for example
Confirmed: Objective-C ARC is slow. Don’t use it! (sarcasm off)
about some comparisons. With MRC (manual reference counting), your code might even be slower, or
have memory leaks.
But to answer your question: With MRC you have to release the
instance variables in dealloc
- (void)dealloc {
[_surface release];
[_partOfSpeech release];
[super dealloc];
as explained in Memory Management Policy in the "Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide".
You should not use the accessor methods in dealloc as in your
self.surface = nil;
self.partOfSpeech = nil;
see Don’t Use Accessor Methods in Initializer Methods and dealloc.
If you are using manual memory management you can just release the object stored in the properties backing variable. As you've named the backing variable the same as the property use the -> to clearly reference the backing variable:
[self->surface release];
Or if you want to do this with assignment just assign the empty string literal:
self.surface = #"";
The string literal is created at compile time, lives throughout the program execution, and takes up very little space. The assignment will caused the release (and deallocation if the reference count reaches zero) of the previous value in the property, just like assigning nil (or any other value).

Immutable property for mutable ivar using MRC

Today I was at interview and was asked a question:
Generate setter and getter by hands for proper declaration using manual reference counting:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
NSMutableArray* _array;
#property (copy) NSArray* array;
My answer was:
- (NSArray *)array
#syncronized (self)
return [_array copy];
- (void)setArray:(NSArray *)array
#synchronized (self)
if (_array != array)
[_array release];
_array = [array mutableCopy];
[_array retain]
I never worked using MRC so not sure about correctness of an answer. Please help me to correct this code with description!
I am the author of one of the linked topics and I think now I understand MRC enough to write this answer here:
1) You're obviously leaking the copy in the getter (see it also in the comments) - so it should be balanced by corresponding autorelease call.
Also note, that this copy inside your getter is done because of you need to return immutable object, not because of getters for #properties declared with (copy) require you to do so!
2) Your setter should not retain after mutableCopy, since mutableCopy already does +1 for you.
See the following quotes from Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide
Basic Memory Management Rules.
You own any object you create
You create an object using a method whose name begins with “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or mutableCopy).
Ownership Policy Is Implemented Using Retain Counts
The ownership policy is implemented through reference counting—typically called “retain count” after the retain method. Each object has a retain count.
When you create an object, it has a retain count of 1.
3) In my topic's comments #robmayoff shared the link to open source implementation of runtime: reallySetProperty in with the following reasoning behind it:
The nonatomic retain and copy setters unfortunately have an unnecessary race condition. If, on thread 1, the setter releases _count, and on thread 2 the getter accesses _count before thread 1 has set _count = [count retain], thread 2 may access a deallocated object. Always store the new value in _count before releasing the old value. The real accessor in the Objective-C runtime does it correctly. See reallySetProperty in – rob mayoff
4) You example is also missing dealloc since you were to write it under MRC.
5) [IMO, maybe subjective] Since your setter is creating copies of array argument, you don't need to have this if (_array != array) check since the task of (copy) setter is, I believe, to produce copies of what is passed, so I think this is may be omitted.
Having these points in mind I would write your example like the following:
- (NSArray *)array
id array;
#synchronized (self)
array = [_array copy];
return [array autorelease];
- (void)setArray:(NSArray *)array
id oldValue;
#synchronized (self)
oldValue = _array;
_array = [array mutableCopy];
[oldValue release];
- (void)dealloc {
[_array release];
[super dealloc];
In answer to your question in the comments:
Is it normal and really can be used in the daily practice?
I would say, that it can be used in a daily practice with the following additional considerations:
1) You should move you ivar declaration into a private category #interface SomeClass () be it inside your .m file or a private class extension.
2) You should make your getters/setters nonatomic since atomicity of this property is on your shoulders (you already do synchronized on your own in both setter and getter).
3) See also the setup from linked topic which omits ivar and uses second #property declaration. In your case it would look like this:
// .h
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray *array;
// .m or private class extension
#interface SomeClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *array;
#implementation SomeClass
// and here your getters/setters
This setup looks promising though I haven't really tested it for the case like yours.
P.S. Recently I did some research for this back-to-the-past Manual Reference Counting, let me share with you the following links which I found to be the best on this topic:
Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide (this is the MUST)
An In-depth Look At Manual Memory Management In Objective-C (this one too!)
What clang taught us about Objective-C properties
Memory and thread-safe custom property methods
Source code of objc runtime.

I’ve set my property to retain, am I supposed to release it even if it is set to autorelease?

Let us say we have some code that looks like below:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *someString;
#implementation SomeClass
#synthesize someString;
-(id)init {
if (self=[super init]) {
someString = [NSString stringWithString:#"some string"];
return self;
Am I supposed to release the someString property in the dealloc method of SomeClass, even if someString was set to autorelease and I never actually retained it in my init method? If so, I'd simply add [someString release] before [super dealloc] in the -release method. Correct?
Now the real issue I am having is that while using Cocos2D, I've reached a contradicting situation. My code looks like below:
#interface SomeLayer : CCLayer
#property (nonatomic, retain) CCSprite *someSprite;
#implementation SomeLayer
#synthesize someSprite;
-(id)init {
if (self=[super init]) {
someSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"];
[self addChild:someSprite];
return self;
Now, I have added someSprite as a child to my layer SomeLayer. So, what should I do to make sure I have no memory leaks here? I could think of the following:
Obviously, I'd think of calling [someSprite release] in SomeLayer's -dealloc method. but it gives me EXC_BAD_ACCESS in [super dealloc] (the next line). Most likely because I didn't remove the child, and the superclass tries to access the child that I just released.
I call [self removeChild:someSprite cleanup:YES] in the -dealloc method, which would remove the child and also release it. So I do not need to follow up with [someSprite release]. But hey, the -dealloc method of the superclass CCNode already does all that for me.
I do nothing. I wouldn't override the -dealloc method at all. Well, this seems to work fine, but it contradicts the statement: "if you retain something, you're supposed to release it".
Any help on why I must release the object in case I, and why not in case II at an early stage would help save a lot of memory related issues in the long run.
someString = [NSString stringWithString:#"some string"];
This is wrong. You are keeping a pointer to an autoreleased object that will disappear soon, and when you’ll try to use the someString pointer bad things will happen. You should use the accessor ([self setSomeString:…]), retain the autoreleased value (someString = [… retain]) or use a method that returns a retained value (someString = [[NSString alloc] init…]).
In your real use case you should do the same with the sprite, you are getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS because you over-release the sprite: you call release without ever retaining the value. Read the Cocoa Memory Management Guide, you will save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.
By the way, I think your main problem is that you think that a simple assignment to the someString variable retains the assigned value. That is not the case (not without ARC, to be more precise). Assignment to the instance variable is just that, a plain assignment. If you want to go through the accessors, you have to send a message ([self setSomeString:…]) or use the dot notation (self.someString = …).
You only have to release objects that you explicitly allocate. None of the examples you gave were allocated, so they are autoreleased. If you want to keep an autoreleased object for a long period of time, you need to retain it, and only then you would need to release the object.
Additionally, if you have properties you should set them to nil in viewDidUnload
self.someString = nil;
You really need to read Memory Management Programming Guide.
There are two of four rules
You can take ownership of an object using retain.
When you no longer need it, you must relinquish ownership of an object you own
When you declare property as retain then you should call release for appropriate variable. In your case your dealloc should looks
- (void)dealloc
[someSprite release];
[super dealloc];
And look at this code
if (self=[super init]) {
someSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"]; // here you assign pointer to new object
[self addChild:someSprite]; // all right, you can use newly created object in this scope
// but here that object can be deleted from memory and someSprite can points to nothing
To avoid this you need to retain newly created sprite
someSprite = [[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"] retain];
#synthesize someSprite;
this line makes the retain count of SomeSprite to 1 dealloc you release it so retain is back to 0.. object release.
[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"];
this is an autorelease object..
when you do
someSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"];
you point someSprite to the autorelease object.. so both are now equal..
this line messes the whole point of synthesize(retain) now change this line to
[self setsomeSprite] =[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"SomeFile.png"];
now you just continue the way it was.. have someSprite release in the dealloc.. and everything will be good again

Releasing #property(copy) instance variables?

I am pretty sure I am doing this right, but just wanted to check. I have two instance variables that have accessors created via #property. In my dealloc (for the same object) I am releasing these objects.
#property(copy) NSString *firName;
#property(copy) NSString *surName;
-(void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"_deal: %#", self);
[firName release];
[surName release];
[super dealloc];
Yes, that's correct.
The implementation of the property will call release on the previous value before copying the new value, so the only memory management you have to worry about is releasing in the dealloc method, which you're doing.
Looks right. I'd usually use nonatomic, retain with NSString properties though...
EDIT: copy it is.
That's correct. Remember the memory ownership policy. Since you're using copy, you gain ownership of the object as you would if you used retain, so you release when done.

Should I release this property?

I'm a objective c newbie, and i'm having a bit of problems with memory management, I've read the apple's memory management policies, however i need a bit of clarification here, this is pretty simple i guess, but i would like to ask you if I'm right:
Given this property:
#interface Test : NSObject {
NSArray *property1;
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSArray* property1;
//And its implementation:
#implementation Test
#synthetize property1;
-(id) init {
if (self=[super init]) {
self.property1=[[[NSArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5] autorelease];
return self;
-(void) dealloc {
[super dealloc];
[property1 release];
Is it right to issue an Autorelease message to the allocated object in the init method?, i do this cause in apple's document, says that every allocated object should be released by the developer, then, I think, alloc sets retain count to 1, then the property (nonatomic, retain) adds 1, so retain==2, then autorelease substracts 1, and when the dealloc method is called, property1 is released and retain count==0, am I right?
You have your memory management right, though Apple (and a lot of other people) generally recommend not using accessors in your initialization methods because accessors can have side effects beyond simply setting an instance variable that your class might not be set up to handle yet. And in that case, you wouldn't want to autorelease since you'd want ownership of the object.
one side note: in your dealloc, you need to release the property before calling [super dealloc], because [super dealloc] eventually deallocates the memory of the object, which includes the memory containing the property1 variable, so it is invalid to refer to that variable after you call [super dealloc]. It should be:
-(void) dealloc {
[property1 release];
[super dealloc];
One of the nice things about using properties is that you can encapsulate all of your "releasing" behavior regardless of whether your property is set to retain, copy, assign, or whatever by just doing this:
self.property1 = nil;
Personally I've gotten in the habit of setting all properties to nil (using, not just accessing the member variable directly) in dealloc so that even if I change how the memory management works for the member variable it works correctly.