Please excuse my ignorance, but I have come across this term "owner drawn" listbox. Can someone experienced with this explain what exactly that is?
Buttons, menus, static text controls,
list boxes, and combo boxes can be
created with an owner-drawn style
flag. When a control has the
owner-drawn style, the system handles
the user's interaction with the
control as usual, performing such
tasks as detecting when a user has
chosen a button and notifying the
button's owner of the event. However,
because the control is owner-drawn,
the parent window of the control is
responsible for the visual appearance
of the control. The parent window
receives a message whenever the
control must be drawn.
Read this msdn article.
I am using, I have created a form and there are two listviews in that form which are getting filled by button event. Every thing is going smooth, but the problem is when my exeute my project and in the form, when I maximize the form window(by clicking maximize button provided in the top right corner) the size of listview remains same while form maximizes, this looks odd, what i need is to maximize the listview also with the increase in the form window size.
I searched in google a lot and i found one property 'dock' of listview which i can set left, full, right,bottom,top or none, but this doesn't serve my purpose.
Snapshot when I am using Anchor property
On Starting:
After Maximizing:
Please guide me in the right direction, what I need to do
when no propety is set then image on maximizing is:
Thank you
With Regards
Better than Dock property, you have to use "Anchor" property. All controls on the Form has Anchor Top,Left by default, but you can change it in the property window or directly by code. You can know more about anchor on this site:
Anchoring two Listviews on a form depends on the form design, but SplitContainer control will be really usefull if you want that both Listview changes the size on form resize.
Wondering if someone could help me....
I have a small .NET application where I have an Edit button on a main form. When the user clicks the Edit button, I want to popup a small form right next to it (on top of the main form) with a speech balloon tail attached on the side of the form pointing to the Edit button. So it gives the effect of a floating form pushed out from the Edit button.
I don't want the appearance of a normal speech bubble, I want it to look like an actual borderless form (with square corners). It could be a custom control or anything (however, I am not yet familiar with creating my own custom controls), but I need to add Text Controls, Pictures, Label Controls, etc. to this floating form.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to create something to this affect:
So imagine the ? being the Edit button and the other being a form with custom controls.
Like this?
To get this behavior:
Select an image which will represent your speech bubble. Put a PictureBox on the form, make it use this image. Place two labels, as above, adjust the font.
Pick your transparency key (color). Your image background and form background need to be set to that. I used black for demo purposes, which is a bad choice if you plan to have any black or text in your speech bubble. Set form's TransparencyKey property to this color in designer. More about TransparencyKey on MSDN.
(final step, not shown on the screenshot). Set FormBorderStyle = None.
Also make sure you have other ways to close your bubble, because X will be unavailable.
The final result may look something like the following:
Note: You may notice some drawing artifacts, most images on the internet have smooth borders, and transparency key does not support shades, has to be exact color. If you are fine with these minor artifacts, feel free to leave it at that. Or, edit it to get rough borders. Or find another one that better suits your needs.
In VB6 I have been using pictureboxes as containers a lot.
For example I put 5 pictureboxes onto a form, and as soon as the user clicked the "Next" button, I brought the next picturebox into the foreground.
This has been extremely convenient.
Now I am fighting with doing something similar in VB.NET.
My attempts were not really successful. A picturebox does not really hold my controls, they seem to jump out now and then, and I can not really make out on which picturebox a control is currently located since the picturebox is not opaque as in VB6.
Can somebody please tell me how to do this in a good way in VB.NET?
This sounds like a job for the Panel control
For your issues with panels that you posted a screenshot for. Your panel is within another container, that's why it's displaying strangely. Try clicking the panel and cutting it (ctrl-x) then clicking the form header, and pasting it (ctrl-p). That will ensure it isn't within another control as sometimes that can happen in a way that isn't exactly obvious (like how you can see the control borders in your screenshot).
I have the following question:
The current project I'm working on is full of inherited controls, allowing us to tweak the behavior a bit in comparison to the default behavior. Now i created a sort of notification control (composed of an image an tooltip control) which I want to add to most of our control collection. This would allow usage of thise notification anywhere we need.
I tried dragging my own control to the design view of the inherited control and I pass on the properties that should be set on my own composed control.
Rendering however seems to be a problem. Since the original control is an inherited control, the size of that control can vary. My notification should be appearing behind the control:
control being the inherited control, notification being my own control.
Is this possible on the inherited control? The only other option I see is making 2 versions of the control, one clean inherited and a composed one with both (in which case I would need to relay all databindings, which I don't want).
i am using
i just wanna ask if we can place a picture in a picture box in different places...
for example, we place a picture in the center of a picture box then we place another picture on the left side of the picture box. is it possible??
and also can we use one picture box that can contain more pictures or images on it???
to make it clear, it is a drag and drop senario, first you have to drag a picture from a toolbar for example, then you are to drop it on the picutre box, the problem is, we have to drop more than one picture in the picturebox, so is it really possible?
To my knowledge, this is not possible with the standard .NET picturebox control.
You could, however, create a custom control that would encompass this functionality.
I'm thinking it wouldn't be too complicated to do.
But probably the best way to handle it would be to create your picture box controls programmatically.
EDIT: Found something that might be useful for you, on CodeProject. Its a extended picturebox control, that seems to have multiple pictures in it.
Extended Picturebox
You will need to build all this functionality from scratch no matter which control you're using. You can use Picturebox, Button, Panel and so on, and they'll all provide the same fundemental for building the required functionality. I would suggest that you used a panel/canvas though. And as Jon suggested, subclassing a panel to create a custom control would properably be the best idea.
Inside this custom control, you will need to keep track of which images that have been dragged into the control, which images is affected by several mouse actions such as click, hover and release, and you will need to draw the pictures manually.