Oracle Date field - Time issues -

We have two databases, in two separate locations. One of the databases resides in a separate time zone than our users.
The problem is that when the database that is located in a separate time zone is updated, with a Date value, the database automatically subtracts 1:00 hour from the Date it was passed.
The issue is that, when passing a NULL date (12:00:00), the DAY value is changed to a previous day.
The updates are done via stored procedures, and the front end is a VB.NET smartclient.
How would you handle this the proper way? I basically don't even want to store the TIME at all, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

Not clear on what datetime you want in the database, or what the application is passing.
Assume the user's PC is telling him it is Tuesday, 12:30am, and the clock on the Db server is saying Monday, 11:30pm.
If you insert a value for the 'current date' (eg TRUNC(SYSDATE)) then, as far as the database is concerned, it is still Monday.
If you insert a value for the 'current time (eg SYSDATE), it is also still Monday.
if you insert a value for the session's current time (eg CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) and timezone and ask the database to store it in the database, it will store 11:30pm.
If you ask the database to store the datetime '2009-12-31 14:00:00', then that is what it will store. If you ask it to store the datetime/timezone '2009-12-31 14:00:00 +08:00', then you are in the advanced manual. You can ask the database to store timestamps with timezone data. Also consider daylight saving

I would investigate using the TRUNC function in your stored proc method that updates the table. If the data type in the method (that updates the table) is not a DATE type then use the to_date function in conjunction with the TRUNC function.

This is outside of the scope of the question you are asking, but I would recommend in ALL cases where users are accessing a database from different time zones, the server and database clocks time zone should be set to UTC. It is probably too late for that, but setting the datbase server to UTC eliminates the problems caused by daylight savings time and different time zones.
In my opionion, Date/Time data can and should always be stored in UTC. This data can be converted to local time at the point where it is presented to the user. Oracle actually makes this easy with the TIMESTAMP with TIME ZONE data type. It allows you to access the data either as UTC (SYS_EXTRACT_UTC) or local time (Local to the database server.)
It is never the same day all places in the world, so dates cannot be considered without time.
Of course another of my opinions is that Daylight Savings time should be eliminated. But that is another topic.


Does the SQL type TIME WITH TIMEZONE make sense?

While doing the mapping of some database columns into Java classes I stumbled onto this obscure SQL-92 Standard type (implemented by PostgreSQL, H2, and HyperSQL afaik). I haven't ever used it, but I wanted to understand how clearly map it to a Java type if I ever find it.
Here are the variants I can see:
Case A: The TIME type, such as 15:20:01. It's a "local time". The time zone is evident to the application so the database doesn't record it.
Case B: The TIME with offset, as in 15:20:01+04:00. It represents a "world time". This time can be converted trivially to UTC, or to any other world clock.
Case C: A TIME with a time zone, such as 15:20:01 EDT. Since the rules to interpret a time strongly depend on the specific date I can't really make any sense of it without the date; but then, if I add the date, it becomes a TIMESTAMP, and that's something totally different.
So, did the SQL Standard get it wrong? Or maybe "TIME with time zone" should be always interpreted as "time with offset" (case B)?
For lots of reasons, that you described well, interpreting a point in time with time of day and variable time zone but without a date is effectively undefined. There are use cases though, where you're establishing a policy within an international context this would be a helpful data type. Everyday at 15:20:01+04:00 the cats need to take a nap. Now the intention isn't to evaluate value in iosolation but within the context of adding it to a baseline date. Standards are all about supporting theoretical possibilities eaven if they're not super common.
Case C, a TIME with a time zone, such as 15:20:01 EDT, can be meaningful for things like store opening hours. Imagine you have a nationwide chain of stores. You want to store each store's standard opening hours in the database. The opening and closing time is a local time with an associated time zone. It isn't a time with a UTC offset (your case B), since it is defined in each store's local time zone, and hence daylight savings–or more rarely a change in the time zone definition–will change the UTC offset without actually changing the value of the opening time column. This store opens at 9am year round, but because its time zone has daylight savings, that is a different UTC offset at different times of year. But we aren't storing a date, because the standard opening/closing times are date-independent. (Maybe we'd have effective-from/effective-to dates, or similar, to track changes to standard opening hours over time.)
It isn't exactly case A, because imagine you have a table of stores, with opening_time and closing_time columns – if they are in different timezones, then case A would make those columns be a mix of data from different time zones, without being explicit about that. Now, given the poor support for case C in most databases, that's probably what happens – you'll probably store the time zone as an additional column. But Case C isn't useless in principle, unlike what many people think.

Daylight savings time and UTC time

We use a program that saves the time-stamps in UTC time. We are a local to Utah company so we are affected by Daylight Savings time.
For example if we receive a call right now it is 12:52:00 MST and it would be saved in the database as 19:52:00.
My first concern is next year when DST starts again on March 13th 2016 and I run this at the exact same time. Will the time stamp in UTC be then 18:52:00 or would it stay at 19:52:00?
My second concern is if I convert the date in the database to my local time so I have to first check if it DST and then if it is take the time -6 and if not it would be -7?
So using the above example:
IsDST = 01:52:00 (-6)
IsNotDST = 12:52:00 (-7)
I assume this is something I need to worry about having to convert to/from UTC?
My main question aside from the two concerns above. Is there anything built into SQL Server/T-SQL that handles this conversion for me or do I need to write everything myself to take care of the need?
I have it started already, but now need to work in the DST if it is necessary
DECLARE #declared_start_datetime DATETIME,
#declared_end_datetime DATETIME,
#converted_start_datetime DATETIME,
#converted_end_datetime DATETIME
SET #declared_start_datetime = '11/04/2015 07:00:00' -- Hour we open phones
SET #declared_end_datetime = '11/04/2015 18:00:00' -- Hour we close phones
SET #converted_start_datetime = DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()), #declared_start_datetime)
SET #converted_end_datetime = DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()), #declared_end_datetime)
select #declared_start_datetime as 'Declared Start',
#declared_end_datetime as 'Declared End'
select #converted_start_datetime as 'Converted Start',
#converted_end_datetime as 'Converted End'
For example if we receive a call right now it is 12:52:00 MST and it would be saved in the database as 19:52:00.
My first concern is next year when DST starts again on March 13th 2016 and I run this at the exact same time. Will the time stamp in UTC be then 18:52:00 or would it stay at 19:52:00?
Mountain Standard Time is UTC-7, and US Mountain Daylight time is UTC-6. It's a lot easier to reason about if you write out the full date, time, and offset(s) involved in the conversion. Here it is in standard ISO8601 extended format:
2015-11-06T12:52:00-07:00 = 2015-11-06T19:52:00Z
2016-03-13T12:52:00-06:00 = 2016-03-13T18:52:00Z
Each local time on the left side of the equation is marked with the correct local time and local offset for that time. Then to get to UTC (identified by Z), you simply subtract the offset from the local time. Or, think of it as inverting the sign and adding, if that's easier to rationalize.
So yes, it would store it at 18:52:00 UTC when you are in daylight time. This is the correct behavior.
My second concern is if I convert the date in the database to my local time so I have to first check if it DST and then if it is take the time -6 and if not it would be -7?
Yes, but keep in mind that it's the date and time reflected by the timestamp you're converting. It makes no difference whether you are currently in DST or not.
However, keep in mind that time zone conversion should usually be avoided in the database layer, if you can all help it. In the vast majority of use cases, it's an application layer concern.
For example, if you're writing to SQL Server from an application built in .NET, then you could use the TimeZoneInfo class with the "Mountain Standard Time" ID (which is for both MST and MDT). Or, you could use the Noda Time library with the TZDB identifier of "America/Denver".
By using a library, you don't have to concern yourself with all of the various details of when DST starts and stops, nor how it has changed throughout history in different parts of the world.
In the rarer case where you actually need time zone conversion done at the database level, you can certainly write a stored procedure or UDF of your own (such as some of the question comments linked to), but depending on your needs they may not be sufficient. Typically they tend to encode just one set of fixed rules for time zone conversions, so they won't take other time zones or historical changes into account.
There are a few generic time zone solutions for SQL Server, but unlike other database platforms, there's nothing built in. I'll recommend my SQL Server Time Zone Support OSS project, and there are others if you search. But really, you should hopefully not need this, and should do the conversion in the application layer whenever possible.
Update: With SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1, there is now built-in support for time zones via the AT TIME ZONE statement. See the CTP announcement for examples.

Hibernate DST Date mapping issue for timestamps without time zone

I've a problem with storing java.util/sql.Date in PostgreSQL using hibernate: I'm storing dates as timestamp without time zone type. Now, in most cases everything is alright, as I'm mapping it in entities as java.util(sql).Date.
However, I encountered one problem I don't know how to overcome yet:
On March 30th there was a time change (Daylight Saving Time started). In my country it meant switching from local 2am to local 3am.
In my database I have few entries with times between 2 and 3 am, such as
"2014-03-30 02:15:55"
Now, what Java does is it takes this date and displays it as 3:15:55 am, because of the time change. However, I desperately need it to be 02:15:55, exactly how it's stored in the database (basically meaning don't use the +02:00 timezone BEFORE 3am, but use it AFTER). I'm afraid about 26th October as well, that's when the DST ends.
Is this possible using Hibernate and/or Spring? I'd love a global config for such case.
You need to store dates in UTC timezone to ignore DST. See this question How to store date/time and timestamps in UTC time zone with JPA and Hibernate for solutions

Storing DateTime (UTC) vs. storing DateTimeOffset

I usually have an "interceptor" that right before reading/writing from/to the database does DateTime conversion (from UTC to local time, and from local time to UTC), so I can use DateTime.Now (derivations and comparisions) throughout the system without worrying about time zones.
Regarding serialization and moving data between computers, there is no need to bother, as the datetime is always UTC.
Should I continue storing my dates (SQL 2008 - datetime) in UTC format or should I instead store it using DateTimeOffset (SQL 2008 - datetimeoffset)?
UTC Dates in the database (datetime type) have been working and known for so long, why change it? What are the advantages?
I have already looked into articles like this one, but I'm not 100% convinced though. Any thoughts?
There is one huge difference, where you cannot use UTC alone.
If you have a scenario like this
One server and several clients (all geographically in different timezones)
Clients create some data with datetime information
Clients store it all on central server
datetimeoffset stores Local time of the client and ALSO offset to the UTC time
all clients know UTC time of all data and also a local time in the place where the information originated
UTC datetime stores just UTC datetime, so you do not have information about local time in the client location where data originated
Other clients do not know the local time of the place, where datetime information came from
Other clients can only calculate their local time from the database (using UTC time) not the local time of the client, where the data originated
Simple example is flight ticket reservation system ... Flight ticket should contain 2 times:
- "take off" time (in timezone of "From" city)
- "landing" time (in timezone of "Destination" city)
You are absolutely correct to use UTC for all historical times (i.e. recording events happened). It is always possible to go from UTC to local time but not always the other way about.
When to use local time? Answer this question:
If the government suddenly decide to change daylight savings, would you like this
data to change with it?
Only store local time if the answer is "yes". Obviously that will only be for future dates, and usually only for dates that affect people in some way.
Why store a time zone/offset?
Firstly, if you want to record what the offset was for the user who carried out the action, you would probably be best just doing that, i.e. at login record the location and timezone for that user.
Secondly if you want to convert for display, you need to have a table of all local time offset transitions for that timezone, simply knowing the current offset is not enough, because if you are showing a date/time from six months ago the offset will be different.
A DATETIMEOFFSET gives you the ability to store local time and UTC time in one field.
This allows for very simple and efficient reporting in local or UTC time without the need to process the data for display in any way.
These are the two most common requirements - local time for local reports and UTC time for group reports.
The local time is stored in the DATETIME portion of the DATETIMEOFFSET and the OFFSET from UTC is stored in the OFFSET portion, thus conversion is simple and, since it requires no knowledge of the timezone the data came from, can all be done at database level.
If you don't require times down to milliseconds, e.g. just to minutes or seconds, you can use DATETIMEOFFSET(0). The DATETIMEOFFSET field will then only require 8 bytes of storage - the same as a DATETIME.
Using a DATETIMEOFFSET rather than a UTC DATETIME therefore gives more flexibility, efficiency and simplicity for reporting.

Determine Time Zone Offset in T-SQL

My database application is going to be deployed at multiple sites in different time zones.
I need a T-SQL function that will determine the UTC timestamp of midnight on January 1 of the current year for YTD calculations. All of the data is stored in UTC timestamps.
For example, Chicago is UTC-6 with Daylight Savings Time (DST), the function needs to return '2008-01-01 06:00:00' if run any time in 2008 in Chicago. If run in New York (GMT-5 + DST) next year, it needs to return '2009-01-01 05:00:00'.
I can get the current year from YEAR(GETDATE()). I thought I could do a DATEDIFF between GETDATE() and GETUTCDATE() to determine the offset but the result depends on whether the query is run during DST or not. I do not know of any built in T-SQL functions for determining the offset or whether or not the current time is DST or not?
Does anyone have a solution to this problem in T-SQL? I could hard code it or store it in a table but would prefer not to. I suppose that this is a perfect situation for using CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005. I am just wondering if there is a T-SQL solution that I am unaware of?
Check out this previous question and answer for related information:
Effectively Converting dates between UTC and Local (ie. PST) time in SQL 2005
(To summarize, you do need to build time zone and DST tables in Sql Server 2005. In the next version of Sql Server we get some help with time zones.)
Unless I'm mistaken, the GETUTCDATE() function uses the time zone defined on the server - it has no information regarding the client's time zone (or any time zone). I don't think that information is stored anywhere in SQL Server 2005, which makes it impossible for it to calculate this information.
Maybe you could 'borrow' the data from Oracle's time zone file and build your own SQL Server function?
Off topic (could be useful to someone else) but if you were using Oracle, you could use the FROM_TZ function and 'AT TIME ZONE':
Hmm, I guess I'm not understanding the problem. If the database app is already storing UTC timestamps for all of it's transactions, and you want to sum up some values since the first of the year "local time", your condition would have to be something like:
(timestamp + (getutcdate() - getdate())) > cast('01/01/2008' as datetime)
The DST can be on or off depending on when in the year the query is run - but getdate() takes it into account, so you have to dynamically calculate the offset every time.