I am exporting data to excel and try to save to a folder which is in my application...but the excel is saving defaultly in C:\Documents but i wanted to save in E:\Apllication\Reports
Here is my code to generate excel sheet
If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel
.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
Dim i As Integer = 1
For col = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
.cells(1, i).value = ComDset.Tables(0).Columns(col).ColumnName
.cells(1, i).EntireRow.Font.Bold = True
i += 1
i = 2
Dim k As Integer = 1
For col = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
i = 2
For row = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
.Cells(i, k).Value = ComDset.Tables(0).Rows(row).ItemArray(col)
i += 1
k += 1
filename = "ShiftReport" & Format(MdbDate, "dd-MM-yyyy") & ".xls"
End With
Excel = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' The excel is created and opened for insert value. We most close this excel using this system
Dim pro() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
For Each i As Process In pro
End If
and tell me how to assign colour to the header
Thanks in advance
Have you tried this?
.ActiveCell.Worksheet.SaveAs("E:\Apllication\Reports\" & filename)
So I did a very simple loop VBA to consolidate data from different workbook into single workbook. I got the out of range error keep promting me and I've tried my best to think but it's a dead end for me. Appreciate if can get some input from the seniors.
Sub consolidate()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set mb = ThisWorkbook
myfdr = ThisWorkbook.Path
fname = Dir(myfdr & "\*.csv")
Do Until fname = Empty
If fname <> mb.Name Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(myfdr & "\" & fname)
mg = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Range("M4").Value = mg
wb.Worksheets.Copy After:=mb.Sheets(mb.Sheets.Count)
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
n = n + 1
End If
fname = Dir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox n & "Done"
End Sub
Sub Union()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ms = Worksheets("Sheet1")
fsn = 1
k = 0
Set mb = ThisWorkbook
myfdr = ThisWorkbook.Path
fname = Dir(myfdr & "\*.csv")
Do Until fname = Empty
If fname <> mb.Name Then
sn = Mid(fname, 1, Len(fname) - 4)
Set cs = Worksheets(sn) '<<<<The subscript out of range error happened here
If fsn = 1 Then
fsn = 0
For g = 1 To cs.Cells(4, 13)
k = k + 1
For r = 1 To 10
ms.Cells(k, r) = cs.Cells(g, r)
Next r
Next g
For g = 9 To cs.Cells(4, 13)
k = k + 1
For r = 1 To 10
ms.Cells(k, r) = cs.Cells(g, r)
Next r
Next g
End If
End If
fname = Dir
End Sub
I have the below code which will transfer the records from my datagrid to my excel spreadsheet.
Currently this code works for one datagrid to an excel sheet. Now I need to improve the below code so that it can work for multiple datagrids. I want help to extend this code so that I can pull the records from 3 data grids to the same excel sheet one below another.
Dim excel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim diff As Integer = 1
' if you want column header from dgv elese omit the block
For j = 0 To DataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1
excel.Worksheets(1).cells(1, j + 1) = DataGridView1.Columns(j).Name
diff += 1
For i = 0 To DataGridView4.RowCount - 1
If DataGridView4.Rows(i).IsNewRow = False Then
For j = 0 To DataGridView4.ColumnCount - 1
excel.Worksheets(1).cells(i + diff, j + 1) = DataGridView4.Item(j, i).Value
End If
excel = Nothing
Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
MessageBox.Show("Error accessing Excel: " + ex.ToString())
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.ToString())
End Try
Try this code:
Dim intExcelRow As Integer = 1
For i As Integer = 1 To 3
Dim YourDataGridView As DataGridView = Me.Controls("YourDataGridView" & i)
'header of the first DataGridView only
'remove If i = 1 if you need to print 3 different headers
If i = 1 Then
For intColumn = 0 To YourDataGridView.ColumnCount - 1
excel.Worksheets(1).cells(intExcelRow, intColumn + 1) = YourDataGridView.Columns(intColumn).Name
Next intColumn
intExcelRow = intExcelRow + 1
End If
For intRow = 0 To YourDataGridView.RowCount - 1
If YourDataGridView.Rows(intRow).IsNewRow = False Then
For intColumn = 0 To YourDataGridView.ColumnCount - 1
excel.Worksheets(1).cells(intExcelRow, intColumn + 1) = YourDataGridView.Item(intColumn, intRow).Value
Next intColumn
intExcelRow = intExcelRow + 1
End If
Next intRow
Next i
Switching to Excel 2013 from Excel 2010,
When Sheet2 is inactive
The code
Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows("432:432").EntireRow.Hidden = False
gives Error
Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class
But works fine when Sheet2 is the Active Sheet
In Excel 2010 , VBA had no problem hiding rows in InactiveSheets .
Is this a change in Excel 2013. If so, any fix.
Worksheets("Sheet2").Protect Password:="password", userinterfaceonly:=True Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows("2:2").EntireRow.Hidden = False
When setting userinterfaceonly option to true, VBA Code to hide row only works when the sheet is active
I can't recreate this error on a new 2013 Worksheet. But only when opening 2010 Excel app in 2013. Wonder If I am playing with any Settings here.
Sub MakeScript1()
application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Script1").Visible = True
Dim x As Long, Z As Long, FF As Long, TextOut As String
Const OutputPath As String = "c:\temp\" '<==Note the trailing backslash
Const BaseFileName As String = "Script1"
Const StartColumn As Long = 1 'Assumed Column A
Const StartRow As Long = 1 'Assumed Row 1
For x = StartColumn + 1 To StartColumn + 1
TextOut = ""
For Z = StartRow To StartRow + 19
TextOut = TextOut & Cells(Z, StartColumn).Value & " " & Cells(Z, x).Value & vbNewLine
FF = FreeFile
Open OutputPath & BaseFileName & ".vbs" For Output As #FF
Print #FF, TextOut
Close #FF
Sheets("Script1").Visible = False
application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
see how i did
Sheets("Script1").Visible = True
and then
Sheets("Script1").Visible = False
oops, my bad the above isnt what you wanted.
here try code from this:
Dim RowsToHide As Range
Dim RowHideNum As Integer
' Set Correct Start Dates for Billing in New File
Workbooks("----- Combined_New_Students_Updated.xlsx").Activate
StartDateLine1 = Format(START_DATE_1, "ww") - 1 ' Convert Start Date to Week Number
StartDateLine1 = (StartDateLine1 * 6) - 2 ' Convert Start Date to Line Number
If StartDateLine1 >= "10" Then
Cells(4, "q").Value = ""
Cells(StartDateLine1, "q").Value = STATUS_1
Cells(StartDateLine1, "z").Value = "START DATE " + START_DATE_1
RowHideNum = StartDateLine1 - 2
Set RowsToHide = Range(Cells(3, "a"), Cells(RowHideNum, "ab"))
RowsToHide.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
I am getting the 1004 error when running. The error is at this line:
If IsNumeric(wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value) = True Then
What I want to do is to select the sheet (CTRYNAME) and then search through columns 5,7,9 etc and format the numbers as done in the code.
Public Sub MoM_Check()
Dim inti As Integer
Dim intj As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim mnth As Integer
Dim currSALE As Double
Dim prevSALE As Double
Dim diffpercent As Double
Dim CTRYname As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim column As String
'Find Difference percentage between sales of 24 common months in present month's extarct and previous month's extract
For n = 1 To 13
Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 4
Set wkbTemp = Workbooks.Add
CTRYname = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Country lookup").Range("A1").Offset(n, 0).Value
'Open a temporary workbook to do all the Calculations
'First the current month's extract is copied to the first sheet
'We now copy sheets for range from wkbout to wkbtemp using usedrange
'open the Previous month's Main Extract file as given in the lookup tab. This data is pasted on sheet2 of temporary workbook.
'This sheet helps us to compare the country channels in current month's extract with the previous Month's Extract.
'So the same process is followed for this sheet and similarly we get the country channels from the previous month's extract and paste them on 'sheet3
'Prevcnt contains the number of country channels in the previous month's extract
k = 1
For mnth = 0 To 22
currSALE = wkbTemp.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AB10").Offset(0, mnth).Value
prevSALE = wkbTemp.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("AC10").Offset(0, mnth).Value
If prevSALE = 0 And currSALE <> 0 Then
diffpercent = 1
ElseIf prevSALE = 0 And currSALE = 0 Then
diffpercent = 0
Else: diffpercent = (currSALE - prevSALE) / prevSALE
End If
If diffpercent > 0.01 Or diffpercent < -0.01 Then
Set wkbRaw = Workbooks.Open(strOutputQCPath & "Errorlog.xlsx")
wkbRaw.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Offset(i, 1 + n).Value = CTRYname & " Incorrect"
Exit For
Set wkbRaw = Workbooks.Open(strOutputQCPath & "Errorlog.xlsx")
wkbRaw.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Offset(i, 1 + n).Value = CTRYname & " Correct"
k = k + 1
wkbRaw.SaveAs Filename:=strOutputQCPath & "Errorlog.xlsx"
End If
Next mnth
For x = 1 To 15
If x = 1 Or x = 2 Or x = 3 Or x = 4 Or x = 6 Or x = 9 Or x = 10 Or x = 11 Or x = 13 Then
GoTo Name
If IsNumeric(wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value) = True Then
If wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value > 9.99 Then
wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value = ">999%"
ElseIf wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value < -9.99 Then
wkbCurr.Sheets(CTRYname).Range(column & x).Value = "<-999%"
End If
End If
End If
Next x
wkbTemp.Close savechanges:=False
Set wkbTemp = Nothing
Next n
End Sub
Please help!
You haven't given the string "column" a value, which is why you're getting error 1004 on that line.
How can I set the column width and leave the top 10 rows empty in order to insert an image into my Excel report?
Here is my code:
If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel
.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
Dim i As Integer = 1
For col = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
.cells(1, i).value = ComDset.Tables(0).Columns(col).ColumnName
.cells(1, i).EntireRow.Font.Bold = True
i += 1
i = 2
Dim k As Integer = 1
For col = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
i = 2
For row = 0 To ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
.Cells(i, k).Value = ComDset.Tables(0).Rows(row).ItemArray(col)
i += 1
k += 1
filename = "ShiftReport" & Format(MdbDate, "dd-MM-yyyy") & ".xls"
End With
Excel = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' The excel is created and opened for insert value. We most close this excel using this system
Dim pro() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
For Each i As Process In pro
End If
Range.ColumnWidth Property
Returns or sets the width of all columns in the specified range. Read/write Variant.