insert data in multiple tables - sql

hi i have a problem to insert data in multiple tables. i have define primary key & reference key in tables now i want to insert data in both tables in single can i do this...........???????

Your question isn't exactly clear on what the particular problem is. I can see three possibilities:
1. You want to insert into two tables wiht a single INSERT statement
2. You want to do two inserts, but without anything else being able to 'get in the middle'
3. You want to insert into one table, then get the primary key to insert into the second table
The answer to 1. is simple:
You can't.
The answer to 2. is simple too:
INSERT INTO <table1> (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
INSERT INTO <table2> (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
The answer to 3. is has several possibilities. Each depending on exactly what you want to do. Most likely you want to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() but you may also want to look up ##identity and IDENT_CURRENT() to understand the various different options and complexities.
INSERT INTO <dimension_table> (name)
VALUES ('my new item')
INSERT INTO <fact_table> (item_id, iteam_value)

This is what transactions are meant for. Standard SQL does not permit a single statement inserting into multiple tables at once. The correct way to do it is:
-- begin transaction
insert into table 1 ...
insert into table 2 ...

Does your language support the INSERT ALL construct? If so, that is the best way to do this. In fact it's the only way. I posted an example of this construct in another SO thread (that example syntax comes from Oracle SQL).
The other option is to build a transactional stored procedure which inserts a record into the primary key table followed by a record into the referencing table.

And 1 of your choice to do that is use ORM (like Hibernate, NHibernate) the you make your object and set other relation to it and finally just save the main object , like:
A a;
B b;
C c;
you must notice your DAO.saveOrUpdate(a); line of code just work with hibernate but it insert data into 3 table A, B, C.


How to write a stored procedure to insert values into two tables with a foreign key relationship?

I created two tables, Employeeinfo and Employeerequests.
Table Employeeinfo can have one unique user with columns:
id (primary key, auto increment)
and table Employeerequests can have multiple requests against one unique user ID with columns
id (primary key, auto increment)
CustomerID(foreign key to Employeeinfo(ID column))
Now I want to design a stored procedure in such a way so that I can insert values into both tables at the same time. Please help. I am very new to SQL. Thanks in advance.
This is a bit long for a comment.
SQL Server only allows you to insert into one table in a single query. You presumably want to provide both employee and request information. So that limitation on insert is a real problem.
You can get around the limitation by creating a view combining the two table and then defining an instead of insert trigger on the view. This is explained in the documentation.
That said, you seem to not have extensive SQL knowledge. So, I would recommend simply using two separate statements, one for each table. You can wrap them in a stored procedure, if you find that convenient.
In the stored procedure, you can use Output clause of Insert statement as:
DECLARE #MyTableVar TABLE (NewCustomerID INT);
-- The OUTPUT clause have access to all the columns in the table,
-- even those not part of Insert statement ex:EmployeeID.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employeeinfo] ([Name], [dep], [address])
SELECT 'Test', 'TestDep', 'TestAddress'
-- then make insert in child table as
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employeerequests] (CustomerID, category)
SELECT NewCustomerID, 'TestCat'
FROM #MyTableVar
Sample code here...
Hope that helps!

How can I INSERT data into two tables simultaneously with only one sql script db2?

How would I insert into multiple tables with one sql script in db2
For example, insert a row into T1 DOCK_DOOR and then insert into T2 DOCK_DOOR_LANE multiple times based on the dock_door_sysid from the first table.
My first approach was the following. I was attempting to use a with with three inserts. on the other hand, doing to inserts on the second table is not and option if this can be automated with one insert.
thanks for any feedback
sql example
WITH ins AS (
VALUES (nextval for DBF1.DOCK_DOOR_SEQ,'026','DOOR025',61,25,NULL,'N','2',NULL,current timestamp,'SQL_INSERT',current timestamp,'SQL_INSERT',0,NULL,1723,1142)
RETURNING door_number,dock_door_sysid),
ins2 AS (
VALUES (nextval for DBF1.DOCK_DOOR_LANE_seq,door_number||''||'A',dock_door_sysid,'A',current timestamp},'SQL_INSERT',current timestamp,'SQL_INSERT',0)
SELECT door_number,dock_door_sysid FROM DBF1.DOCK_DOOR
RETURNING door_number,dock_door_sysid)
VALUES (nextval for DBF1.DOCK_DOOR_LANE_seq,door_number||''||'B',dock_door_sysid,'B',current timestamp},'SQL_INSERT',current timestamp,'SQL_INSERT',0)
SELECT door_number,dock_door_sysid FROM DBF1.DOCK_DOOR;
Table 1 = dock_door
Table 2 = Dock_door_lane
You could do it with a trigger on the dock_door table.
However, if you're on a recent, version on IBM i. You might be able to make use of data change table reference
Your statement would look something like this
insert into dock_door_lane
select <....>
from final table (insert into dock_door <...>)
I'm not sure it will work, as this article indicates that at least at a couple of years ago DB2 for i didn't support the secondary insert required.
This old SO question also seems to confirm that at least at v7.1, the double insert isn't supported.
If I get a chance, I'll run a test on a 7.2 system Monday.

Inserting to one table, insert the ID to second table

Is it possible to populate a second table when I insert into the first table?
Insert post to table1 -> table 2 column recieves table1 post's unique id.
What I got so far, am I on the right track?
CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.Statistics_dbo.News_News_NewsID] FOREIGN KEY ([News_NewsID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[News] ([NewsID])
Lots of ways:
an insert trigger
read SCOPE_IDENTITY() after the first insert, and use it to do a second
use the output clause to do an insert
create trigger Foo_Insert on Foo after insert
set nocount on
insert Bar(fooid)
select id from inserted
insert Foo (Name)
values ('abc');
insert Foo (Name)
values ('abc');
declare #id int = SCOPE_IDENTITY();
insert Bar(fooid)
select #id
insert Bar(fooid)
select id from (
insert Foo (Name)
values ('abc')) x
The only thing I can think of is that you can use a trigger to accomplish this. There is nothing "built in" to SQL Server that would do it. Why not just do it from your .NET code?
Yes it is, it sounds like you want a SQL Trigger, this would allow you to trigger logic based on actions on one table, to perform other actions in the DB. Here's another article on creating Simple SQL Triggers
SQL Server 2008 - Help writing simple INSERT Trigger
A Word of caution, this will do all the logic of updating the new table, outside of any C# code you write, it might sound nice to not have to manage it upfront, but you also lose control over when and if it happens.
So if you need to do something different later, now you have to update your regular code, as well as the trigger code. This type of logic can definitely grow, in large systems, and become a nightmare to maintain. Consider this, the alternative would be to build a method that adds the id to the new table after it inserts into the first table.
While i don't know what you're using to do your inserts assuming it's a SQL Command you can get back the ID on an identity column from the insert using Scope_Identity, found here
How to insert a record and return the newly created ID using a single SqlCommand?
if it's EF or some other ORM tool, they should either automatically update the entity, or have other mechanisms to deliver this data.

Use INSERT-OUTPUT to provide values for another INSERT

Good day,
I was wondering if it is possible to use an INSERT-OUTPUT statement in such a way as to provide the value(s) for another, outer, INSERT statement. That way values can be added to an entity table and an intersection table in a single statement - I hope I'm wording this effectively. For example:
INSERT INTO [#tblIntersect] ([Entity1ID], [Entity2ID])
INSERT INTO [#tblEntity1] ([Value])
OUTPUT [inserted].[ID] AS [entity1ID], #entity2ID AS [entity2ID]
VALUES ('One')
So the inner INSERT-OUTPUT statement will add a new entity to table #tblEntity1. The new entity's ID (which is set as IDENTITY(1, 1) will then be returned through the OUTPUT statement, along with a static value (which I already have in my code), to provide the two values for the outer INSERT statement.
The reason I think it might be possible is because execution of the inner INSERT-OUTPUT statement on its own returns a table anyway, and such output can usually be used to provide values for INSERT statements.
Obviously this example doesn't work; I was hoping it's just a simple syntax problem.
Thank you in advance for any comments and advice.
Your requirement is possible according to the documentation.
Assuming #tblIntersect has two matching id columns this should work
INSERT INTO [#tblEntity1] ([Value])
OUTPUT [inserted].[ID] AS [entity1ID], #entity2ID AS [entity2ID]
INTO #tblIntersect
VALUES ('One')

SQL row insert into a table + keys into its linking table within one statement (many-to-many relationship)

Hey, I'm used to ORM so I have huge absence of sql experience. I want to know what is the best way to insert a row into a table, that is in many-to-many relationship with another table, and within the one statement also insert a row of two foreign keys into the particular linking table to preserve data integrity.
If anybody is using spring jdbcTemplate, I'd also want to know whether it has a support for this task. Thanks in advance
That's typically what stored procedures are used for, eg something like
CREATE PROC MyInsertM2M(#fieldname1 int, #fieldname2 varchar(20), #Key1 int, #Key2 int etc)
INSERT INTO MyMainTable(fieldname1, fieldname2...)
VALUES(#fieldname1, #fieldname2...)
INSERT INTO MyResolverTable(KeyField1, Keyfield2)
VALUES (#Key1, Key2)
(assuming sql server)