How to display the output of a webcam on a webpage? - webcam

I want to develop a live chat application. To this end I need both audio and video control on my website. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this?

Use either Flash or Java... Google 'Flash webcam' or 'Java webcam'. eBuddy uses Flash.


Use multiple Camera on Instagram Live

I use my Android Phone and I want to use multiple camera on Instagram live video and switch between. I have 2 question:
How I can do this?
Can I use windows to send live stream as Instagram live?
Please help me, thank you

Play and pause media on windows mobile device from a separate app

I need to make an app for windows mobile devices which will play and pause media despite of the current player in use. Are there any system calls I can use or any API that I can refer?
Thank you in advance.
Use background audio player to achive your functionality, here is step by step implementation of your query
click here:

how to control an embedded <iframe> (any) video?

I would like to be in full control over Embedded videos, just as like as i can control my owned videos.
By "control" i mean by commands, such as -;
I've seen its possible with YouTube videos, they share they're API.
But is it possible with any flash video i embed?
can i find it's API somehow?
if i cannot, can i work on any other solution (to control embedded vids) in any other way? how?
You should use YouTube IFrame API to control YouTube videos which are Iframe, AS3 or AS2.
Here is the full reference page for it:
Also you can use Javascript API or Flash (Raw) API
Don't forget to use the YouTube player by the rules (I mean, you shouldn't hide the player or sth like that.)
Good Luck ;)

Show webcam stream in CEF 1 / appjs?

I'm running appjs and I'm thinking of showing live content from the local webcam in the html and would like some hints on how to do this.
Appjs is built on top of CEF so I think I am correct in saying that at the moment this functionality is not available out of the box. However the next version of AppJS will use content api which means that media and video should be available.
For now I would suggest that you develop your application in HTML5 using chrome and then run it inside AppJS later on when it catches up and provides these functions out of the box.

What's the recommended way to programmatically play an audio stream using iPhone SDK?

I have an mp3 on a remote server. Want to play it as a stream, using my own UI,and my own ViewController.
How would you recommend doing that?
I used the code from this page to make a streamer, and it worked well, and was easy to implement.