Why are alloc and init called separately in Objective-C? - objective-c

Note: I'm relatively new to Objective-C and am coming from Java and PHP.
Could someone explain to me why I always have to first allocate and then initialize an instance?
Couldn't this be done in the init methods like this:
+ (MyClass*)init {
MyClass *instance = [MyClass alloc];
[instance setFoo:#"bla"];
return instance;
+ (MyClass*)initWithString:(NSString*)text {
MyClass *instance = [MyClass init];
[instance setFoo:text];
return instance;
Is this just a relict from the old C days or is there something that I'm not seeing?
I know this isn't a problem as I could as well always call alloc and init, but since it's a bit tedious I'd like to at least know why I'm doing it.
I'm liking the expressiveness of the language so far, but this is something that I want to fully understand in order to think the Objective-C way.
Thank you!

+new ends up sending an +alloc message to the class and an -init message to whatever comes back from +alloc.
The reason that NeXT departed from Stepstone's convention of using the +new message (which was a Smalltalk idea) is that early on, they encountered situations where they wanted to be able to initialize the same object more than once.

Because creating an instance and initializing an instance are two separate jobs.
You send an alloc message to the class to get an uninitialized instance. You must then initialize the instance, and you often have several ways to do that. For example:
myStr = [[NSString alloc] init]; //Empty string
myStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#.%#", parentKeyPath, key];
myStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:utf16data encoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding error:&error];
myStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:URL encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
Each of these initializes the string in a completely different way. How you initialize the string depends on what you want to initialize it from.
Of course, nobody likes writing alloc and then init and then autorelease every time, so you usually have convenience methods (e.g., stringWithFormat:) that do all three steps for you.
Edit: For more on this topic, including essential insights from commenters, see my blog post “Reunification”.

See NSZone.
+alloc is a shortcut cut for +allocWithZone:, which is a mechanism Cocoa provides for optimizing memory allocation.
So you have the option to do something like this:
foo = [[NSString allocWithZone:MyZone] initWithString:#"Foo"];
foo2 = [foo copyWithZone:MyZone];
The idea behind memory zones is that if you have a large number of similar objects that are frequently allocated and deallocated it may more efficient to use a separate memory zone for those objects.
In order for zoning to be effective you'd want to have +allocWithZone: available to every NSObject subclass, hence you need to separate allocation and initialization. You can create and use all the shortcuts you want, like +new, but underneath it all you need an -init method that initializes an object that has already been allocated.

"Separating the allocation and initialization stages of instance creation provides many benefits. It’s possible to use any variation of the +alloc class method to allocate an instance and then use any available initializer with the new instance.This makes it possible to create your own initialization methods without needing to provide alternate implementations of all allocation methods.
New allocation methods are seldom created because the existing methods meet almost every need. However, one or more new initializers are created for almost every class. Due to the separation of allocation and initialization stages, initializer implementations only have to deal with the variables of new instances and can completely ignore the issues sur- rounding allocation.The separation simplifies the process of writing initializers. Furthermore, Cocoa standard initializers like -initWithCoder: work with instances regardless of the way memory for the instance was allocated.
One negative consequence of the separation of allocation and initialization is the need to be aware of conventions such as the designated initializer.You must know which methods are designated initializers and how to create and document new initializers in sub- classes. In the long run, using designated initializers simplifies software development, but there is an argument to be made that theTwo-Stage Creation pattern adds to the early learning curve for Cocoa developers."
(c) Cocoa Design Patterns by Erik M. Buck and Donald A. Yacktman

You don't have to. You can use [MyClass new]. This is similar to your hypothetical init method.
Basically, Objective-C, which didn't have garbage collection initially, separates the concept of memory allocation and class initialization. That's why there are two distinct methods. When you call alloc, you are explicitly allocating memory.

Most classes have what you are asking for. You have gotten answers before on why this is like it is and why you wouldn't always want to use this all the time but if you read the documentation to classes you will see many class methods that act this way and they are often used.
For NSString you have, for example:
+ (id)string // (Empty string)
+ (id)stringWithFormat:... // Formatted string (like you use)
+ (id)stringWithContentsOfURL:... // String populated with contents of URL
And so on. And you would then use this like: NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello %#\n", userName];
Most other classes have this, like NSArray:
+ (id)array
+ (id)arrayWithContentsOfFile:...
+ (id)arrayWithContentsOfURL:...
+ (id)arrayWithObjects:...
You just need to read the documentation. :) And read the other replies on why you don't want to use this too much.

alloc : Memory is allocated/given to the object-reference. Now reference has the possession of the memory but has not done anything yet. This memory be empty(rarest case) or with some anonymous data.
alloc and init : Allocated memory is cleaned/emptied. Memory is initiated by zero bit.
alloc and initwithdata... : Allocated memory is initiated with desired data respected to properties of the class.
For example when you purchase a plot you get the possession. This plot is given to you as it is, ruined bricks or old house may be there. This is alloc.
When you clean your plot and remove all dirt and litter. This is alloc with init.
When you build that into some valuable house it becomes more meaningful to you. And it is alloc initwith...


Does alloc and init is create 2 instance of class?

I recently learn objective-c from Programming Objective C, 4th edition.
I have question when reading to part:
myFraction = [Fraction alloc];
myFraction = [myFraction init];
When you send the alloc message to a class, you get back a new instance of that class. The alloc method is guaranteed to zero out all of an object’s instance variables. However, that doesn’t mean that the object has been properly initialized for use. You need to initialize an object after you allocate it.
Again, you are using a method here that you didn’t write yourself. The
init method initializes the instance of a class. Note that you are
sending the init message to myFraction. That is, you want to
initialize a specific Fraction object here, so you don’t send it to
the class—you send it to an instance of the class. Make sure you
understand this point before continuing.
So alloc and init is create each instance of class when I send message to class or instance of class?
I'm so confused about this. I searched on google but the result was found nothing. I need your help to make me clearly about it?
All of thing I know is alloc that allocate space in memory so it's actually not be created a new instance, just give me the address?
To begin with you just have some available memory with nothing in it.
When you call alloc, some of that free memory is reserved for your use for the instance that you are creating. Some basic setup work is done to configure the type of class that the instance is. Then you get a pointer back to the reserved memory location.
Technically, you could use this instance, but, it might not work properly in all cases as it hasn't been initialised. Some classes don't really need initialisation (like NSObject), some do. Generally you should never use the instance returned from alloc until you have called some init method.
After you call init, the instance is ready to use.
Sometimes the parameters that you pass to init mean that the initial instance that was reserved and created isn't the correct (class) type to use. In this case, it will be destroyed and a new one will be created for you. This is very common in class clusters where you create an NSArray instance, but then after calling init you might get back an NSCFArray. This is why you always need to use the instance returned from the init call, even though you already had the instance returned from alloc.
Usually you don't need to worry about this, but you do need to follow the rules.
So you always need to alloc and init an class.
Allocating means you give the class "Fraction" in this case a memory place. Afterwards you need to initialize the class "Fraction" so you can use it.
Fraction *class1 = [[Fraction alloc] init];
Fraction *class2 = [[Fraction alloc] init];
[class1 doSomethingWithClass1];
[class2 doSomethingWithClass2];
Later on you will learn about singletons. With that you can alloc/init a class one time, and always use that without alloc/init'ing it again.

objective c "Did you forget to nest alloc and init?"

I am just starting climbing the Objective C learning curve (using Nerd Ranch iOS programming book).
Based on what I have know from other languages about "nesting" multiple executions within one line I assumed that I can alter:
NSString* descriptionString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", possesionName]
with a two line version:
NSString* descriptionString = [NSString alloc];
[descriptionString initWithFormat:#"%#", possesionName]
but it seems that the second attempt raises an exception
2012-01-22 18:25:09.753 RandomPossessions[4183:707] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -length only defined for abstract class. Define -[NSPlaceholderString length]!'
Could someone help me understand what exactly I am doing wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance.
PS. If this is a way Objective C messages work and you have to make alloc and init in one line just let me know - I assumed this is just a set of functions that either can be executed two in one go or one after another.
An important difference between both versions (they are not exactly equal) is that in the first version you use the result of initWithFormat for the variable descriptionString, while you use the result of alloc in the second. If you change your code to
NSString* descriptionString = [NSString alloc];
descriptionString = [descriptionString initWithFormat:#"%#", possesionName]
all should be well again. It is specified that an object returned by alloc shall not be seen as initialized and functional until some init Method has been called and init might return something else.
The alloc method will allocate memory for a new object. But the init method might throw away that memory and return a completely different object. Or it might return nil. This is why you must always do self = [super init] when you override an init method.
NSString is one class that does this kind of thing all the time.
I'm not exactly sure why the exception is happening, but I believe it could be ARC injecting code in between your two lines of code or something similar. Whatever it is, something is trying to act on the allocated object that has never been initialised, and this is a huge problem that can lead to all kinds of issues. Consider yourself lucky it threw an exception, sometimes it wont.
The NSString class might not actually be a real class. It may contain almost no methods and almost no variables. All it has is a bunch of factory methods to create "real" string objects of some other class, and this is done using methods like initWithFormat:. So, by long standing convention alloc/init must always be done in a single statement and there are a handful of places where, usually for performance reasons, something will rely on this convention being used.
Basically, objective-c is a language where you don't need to know exactly what is going on inside an object. You just need to know what messages can be sent to an object, and how it will respond. Anything else is undefined behaviour and even if you learn how it works, it is subject to change without notice. Sometimes the behaviour will change depending on circumstances that are completely illogical, for example you might expect the "copy" method to give you a copy of the object you send it to, and while this is the default behaviour, there are many cases where it will actually just return the same object with slightly different memory management flags. This is because the internal logic of the class knows that returning the same object is much faster and effectively identical to returning an actual copy.
My understanding is copy sent to NSString may return a new object, or it may return itself. It depends on which NSString subclass is actually being used, and there isn't even any documentation for what subclasses exist, let alone how they're implemented. All you need to know, is that copy will return a pointer to an object that is perfectly safe to treat as if it was a copy even though it might not be.
In a "proper" object oriented language like Objective-C, objects are "black boxes" which can intelligently change their internal behaviour at any time for any reason, but their external behaviour always remains the same.
With regard to avoiding nesting... The coding style for Objective-C often does require extensive nesting, or else you'll be writing 10 lines of code when only 1 is really needed. The square brace syntax is particularly suited to nesting without making your code messy.
As a rule of thumb, I turn on Xcode's "Page Guide at column" feature, and set it to 120 characters. If the line of code exceeds that width then I'll think about breaking it into multiple lines. But often it's cleaner to have a really long line than three short lines.
Be pragmatic about it. :)
From Apple's library reference, initWithFormat:
Returns an NSString object initialized by converting given data into Unicode characters using a given encoding.
So you can use these two lines of code:
NSString* descriptionString = [NSString alloc];
descriptionString = [descriptionString initWithFormat:#"%#", possesionName];
For more info please go to:

always mandatory or sometimes optional?

As i was reading through the book on Objective-C, i came across an example that initialized a class as follows:
ClassName *p = [[ClassName alloc] init];
While it makes sense that first we need to allocate memory to store data ClassName has before initializing, the following works just as well:
ClassName *p = [ClassName alloc];
Is init always needed?
In theory, it's not technically required. That's because NSObject's init method is effectively just return self;. However, in practice, it's absolutely essential. Objects perform internal setup inside the init method - creating internal state, allocating private members, and generally getting ready for action. The init method may not even return the same object as you allocated.
Think of it in two phases: alloc allocates memory, but that's it - it's analogous to Java's new. init configures the state of the memory so that the object can perform it's tasks - analogous to Java calling the constructor. Don't leave it out!
Good question. And you're right. Strictly speacking "init" is not required.
"alloc" does three important things to create an object:
- allocate enough memory to hold all instance variables
- initialize the "isa" instance variable
- all other instances are set to 0
Consider that the "root" Cocoa object, NSObject, simply returns "self" in its init method.
But, if you want to be a good Obj-C citizen, you must use "init". It is part of the "contract" between you, the developer, and the environment.
You should always call one of the initializer methods especially when the class isn't your own. The pointer returned from init isn't necessarily the same as returned by alloc.
Read the documentation:

I need a good analogy to make sense of Class methods vs. instance methods

Im getting fairly confused as the book im reading is delving into the NSNumber class and talks about all the different methods you can call on it. I have a couple questions:
1.) Do you not have to call a typical alloc or init on foundation classes?
2.)in what cases would you use, say, numberWithChar: as opposed to initWithChar (i think this is the part that is messing me up the most, not really sure im groking this concept on the level i need to be, if you folks could break it down for me I think it would really help me get over this humper-roo.
Class/Instance Analogies
Classes are like blueprints for a type house. Instances are like actual houses. So you can only have one blueprint for a single type of house, but you can have multiple actual houses of the same type. Also, you can have multiple blueprints, and each blueprint describes a different type of house.
Another analogy you can use is that classes are like cookie cutters, and instances are like cookies made from a cookie cutter.
How It Applies To Objective-C
There is one "class object" for every class in your code. To refer to the class object, you just use the class name. alloc is a class method that allocates a new instance like so:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc];
However, alloc doesn't initialize the class, so none of the member variables will be set up. init is an instance method that will initialize a newly allocated instance. So to allocate and initialize a new instance, you do this:
MyWidget* w = [[MyWidget alloc] init];
Which is equivalent to this:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc]; //alloc is being called on the class
w = [w init]; //init is being called on the instance
Another common type of class method is a factory method like numberWithChar:. This is basically what numberWithChar: does:
+(NSNumber*) numberWithChar:(char)c;
return [[[NSNumber alloc] initWithChar:c] autorelease];
The only real difference is that numberWithChar: returns an autoreleased object.
All objects must be allocated and initialized. That includes foundation classes.
1) alloc and init need to be called virtually always. numberWithChar is a convenience method, which means it calls alloc, init, and autorelease for you and returns the autoreleased instance.
2) Since numberWithChar returns an autoreleased object, that means unless you retain it (or pass it to something like an NSArray which will retain it), it'll be destroyed shortly. initWithChar returns a retain-ed object, which means you have to release it when you're done with it.
I found when I was starting out that it was helpful to use init-alloc as a rule, instead of the convenience methods, because it made me pay close attention to my memory management.
The difference between class and instance methods is addressed from a number of angles in the answers to this question What is the difference between class and instance methods?
To be honest, the analogy I use when I call a class method on, say NSString, is praying to the god of NSStrings to bestow upon me a magnificent new NSString. Notice that class methods are almost 100% used for creation. e.g. alloc is a class method, stringWithFormat is a class method, and so on.
Yes, it's ridiculous, I know.
Ok, first thing: In Objective-C, you don't call a method, you send a message to an object. The runtime looks up the methods and calls them.
It might help you to think of a class as a factory. In fact, years ago, we used to refer to class methods as factory methods.

Object retain behavior of Objective-C class methods

What's the best practice for retaining and releasing objects passed to class methods?
For instance, if you have a "class variable" declared like so:
static NSString *_myString = nil
...is the right thing to do this:
+ (void)myClassMethod:(NSString *)param {
_myString = param;
... which has the drawback that the caller needs to maintain a nonzero retain count on param lest it be released prematurely. Alternatively one could do this:
+ (void)myClassMethod:(NSString *)param {
[_myString autorelease];
_myString = [param retain];
...which has the drawback that without a corresponding class-level dealloc call it will leak memory. Or should this sort of class variable chicanery be avoided completely, perhaps with a singleton class that manages the lifetime of these sorts of objects in a more conventional way?
Here are Apple's docs on creating a singleton instance.
The code that I'm working with is the very slick (but still new) Objective Resource project (http://www.iphoneonrails.com/).
Retain and release, absolutely. It's not a leak because the only time when a class's dealloc would be called is when the program ends — at which time the memory will be freed anyway. Doing it the first way would be more hassle and goes against the Cocoa memory-management guidelines.
As for whether it should be a class method or a singleton: Classes themselves generally should not have a lot of independent functionality. They just weren't designed that way in Objective-C, as you can see from the lack of class variables. Class methods should generally deal with creating and managing instances, and sometimes storing shared properties or defaults for all instances. The actual functionality of a class should go into instances. That's the convention in Objective-C.
(Of course, there is no Objective-C God and you're free to ignore conventions, but that's the general wisdom.)
Also, in the case of NSString or any class that has mutable variants (like NSArray or NSDictionary), I'd strongly recommend copying the parameter instead of retaining it. If the string the caller passed you was an NSMutableString, its value could change later, and it will change in your class as well. This is probably not what you want, so I'd advise doing this:
+ (void)myClassMethod:(NSString *)param {
[_myString release];
_myString = [param copy];
The copy method makes a copy and sets the retain count to 1, so you're all set as far as retaining the variable is concerned. And, as an extra bonus, if the caller does pass you an NSString, that class is smart enough to know that its value can't change, so it simply retains itself to avoid making a copy of the object. How clever is that?