Kill process after launching with AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges - objective-c

If I launched a shell script using AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges what would be the easiest way to kill the script and any other processes that it spawned.

It's running as root, so you can't kill it from a regular-user process. You're going to have to ask it nicely to exit on its own.

Apple has sample code that uses stdout to pass the PID back to the caller.

Use the communications pipe that AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges() returns by reference in its last argument, FILE **communicationPipe, to send a message to the child process that asks it to take itself and its descendants out. It can then kill itself and all its descendants using kill(0, SIGINT), or, if more drastic measures are required, SIGKILL.
The message you use can be as simple as closing the file while the child waits for the file to close; at that point, it knows you're done talking to it and it's time to take itself out.
There are some caveats about the descendants that will actually receive this message, for which see the kill(2) manpage. The caveats mostly won't matter so long as the process you started via AEWP hasn't dropped privileges, though one implicit issue is that this approach won't work if any child processes have put themselves in a new process group.


How to kill an unkillable task?

I am using Scilab to access a software called LTSpice (XVIIx64.exe) and whenever I use wmic/taskkill/powershell.exe "Get-Process XVIIx64 | Stop-Process". or whatever killing commands, it doesn't actually kill the process (it does close the program, but it still is there in the memory as shown in the picture below). Once I repeat the code in scilab another instance of LTSPICe (XVIIx64.exe) is created in memory and with time there are so many of them that scilab shuts down as it cannot allocate more memory :(. How can I actually kill this process? It's also strange that in the error message it is mentioned PID XXXX "child process of PID 18208" could not be terminated, however PID 18208 does not show up in tasklist and only PID XXXX shows up (View the attachment).
Did you already checked if it is any malware or something? Do that.
If you've done it and got nothing, then get a backup and format your pc. I think that's the best option.

Is there a way in to make process start closing my program?

My program checks if there is a new version of itself. If yes it would exit and start an updater that replaces it and then restarts.
My problem is that I haven't found any info on how to make process start right after closing the actual program.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
I intended to add a comment, but I'm too low in points here. The updater itself should probably contain a check to determine whether your application is running an instance, and it should contain a timeout loop that performs this check and factor the timeout following it's startup state. That way you can awaken it, and close your application. The updater should just determine your application is not running, compare versions perform the intended update operation.
a possible solution would also be to create a task via tash sceduler or cron job, starting an out of process application, like CMD.exe.. which brings me to my original comment-question: in regards to what Operating System(s) and Platform(s) is your program intended for?

inittab respawn of Node.js too fast

So I am trying to keep my Node server on a embedded computer running when it is out in the field. This lead me to leveraging inittab's respawn action. Here is the file I added to inittab:
node:5:respawn:node /path/to/node/files &
I know for a fact that when I startup this node application from command line, it does not get to the bottom of the main body and console.log "done" until a good 2-3 seconds after I issue the command.
So I feel like in that 2-3 second window the OS just keeps firing off respawns of the node app. I see in the error logs too in fact that the kernel ends up killing off a bunch of node processes because its running out of memory and stuff... plus I do get the 'node' process respawning too fast will suspend for 5 minutes message too.
I tried wrapping this in a script, dint work. I know I can use crontab but thats every minute... am I doing something wrong? or should I have a different approach all together?
Any and all advice is welcome!
Surely too late for you, but in case someone else finds such a problem: try removing the & from the command invocation.
What happens is that when the command goes to the background (thanks to the &), the parent (init) sees that it exited, and respawns it. Result: a storm of new instantations of your command.
Worse, you mention embedded, so I guess you are using busybox, whose init won't rate-limit the respawning - as would other implementations. So the respawning will only end when the system is out of memory.
inittab is overkill for this. I found out what I need is a process monitor. I found one that is lightweight and effective; it has some good reports of working great out in the field.
Using this would entail configuring this daemon to start and monitor your Node.js application for you.
That is a solution that works from the OS side.
Another way to do it is as follows. So if you are trying to keep Node.js running like I was, there are several modules written meant to keep other Node.js apps running. To mention a couple there are forever and respawn. I chose to use respawn.
This method entails starting one app written in Node.js that uses the respawn module to start and monitor the actual Node.js app you were interested in keeping running anyway.
Of course the downside of this is that if the Node.js engine (V8) goes down altogether then both your monitoring and monitored process will go down with it :-(. But its better than nothing!
PCD would be the ideal option. It would go down probably only if the OS goes down, and if the OS goes down then hope fully one has a watchdog in place to reboot the device/hardware.

How to check if another instance of the app/binary is already running

I'm writing a command line application in Mac using Objective-c
At the start of the application, i want to check if another instance of the same application is already running. If it is, then i should be either wait for it to finish or exit the current instance or quit the other instance etc.
Is there any way of doing this?
The standard Unix solution for this is to create a "run file". When you start up, you try to create that file and write your pid to it if it doesn't exist; if it does exist, read the pid out of it, and if there's a running program with that pid and your process name, wait/exit/whatever.
The question is, where do you put that file, and what do you call it?
Well, first, you have to decide what exactly "already running" means. Obviously not "anywhere in the world", but it could be anything from "anywhere on the current machine" to "in the current desktop session". (For example, if User A starts your program, pauses it, then User B comes along and takes over the computer via Fast User Switching, should she be able to run the program, or not?)
For pretty much any reasonable answer to that question, there's an obvious pathname pattern. For example, on a Mac, /tmp is shared system-wide, while $TMPDIR is specific to a given session, so, e.g., /tmp/${ARGV[0]}.pid is a good way to say "only one copy on the machine, period", while ${TMPDIR}/${ARGV[0]}.pid is a good way to say "only one copy per session".
Simple but common way to do this is to check the process list for the name of your executable.
ps - A | grep <your executable name>
Thank you #abarnert.
This is how I have presently implemented. At the start of the main(), I would check if a file named .lock exists in the binary's own directory (I am considering moving it to /tmp). If it is, application exits.
If not, it would create the file.
At the end of the application, the .lock file is removed
I haven't yet written the pid to that file, but I will when exiting the previous instance is required (as of yet I don't need it, but may in the future).
I think PID can be retrieved using
int myPID=[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier];
The program will be invoked by a custom scheduler which is running as a root daemon. So it would be run as root.
Seeing the answers, I would assume that there is no direct method of solving the problem.

Run script on Fedora screen lock

I'm looking for a way to run a program when locking the screen in Fedora 15 (linux). Basically I want to start running a motion detection program when the screen locks, or I manually hit Ctrl+Alt+L, but I don't know what commands are being run or where to alias my own intermediate step in. I assume it's:
gnome-screensaver-command --lock
but am not sure how to go about this. Anybody know how, or a direction to start looking in?
Edit, since link was in a comment:
This is done with dbus-monitor and described here.
The dbus system advertises screen locking; monitor for ActiveChanged on org.gnome.ScreenSaver. (see )
e.g. (word-wrapped for clarity)
signal sender=:1.68 -> dest=(null destination)
serial=53 path=/org/gnome/ScreenSaver;
interface=org.gnome.ScreenSaver; member=ActiveChanged
boolean true
Unfortunately, this will require writing more code than just a shell script, I'm afraid; although I'd be curious if you could ask dbus to call your program as a handler for that signal, somehow; otherwise, I suppose you'd just start a daemon process and listen for that signal to be broadcast…