Creating an Update method in my nHibernate repository - nhibernate

My current repository looks like:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
public ISession Session
return SessionProvider.GetSession();
public T GetById(int id)
return Session.Get<T>(id);
public ICollection<T> FindAll()
return Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)).List<T>();
public void Add(T t)
public void Remove(T t)
the interface:
public interface IRepository<T>
T GetById(int id);
ICollection<T> FindAll();
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
How would I create an update method?
Do I have to call flush or transaciton commit to write to the database?
I have tried updating an object, and calling saveorupdate(); but it didn't change the value in the db.

You don't.
The repository pattern means: "emulate a normal collection for persistence usage"
With normal collection, I mean something like List<T>
When you do this:
var list = new List<User>();
myUser.MyProperty = newValue;
MyProperty for the user in both the list and the myUser variable are set to newValue, because it's the same reference. It would be rather strange to do this instead:
var list = new List<User>();
myUser.MyProperty = newValue;
Repository should behave the same as other collections, like list. When you need an explicit update, please do not call it a repository. Collections do not work like that.
To answer your question: Yes you have to commit a transaction or flush the session to change persist the changes in the session in the database. It might be better to make a unit of work responsible for this, instead of the repository, and inject the unit of work into the repository, instead of the session.

We don't actually have an Add method on our repositories. Instead we just have a Save method (not in love with the name). The method does a Session.SaveOrUpdate() which works fine since we have unsaved-value specified on our definitions.
In terms of seeing actual changes to the database this doesn't occur until you close your session. This saves NHibernate from doing any work until it absolutely has to.
The only reason you would ever need to flush is if you wanted to get an id back from your database but it's for this reason that identity isn't preferred NHibernate Avoid Identity Generator When Possible


NHiberate session.Get() gets the cached entity. How to get the latest entity from the DB?

I'm using the CQRS pattern to get the data from the DB using NHibernate.
Here is the CommittingTransactionCommandHandler which calls the UpdateProductHandler
class CommittingTransactionCommandHandler
private readonly ISession session;
private readonly ICommandHandler<TCommand> _inner; //Generic Command Handlers
public CommittingTransactionCommandHandler(ISession session)
this.session = session;
public async Task Execute(TCommand command)
using (var txn = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Unspecified))
await _inner.Update(command); // This calls the UpdateProducthandler's Update method
catch (Exception ex)
Here is the Command Handler for the Update.
class UpdateProductHandler : ICommand
private readonly ISession session;
public UpdateProductHandler(ISession session)
this.session = session;
public async Task Update(int id, ProductIdentity productIdentity)
var product = session.Get(id);
Here is the Query Handler for the Get
class GetProductHandler
private readonly ISession session;
public GetProductHandler(ISession session)
this.session = session;
public async Task<Product> Get(int id)
var product = session.Get(id);
if (product == null)
throw new Exception("Entity not found");
return Task.FromResult(product);
Here is the code for the Product entity
class Product
public virtual int Id { get; protected set; }
public virtual string Name { get; protected set; }
public virtual string Description { get; protected set; }
public virtual int? Version { get; protected set; }
public virtual void Update(ProductIdentity productIdentity)
Name = productIdentity.Name;
Description = productIdentity.Description;
The flow is
CommittingTransactionCommandHandler is a generic command handler. This is called from the API, which internally invokes the UpdateProductHandler. The transaction is opened in this and committed here.
The scenario is that
I get a Product from the DB using the GetProductHandler. (In this case, the version number of the Product is 10.)
I'm updating the Product using the UpdateProductHandler and commits the session which is under the transaction. (Here version number of the Product is 11)
Immediately after the Update Product, I query the same Product using the GetProductHandler and loads it in the Edit mode in the UI. (But the Product fetched using the GetProductHandler has a version number 10 and not 11.)
Here is the issue, instead of getting the latest update from the DB, the above GetProductHandler, gets the previous state of the object.(Found using the version number)
Now, if I try to update the Product, I get a Stale Object State Exception since the version number is 10 which is not the latest version of the Product.
I've tried with session.Refresh(product) but all in vain as it affects the other transactions.
How can I resolve this?
As Ayende explains, Get will NOT always hit the database. It will only hit the database if entity not found in first level cache.
You have not explained how you are updating the entity; what is inside product.Update method. If you are updating using API that does not update underlying first level cache (SQL/HQL/Linq), then the problem you stated in question is obvious. In that case,
You load entity in session cache using Get (Version 10). This hits the database.
Then, you call Update (database hit) which will not update the first level cache (Version changed to 11 in database; NOT in cache).
Then you call Get again. NHibernate looks if entity is already loaded in session cache. Yes; it is (Version 10). It just returns it. No database hit.
Solution 1:
Not sure why that Update method is needed. You can directly update the entity like below:
public async Task Update(int id, ProductIdentity productIdentity)
var product = session.Get(id);
product.Version = 11;
//Update other properties here
//That's it. You are already calling `Flush` somewhere somehow
Solution 2:
As Ayende NOT recommended (and I am not recommending either), don't use Get and write a query that will hit the database. Use Linq/HQL/SQL API instead.
select customer from s.Linq<Customer>()
where customer.Id = customerId
select customer
Every time that I see something like that, I wince a little inside. The reason for that is quite simple. This is doing a query by primary key. The key word here is a query.
This means that we have to hit the database in order to get a result for this query. Unless you are using the query cache (which by default you won’t), this force a query on the database, bypassing both the first level identity map and the second level cache.
Get and Load are here for a reason, they provide a way to get an entity by primary key. That is important for several aspects, most importantly, it means that NHibernate can apply quite a few optimizations for this process.

Repository Pattern with Fluent Nhibernate

Hello everyone I've successfully implemented the repository pattern with fluentNHibernate but i have one concern abount the ExposeConfiguration when I removed it all the methods works fine but when i adds it ,it resets the tables in the database. so i need you to take a look and give me any notes about the implementation so here is my unit of work class
public class UnitOfWork
public static ISession NhibernateHelper()
ISessionFactory _sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2012.ConnectionString(#"Data Source=WAAIL-PC\COMPUTERENGINEER;Initial Catalog=TSQL2012;User ID=sa;Password=12345678Ce").ShowSql())
.Mappings(x => x.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<UsersMap>())
//.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(false, true)) //when i removed this line it doesn't
//remove the elements from the db
return _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
and here is my repository pattern :
public class Repository<T> :IRepository<T> where T :BaseEntity
public Repository(/*IUnitOfWork unitOfWork*/)
//_unitOfWork = (UnitOfWork)unitOfWork;
public List<T> GetAll()
using (ISession Session = UnitOfWork.NhibernateHelper())
return Session.Query<T>().ToList();
public T GetById(int id)
using (ISession Session = UnitOfWork.NhibernateHelper())
return Session.Get<T>(id);
public T Insert(T entity)
using (ISession Session = UnitOfWork.NhibernateHelper())
using (ITransaction Transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())
return entity;
catch (Exception)
public void Update(T entity)
using (ISession Session = UnitOfWork.NhibernateHelper())
using (ITransaction Transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())
public void Delete(int id)
using (ISession Session = UnitOfWork.NhibernateHelper())
using (ITransaction Transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())
here is my usersService
public class UsersService : IUsersService
private readonly IRepository<Users> _Repository;
#region Constructor
public UsersService(IRepository<Users> Repository)
_Repository = Repository;
#region Service Implementation
public List<Users> GetListAll()
return _Repository.GetAll().ToList();
public Users GetById(int Id)
return _Repository.GetById(Id);
public Users Insert(Users user)
return _Repository.Insert(user);
public void Update(Users user)
public void Delete(int Id)
//public int execute()
// return _Repository.execute();
so what i need to know is why the Expose_configuration method causes the tables to reset... and secondly ,Am i moving in the right way in this implementation or not.
if you guys have any update of improvements please tell me ..
best regards.
The evil lies in details
You wrote:
... ExposeConfiguration when I removed it all the methods works fine but when i add it, it resets the tables in the database.
And that's pretty much normal way of operations, since if we look up NHiberate's SchemaExport classes Create method signature, it reads:
public void Create(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute)
It's documentation states that Create():
Run the schema creation script
And about it parameters:
scriptAction - an action that will be called for each line of the generated ddl.
execute - if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
And you call it as:
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(false, true))
Your problem lies in that you pass true to the execute parameter, which will -as stated in documentation- execute the schema creation script, which might include drop and rerecration of existing database objects.
Why create demons?
About your second idea, I really see no benefit of adding another layer of indirection to your code, and that's where you summon unneeded demons.
The NHibernate ORM itself is an abstraction itself, why add one more generic one around it? Your Repository<T> just simply calls the already implemented generic NHibernate methods... sort of acting as Proxy to hide NHibernate, if that's intentional please pardon me, but it looks like it's not.
On a final note: your UsersService class first violates the Single responsibility principle and makes your life harder by maintaining and testing it. Second, this class is also not much more than a proxy to call the repository to return values from.
Let me illustrate the problem:
Client calls UsersService.GetById(Id)
Service calls _Repository.GetById(Id)
Your generic abstraction Repository calls NHibernates Session.Get<T>(id)
Do you see the problem?
How easier it would be to say use a pattern that might help you in this case, that is the Command Query Separation.
Where your commands are responsible for writes, and queries about reads and both suits your use-cases.
You can read about my answers earlier about queries and commands.

Force lazy entity to load real instance

I have a proxy for a lazy entity which has been created in the session by loading a child entity. A subsequent fetch on the parent entity only returns the NH proxy. I need the actual instance to check the type (the entity has joined subclasses). I must be missing something, but I can't find a way to do this. Session.Refresh(proxy) does not appear to help, nor does any flavour of HQL that I've tried.
Can anyone help?
In my opinion, rather then solving this problem, you should rather rethink your design. Are you absolutely sure, that you can't use polymorphism in this situation - either directly make entity responsible for operation you're trying to perform or use visitor pattern. I came across this issue few times and always decided to change design - it resulted in clearer code. I suggest you do the same, unless you're absolutely sure that relying on type is the best solution.
The problem
In order to have example with at least some resemblance to the real world, let's suppose you have following entities:
public abstract class Operation
public virtual DateTime PerformedOn { get; set; }
public virtual double Ammount { get; set; }
public class OutgoingTransfer : Operation
public virtual string TargetAccount { get; set; }
public class AtmWithdrawal : Operation
public virtual string AtmAddress { get; set; }
It'd naturally be a small part of much larger model. And now you're facing a problem: for each concrete type of Operation, there's a different way to display it:
private static void PrintOperation(Operation operation)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", operation.PerformedOn,
private static void PrintOperation(OutgoingTransfer operation)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, target account: {2}",
operation.PerformedOn, operation.Ammount,
private static void PrintOperation(AtmWithdrawal operation)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, atm's address: {2}",
operation.PerformedOn, operation.Ammount,
Simple, overloaded methods will work in simple case:
var transfer = new OutgoingTransfer
Ammount = -1000,
PerformedOn = DateTime.Now.Date,
TargetAccount = "123123123"
var withdrawal = new AtmWithdrawal
Ammount = -1000,
PerformedOn = DateTime.Now.Date,
AtmAddress = "Some address"
// works as intended
Unfortunately, overloaded methods are bound at compile time, so as soon as you introduce an array/list/whatever of operations, only a generic (Operation operation) overload will be called.
Operation[] operations = { transfer, withdrawal };
foreach (var operation in operations)
There are two solutions to this problem, and both have downsides. You can introduce an abstract/virtual method in Operation to print information to selected stream. But this will mix UI concerns into your model, so that's not acceptable for you (I'll show you how can you improve this solution to meet your expectations in a moment).
You can also create lots of ifs in form of:
if(operation is (ConcreteType))
This solution is ugly and error prone. Every time you add/change/remove type of operation, you have to go through every place you used these hack and modify it. And if you miss one place, you'll probably only be able to catch that runtime - no strict compile-time checks for some of errors (like missing one subtype).
Furthermore, this solution will fail as soon as you introduce any kind of proxy.
How proxy works
The code below is VERY simple proxy (in this implementation it's same as decorator pattern - but those patterns are not the same in general. It'd take some additional code to distinguish those two patterns).
public class OperationProxy : Operation
private readonly Operation m_innerOperation;
public OperationProxy(Operation innerOperation)
if (innerOperation == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("innerOperation");
m_innerOperation = innerOperation;
public override double Ammount
get { return m_innerOperation.Ammount; }
set { m_innerOperation.Ammount = value; }
public override DateTime PerformedOn
get { return m_innerOperation.PerformedOn; }
set { m_innerOperation.PerformedOn = value; }
As you can see - there is only one proxy class for whole hierarchy. Why? Because you should write your code in a way that doesn't depend on concrete type - only on provided abstraction. This proxy could defer entity loading in time - maybe you won't use it at all? Maybe you'll use just 2 out of 1000 entities? Why load them all then?
So NHibernate uses proxy like on above (much more sophisticated, though) to defer entity loading. It could create 1 proxy per sub-type, but it would destroy whole purpose of lazy loading. If you look carefuly at how NHibernate stores subclasses you'll see, that in order to determine what type entity is, you have to load it. So it is impossible to have concrete proxies - you can only have the most abstract, OperationProxy.
Altough the solution with ifs it's ugly - it was a solution. Now, when you introduced proxies to your problem - it's no longer working. So that just leaves us with polymorphic method, which is unacceptable because of mixing UI responsibility to your model. Let's fix that.
Dependency inversion and visitor pattern
First, let's have a look at how the solution with virtual methods would look like (just added code):
public abstract class Operation
public abstract void PrintInformation();
public class OutgoingTransfer : Operation
public override void PrintInformation()
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, target account: {2}",
PerformedOn, Ammount, TargetAccount);
public class AtmWithdrawal : Operation
public override void PrintInformation()
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, atm's address: {2}",
PerformedOn, Ammount, AtmAddress);
public class OperationProxy : Operation
public override void PrintInformation()
And now, when you call:
Operation[] operations = { transfer, withdrawal, proxy };
foreach (var operation in operations)
all works as a charm.
In order to remove this UI dependency in model, let's create an interface:
public interface IOperationVisitor
void Visit(AtmWithdrawal operation);
void Visit(OutgoingTransfer operation);
Let's modify model to depend on this interface:
And now create an implementation - ConsoleOutputOperationVisitor (I have deleted PrintInformation methods):
public abstract class Operation
public abstract void Accept(IOperationVisitor visitor);
public class OutgoingTransfer : Operation
public override void Accept(IOperationVisitor visitor)
public class AtmWithdrawal : Operation
public override void Accept(IOperationVisitor visitor)
public class OperationProxy : Operation
public override void Accept(IOperationVisitor visitor)
What happens here? When you call Accept on operation and pass a visitor, implementation of accept will be called, where appropriate overload of Visit method will be invoked (compiler can determine type of "this"). So you combine "power" of virtual methods and overloads to get appropriate method called. As you can see - now UI reference here, model only depends on an interface, which can be included in model layer.
So now, to get this working, an implementation of the interface:
public class ConsoleOutputOperationVisitor : IOperationVisitor
#region IOperationVisitor Members
public void Visit(AtmWithdrawal operation)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, atm's address: {2}",
operation.PerformedOn, operation.Ammount,
public void Visit(OutgoingTransfer operation)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}, target account: {2}",
operation.PerformedOn, operation.Ammount,
And code:
Operation[] operations = { transfer, withdrawal, proxy };
foreach (var operation in operations)
I'm well aware that this isn't a perfect solution. You'll still have to modify the interface and visitors as you add new types. But you get compile time checking and will never miss anything. One thing that would be really hard to achieve using this method is to get pluggable subtypes - but I'm not convinced this is a valid scenario anyway. You'll also have to modify this pattern to meet your needs in concrete scenario, but I'll leave this to you.
To force a proxy to be fetched from the database, you can use the NHibernateUtil.Initialize(proxy) method, or access a method/property of the proxy.
var foo = session.Get<Foo>(id);
To check if an object is initialized or not, you can use the NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(proxy) method.
To remove an object from the session cache, use the Session.Evict(obj) method.
Info about Evict and other methods for managing the session cache can be found in chapter 14.5 of the NHibernate docs.
Disabling lazy loading will force the actual instance to be returned instead of the NHibernate Proxy.
<class name="OrderLine" table="OrderLine" lazy="false" >
Since the proxy is derived from the entity class, you can probably just check entity.GetType().BaseType to get your defined type.

(Fluent) NHibernate - Inhertiance on object level but not on table level

I have the following idea:
Business object implemented as interface or abstract class with certain properties as read only to all layers except the DAL layer. I also want my business objects in another assembly than the DAL (for testing purposes), so marking the properties is not an option for me.
Examples could be one to one relationships or other properties.
I have almost solved the issue by doing the following
abstract class User
public virtual long UserId {get; protected set;}
public virtual string Password {get; protected set;}
In the DAL:
public class DbUser : User
internal virtual void SetPassword(string password) {...}
I then map this using fluent as
ClassMap<User> {...}
SubclassMap<DbUser> {...}
The problem I get is that fluent tries to create a table named DbUser.
If I skip the SubclassMap and creates a DbUser object and tries to save it I get an "No persister for this object" error.
Is it possible to solve?
You could probably override what is done with Fluent
public class DbUser: IAutoMappingOverride<DbUser>
public void Override(AutoMapping<DbUser> mapping)
//tell it to do nothing now, probably tell it not to map to table,
// not 100% on how you'd do this here.
Or you could have an attribute
public class DoNotAutoPersistAttribute : Attribute
And in AutoPersistenceModelGenerator read for attribute in Where clause to exclude it.
Check would be something like
private static bool CheckPeristance(Type t) {
var attributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DoNotAutoPersistAttribute), true);
Check.Ensure(attributes.Length<=1, "The number of DoNotAutoPersistAttribute can only be less than or equal to 1");
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return false;
var persist = attributes[0] as DoNotAutoPersistAttribute;
return persist == null;
Then it kind of depends how you're adding entities but you're probably adding via assembly so this might do it for you:
private static bool GetAutoMappingFilter(Type t)
return t.GetInterfaces().Any(x => CheckPeristance(x)); //you'd probably have a few filters here

Can I flush my NHibernate session and get a new session without committing the transaction?

I'm using Castle ActiveRecord for persistence, and I'm trying to write a base class for my persistence tests which will do the following:
Open a transaction for each test case and roll it back at the end of the test case, so that I get a clean DB for each test case without me having to rebuild the schema for each test case.
Provide the ability to flush my NHibernate session and get a new one in the middle of a test, so that I know that my persistence operations have really hit the DB rather than just the NHibernate session.
In order to prove that my base class (ARTestBase) is working, I've come up with the following sample tests.
public class ARTestBaseTest : ARTestBase
public void object_created_in_this_test_should_not_get_committed_to_db()
ActiveRecordMediator<Entity>.Save(new Entity {Name = "test"});
Assert.That(ActiveRecordMediator<Entity>.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
public void object_created_in_previous_test_should_not_have_been_committed_to_db()
ActiveRecordMediator<Entity>.Save(new Entity {Name = "test"});
Assert.That(ActiveRecordMediator<Entity>.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
public void calling_flush_should_make_nhibernate_retrieve_fresh_objects()
var savedEntity = new Entity {Name = "test"};
// Could use FindOne, but then this test would fail if the transactions aren't being rolled back
foreach (var entity in ActiveRecordMediator<Entity>.FindAll())
Assert.That(entity, Is.Not.SameAs(savedEntity));
Here is my best effort at the base class. It correctly implements Flush(), so the third test case passes. However it does not rollback the transactions, so the second test fails.
public class ARTestBase
private SessionScope sessionScope;
private TransactionScope transactionScope;
public void InitialiseAR()
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(typeof (Entity).Assembly, ActiveRecordSectionHandler.Instance);
public virtual void SetUp()
transactionScope = new TransactionScope(OnDispose.Rollback);
sessionScope = new SessionScope();
public virtual void TearDown()
protected void Flush()
sessionScope = new SessionScope();
public virtual void TestFixtureTearDown()
Note that I'm using a custom SQLite provider with an in-memory database. My custom provider, taken from this blog post, keeps the connection open at all times to maintain the schema. Removing this and using a regular SQL Server database doesn't change the behaviour.
Is there a way to acheive the required behaviour?
Not too sure about ActiveRecord, but in NHibernate a transaction belongs to a session, not the otherway round.
If you've used ADO.Net a lot, this will make more sense, as to create an IDbTransaction you need to use the connection. ActiveRecord's TransactionScope (and NHibnerate's ITransaction) essentially wrap an IDbTransaction, so you need to create the SessionScope before the TransactionScope.
What you might also find (depending on if you're using NHibernate 1.2 GA or NHibernate 2.*, and what FlushMode your SessionScope has) is that your call to FindAll() may cause the session to flush anyway, as NHibernate will realise that it can't retrieve the correct data without actioning the last call to Save.
This all said and done, have you tried using SessionScope.Flush() instead of creating a new SessionScope?
Using SessionScope.Flush() makes my third test fail. As I understand it, Flush() executes the SQL to push my records into the DB, but does not evict objects from the session. That fits with what you say about FindAll() causing a flush.
What I really want is SessionScope.Flush() (to synchronise state of DB with session) plus SessionScope.EvictAll() (to ensure I get fresh objects in subsequent queries). My new SessionScope() was an attempt to simulate EvictAll().
Your comments about the session enclosing the transaction rather than the other way round did give me an idea. I'm not sure how kosher it is to create a new SessionScope inside a TransactionScope inside a flushed SessionScope, and expect it to participate in the transaction, but it seems to work:
public abstract class ARTestBase
private SessionScope sessionScope;
private TransactionScope transactionScope;
private bool reverse;
private IList<SessionScope> undisposedScopes;
public void InitialiseAR()
ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(typeof (Entity).Assembly, ActiveRecordSectionHandler.Instance);
undisposedScopes = new List<SessionScope>();
public virtual void SetUp()
sessionScope = new SessionScope();
transactionScope = new TransactionScope(OnDispose.Rollback);
reverse = false;
public virtual void TearDown()
if (reverse)
public virtual void TestFixtureTearDown()
foreach (var scope in undisposedScopes)
protected void Flush()
reverse = true;
sessionScope = new SessionScope();
On further thought, this won't allow you to flush more than once in each test case. I think I can handle that by tracking the scopes more carefully. I might look into it later.