Recently I'm working on some air stuff, and I am using Flash Builder and latest Nightly build SDK in order to compile my application ( I even used stable version before this stage ), but when ever I export the final air file from the Flash Builder, the air file giving me this error message :
The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author.
I wounder what's wrong about my file?! I even changed the namespace to other versions like 1.5.1 and 1.5 but none of them will do the trick! Any one has any idea?!
If you try logging the application install it might give you more info and troubleshooting information -
I am making LED blinking program with STM32F103C8T6 i opened the pc13 port for taking Input output
then this error is occuring while generating code what will i do please help.
This code is Successfully generated under C:/...... but MDK ARM v5.29 project generation have a problem.
I have give the right version of Keil also
I'm expecting that the code that is generated by STM32CubeMx will open on Keil (MDK ARM). It's opening before but now it's not opening in Keil.
I got rid of this error:
Creating a project in Cubes, for example, version v5-3-0 or the one that will make the project for Kill without error
Run Cubase v5-6-0 and open this project v5-3-0, when compiling, select "modernizations"
Problem fixed installation new version CubeMX V6.3.0 for Windows 10. That solved my problem with generating code for Keil.
Also, try some more solutions like reinstalling the Java version older than 11 or short the path to the storage location in CubeMX folder.
If you want to open an older project on a newer version of CubeMx, it will have the same problem. so I recommend that for older versions of the project done in CubeMX use V5.2.0.
Also, pay attention to the Firmware version of the location (Use Default Firmware Location) as some older ones may be incompatible with newer Firmware versions, which can later cause a programming and runing code problem.
By from A.R. :)
Just installed (copied over the app from the downloaded dmg) DevCenter 1.6 on my mac, running macOs Sierra 10.12.6 with jdk 8u152 installed. The application loads a UI (splash screen then a couple of checkboxes in a window for getting started) but the UI is frozen (with the splash screen still there). No response to mouse clicks or keyboard. Also can't click on the app name in the menu bar. The app however is not labeled "Not responding" by activity monitor.
So far I've tried -
Looking at the logs both in the app folder and in ~/.devcenter. Nothing fishy there
Running the app from a different user account - same issue there
Deleting all datastax and devcenter related files (searched by name) on my machine and fresh start - still the same issue
any ideas what I could do here?
I was running DevCenter on a previous mac with the same config / os version but a slightly older JDK, never had issues then.
On OSX, you can specify which version of Java DevCenter uses so that you do not need to downgrade your global Java version.
Right-click on
Click "show package contents"
Open Contents/info.plist
At the bottom of the file, there's an Eclipse key with lines commented out explaining how to specify the version of Java. Uncomment the line and specify the version of Java that you want DevCenter to use.
Save & Re-launch DevCenter
The updated info.plist file should look something like this:
I reached out to someone at Datastax and learnt that complaints have surfaced about this behavior when using DevCenter with jdk 8u152.
For now, I've downgraded to jdk 8u151 and that fixes the issue.
Without downgrade the Java version
I couldn't create any connection and press buttons and everything was frozen; Changing the swt plugin in the DevCenter plugin folder worked. This was my configuration:
DevCenter version DevCenter-1.6.0-macosx-x86_64
Mac OSX version 10.14.6
JDK Version jdk1.8.0_231.jdk
Steps to fix it
From here download the version 3.108.0. (This version works for me)
Rename the file downloaded as swt.jar (short name)
[Optionally] create a backup of the current swt plugin jar of the DevCenter
cp DevCenter/ ~/Desktop
Replace the plugin with the swt.jar downloaded
mv swt.jar DevCenter/
Startup DevCenter
Finally it worked
How can I log all system information about Titanium and Alloy configuration and all other information about the current build, version numbers etc?
I'm looking for something similar to PHP's phpinfo.
You can log it using the methods mentioned from #daniula and #Wahhas_mirza. But you can use the command line tools if needed to display information that relates to Alloy and Titanium.
If you open the Terminal Window, enter the keyword alloy, you will then see the usage for the command.
To view what version of alloy your project is using enter:
alloy -version
For Titanium related information use the keyword ti
which then displays the usage for:
Titanium Command-Line Interface
As an example: ti info will display all relevant information that pertains to your Titanium setup
I hope this helps.
There is nothing like phpinfo() in Titanium. If you really want to print all information about your platform you can try something like this:
for (var i in Titanium.Platform) {
if Titanium.Platform.hasOwnProperty(i) { + ': ' + Titanium.Platform[i]);
Start a terminal session in studio ( or switch to app's directory in a console). Type ti info. You'll get output similar to the following
Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 3.2.3, Titanium SDK version 3.2.3.GA
Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Please report bugs to
Operating System
Name = Mac OS X
Version = 10.9.3
Architecture = 64bit
# CPUs = 8
Memory = 8.0GB
Node.js Version = 0.10.28
npm Version = 1.4.9
Titanium CLI
CLI Version = 3.2.3
node-appc Version = 0.2.1
Additionally, you'll get a list of all your simulator/emulator configurations, certificates, provisioning profiles and any config errors (if any).
Here you go'I want to show the data in console');
Hi I create a flash game using adobe flash player 6 (AIR).
If I test it using "Test Scene", it run very well.
I set it to run on Adobe AIR desktop target 3.2 (my PC is 4.0)
I publish the game in format .air and create a certificate.
The problem : I can't install my game (in AIR package) on my computer.
The warning is:The application could not be installed because the installer file is damaged. Try obtaining a new installer file from the application author.
I already use administrator account but it does n't work. Can you help me??
I found the solution. It is because my system clock is not accurate and I use self certificate (using time stamp).
So, I must repair my system clock and publish adobe AIR application again with new certificate.
I have been using SimpleOpenNI, a wrapper for Processing, all summer now. I use it for the Kinect to make games and demos. Last week, I have been getting a fatal error in my processing window and none of the SimpleOpenNI projects will work. Here is the error:
SimpleOpenNI Version 0.20
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x72e8f955, pid=4596, tid=4624
JRE version: 6.0_24-b07
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Problematic frame:
C [OpenNI.dll+0xf955]
An error report file with more information is saved as:
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
It appears as if the new OpenNI/NITE/SensorKinect drivers do not work with the SimpleOpenNI wrapper. I have tried it with people using the old drivers and everything still works. Problem is, you cannot download the old drivers off of the websites so I cannot test if it's that or not. You can see everything I've downloaded from the simpleopenni site:
Any help with this error would be appreciated. Thanks.
It looks like there's a problem with OpenNI.dll. Make sure that:
You have the dll (It should be in Program Files where you've installed OpenNI)
Make sure you've got the Environment Variables for the Open NI paths and that the paths are correct, otherwise, you might have the .dll file, but the .jnilib wouldn't know where it is.
Had a Kinect Workshop in Uni, and my colleagues using Windows all had issues with the drivers,
so I'm just passing on what they did:
Even though they had 64-bit versions of Windows they used the 32-bit version, and used Brekel OpenNI Kinect Auto Installer - Developer Edition v1.3.2.3.exe(direct link via after reading this message:
Comment 4 by, Oct 21, 2011 Hey all I have Solved
the unsatisfied link dll error on windows 7 64 bits by installing java
runtime (jre-7u1-windows-i586.exe)and (Brekel OpenNI Kinect Auto
Installer - Developer Edition v1.3.2.3.exe) I uninstalled everything
and than it worked :)
hope this helpes
in Issue#17 on the SimpleOpenNI project issues page.
Another colleague used Synapse and OSC in Processing instead of SimpleOpenNI, but she had loads of errors with the drivers (basically spent a few good hours uninstalling/installing different versions). In her case, uninstalling any previous partial or complete drivers from the machine and deleting any registry entries related to PrimeSense(Sensor, Nite) and OpenNI, then using the installers from the links on the Synapse page, worked for her.
This is a long shot, but that exact error is also given if the Kinect USB and/or power supply simply becomes unplugged. Thought it was worth mentioning as it is not obvious from the error message itself and it may help someone out if they kicked their power supply and started searching for the above exception :)