SQL Query: data with comma - sql

Im using sql server 2005. i want data with comma. for example ['5000'],['5001'],..
but the last record should not include comma. Pls help me.
select '['''+convert(varchar,parcelid)+'''],' from sampletable

Try the COALESCE function
SELECT #groupedText = COALESCE(#groupedText, '') + [Text] + ','
FROM Requirement
WHERE CampaignId = #campaignId
Then you could try one of the string functions to kill the end comma
T-SQL string functions

You can use regular expressions to remove the last comma or do it using your programming language (ASP etc. like a chop function or something).

Consider using XML for this purpose. The "aggregate concatenation" solution may not be reliable, because it is not clearly documented and supported. You can get rid of the final comma with SUBSTRING, as boon suggested.
See this thread.


SQL Server 2016: How to read different substrings from a text with special characters

I have a string with the value 'Initiator;abcd#gmail.com'.
I would like to read these two fields in two separate queries.
';' would be the delimiter always.
I used the below query and it works for fetching the email. However it looks overcomplicated to me.
where DOC_ID = '12345'
Can someone please help in simplifying it and reading both the values.
Thanks in advance.
First, your query looks fine for email but it has incorrect syntax, second just use left() with charindex() to get the first part :
select left(notes, charindex(';', notes)-1),
substring(notes, charindex(';', notes)+1, len(notes))
from document
where doc_id = 12345;

In Azure Stream Analytics query how do you concatenate strings together?

I'm attempting to modify one of my data values by concatenating a string to a date.
Below is what I've tried for my query but there seems to be some problem with my syntax.
Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?
Try casting to a string first:
CAST(created as nvarchar(max)),
' something else to concatenate'
If you hover over the query it will tell you what's wrong with the syntax.
Anyway, the problem it is likely to be that the created column is not a text format so it needs to be converted to a VARCHAR before being used by the CONCAT function. Try changing it to:
Plenty of query examples here:

Transact SQL replace part of string

Is it possible to delete part of string using regexp (or something else, may be something like CHARINDEX could help) in SQL query?
I use MS SQL Server (2008 most likely).
Example: I have strings like "[some useless info] Useful part of string" I want to delete parts with text in brackets if they are in line.
for example :
UPDATE authors SET city = replace(city, 'To Remove', 'With BLACK or Whatever')
WHERE city LIKE 'Salt%'; // with where condition
You can use the PATINDEX function. Its not a complete regular expression implementation but you can use it for simple things.
PATINDEX (Transact-SQL)> Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a specified expression, or zeros if the pattern is not found, on all valid text and character data types.
OR You can use CLR to extend the SQL Server with a complete regular expression implementation.
SQL Server 2005: CLR Integration
SELECT * FROM temp where replace(replace(replace(url,'http://',''),'www.',''),'https://','')='"+url+"';
You can use STUFF to insert a string into another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the first string at the start position and then inserts the second string into the first string at the start position.
For example, the code below, replaces the 5 with 666666:
DECLARE #Variable NVARCHAR(MAX) = '12345678910'
SELECT STUFF(#Variable, 5, 1, '666666')
Note, that the second argument is not a string, it is a position and you are able to calculate it position using CHARINDEX for example.
Here is your case:
DECLARE #Variable NVARCHAR(MAX) = '[some useless info] Useful part of string'
,CHARINDEX('[', #Variable)
,LEN(SUBSTRING(#Variable, CHARINDEX('[', #Variable), CHARINDEX(']', #Variable) - LEN(SUBSTRING(#Variable, 0, CHARINDEX('[', #Variable)))))
REPLACE(t.badString, Substring(t.badString , Patindex('%[%' , t.badString)+1 , Patindex('%]%' , t.badString)), '').
Thanks to all.

Select query that displays Joined words separately, not using a function

I require a select query that adds a space to the data based on the placement of the capital letters i.e. 'HelpMe' using this query would be displayed as 'Help Me' . Note i cannot use a stored function to do this the it must be done in the query itself. The Data is of variable length and query must be in SQL. Any Help will be appreciated.
You need to use user defined function for this until MS give us support for regular expressions. Solution would be something like:
SELECT col1, dbo.RegExReplace(col1, '([A-Z])',' \1') FROM Table
Aldo this would produce leading space that you can remove with TRIM.
Replace regular expresion function:
About dbo.RegexReplace you can read at:
TSQL Replace all non a-z/A-Z characters with an empty string
Assume if you are using Oracle RDBMS, you use the following,
'([A-Z.])', ' \1')
FROM dual
Managed to get this output: * SQLFIDDLE
But as you see it doesn't treat well on words such as CSI though.

Search for “whole word match” with SQL Server LIKE pattern

Does anyone have a LIKE pattern that matches whole words only?
It needs to account for spaces, punctuation, and start/end of string as word boundaries.
I am not using SQL Full Text Search as that is not available. I don't think it would be necessary for a simple keyword search when LIKE should be able to do the trick. However if anyone has tested performance of Full Text Search against LIKE patterns, I would be interested to hear.
I got it to this stage, but it does not match start/end of string as a word boundary.
where DealTitle like '%[^a-zA-Z]pit[^a-zA-Z]%'
I want this to match "pit" but not "spit" in a sentence or as a single word.
E.g. DealTitle might contain "a pit of despair" or "pit your wits" or "a pit" or "a pit." or "pit!" or just "pit".
Full text indexes is the answer.
The poor cousin alternative is
'.' + column + '.' LIKE '%[^a-z]pit[^a-z]%'
FYI unless you are using _CS collation, there is no need for a-zA-Z
you can just use below condition for whitespace delimiters:
(' '+YOUR_FIELD_NAME+' ') like '% doc %'
it works faster and better than other solutions. so in your case it works fine with "a pit of despair" or "pit your wits" or "a pit" or "a pit." or just "pit", but not works for "pit!".
I think the recommended patterns exclude words with do not have any character at the beginning or at the end. I would use the following additional criteria.
where DealTitle like '%[^a-z]pit[^a-z]%' OR
DealTitle like 'pit[^a-z]%' OR
DealTitle like '%[^a-z]pit'
I hope it helps you guys!
Surround your string with spaces and create a test column like this:
SELECT t.DealTitle
FROM yourtable t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT testDeal = ' ' + ISNULL(t.DealTitle,'') + ' ') fx1
WHERE fx1.testDeal LIKE '%[^a-z]pit[^a-z]%'
If you can use regexp operator in your SQL query..
For finding any combination of spaces, punctuation and start/end of string as word boundaries:
where DealTitle regexp '(^|[[:punct:]]|[[:space:]])pit([[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]|$)'
Another simple alternative:
WHERE DealTitle like '%[^a-z]pit[^a-z]%' OR
DealTitle like '[^a-z]pit[^a-z]%' OR
DealTitle like '%[^a-z]pit[^a-z]'
This is a good topic and I want to complement this to someone how needs to find some word in some string passing this as element of a query.
[ND_TABLE] ND ON ND.TEXT_STRING LIKE '%[^a-z]' + ST.WORD + '[^a-z]%'
With this you can list all the incidences of the ST.WORD in the ND.TEXT_STRING and you can use the WHERE clausule to filter this using some word.
You could search for the entire string in SQL:
select * from YourTable where col1 like '%TheWord%'
Then you could filter the returned rows client site, adding the extra condition that it must be a whole word. For example, if it matches the regex:
Another option is to use a CLR function, available in SQL Server 2005 and higher. That would allow you to search for the regex server-side. This MSDN artcile has the details of how to set up a dbo.RegexMatch function.
Try using charindex to find the match:
Select *
from table
where charindex( 'Whole word to be searched', columnname) > 0