Moving Annual Total SSAS - sql-server-2005

I have a cube and I want to create a MAT column. This column is then expected to show up in the same way as a regular metric would.
How do I create a column that is a Moving Annual Total in SSAS?
A walkthrough / demo would work as well.

Since you haven't really specified anything (MDX or actually in your cube) I will assume you mean in your cube. If i were you I would write a calculated member and then slide it over when browsing or in your reports. It would be something like this
[Measures].[Rolling Total]
'SUM ( { [Time].CurrentMember.Lag(3) : [Time].CurrentMember },
[Measures].[Warehouse Sales])'
Then you could do something like this:
CrossJoin({ [Time].[Quarter].Members },{[Measures].[Warehouse Sales],
[Measures].[Rolling Total]}) ON COLUMNS,
{[Warehouse].[All Warehouses].[USA].Children} ON ROWS


DAX % of total count if measure qualifies criteria

DAX 2013 standalone power pivot.
I have a sales table with Product and Brand columns, and Sales measure which explicitly sums up sales column.
Task in hand: I need to create 1 measure RANK which would ...
if Product is filtered expressly, then return count of Products that have higher or equal sales amount, divided by total count of products.
If it's a subtotal brand level, show the same but for brands.
My current approach is using RANK and then MAXX of rank which seems working but a no-go - slow nightmare. Excel runs out of memory.
Research: it's been a week. This is the most relevant post i found anywhere, this question here , but it's in MDX.
In my example picture, I'm showing Excel formulas with which I can get to the result. Ideally there shouldn't be any helpers, 1 formula for all.
where HELPER_PROD part would be something like this - need to find a way to refer to "current" result in pivot table like Excel does using [#[...:
[SALES]>=[#[SALES]]) /
You can use the "Earlier" function to compare with the current record.
Using Earlier function in measures: can-earlier-be-used-in-dax-measures
Used workbook: Excel File

SSAS Calc measure on filtering multi-members

I am trying to create a formula in Calculated measure but none is working correctly
Dimension Cell has multiple members including Control and Core. I also have measure called [Measures].[Rate] which is precalculated as percentage
I need to achieve below formula
(([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core])
- ([Measures].[Rate] not in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]))
/ ([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core])
Something like (A+B)/A but I am not able to calculate individual A and B.
Please note [Measures].[Rate] is in percentage format so cannot be summed up
Also any idea if the same above has to be done with two slices from different dimension for single measure
([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core] also in [Data].[PQR].&[Yes])
{ [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] , [Cell].[ABC].&[Core] }
Is above workable or what will be its syntax
Uhmm maybe something like:
CREATE MEASURE [Measures].[SpecialRate]
AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}, [Measures].[Rate])
- AGGREGATE(EXCEPT([Cell].[ABC].MEMBERS,{[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}), [Measures].[Rate])
/ AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}, [Measures].[Rate])
The easiest way is to redesign the Cell dimension to include a new rollup column which includes both Control and Core into one rollup.
If that's not feasible and you have to do it in MDX then one way is to create a calculated measure on the dimension and then use it:
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core] as
AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control], [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]})
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Cell].[ABC].[All].[Not Control and Core] as
AGGREGATE(-{[Cell].[ABC].&[Control], [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]})
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Measures].[My Calc] as
(([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core])
- ([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Not Control and Core]))
/ ([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core]);

MDX show all sales until now

i have a huge table of cashflows that means there are +int values for income and -int values for outcome.
I have MeasureGroup for Sum the amount of money.
I now want to display not only the sum of money per month but also the sum of all the past time until the current month so like that:
Month MoneyAmount Total
1 20 20
2 -10 10
3 5 15
4 -10 5
So i know for the first part its just like
select [Measures].[Money] on 0,
[Date].[Month].Members on 1
From MyCube
but how can i add the sum column?
i thought about something like SUM( { NULL : [Date].[Month].CurrentMember } , [Measures].[Money] ) but that didnt work as well :(
In MDX, the total is already there. You do not have to do complex calculations to get it.
But it depends on your exact hierarchy structure how the All member is called. If you have a date user hierarchy named [Date].[Date], and it has a month level named [Date].[Date].[Month], then the all member of the hierarchy would probably be called something like [Date].[Date].[All]. If [Month] is an attribute hierarchy of the Date dimension, then the "all member" would probably be called [Date].[Month].[All]. In the latter case, the all member would already be the first member of the set [Date].[Month].Members. As you are asking the question, I am assuming this is not the case, and you are using a user hierarchy. Then you could change your MDX query to
select [Measures].[Money] on 0,
Union([Date].[Month].Members, { [Date].[Date].[All] }) on 1
From MyCube
Please note that you can change the name of the All member in the property settings of a dimension when designing an Analysis Services dimension, hence I cannot know the definitive name without knowing the details of this setting in your cube. So you might have to adapt the name of the all member.
You can find this name out in SQL Server Management Studio in an MDX window as follows: open the hierarchy that you are using, and then open the "Members" node, below which you should find the "All Member". You can drag this into your MDX statement, and the proper name will appear there.
As in a running sum?
You need a calculated measure, like this:
With Member [Measures].[Running Sum] as Sum( ( [Date].[Months].Members.Item(0) : [Date].[Months].CurrentMember ), [Measures].[Money])
Select [Date].[Months].Members on Rows,
{[Measures].[Money], [Measures].[Running Sum] } on Columns
From [MyCube]

SSAS 2012 Calculated Member for Percentage

Being an SSAS newbie, I was wondering if it's possible to create a calculated member that references an individual row's value as well as the aggregated value in order to create a percentage?
For example, if I have a fact table with ValueA, I'd like to create a calculate member that essentially performed:
[Measures].[ValueA] (for each row I've sliced the data by) / [Measures].[ValueA] (the total)
Also I'd like to keep the total as the sum of whatever's been filtered in the cube browser. I feel certain this must be possible but I'm clearly missing something.
You can use the Axis function. Her is an example:
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Percentage] AS
[Measures].[ValueA] / (Axis(1).CurrenMember.Parent, [Measures].[ValueA])
SELECT {[Measures].[ValueA], [Measures].[Percentage]} ON 0,
'what you want' ON 1
FROM your cube
(You may need to add check in the calculated member expression)

SSAS & OLAP cube: twice same measure

I'm not very experienced in OLAP Cube + MDX, and I'm having a hard time trying to use twice the same measure in a cube.
Let's say that we have 3 Dimensions: D_DATE, D_USER, D_TYPE_OF_SALE_TARGET and 3 tables of Fact: F_SALE, F_MEETING, F_SALE_TARGET
F_SALE is linked to D_USER (who make the sale) and D_DATE (when)
F_SALE_TARGET is linked to D_USER, D_DATE, D_TYPE_OF_SALE_TARGET (meaning: user has to reach various goals/targets for a given month).
I can browse my cube:
Rows = Date * User
Cols = Number of sale, Total amount of sale + the value of 1 target (in the WHERE clause, I filter on [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.numberOfSales])
How can I add other columns for other targets? As all the targets are in the same table, I don't see how to add a second measure from [Measures].[Value - F_SALE_TARGET] linked to a different code, ie. [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.amountOfSale].
your question is not clear to me but it seems like one way to accomplish that is by creating Calculated Members. Basically, select you cube in BIDS, go to the Calculations tab and create Calculated Members. You would be able to insert your MDX query there. For each target type you can create a different calculation such as: ([Measures].[Value - F_SALE_TARGET], [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.amountOfSale])