In which class would you put these methods? - oop

If I have a User class, and his account can be suspended by adding an entry to the suspensions table, which of these class/method signatures do you think is more appropriate?
User::suspend($reason, $expiryDate);
Suspension::add($userid, $reason, $expiryDate);
This is a simple example, but I have this kind of situation everywhere throughout my application. On one hand, I'd want to make it a method of the User object, since the action performed is directly related to that user object itself, but on the other hand making it a method on the suspension object seems a bit cleaner.
What do you think?

you suspend a user.
In your User.Suspend method, you can actually add them to your "suspension" table, or call your suspension object. This will lead to a cleaner interface since all you have to do is call the one method.

Its definitely up to you. OO design is very subjective. Here, it depends on whether you view suspension as a noun (a suspension) or a verb (to suspend). If the former, it likely becomes its own object with appropriate methods and attributes. If the latter, it becomes a set of related methods and attributes of the User object.
This brings up another issue: are you a minimalist? There are those that try to keep many, light classes as opposed to a few heavy ones.
Personally, I see cohesion/coupling as outweighing all those factors by orders of magnitude. Basically, for me, it would hinge upon whether other system entities need to know about suspensions without having a User object to query with. If so, the Suspension class would be born. If not, I would keep it as a part of the User class.

Well if adding a suspension is the only real action, I would go with the first option and make it an action carried out by the User class.
However, if you intend on making more functionality for Suspensions, I would consider creating a class like:
class SuspensionManager

*This is my opinion is 100% debatable given that I don't know your entire code base/intention
I would say neither. But it really depends on how you view OOAD. I consider both User and Suspension classes have a single purpose. The User class has the responsiblity of holding information directly associated with a User (user table), and the Suspension class has the responsibility of holding information directly associated with a Suspension (suspension table). I would suggest making a UserSuspention class that has the responsibility of suspending a user.
This approach to OOAD is related to SOLID design principals. Having either the User or Suspension class be responsible for suspending a user would violate SRP (single responsibility principal)...since each class already has the responsibilty of maintaining information from their respective tables.
Your potential API may look like something below:
public class UserSuspension
public void SuspendUser(User user, Suspension suspension) { ... }
public void SuspendUser(Guid userId, string reason, DateTime expiryDate) { ... }

From these two options I would vote for Suspension::add(), if in fact this call would add an entry to the suspensions table. That way the effect that this call in the code has, in terms of the code itself (i.e. not the concepts represented by the code), would be clear: if I saw the code User::suspend(), I would expect it to modify a "suspended" flag for the User object, not modify something else in some other object.
On the other hand, in this particular instance, I think User::suspend() is more clear in general, so I would vote for it if it would mean that a suspended flag would be set for that User object, or if it would seem that way from the interface, i.e. if you wouldn't have to care where the suspension is stored since the interface of the User class would make it seem as if it's one of its properties.

This situation is very typical in web application design. It often becomes easier to deal with objects as being disconnected entities, as it saves you from having to retrieve objects to perform an operation for which you didn't really need the object.
The former is nicer from an OOP sense, the question is whether the performance impact of this would bother you:
User user = GetUser($userId); // unnecessary database hit?
user.suspend(reason, expiryDate);

I would be inclined to have an Account which linked the User and the Suspension

It depends.
This could be one of those scenarios where there isn't a definitely right answer. It will depend on how data will move through your system, as to whether it's of more benefit to view this relationship in a data-centric, or a user-centric model.
An old rule-of-thumb is to view objects as nouns and methods as verbs, when you're trying to model things. This would tend to suggest that User is an object, and suspend is an action you might perform.
Simple ? Not really.
Someone else might argue that it made more sense to describe the suspension as an 'AccountAction', and the application of the suspension as a verb. That might lead you to a model where various subclasses of an AccountAction have an applyTo method that acts on other object types.
You may need to apply your objects to an existing database schema, in which case you'll have to take into account how your persitance layer or ORM will interact with existing record structures.
Sometimes it's down to technology. OO can be implemented in subtly different ways across different language families and this too can influence the design. Some systems favour more solid inheritance graphs, other languages emphasise more loosely interconnected objects, passing messages around.
You need to be thinking through your design in terms of how you're going to want to interact with data and state. If you think about objects, as instances of classes, representing states of data, with behaviours that you will wish to invoke, you might find the nouns and verbs pattern falling out of the sentences that you use to describe the system.

As others have stated, it's very subjective.
Personally, I prefer the User::suspend() alternative simply because it allows me to implement (or change the implementation of) suspension whenever I like. It leaves all the suspension logic hidden behind the User interface.

I often times struggle with the same problem and what I do is I ask myself if this would make sense outside of the programming world. Would you ask ,in real life , a user to suspend him/herself? Would you ask a loan application to approve itself? If the answer is no, then there needs to a specialized authority/component/service that handles that and similar scenarios. In case of loan application, the approval should best be a part of loan approval service or loan specialist. If in your case, asking a user to suspend himself makes sense in the domain you're modeling then it should belong to the user. If not then, a service that handles user account suspension and similar user account level services may be a better place.


Service access Entity attributes

In oop we seek to encapsulation. We try not to expose internal state via getters or by public fields, only expose methods.
So far so good.
In situation when we would like to operate on multiple Entities we introduce Service.
But how this service can operate freely on these entities?
If all (both Service and Entities) were in the same package, Entities could expose package private methods or fields and Service could use them, preserving encapsulation. But what when Entities and Service are from different packages? It seems that Entities should either expose public getters (first step to anemic model and leackage of logic from Entities), or public methods executing logic that is specific to the needs of service, possibly introduced only by requirements of this service - also seems bad. How to tackle this?
In the context of OO, the most important thing for you to understand is that objects respond to messages, and that in OOP in particular, methods are how these responses are implemented.
For example, imagine you have a Person object to which you (as the programmer) have assigned the responsibility to respond to the "grow" message. Generally, you would implement that as a Person.grow() method, like this.
class Person {
int age;
public void grow() { this.age++; }
This seems fairly obvious, but you must note that from the message sender's perspective, how Person object reacts is meaningless. For all it cares, the method Person.grow() could be triggering a missile launch, and it would not matter because some other object (or objects) could be responding in the right way (for example, a UI component updating itself on the screen). However, you decided that when the Person object handles the "grow" message, it must increment the value of its age attribute. This is encapsulation.
So, to address your concern, "public methods executing logic that is specific to the needs of service, possibly introduced only by requirements of this service - also seems bad", it is not bad at all because you are designing the entities to respond to messages from the services in specific ways to match the requirements of your application. The important thing to bear in mind is that the services do not dictate how the entities behave, but rather the entities respond in their own way to requests from the services.
Finally, you might be asking yourself: how do entities know that they need to respond to certain messages? This is easy to answer: YOU decide how to link messages to responses. In other words, you think about the requirements of your application (what "messages" will be sent by various objects) and how they will be satisfied (how and which objects will respond to messages).
In situation when we would like to operate on multiple Entities we introduce Service.
No we don't. Well, I guess some people do, but the point is they shouldn't.
In object-orientation, we model a particular problem domain. We don't (again, shouldn't) discriminate based on what amount of other objects a single object operates. If I have to model an Appointment and a collection of Appointment I don't introduce an AppointmentService, I introduce a Schedule or Timetable, or whatever is appropriate for the domain.
The distinction of Entity and Service is not domain-conform. It is purely technical and most often a regression into procedural thinking, where an Entity is data and the Service is a procedure to act on it.
DDD as is practiced today is not based on OOP, it just uses object syntax. One clear indication is that in most projects entities are directly persisted, even contain database ids or database-related annotations.
So either do OOP or do DDD, you can't really do both. Here is a talk of mine (talk is german but slides are in english) about OO and DDD.
I don't see the usage of getters as a step towards an anaemic model. Or at least, as everything in programming, it depends.
Downside of anaemic model is that every component accessing the object can mutate it without any enforcing of its invariants (opening to possible inconsistency in data), it can be done easily using the setter methods.
(I will use the terms command and query to indicate methods that modify the state of the objects and methods that just return data without changing anything)
The point of having an aggregate/entity is to enforce the object invariants, so it exposes "command" methods that don't reflect the internal structure of the object, but instead are "domain oriented" (using the "ubiquitous language" for their naming), exposing its "domain behavior" (an avoidance of get/set naming is suggested because they are standard naming for representing the object internal structure).
This is for what concern the set methods, what about get?
As set methods can be seen as "command" of the aggregate, you can see the getters as "query" methods used to ask data to the aggregate. Asking data to an aggregate is totally fine, if this doesn't break the responsability of the aggregate of enforcing invariants. This means that you should watch out to what the query method returns.
If the query method result is a value object, so, immutable, it is totally fine to have it. In this way who query the aggregate has in return something that can be only read.
So you could have query methods doing calculation using the object internal state (eg. A method int missingStudents() that calculate the number of missing student for a Lesson entity that has the totalNumber of students and a List<StudentId> in its internal state), or simple methods like List<StudentId> presentStudent() that just returns the list in its internal state, but what change from a List<StudentId> getStudents() its just the name).
So if the get method return something that is immutable who use it can't break the invariants of the aggregate.
If the method returns a mutable object that is part of the aggregate state, whoever access the object can query for that object and now can mutate something that stays inside the aggregate without passing for the right command methods, skipping invariants check (unless it is something wanted and managed).
Other possibility is that the object is created on the fly during the query and is not part of the aggregate state, so if someone access it, also if it is mutable, the aggregate is safe.
In the end, get and set methods are seen as an ugly thing if you are a ddd extremist, but sometimes they can also be useful being a standard naming convention and some libraries work on this naming convention, so I don't see them bad, if they don't break the aggregate/entity responsibilities.
As last thing, when you say In situation when we would like to operate on multiple Entities we introduce Service., this is true, but also a service should operate (mutate, save) on a single aggregate, but this is another topic ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Concepts of Handling Cases In Different Places

I have a question about the naming of different concepts in object-oriented-programming.
Without trying to explain it through general means, let me illustrate it with two examples of the different concepts I'm speaking of.
I think a good way to illustrate this is the way how to handle damage immunity in games. Let's talk about fire that damages the entities that walk inside of it. Suppose, for example, there are spirits that are immune to fire, so they should not receive damage when walking there.
There are two ways to handle this kind of example situation (actually, three, but one isn't very 'useful'. I will state what it is at the end).
Firstly, the Entity class contains a boolean method/attribute called isImmuneToFire, and the method in the Fire class responsible for handling the process of damaging is checking on that. If this boolean is true, just return the method, if not, call the method damageBy(amount, source) in the entity class.
Secondly, the damage-handling method inside of Fire just calls damageBy(amount, source). Everything regarding immunity is just handled within the individual implementation of the method by the Entity classes. It's more like delegating the actual, repetitive work of immunity-handling to the responsible classes, while giving them more accurate control (for example, some entities could be immune to fire damage for 5 seconds after being hit once, or a player could wear fire immune armor, etc.)
I hope I could illustrate it good enough. Do these two different concepts have a name, or are they too 'marginal' to get one?
The mentioned third concept is to just brute-forcefully check the objects inside the damage-handling method (with instanceof in Java, for example) for their classes and thus deciding on whether damage should be dealt. This of course is a simple approach that just destroys any dynamical aspect and modularity. But if someone has a name for that, I'll accept it of course. Until then, I'll just continue on with calling it the Concept of BFSJ Code, short for Brute-Force Static Jumble Code.
If I'm allowed to tweak your question a little bit I would rather consider this under the light of Double Dispatching. Instead of having the source of damage checking whether it can damage an object, or the object receiving the damageBy(amount, source) message having two switch among all possible values of source, you could get rid of the conditional logic in both places by having Fire send the message fireDamage(amount) instead. That way the source of damage will not have to check whether the object is immune to it or not, and the object will know what to do in its source-specific method.

What's the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

In interviews I have been asked to explain the difference between abstraction and encapsulation. My answer has been along the lines of
Abstraction allows us to represent complex real world in simplest manner. It is the process of identifying the relevant qualities and behaviors an object should possess; in other words, to represent the necessary feature without representing the background details.
Encapsulation is a process of hiding all the internal details of an object from the outside real world. The word "encapsulation", is like "enclosing" into a "capsule". It restricts clients from seeing its internal view where the behavior of the abstraction is implemented.
I think with above answer the interviewer was convinced, but then I was asked, if the purpose of both is hiding, then why there is a need to use encapsulation. At that time I didn't have a good answer for this.
What should I have added to make my answer more complete?
Abstraction has to do with separating interface from implementation. (We don't care what it is, we care that it works a certain way.)
Encapsulation has to do with disallowing access to or knowledge of internal structures of an implementation. (We don't care or need to see how it works, only that it does.)
Some people do use encapsulation as a synonym for abstraction, which is (IMO) incorrect. It's possible that your interviewer thought this. If that is the case then you were each talking about two different things when you referred to "encapsulation."
It's worth noting that these concepts are represented differently in different programming languages. A few examples:
In Java and C#, interfaces (and, to some degree, abstract classes) provide abstraction, while access modifiers provide encapsulation.
It's mostly the same deal in C++, except that we don't have interfaces, we only have abstract classes.
In JavaScript, duck typing provides abstraction, and closure provides encapsulation. (Naming convention can also provide encapsulation, but this only works if all parties agree to follow it.)
Its Simple!
Take example of television - it is Encapsulation, because:
Television is loaded with different functionalies that i don't know because they are completely hidden.
Hidden things like music, video etc everything bundled in a capsule that what we call a TV
Now, Abstraction is When we know a little about something and which can help us to manipulate something for which we don't know how it works internally.
For eg:
A remote-control for TV is abstraction, because
With remote we know that pressing the number keys will change the channels. We are not aware as to what actually happens internally. We can manipulate the hidden thing but we don't know how it is being done internally.
Programmatically, when we can acess the hidden data somehow and know something.. is Abstraction .. And when we know nothing about the internals its Encapsulation.
Without remote we can't change anything on TV we have to see what it shows coz all controls are hidden.
Exposing the Entity instead of the details of the entity.
"Details are there, but we do not consider them. They are not required."
Example 1:
Various calculations:
Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division, Square, Sin, Cos, Tan.
We do not show the details of how do we calculate the Sin, Cos or Tan. We just Show Calculator and it's various Methods which will be, and which needs to be used by the user.
Example 2:
Employee has:
First Name, Last Name, Middle Name. He can Login(), Logout(), DoWork().
Many processes might be happening for Logging employee In, such as connecting to database, sending Employee ID and Password, receiving reply from Database. Although above details are present, we will hide the details and expose only "Employee".
Enclosing. Treating multiple characteristics/ functions as one unit instead of individuals.
So that outside world will refer to that unit instead of it's details directly.
"Details are there, we consider them, but do not show them, instead we show what you need to see."
Example 1:
Instead of calling it as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Now we will call it as a Calculator.
Example 2:
All characteristics and operations are now referred by the employee, such as "John". John Has name. John Can DoWork(). John can Login().
Hiding the implemention from outside world.
So that outside world will not see what should not be seen.
"Details are there, we consider them, but we do not show them. You do not need to see them."
Example 1:
Your requirement: Addition, Substraction, Multiplication, Division. You will be able to see it and get the result.
You do not need to know where operands are getting stored. Its not your requirement.
Also, every instruction that I am executing, is also not your requirement.
Example 2:
John Would like to know his percentage of attendance. So GetAttendancePercentage() Will be called.
However, this method needs data saved in database. Hence it will call FetchDataFromDB(). FetchDataFromDB() is NOT required to be visible to outside world.
Hence we will hide it. However, John.GetAttendancePercentage() will be visible to outside world.
Abstraction, encapsulation and hiding complement each others.
Because we create level of abstraction over details, the details are encapsulated. And because they are enclosed, they are hidden.
Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation :-
Abstraction solves the problem in the design level.
Abstraction is used for hiding the unwanted data and giving relevant data.
Abstraction lets you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it.
Abstraction- Outer layout, used in terms of design.
For Example:-
Outer Look of a Mobile Phone, like it has a display screen and keypad buttons to dial a number.
Encapsulation solves the problem in the implementation level.
Encapsulation means hiding the code and data into a single unit to protect the data from outside world.
Encapsulation means hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something.
Encapsulation- Inner layout, used in terms of implementation.
For Example:- Inner Implementation detail of a Mobile Phone, how keypad button and Display Screen are connect with each other using circuits.
Encapsulation from what you have learnt googling around, is a concept of combining the related data and operations in a single capsule or what we could say a class in OOP, such that no other program can modify the data it holds or method implementation it has, at a particular instance of time. Only the getter and setter methods can provide access to the instance variables.
Our code might be used by others and future up-gradations or bug fixes are liable. Encapsulation is something that makes sure that whatever code changes we do in our code doesn't break the code of others who are using it.
Encapsulation adds up to the maintainability, flexibility and extensibility of the code.
Encapsulation helps hide the implementation behind an interface.
Abstraction is the process of actually hiding the implementation behind an interface. So we are just aware of the actual behavior but not how exactly the think works out internally. The most common example could the scenario where put a key inside the lock and easily unlock it. So the interface here is the keyhole, while we are not aware of how the levers inside the lock co-ordinate among themselves to get the lock unlocked.
To be more clear, abstraction can be explained as the capability to use the same interface for different objects. Different implementations of the same interface can exist, while the details of every implementation are hidden by encapsulation.
Finally, the statement to answer all the confusions until now -
The part that is hidden relates to encapsulation while the part that is exposed relates to abstraction.
Read more on this here
Abstraction : Abstraction is process in which you collect or gather relevant data and remove non-relevant data. (And if you have achieved abstraction, then encapsulation also achieved.)
Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a process in which you wrap of functions and members in a single unit. Means You are hiding the implementation detail. Means user can access by making object of class, he/she can't see detail.
public class Test
int t;
string s;
public void show()
s = "Testing";
Console.WriteLine(See()); // No error
int See()
t = 10;
return t;
public static void Main()
Test obj = new Test();
obj.Show(); // there is no error
obj.See(); // Error:- Inaccessible due to its protection level
In the above example, User can access only Show() method by using obj, that is Abstraction.
And See() method is calling internally in Show() method that is encapsulation, because user doesn't know what things are going on in Show() method.
I know there are lot's of answers before me with variety of examples.
Well here is my opinion abstraction is getting interested from reality .
In abstraction we hide something to reduce the complexity of it
and In encapsulation we hide something to protect the data.
So we define encapsulation as wrapping of data and methods in single entity referred as class.
In java we achieve encapsulation using getters and setters not just by wrapping data and methods in it. we also define a way to access that data.
and while accessing data we protect it also. Techinical e.g would be to define a private data variable call weight.Now we know that weight can't be zero or less than zero in real world scenario. Imagine if there are no getters and setters someone could have easily set it to a negative value being public member of class.
Now final difference using one real world example,
Consider a circuit board consisting of switches and buttons.
We wrap all the wires into a a circuit box, so that we can protect someone by not getting in contact directly(encapsulation).
We don't care how those wires are connected to each other we just want an interface to turn on and off switch. That interface is provided by buttons(abstraction)
Encapsulation : Suppose I have some confidential documents, now I hide these documents inside a locker so no one can gain access to them, this is encapsulation.
Abstraction : A huge incident took place which was summarised in the newspaper. Now the newspaper only listed the more important details of the actual incident, this is abstraction. Further the headline of the incident highlights on even more specific details in a single line, hence providing higher level of abstraction on the incident. Also highlights of a football/cricket match can be considered as abstraction of the entire match.
Hence encapsulation is hiding of data to protect its integrity and abstraction is highlighting more important details.
In programming terms we can see that a variable may be enclosed is the scope of a class as private hence preventing it from being accessed directly from outside, this is encapsulation. Whereas a a function may be written in a class to swap two numbers. Now the numbers may be swapped in either by either using a temporary variable or through bit manipulation or using arithmetic operation, but the goal of the user is to receive the numbers swapped irrespective of the method used for swapping, this is abstraction.
Abstraction: In case of an hardware abstraction layer, you have simple interfaces to trigger the hardware (e.g. turn enginge left/right) without knowing the hardware details behind. So hiding the complexity of the system. It's a simplified view of the real world.
Encapsulation: Hiding of object internals. The object is an abstraction of the real world. But the details of this object (like data structures...) can be hidden via encapsulation.
Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations.
Encapsulation is a technique used for hiding the properties and behaviors of an object and allowing outside access only as appropriate. It prevents other objects from directly altering or accessing the properties or methods of the encapsulated object.
Difference between abstraction and encapsulation
1.Abstraction focuses on the outside view of an object (i.e. the interface) Encapsulation (information hiding) prevents clients from seeing itโ€™s inside view, where the behavior of the abstraction is implemented.
2.Abstraction solves the problem in the design side while Encapsulation is the Implementation.
3.Encapsulation is the deliverable of Abstraction. Encapsulation barely talks about grouping up your abstraction to suit the developer needs.
ABSTRACTION:"A view of a problem that extracts the essential information
relevant to a particular purpose and ignores the remainder of
the information."[IEEE, 1983]
ENCAPSULATION: "Encapsulation or equivalently information hiding refers to the
practice of including within an object everything it needs, and
furthermore doing this in such a way that no other object need ever
be aware of this internal structure."
Abstraction is one of the many benefits of Data Encapsulation. We can also say Data Encapsulation is one way to implement Abstraction.
My opinion of abstraction is not in the sense of hiding implementation or background details!
Abstraction gives us the benefit to deal with a representation of the real world which is easier to handle, has the ability to be reused, could be combined with other components of our more or less complex program package. So we have to find out how we pick a complete peace of the real world, which is complete enough to represent the sense of our algorithm and data. The implementation of the interface may hide the details but this is not part of the work we have to do for abstracting something.
For me most important thing for abstraction is:
reduction of complexity
reduction of size/quantity
splitting of non related domains to clear and independent components
All this has for me nothing to do with hiding background details!
If you think of sorting some data, abstraction can result in:
a sorting algorithm, which is independent of the data representation
a compare function, which is independent of data and sort algorithm
a generic data representation, which is independent of the used algorithms
All these has nothing to do with hiding information.
In my view encapsulation is a thought of programmer to hide the complexity of the program code by using access specifier.
Where as Abstraction is separation of method and object according to there function and behavior. For example Car has sheets, wheels, break, headlight.
Developer A, who is inherently utilising the concept of abstraction will use a module/library function/widget, concerned only with what it does (and what it will be used for) but not how it does it. The interface of that module/library function/widget (the 'levers' the Developer A is allowed to pull/push) is the personification of that abstraction.
Developer B, who is seeking to create such a module/function/widget will utilise the concept of encapsulation to ensure Developer A (and any other developer who uses the widget) can take advantage of the resulting abstraction. Developer B is most certainly concerned with how the widget does what it does.
Abstraction - I care about what something does, but not how it does it.
Encapsulation - I care about how something does what it does such that others only need to care about what it does.
(As a loose generalisation, to abstract something, you must encapsulate something else. And by encapsulating something, you have created an abstraction.)
Encapsulation is basically denying the access to the internal implementation or knowledge about internals to the external world, while Abstraction is giving a generalized view of any implementation that helps the external world to interact with it
The essential thing about abstraction is that client code operates in terms of a different logical/abstract model. That different model may be more or less complex than the implementation happens to be in any given client usage.
For example, "Iterator" abstracts (aka generalises) sequenced traversal of 0 or more values - in C++ it manifests as begin(), */-> (dereferencing), end(), pre/post ++ and possibly --, then there's +, +=, [], std::advance etc.. That's a lot of baggage if the client could say increment a size_t along an array anyway. The essential thing is that the abstraction allows client code that needs to perform such a traversal to be decoupled from the exact nature of the "container" or data source providing the elements. Iteration is a higher-level notion that sometimes restricts the way the traversal is performed (e.g. a forward iterator can only advance an element at a time), but the data can then be provided by a larger set of sources (e.g. from a keyboard where there's not even a "container" in the sense of concurrently stored values). The client code can generally switch to another data source abstracted through its own iterators with minimal or even no changes, and even polymorphically to other data types - either implicitly or explicitly using something like std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type available.
This is quite a different thing from encapsulation, which is the practice of making some data or functions less accessible, such that you know they're only used indirectly as a result of operations on the public interface. Encapsulation is an essential tool for maintaining invariants on an object, which means things you want to keep true after every public operation - if client code could just reach in and modify your object then you can't enforce any invariants. For example, a class might wrap a string, ensuring that after any operation any lowercase letters were changed to upper case, but if the client code can reach in and put a lowercase letter into the string without the involvement of the class's member functions, then the invariant can't be enforced.
To further highlight the difference, consider say a private std::vector<Timing_Sample> data member that's incidentally populated by operations on the containing object, with a report dumped out on destruction. With the data and destructor side effect not interacting with the object's client code in any way, and the operations on the object not intentionally controlling the time-keeping behaviour, there's no abstraction of that time reporting functionality but there is encapsulation. An example of abstraction would be to move the timing code into a separate class that might encapsulate the vector (make it private) and just provide a interface like add(const Timing_Sample&) and report(std::ostream&) - the necessary logical/abstract operations involved with using such instrumentation, with the highly desirable side effect that the abstracted code will often be reusable for other client code with similar functional needs.
In my opinion, both terms are related in some sense and sort of mixed into each other. "Encapsulation" provides a way to grouping related fields, methods in a class (or module) to wrap the related things together. As of that time, it provides data hiding in two ways;
Through access modifiers.
Purely for hiding state of the class/object.
Abstracting some functionalities.
a. Through interfaces/abstract classes, complex logic inside the encapsulated class or module can be abstracted/generalized to be used by outside.
b. Through function signatures. Yes, even function signatures example of abstracting. Because callers only knows the signature and parameters (if any) and know nothing about how the function is carried out. It only cares of returned value.
Likewise, "Abstraction" might be think of a way of encapsulation in terms of grouping/wrapping the behaviour into an interface (or abstract class or might be even a normal class ).
As far as iOS is concerned, it can be said that Objective C files (i.e. .h and .m) use abstraction as well as encapsulation.
Header file (.h) only exposes the functions and public members to outside world. No one knows how they are used unless they have the implementation file with them. It is the .m file that holds all the usage and implementation logic with it self. "Implementation remains unexposed".
The property (#property) encapsulates the memory management attribute (atomic, strong, retain, weak) of an iVar.
A program has mainly two parts : DATA and PROCESS. abstraction hides data in process so that no one can change. Encapsulation hides data everywhere so that it cannot be displayed.
I hope this clarifies your doubt.
Encapsulation is used for 2 main reasons:
1.) Data hiding & protecting (the user of your class can't modify the data except through your provided methods).
2.) Combining the data and methods used to manipulate the data together into one entity (capsule).
I think that the second reason is the answer your interviewer wanted to hear.
On the other hand, abstraction is needed to expose only the needed information to the user, and hiding unneeded details (for example, hiding the implementation of methods, so that the user is not affected if the implementation is changed).
Abstraction: Hiding the data.
Encapsulation: Binding the data.
Why Encapsulation? Why Abstraction?
lets start with the question below:
1)What happens if we allow code to directly access field ? (directly allowing means making field public)
lets understand this with an example,
following is our BankAccount class and following is its limitation
*Limitation/Policy* : Balance in BankAccount can not be more than 50000Rs. (This line
is very important to understand)
class BankAccount
**public** double balanceAmount;
Following is **AccountHolder**(user of BankAccount) class which is consumer of
**BankAccount** class.
class AccountHolder
BankAccount mybankAccount = new BankAccount();
mybankAccount.balanceAmount = 70000;
this is invalid practice because this statement violates policy....Here
BankAccount class is not able to protect its field from direct access
Reason for direct access by acount holder is that balanceAmount directly
accessible due to its public access modifier. How to solve this issue and
successfully implement BankAccount Policy/Limitation.
if some other part of code directly access balanceAmount field and set balance amount to 70000Rs which is not acceptable. Here in this case we can not prevent some other part of code from accessing balanceAmount field.
So what we can do?
=> Answer is we can make balanceAmount field private so that no other code can directly access it and allowing access to that field only via public method which operates on balanceAmount field. Main role of method is that we can write some prevention logic inside method so that field can not be initialized with more than 50000Rs. Here we are making binding between data field called balanceAmount and method which operates on that field. This process is called Encapsulation.(it is all about protecting fields using access modifier such as private)
Encapsulation is one way to achieve abstraction....but How?
=> User of this method will not know about implementation (How amount gets credited? logic and all that stuff) of method which he/she will invoke. Not knowing about implementation details by user is called Abstraction(Hiding details from user).
Following will be the implementation of class:
class BankAccount
**private** double balanceAmount;
**public** void UpdateBankBalance(double amount)
if(balanceAmount + amount > 50000)
Console.WriteLine("Bank balance can not be more than 50000, Transaction can
not be proceed");
balanceAmount = balanceAmount + amount;
Console.WriteLine("Amount has been credited to your bank account
class AccountHolder
BankAccount mybankAccount = new BankAccount();
mybankAccount.balanceAmount will not be accessible due to its protection level
directly from AccountHolder so account holder will consume BankAccount public
method UpdateBankBalance(double amount) to update his/her balance.
Simply put, abstraction is all about making necessary information for interaction with the object visible, while encapsulation enables a developer to implement the desired level of abstraction.
Encapsulation: Hiding the information at the implementation level. This deals with properties or methods which will be hidden from other objects.
Abstraction: Hiding the information at the idea level/design level. Here we decide that something will be abstract(hidden) from the user while thinking of an idea. Abstraction can be achieved using encapsulation at the implementation level.

OOP: How do I deal with objects that have mutual relations?

Let's say there are two classes related to each other via some relations. For example, a Student maintains a list of the Classes he takes, and each Class has a list of Students taking it. Then I am afraid of letting the Student directly being able to modify its set of Classes, because each modification would have to be followed by a similar modification of a Class's list of Students, and vice versa.
One solution is to have a class whose sole purpose is to keep track of Class-Student relations, say Registrar. But then if some method in Student requires knowledge of its Class list, the Student needs to be passed the Registrar. This seems bad. It seems Student shouldn't have access to the Registrar, where it can also access other Students. I can think of a solution, creating a class that acts as a mediator between Student and Registrar, showing the Student only what it needs to know, but this seems possibly like overkill. Another solution is to remove from Student any method that needs to access its classes and put it instead in Registrar or some other class that has access to Registrar.
The reason I'm asking is that I'm working on a chess game in Java. I'm thinking about the Piece-Cell relations and the Piece-Player relations. If in the above example it wasn't OK for a Student to have access to the Registrar, is it OK here for a Piece to have access to the Board, since a Piece needs to look around anyway to decide if a move is valid?
What's the standard practice in such cases?
If relations can be changed - classes should be decoupled as much as possible, so along with each class create an interface, do not introduce tied relations between classes.
High level of separation you can achieve using intermediate services/helpers which encapsulates logic of communication between classes, so in this case you should not inject one class to an other even both are abstracted by interfaces, basically Student does not know anything about Class, and Class does not know anything about Student. I'm not sure whether such complexity is makes sense in your case but anyway you can achieve it.
Here is you may find a useful design pattern Mediator which can encapsulate interaction logic between two decoupled entities, take a look at it.
With the mediator pattern, communication between objects is
encapsulated with a mediator object. Objects no longer communicate
directly with each other, but instead communicate through the
mediator. This reduces the dependencies between communicating objects,
thereby lowering the coupling.
What I think you have found in your pretty nice example and explanation is that OO does not solve all problems well. As long as the responsibility is well shaped and sharp, everything is fine. And as long each responsibility fits in exactly one bucket (the class), it is pretty easy to design. But here you have a tradeoff:
If I define for each responsibility a separate class, I will get a bloated design that is pretty difficult to understand (and sometimes to maintain).
If I include for each separate responsibility at least one interface, I will get more classes and interfaces than I need.
If I decide that one of the two classes is responsible for the relation as well, this one object has more knowledge than usual about the other.
And if you introduce in each case a mediator or something similar, your design will be more complex than the problem.
So perhaps you should ask the questions:
What is the likelihood that the relation between the 2 objects will change?
What is the likelihood that the relation will exist between more 1 type of objects at each end?
Is that part of the system a highly visible part, so that a lot of other parts will interface it (and therefore will be dependent on it)?
Take the simplest solution that could possibly work and start with that. As long as the solution is kept simple, it is only your code (you don't design a library for others), there are chances that you can change the design later without hassle.
So in your concrete case,
the board field should have access to the whole board XOR
the figure on the field should have the responsibility of moving XOR
there should be an object type (ChessGame?) that is responsible for the overall knowledge about moving, blocking, attacking ...
I do think that all are valid, and it depends on your special "business case" which one is the most valid.

Single Responsibility Principle vs Anemic Domain Model anti-pattern

I'm in a project that takes the Single Responsibility Principle pretty seriously. We have a lot of small classes and things are quite simple. However, we have an anemic domain model - there is no behaviour in any of our model classes, they are just property bags. This isn't a complaint about our design - it actually seems to work quite well
During design reviews, SRP is brought out whenever new behaviour is added to the system, and so new behaviour typically ends up in a new class. This keeps things very easily unit testable, but I am perplexed sometimes because it feels like pulling behaviour out of the place where it's relevant.
I'm trying to improve my understanding of how to apply SRP properly. It seems to me that SRP is in opposition to adding business modelling behaviour that shares the same context to one object, because the object inevitably ends up either doing more than one related thing, or doing one thing but knowing multiple business rules that change the shape of its outputs.
If that is so, then it feels like the end result is an Anemic Domain Model, which is certainly the case in our project. Yet the Anemic Domain Model is an anti-pattern.
Can these two ideas coexist?
EDIT: A couple of context related links:
Anemic Domain Model -
I'm not the kind of developer who just likes to find a prophet and follow what they say as gospel. So I don't provide links to these as a way of stating "these are the rules", just as a source of definition of the two concepts.
Rich Domain Model (RDM) and Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) are not necessarily at odds. RDM is more at odds with a very specialised subclassof SRP - the model advocating "data beans + all business logic in controller classes" (DBABLICC).
If you read Martin's SRP chapter, you'll see his modem example is entirely in the domain layer, but abstracting the DataChannel and Connection concepts as separate classes. He keeps the Modem itself as a wrapper, since that is useful abstraction for client code. It's much more about proper (re)factoring than mere layering. Cohesion and coupling are still the base principles of design.
Finally, three issues:
As Martin notes himself, it's not always easy to see the different 'reasons for change'. The very concepts of YAGNI, Agile, etc. discourage the anticipation of future reasons for change, so we shouldn't invent ones where they aren't immediately obvious. I see 'premature, anticipated reasons for change' as a real risk in applying SRP and should be managed by the developer.
Further to the previous, even correct (but unnecessary anal) application of SRP may result in unwanted complexity. Always think about the next poor sod who has to maintain your class: will the diligent abstraction of trivial behaviour into its own interfaces, base classes and one-line implementations really aid his understanding of what should simply have been a single class?
Software design is often about getting the best compromise between competing forces. For example, a layered architecture is mostly a good application of SRP, but what about the fact that, for example, the change of a property of a business class from, say, a boolean to an enum has a ripple effect across all the layers - from db through domain, facades, web service, to GUI? Does this point to bad design? Not necessarily: it points to the fact that your design favours one aspect of change to another.
I'd have to say "yes", but you have to do your SRP properly. If the same operation applies to only one class, it belongs in that class, wouldn't you say? How about if the same operation applies to multiple classes? In that case, if you want to follow the OO model of combining data and behavior, you'd put the operation into a base class, no?
I suspect that from your description, you're ending up with classes which are basically bags of operations, so you've essentially recreated the C-style of coding: structs and modules.
From the linked SRP paper:
"The SRP is one of the simplest of the principle, and one of the hardest to get right."
The quote from the SRP paper is very correct; SRP is hard to get right. This one and OCP are the two elements of SOLID that simply must be relaxed to at least some degree in order to actually get a project done. Overzealous application of either will very quickly produce ravioli code.
SRP can indeed be taken to ridiculous lengths, if the "reasons for change" are too specific. Even a POCO/POJO "data bag" can be thought of as violating SRP, if you consider the type of a field changing as a "change". You'd think common sense would tell you that a field's type changing is a necessary allowance for "change", but I've seen domain layers with wrappers for built-in value types; a hell that makes ADM look like Utopia.
It's often good to ground yourself with some realistic goal, based on readability or a desired cohesion level. When you say, "I want this class to do one thing", it should have no more or less than what is necessary to do it. You can maintain at least procedural cohesion with this basic philosophy. "I want this class to maintain all the data for an invoice" will generally allow SOME business logic, even summing subtotals or calculating sales tax, based on the object's responsibility to know how to give you an accurate, internally-consistent value for any field it contains.
I personally do not have a big problem with a "lightweight" domain. Just having the one role of being the "data expert" makes the domain object the keeper of every field/property pertinent to the class, as well as all calculated field logic, any explicit/implicit data type conversions, and possibly the simpler validation rules (i.e. required fields, value limits, things that would break the instance internally if allowed). If a calculation algorithm, perhaps for a weighted or rolling average, is likely to change, encapsulate the algorithm and refer to it in the calculated field (that's just good OCP/PV).
I don't consider such a domain object to be "anemic". My perception of that term is a "data bag", a collection of fields that has no concept whatsoever of the outside world or even the relation between its fields other than that it contains them. I've seen that too, and it's not fun tracking down inconsistencies in object state that the object never knew was a problem. Overzealous SRP will lead to this by stating that a data object is not responsible for any business logic, but common sense would generally intervene first and say that the object, as the data expert, must be responsible for maintaining a consistent internal state.
Again, personal opinion, I prefer the Repository pattern to Active Record. One object, with one responsibility, and very little if anything else in the system above that layer has to know anything about how it works. Active Record requires the domain layer to know at least some specific details about the persistence method or framework (whether that be the names of stored procedures used to read/write each class, framework-specific object references, or attributes decorating the fields with ORM information), and thus injects a second reason to change into every domain class by default.
My $0.02.
I've found following the solid principles did in fact lead me away from DDD's rich domain model, in the end, I found I didn't care. More to the point, I found that the logical concept of a domain model, and a class in whatever language weren't mapped 1:1, unless we were talking about a facade of some sort.
I wouldn't say this is exactly a c-style of programming where you have structs and modules, but rather you'll probably end up with something more functional, I realise the styles are similar, but the details make a big difference. I found my class instances end up behaving like higher order functions, partial functions application, lazily evaluated functions, or some combination of the above. It's somewhat ineffable for me, but that's the feeling I get from writing code following TDD + SOLID, it ended up behaving like a hybrid OO/Functional style.
As for inheritance being a bad word, i think that's more due to the fact that the inheritance isn't sufficiently fine grained enough in languages like Java/C#. In other languages, it's less of an issue, and more useful.
I like the definition of SRP as:
"A class has only one business reason to change"
So, as long as behaviours can be grouped into single "business reasons" then there is no reason for them not to co-exist in the same class. Of course, what defines a "business reason" is open to debate (and should be debated by all stakeholders).
Before I get into my rant, here's my opinion in a nutshell: somewhere everything has got to come together... and then a river runs through it.
I am haunted by coding.
Anemic data model and me... well, we pal around a lot. Maybe it's just the nature of small to medium sized applications with very little business logic built into them. Maybe I am just a bit 'tarded.
However, here's my 2 cents:
Couldn't you just factor out the code in the entities and tie it up to an interface?
public class Object1
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string Property2 { get; set; }
private IAction1 action1;
public Object1(IAction1 action1)
this.action1 = action1;
public void DoAction1()
public interface IAction1
void Do(string input1);
Does this somehow violate the principles of SRP?
Furthermore, isn't having a bunch of classes sitting around not tied to each other by anything but the consuming code actually a larger violation of SRP, but pushed up a layer?
Imagine the guy writing the client code sitting there trying to figure out how to do something related to Object1. If he has to work with your model he will be working with Object1, the data bag, and a bunch of 'services' each with a single responsibility. It'll be his job to make sure all those things interact properly. So now his code becomes a transaction script, and that script will itself contain every responsibility necessary to properly complete that particular transaction (or unit of work).
Furthermore, you could say, "no brah, all he needs to do is access the service layer. It's like Object1Service.DoActionX(Object1). Piece of cake." Well then, where's the logic now? All in that one method? Your still just pushing code around, and no matter what, you'll end up with data and the logic being separated.
So in this scenario, why not expose to the client code that particular Object1Service and have it's DoActionX() basically just be another hook for your domain model? By this I mean:
public class Object1Service
private Object1Repository repository;
public Object1Service(Object1Repository repository)
this.repository = repository;
// Tie in your Unit of Work Aspect'ing stuff or whatever if need be
public void DoAction1(Object1DTO object1DTO)
Object1 object1 = repository.GetById(object1DTO.Id);
You still have factored out the actual code for Action1 from Object1 but for all intensive purposes, have a non-anemic Object1.
Say you need Action1 to represent 2 (or more) different operations that you would like to make atomic and separated into their own classes. Just create an interface for each atomic operation and hook it up inside of DoAction1.
That's how I might approach this situation. But then again, I don't really know what SRP is all about.
Convert your plain domain objects to ActiveRecord pattern with a common base class to all domain objects. Put common behaviour in the base class and override the behaviour in derived classes wherever necessary or define the new behaviour wherever required.