WCF Service parameters changed in .NET 2.0 client - wcf

I created a WCF service that exposed a method that has one paramater:
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData(int value)
return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
The service has two endpoints defined (wsHttpBinding and basicHttpBinding) so that it would be compatable with older clients.
The service runs just fine in a .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 client app. However, when I create a .NET 2.0 client, the GetData method requires 2 parameters: an integer (expected) and a bool parameter called valueSpecified (unexpected). I never defined the second parameter. Why is this happening and how can I get rid of the second parameter?

Since value types can't be null (in latter versions of .net framework there is no Nullable<T>) VS besides to generate additional parameter to give you ability to not specify value type, you can call your service method like this.
see this post, where John Saunders suggest to add [DataMember(Required = true)] attribute in the property.

The exact same question has been posted here.
Another way to avoid the extra boolean parameter to be generated on the client proxy when using .NET 2.0 is to switch to RPC-style enconding in the service contract (the default for both WCF and ASMX is Document Style).
This way the XmlSerializer on the client will make sure that the parameter always appears in the SOAP requests since it's part of the SOAP 1.1 specification, which is enforced when using the RPC-Style encoding.
In WCF you can specify the encoding style using the DataContractFormat attribute, either at the service or at the operation level.
public interface IService
[DataContractFormat(Style = OperationFormatStyle.Rpc)]
string GetData(int value);
More information on the differences between RPC Style and Document Style encoding in SOAP can be found here.
In any case please consider carefully the implications of changing the contract of your services, since it can potentially break compatibility with any existing clients.

You could manually remove the valueSpecified property from GetData operation within your proxy class.


How to allow all Operations and Namespaces

I'm new to WCF, but not new to C# and .Net. and am using Visual Studio 2008 and .Net 3.5.
I'm trying to build a Web Service that can receive any inbound Request XML and any namespaces. It would behave like a transparent receiver and simply intake the inbound request XML.
Once I get the request I'm going to pass it to some custom .Net C# Project to invoke a MQPUT to IBM MQ Series.
Right now I have the WCF Web Service Application receiving a generic inbound operation called RunTest(). I consume the WSDL into SoapUI, build a sample request and breakpoint and it works. But, when I try to pass our company request XML it doesn't land on the breakpoint.
Here is the ServiceContract and Operation:
[ServiceContract(Name="IService1",Namespace="cfg-env=http://www.co.com/schemas/cfg- env/")]
public interface IService1
void RunTest();
void CFX();
Here is the Method for the Operation:
public void RunTest()
{ <<<it does break here using the request from the WSDL
string serviceName;
string queueManager;
string queue;
string requestMessage;
//Capture the Service Name
serviceName = "";
//Save the QueueManager
queueManager = "";
//Save the Request Queue
queue = "";
//Save the Message
requestMessage = "";
//Call MQ Put
Engine eng = new Engine();
eng.Put(serviceName, queue, requestMessage, queueManager);
The main thing I need to do is receive the inbound XML, interogate it for a few pieces of information and call this Method to do the MQPUT function on MQ.
The inbound namespace will look like the above but I'd like to ensure I can receive and interogate any XPATH that may be namespace qualified. If I have to I can work with the cfg-env namespace prefix exclusively as our services do use that as a standard.
What are my key hurdles in doing this in VS 2008 WCF? If you have any links please pass them along if you can.
I believe you specify the name property on the OperationContract attribute as "*" to accept all requests. To make the parameter itself schema agnostic, it should be of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message.
What you are building is a "WCF router".
Included in the latest .NET release is a configurable Routing Service.
If the routing service doesn't meet your needs, building your own router is possible but can get really complicated when secure messages are a requirement. This set of MSDN articles is the best resource. They answer your question of how to have a service accept any message, and then continue on into addressing and security issues.
Building a WCF Router, Part 1
Building a WCF Router, Part 2

Control name of built-in generic parameter in WCF DataContract

I am converting asmx web service to wcf while attempting to maintain backwards compatibility in the WSDL. One of the DataContract classes is generic. When the generic parameter is a built-in type, such as bool, the first letter is lowercased in WCF, whereas it was uppercased in asmx. E.g.
public class MethodResult<T>
would generate
in asmx.
public class MethodResult<T>
in WCF.
Is there a way to make it use an uppercase letter in WCF?
I found that adding [XmlSerializerFormatAttribute] to the ServiceContract interface fixed this.

How to create a WCF web service within an ASP.NET application that can return instances of an interface as a transparent proxy

My use-case:
I already have a working ASP.NET application
I would like to implement a new Web Service as part of that application
I am supposed to use a WCF service (*.svc), not an ASP.NET web service (*.asmx)
The service needs to have one operation, let’s call it GetInterface(), which returns instance of an interface. This instance must reside on the server, not be serialized to the client; methods called on that interface must execute on the server.
Here’s what I tried (please tell me where I went wrong):
For the purpose of testing this, I created a new ASP.NET Web Application project called ServiceSide.
Within that project, I added a WCF Service using “Add → New Item”. I called it MainService. This created both a MainService class as well as an IMainService interface.
Now I created a new Class library project called ServiceWorkLibrary to contain only the interface declaration that is to be shared between the client and server, nothing else:
public interface IWorkInterface
int GetInt();
Back in ServiceSide, I replaced the default DoWork() method in the IMainService interface as well as its implementation in the MainService class, and I also added a simple implementation for the shared IWorkInterface. They now look like this:
public interface IMainService
IWorkInterface GetInterface();
public class MainService : IMainService
public IWorkInterface GetInterface()
return new WorkInterfaceImpl();
public class WorkInterfaceImpl : MarshalByRefObject, IWorkInterface
public int GetInt() { return 47; }
Now running this application “works” in the sense that it gives me the default web-service page in the browser which says:
You have created a service.
To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to
call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the
command line with the following syntax:
svcutil.exe http://localhost:59958/MainService.svc?wsdl
This will generate a configuration file and a code file that contains
the client class. Add the two files to your client application and use
the generated client class to call the Service. For example:
So on to the client then. In a separate Visual Studio, I created a new Console Application project called ClientSide with a new solution. I added the ServiceWorkLibrary project and added the reference to it from ClientSide.
Then I ran the above svcutil.exe call. This generated a MainService.cs and an output.config, which I added to the ClientSide project.
Finally, I added the following code to the Main method:
using (var client = new MainServiceClient())
var workInterface = client.GetInterface();
This already fails with a cryptic exception in the constructor call. I managed to fix this by renaming output.config to App.config.
I notice that the return type of GetInterface() is object instead of IWorkInterface. Anyone know why? But let’s move on...
Now when I run this, I get a CommunicationException when calling GetInterface():
The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
How do I fix this so that I get the IWorkInterface transparent proxy that I expect?
Things I’ve tried
I tried adding [KnownType(typeof(WorkInterfaceImpl))] to the declaration of WorkInterfaceImpl. If I do this, I get a different exception in the same place. It is now a NetDispatcherFaultException with the message:
The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://tempuri.org/:GetInterfaceResult. The InnerException message was 'Error in line 1 position 491. Element 'http://tempuri.org/:GetInterfaceResult' contains data from a type that maps to the name 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ServiceSide:WorkInterfaceImpl'. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add the type corresponding to 'WorkInterfaceImpl' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException for more details.
The InnerException mentioned is a SerializationException with the message:
Error in line 1 position 491. Element 'http://tempuri.org/:GetInterfaceResult' contains data from a type that maps to the name 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/ServiceSide:WorkInterfaceImpl'. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add the type corresponding to 'WorkInterfaceImpl' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
Notice how this seems to indicate that the system is trying to serialize the type. It is not supposed to do that. It is supposed to generate a transparent proxy instead. How do I tell it to stop trying to serialize it?
I tried adding an attribute, [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession)], to the WorkInterfaceImpl class. No effect.
I tried changing the attribute [ServiceContract] on the IWorkInterface interface (declared in the shared library ServiceWorkLibrary) to [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)]. Also no effect.
I also tried adding the following magic system.diagnostics element to the Web.config in ServerSide:
<!-- This logging is great when WCF does not work. -->
<source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true">
<add name="traceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData="c:\traces.svclog" />
This does generate the c:\traces.svclog file as promised, but I’m not sure I can make any sense of its contents. I’ve posted the generated file to pastebin here. You can view this information in a more friendly UI by using svctraceviewer.exe. I did that, but frankly, all that stuff doesn’t tell me anything...
What am I doing wrong?
The use-case I am describing is not directly supported by WCF.
The accepted work-around is to return an instance of EndpointAddress10 which points to the service for the “other” interface. The client must then manually create a Channel to access the remote object. WCF doesn’t properly encapsulate this process.
An example that demonstrates this is linked to from the MSDN article “From .NET Remoting to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)” (find the text that says “Click here to download the code sample for this article”). This example code demonstrates both .NET Remoting as well as WCF. It defines an interface that looks like this:
public interface IRemoteFactory
IMySessionBoundObject GetInstance();
EndpointAddress10 GetInstanceAddress();
Notice that the interface-returning method is not part of the contract, only the one that returns an EndpointAddress10 is marked with [OperationContract]. The example calls the first method via Remoting, where it correctly creates a remote proxy as one would expect — but when using WCF it resorts to the second method and then instantiates a separate ChannelFactory with the new endpoint address to access the new object.
What is MainServiceClient()? It is the class marshaling the client messages to the server.
You should take a look at a related SO post on returning interfaces as parameters in WCF. ServiceKnownTypeAttribute may be helpful.
Sessions may also be what you're looking for MarshalByRef as it relates to .NET Remoting behaviors.
Another approach (as mentioned on MSDN Forums) is to return the EndpointAddress of the service interface instead of the interface itself.
WCF does serialize everything - regardless of the binding. The best approach you should take if you need to communicate with the service on the same system is to use IPC transport binding (net.pipe).
What you are trying to do is a direct violation of the SOA Tenet: "Services share schema and contract, not class". What this means it that you don't actually pass implementation code from the service to its consumers, just the return values that are specified in the contract itself.
The main focus of WCF and SOA in general is interoperability, meaning services should be accessible to clients of any platform. How would a Java or C++ consumer be able to use this service you are designing? Short answer is that it couldn't, which is why you will find it difficult if not impossible to serialize this code over messaging standards like SOAP.
A more appropriate way to structure this code would be to host each implementation of IWorkerInterface as its own service (it has been defined as a service contract, after all), and expose each service on a different endpoint. Instead of MainService behaving as remote factory for proxies to an IWorkerInterface, it could act a as an endpoint factory to the different services you have set up. Endpoint metadata could easily be serialized and provided to the client by IMainService. The client could then take that metadata and construct a proxy to the remote implementation, either through some custom IServiceProxy implementation, or even through the objects already provided to you by WCF (such as the ChannelFactory).

WCF and System.Drawing.Color

Thanks for the quick answers all. But I am looking for an answer and not a workoaround (serialize as string) as I want to know how to use other types from the framework
I am fairly good at WCF but I think I am still at the beginners stage since I cannot serialize a System.Drawing.Color.
This is my Service Contract
using System.Drawing;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace wcfServer
public interface IColorService
Color DoWork();
And here is an implementation
public class ColorService : IColorService
public Color DoWork()
return Color.Yellow;
However, at the client WCF doesn't use a System.Drawing.Color but it generates it own color type (a struct) ?
The net result is that the color Yellow does not arrive at the client
I thought that this wasn't a problem since the .net Color type is marked with the serializable attribute
Kind Regards, Tom
Colors are usually a mess - there are so many of them. Just convert to color to a 32-bit ARGB structure (the Color class has a method that does this) and use that in your WCF interface. If you want to be extra careful, define your own struct with A, R, G and B (as bytes, WPF has them as doubles, but nobody really needs that), and decouple your service from any specific UI platform.
However, at the client WCF doesn't use a System.Drawing.Color but it generates it own color type (a struct)? [...] I thought that this wasn't a problem since the .net Color type is marked with the serializable attribute
I'm assuming you use basicHttp or wsHttp here. What I'm saying doesn't go for all bindings.
Communication between a WCF service and client has nothing to do with .NET. Keyword is interoperability. The client doesn't have to be written in .NET, it might very well be a PHP or Java or whatever kind of client.
WCF therefore uses SOAP to send and receive data, which all major programming languages implement. So to let a service and client exchange data, a format for that data has to be defined. You can't say "Hey, I'm gonna send a System.Drawing.Color", since that may very well not be a valid class or struct definition in the client's language.
So your service defines a WSDL, containing a schema definition, where the contents of the Color struct will be copied from System.Drawing.Color. It won't be linked to the .NET framework from the point it gets serialized and sent over the wire.
I was able to fix this problem by using "KnownTypeAttribute" on a data contract. So you can try "ServiceKnownTypeAttribute" on a service contract like this :
public interface IColorService
Color DoWork();
This works fine assuming that the client code is also using .NET.
The strategy with "KnownType" worked well in my project http://www.nquotes.net/ and let me avoid additional serialization hassle. They should have included Color as one of the base types (as they do with Guid, for example, which is "known" automatically - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731923.aspx ).

wcf exposing generics

I have an application where client and server share types, and interoperability is not one of our concerns. I am planning to have a single repository for all web enabled objects, and i was thinking of a generic interface for my exposed service.
something like T GetObject(int id)
but wcf doesnt like it since its trying to expose its schema (which i dont really care about)
is it possible to do such a thing with WCF ?, i can use any type of binding doesnt have to be httpbinding or wsbinding...
No, you can't. Whether or not you want or need interoperability, the most basic foundation of WCF is message exchange.
The client send the server a message and gets back a response. That message is all that passes between client and server, and needs to be serializable into a XML or binary format. That's why any data being passed around must be atomic (like int, string) or a DataContract - a description for the WCF service stack about how to serialize and deserialize such objects.
You cannot pass any interfaces, or other "trickery" - all that goes between client and server must be expressable in XML schema, basically.
So I'm afraid what you're trying to achieve is quite contrary to what WCF offers. The world and paradigms of SOA (Service-Oriented Apps) are quite different and not always 100% in sync with the idea and mechanisms of OOP.
I suppose this is possible, though I'm not sure you'd want this. I'd take the following approach (untested, not sure if it works). First create the following project structure in your solution:
ServiceImplementations (references ServiceInterfaces and ModelClasses)
Host (references ServiceInterfaces and ServiceImplementations)
Client (references ServiceInterfaces and ModelClasses)
In ServiceInterfaces you have an interface like this (I skipped the namespaces, etc to make the example shorter):
public interface IMyService<T>
T GetObject(int id);
In ServiceImplementations you have a class that implements IMyService<T>:
public class MyService<T> : IMyService<T>
T GetObject(int id)
// Create something of type T and return it. Rather difficult
// since you only know the type at runtime.
In Host you have the correct configuration for your service in an App.config (or Web.config) file and the following code to host your service (given that it is a stand-alone app):
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MessageManager.MessageManagerService))
And finally in Client you use a ChannelFactory<TChannel> class to define a proxy:
Binding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); // For the example, could be another binding.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/......");
IMyService<string> myService =
ChannelFactory<IMyService<string>>.CreateChannel(binding, address);
string myObject = myService.GetObject(42);
Again, I'm not sure if this works. The trick is to share your service interfaces (in ServiceInterfaces) and domain model objects (in ModelClasses) between the host and the client. In my example I use a string to return from the service method but it could be any data contract type from the ModelClasses project.
You CAN DO that if you use ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery.
For example:
[ServiceKnownType("GetKnownTypes", typeof(ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery))]
public interface ISomeService
object Request(IRequestBase parameters);
where GetKnownTypes could be declared like so:
public static class ServiceKnownTypesDiscovery
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetKnownTypes(ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
var types = new List<Type>();
foreach (var asmFile in Directory.GetFiles(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "*.dll"))
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(asmFile);
types.AddRange(asm.GetTypes().Where(p=> Attribute.IsDefined(p,typeof(DataContractAttribute))));
return types;
In this case everything declared with [DataContract] (as long as they are discoverable on the server AND the client side) can be serialized.
I hope this helped!
Following the previous example, you could declare a DataContract with an object as DataMember. Then you could add an extension method to get and set a generic type on the object data member. You could also make this internal, this way you would be obliged to use the extension methods to get and set the value.
Of course, it only works if you generate the client using svcutil (or Visual Studio) and you reference the assembly containing the data contract and the class with the extensions methods.
Hope this helps...