Custom Mac Installer Overwrite /Library/Application Support File - objective-c

My installer places a file into /Library/Application Support/AppName. As a final step of the install process in a custom installer plugin (Objective-C code) I check for a more recent version of that file. If it exists, I download it and then attempt to overwrite the one created by the installer. The issue is that I apparently don't have permission to overwrite. Shouldn't the installer plugin that is part of the installer have permission to overwrite that file since the user was prompted for an admin password already?
Any ideas on how I can write to the /Library/Application Support/AppName directory from my installer plugin?

I believe that Installer actually uses a privileged helper tool to do the installation. The Installer app itself doesn't get admin privileges, which is why your plug-in doesn't have admin privileges.
The Apple docs explain one way to handle a privileged installation, although the BetterAuthorizationSample code is the "best" way to do it.
Unfortunately, handling privileged operations is quite tricky and you should study and understand the sample code and the Authorization Services documentation before implementing anything.


How to ask user whether to overwrite an existing file when installing an higher version?

Recently I was creating a Windows Installer package using a WiX Setup project, and I have following requirements:
When copying a versioned file to the Windows System32 folder, if the same file with a higher version is present then I should not overwrite.
If a lower version is present, I need to overwrite the file.
Before doing this, the user should get a warning message like "File exists, do you wish to overwrite?".
Any suggestions is appreciated.
Windows Installer handles the overwrite decision as you described but does not ask the user.
A couple suggestions in the "don't do this" category:
Although it was common a couple of decades ago for installers to have such a feature, the vast majority of users are not knowledgeable enough to make the decision; those that are probably would not like to make the decision anyway. You should not ask them to do so.
Application frameworks have evolved to the point where putting files in System32 is usually not necessary. In particular, if your application depends on a third-party library, use its installer to handle its installation. You can use WiX Bootstrapper project to chain the installers together (WiX 3.6 or later).

WiX - Elevating (or reducing) privileges at install time

I am working on a project that has been using 2 VD projects to distribute admin and user versions of installations, and now I need to switch to WiX. It was a bit painful experience with lack of documentation and all, but I managed to make something of it.
However, there is still one problem: I want to make only one .msi which will allow user to choose whether he wants to install as admin or as user. If he chose user, I don't want to ask him for elevation (as he doesn't need it), also if he chose admin, I don't want the installation to crash but to ask for privileges.
My current solution crashes in admin mode if I set InstallPrivileges to limited because the user doesn't have the permission to install, and it prompts for elevation in user mode if I set it to elevated.
My opinion is that there is no way to fix this because of compatibility with MSI, but perhaps there is some way to change privileges from elevated to limited in install time that I'm missing.
In conclusion, I want to know these things:
Is it possible to change privileges at install time
If there is no way to do so, what is the best workaround for this problem (exporting 2 .msi files or something)
One solution is to build two separate installers and then launch them via a custom WiX bootstrapper (aka Burn). The bootstrapper would be in charge of displaying the UI and launching the appropriate .msi.
Or you could separate the "admin" features into a separate .msi and then use a custom bootstrapper to install both .msis if the user selects an admin install.

Automatic updating and upgrade management for Windows Installer XML (WiX)

I have been using InstallShield LE in Visual Studio 2010, but it is heavily limited and sometimes buggy. I looked at paid InstallShield versions, but these also have too many limitations for that price tag.
So I decided to switch to WiX. I have had some experience with it some years ago. It was pretty easy to build a simple installer using SharpDevelop with WiX tools.
Now I am trying to collect solutions and tools for WiX. Basically, I need to get the following functionality (requested by my client):
when I launch the installer, it should check a text file on the server and see if a newer version is available. If it's the case, then the installer should be able to download the updated installer package and launch it (are there any downloader utilities in WiX?)
solving dependencies. Major dependency of my app is .NET 4 (which itself depends on Windows Installer 3). The installer should offer the user to download and install them automatically
logging the installation process, also collecting the log file of the dependencies' installation process. I don't want the user to hunt various .log files in case .NET4 or WindowsInstaller3 installation fails. All the information should be collected in one place and if something fails, I should show the user a custom popup dialog with an option to save the complete install log file and send it to me
installer should be able to detect if there is a newer version of my app already installed, and show a meaningful customized error message before it exits
installer should be able to detect if there is an older version of my app already installed. and offer the user to exit installation or uninstall the previous version and install the new version. BTW, there are no minor component upgrades planned, I prefer to reinstall everything fresh (I guess, this is a major upgrade in the terms of WindowsInstaller). Installshield LE failed on me for this, it just showed an error box with the message about another product, but did not offer to uninstall it
in case of an upgrade, installer should be able to detect if some of application components are in use (running application processes) and show a custom error message and not just some cryptic "Installation failed"
I have read that it may be a bit painful to manage upgrades even if I keep my UpgradeCode intact, because this code is stored in the Windows Registry in a compressed way and also if the user renames the downloaded file, it might get detected as a completely new product by WindowsInstaller ... or maybe this is only the case with WindowsInstaller .msi files and WiX has some trick to avoid this issue?
About update downloading - I need this functionality also in my application itself. I am not sure how to implement it efficiently, so I can reuse the same update downloader code/utility in both WiX installer and in my app.
Is it possible to satisfy all these requirements using currently existing WiX tools, or maybe I'll need to code some components from scratch?
WiX is definitely the way to go in my opinion.
when I launch the installer, it should check a text file on the server and see if a newer version is available. If it's the case,
then the installer should be able to download the updated installer
package and launch it (are there any downloader utilities in WiX?)
In my opinion, this type of functionality is best handled by the application. However you can implement such functionality in a custom bootstrapper. The latest development of WiX includes a bootstrapper engine Burn that allows you to write your own custom bootstrapper on top of it.
solving dependencies. Major dependency of my app is .NET 4 (which itself depends on Windows Installer 3). The installer should offer
the user to download and install them automatically
You can use the standard WiX bootstrapper to install .NET as a prereq. Or if you create your own custom managed bootstrapper application, you can install .NET a prereq to your bootstrapper as in this example
logging the installation process, also collecting the log file of the dependencies' installation process. I don't want the user to
hunt various .log files in case .NET4 or WindowsInstaller3
installation fails. All the information should be collected in one
place and if something fails, I should show the user a custom popup
dialog with an option to save the complete install log file and send
it to me
Using the two bootstrapping methods above, when you launch your msi you can specify parameters for logging. In my own custom managed bootstrapper I created a button to open the log files created during installation.
installer should be able to detect if there is a newer version of my app already installed, and show a meaningful customized error
message before it exits
You can do this using launch conditions
installer should be able to detect if there is an older version of my app already installed. and offer the user to exit installation or
uninstall the previous version and install the new version. BTW,
there are no minor component upgrades planned, I prefer to reinstall
everything fresh (I guess, this is a major upgrade in the terms of
WindowsInstaller). Installshield LE failed on me for this, it just
showed an error box with the message about another product, but did
not offer to uninstall it
In my experience this major upgrades are the least complicated
in case of an upgrade, installer should be able to detect if some of
application components are in use (running application processes) and
show a custom error message and not just some cryptic "Installation
I think WiX/Windows Installer are generally good at handling these
scenarios and automatically notifying the user that
files/applications need shutdown without you having to author
anything extra in your installer.
All that said, you may want to look into creating your own custom managed bootstrapper using WiX and Burn. That is not trivial however. The best place to go is to download the source code to the WiX Weekly Releases and checkout the project src\Setup\WixBA. It is the custom BA that they wrote to install WiX. There isn't much documentation out there yet because WiX 3.6 is not released (although it is pretty stable). However you don't have to create your own BA to make a solid WiX installer that can handle upgrades and logging.

Installation change do not ask for UAC permissions

I implemented an installer for our product. Installer needs administrator privileges, so I used setup bootstrapper with a manifest file (as recommended here) to get these privileges on a Windows machines with UAC enabled. Installation and uninstall goes fine - the user is asked for permission and the installer does what it needs to do.
But if you run Control panel → Programs and Features and select "Change"* for installed program, an error occurs (custom, from installer LaunchConditions), telling that the installer needs administrative privileges. And I can't find any way to ask for permission in a such case - Windows simply runs the MSI file and doesn't know anything about required permissions.
Even more strange is the repair functionality - it asks for permission, but then fails to do some actions that were allowed during installation, using SetupBootstrapper.
I found a similar problem here:
But the proposed solutions are unacceptable in our case.
The only workaround for the change functionality now is to always use SetupBootstrapper and do not use the Programs and Features menu, but that is not very user-friendly and forces the user to keep the installer on his/her hard drive.
Has anybody better advise?
PS: I use WiX for creating the installer, so it would be great to hear about WiX solutions, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't depend on the installer creation language, but only on MSI specifics.
What actions are failing? If they are actions that you added to the installation, make sure that such actions are defined with Impersonate="no" and Execute="deferred" (or "commit" or "rollback") and that they are sequenced somewhere between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize.

File Permission as MSI self-healing feature

On Windows, when a program installed via MSI is run through an advertised shortcut, it checks that all the installed features exist and runs self-healing/auto-repair to replace missing ones.
Is it possible to set a file's ACL as a feature on install that will be self-healed if the ACL is wrong? If it matters, the file in question
is not installed by our MSI
may not exist (not existing is OK, so long as it has the proper permission if it exists)
I'm currently using WiX to build my installers.
No; ACLs aren't resources that MSI uses to validate health. Even if they were, it would likely be tied to a file anyway.
If it's that important, you should check the ACL when your app starts.