"message sent to deallocated instance 0xec75b0", but 0xec75b0 shouldn't even be visible - objective-c

I'm working on an iPhone app that performs some communication with the server to be initialized the first time it's run. I have a class ServerCommunication with methods for each of the basic tasks to be performed (authenticate user, get activation key, download updates, etc.), and a new instance of ServerCommunication is created for each task; I'm not reusing them, although it would be more efficient.
When the user completes the first initialization screen, ServerCommunication gets created four times. I keep track of it with NSLog(#"Initializing ServerCommunication instance %p", self); in its -init method. The second initialization screen also calls ServerCommunication a few times when the user taps the "Next" button, but on its last instantiation, the app hangs with the message -[ServerCommunication insertDataIntoLocalDB:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0xec75b0 in the console. The thing is, 0xec75b0 is the address of the first instance of ServerCommunication I created way back at the first screen.
Why would it be sending messages to that instance? I'm not retaining them anywhere; they're mostly autoreleased. If it helps, all of the methods in that class perform asynchronous downloading of XML data with NSURLConnection and then parse it with NSXMLParser. The parser's delegate method -(void)parserDidEndDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser then sends off NSNotifications that are received by methods in my view controllers so they know whether to proceed to the next screen or stay there and display an error message.
Help is much appreciated!

The first thing I would do is turn on NSZombies, which should let you break at the point where your zombie is being messaged.
A common cause of problems like this is when you have objects with weak references to each other that are not allocated and deallocated at the same time. So (hypothetically), some other object stores a pointer to your ServerCommunication object as a delegate or owner. When ServerCommunication is deallocated, it doesn't unregister, and then some time down the road the object holding the weak reference tries to message you.
If I had to completely guess (and I do!) I bet you add your ServerCommunication objects as an NSNotification observer, but never remove them. Try making sure that you do this:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
sometime before deallocation. (It's also possible that there's a more circuitous path involving NSNotification here -- such as a pointer to the ServerCommunication object being passed as data to the view controller, which is then trying to message it.)


Using Key Value Observing to detect when an object gets deallocated

How can I find out when an object is being released? I am listening for kvo changes, but the object get's deallocated before the retain count goes to 0, and I get the following warning:
An instance 0x16562be0 of class MyViewController was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked, and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info:
Basically what I'm trying to do is to detect when the model is dismissed. I can't use a Delegate, because the viewControllers being presented are dynamic, and my mainViewController has no knowledge about them other than the fact that they are subclasses of UIViewController.
[anotherViewController addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"retainCount" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld | NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior context:nil];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
// Here check for the changes and see of the new value is 0 or not
I also tried listening for the superView of the viewController being changed to nil
[anotherViewController.view addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"superView" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld | NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior context:nil];
You can only do Key-Value Observing on keys for which the object supports it. What you want to do here is simply not possible — an object's observers are all supposed to be gone by the time it gets to dealloc. You will need to structure your application such that either this object is kept around as long as it is needed or it actively tells interested parties before it goes away.
And looking at an object's retainCount is just never a good idea. As far as it is useful, it is only useful for debugging — and even then there are much better and more reliable tools. The result of retainCount is simply misleading, and it does not work the way most people expect. Watching for it to be 0 is an exercise in futility, because no object can exist with a retain count of 0 — when an object with a retain count of 1 is released, it gets deallocated, and then you are not allowed to message it anymore. (In fact, the framework literally has no way of representing a 0 retain count because it's an unreachable state.)
As of late 2017 (iOS 11, macOS 10.13), when an object is deallocated, it automatically unregisters any remaining observers. From the Foundation release notes for that year:
Relaxed Key-Value Observing Unregistration Requirements
Prior to 10.13, KVO would throw an exception if any observers were
still registered after an autonotifying object's -dealloc finished
running. Additionally, if all observers were removed, but some were
removed from another thread during dealloc, the exception would
incorrectly still be thrown. This requirement has been relaxed in
10.13, subject to two conditions:
The object must be using KVO autonotifying, rather than manually
calling -will and -didChangeValueForKey: (i.e. it should not return NO
from +automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:)
The object must not
override the (private) accessors for internal KVO state
If all of these are true, any remaining observers after -dealloc
returns will be cleaned up by KVO; this is also somewhat more
efficient than repeatedly calling -removeObserver methods.
And as of late 2020 (iOS 14, macOS 10.16), KVO is even more careful when an object still has observers during deallocation:
Key-Value Observing
New Features in iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 5
Key-Value Observation removal facilities now employ deterministic
bookkeeping methods. Cases that would have produced hard-to-diagnose
crashes, especially those where KVO signals problems accessing
deallocated observer pointers or observers associated with incorrect
objects, now produce an exception pinpointing which observed object
needs a missed removeObserver(_:) call, and by which observers. This
exception was previously thrown as ‘best effort’ when KVO could detect
the problem; the new deterministic bookkeeping allows it to be thrown
for all cases where removeObserver(_:) is needed.
The improved determinism also allows improved Swift API handling.
Instances of NSKeyValueObservation, produced by the Swift
NSObject.observe(_:changeHandler:) method, take advantage of
integration with this bookkeeping so they now invalidate automatically
when the observed object is released, regardless of how the object
implements its KVO behavior. This applies to all usage of this API in
macOS 11 Big Sur beta, including on processes built with previous
versions of the SDK, and eliminates certain classes of crashes that
sometimes required using the legacy API instead. (65051563)
There are a few problems here.
One problem is that you asked the wrong question. You meant to ask “How do I deregister my observer at the right time, before the target is deallocated?” Instead, you mentioned retainCount, which tends to provoke people into berating you about using retainCount instead of helping you do what you're trying to do, which is deregister your observer at the right time.
Another problem is that your view controller doesn't own its model (meaning it doesn't have a strong reference to the model). Usually you want your view controller to own its model, to prevent exactly this sort of problem. While your view controller exists, it needs a model to operate on, so it should own the model. When the view controller is being deallocated, it should stop observing its model and release it. (If you're using ARC, it will release the model automatically at the end of dealloc). You might also choose to deregister in your viewWillDisappear: method, if your view controller goes on and off of the screen repeatedly.
Note that an object can be owned by multiple other objects simultaneously. If you have several view controllers operating on the same model, they should all own the model, meaning that they should all have strong references to the model.
A third problem is that you're (probably) using KVO directly. The built-in KVO API is not very pleasant to use. Take a look at MAKVONotificationCenter. This KVO wrapper automatically unregisters an observer when the observer or the target is deallocated.
if you are interested in getting notified when an object gets deallocated you could send a notification in dealloc, but don't reference the object getting dealloc'ed.
for instance
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"myclass_dealloced" \
object:[NSValue valueWithPointer:self]];
but you wouldn't ever want to dereference that pointer...
use this only for debugging and testing.
Trying to automatically de-register observers during dealloc is too late.
When dealloc is called, the state of the object graph is undefined. Specifically, order of deallocation is typically not guaranteed and may often change in light of asynchronous processes and/or autorelease.
While the graph the deallocating object strongly references should be coherent, that'll quickly change as the object is deallocated.
The same holds true for the observer of the object being deallocated; as deallocation of an object graph happens, the observed objects state may likely change. As it changes, it may cause observers to fire while the object graph is in the inconsistent, being deallocateed, state.
You really need to concretely separate deallocation from observation logic.
That is, when your controller is dismissed from screen, it should actively dismiss the model layer, including tearing down any observers (or notifying any observers that the model layer is about to go away).
Your observers need to de-register their notifications at the same time they let go of the object.
For example, if your objects are registering notifications on one of their properties, de-register all the notifications before the property is changed or set to nil.
There never should be "hanging" notification registrations to objects that have been simply lost track of. How can you deregister your notifications if you lose track of the object?
just do what KVO says. Observe, act accordingly and signal the Key manually when you need to. That way you can of course know when an object gets deallocated.
When you removeObserver from the Object and it is already deallocated then the method call is acting on nil which does no harm or your observing object holds still a reference and in such case you can still act accordingly.
With ARC this is not a problem and one of the great benefits.
Test it yourself..
// public header.
#interface ObjectToBeObserved : NSObject
// declare in private header
// because you dont want to allow triggering from outside
#interface ObjectToBeObserved : NSObject
// use some artificial property to make it easy signalling manually.
#property (nonatomic) BOOL willDealloc;
#implementation ObjectToBeObserved
-(void)dealloc {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"willDealloc"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"willDealloc"];
In your Observer side you just do classic KVO design pattern..
void* objectDeallocatedContext = & objectDeallocatedContext;
#implementation ObservingObject {
// easy to see you could even make a protocol out of the design pattern
// that way you could guarantee your delegate has such property to observe
__weak ObjectToBeObserved *delegate;
-(instancetype)initWithObservableDelegate:(ObjectToBeObserved*)observable {
if (!(self=[super init])) return nil;
delegate = observable;
// see i use observe old value here..
if (delegate!=nil)
[delegate addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"willDealloc" options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:objectDeallocatedContext];
return self;
-(void)dealloc {
if (delegate!=nil)
[delegate removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"willDealloc" context: objectDeallocatedContext];
-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey,id> *)change context:(void *)context {
if (context==objectDeallocatedContext) {
NSLog(#"the observed object deallocated");
// in theory you hold still a weak reference here
// which should be nil after this KVO signal arrived.
// the object in the signal therefore might not be valid anymore,
// which is what you want when observing deallocation.
KVO is a signal pattern, not a way to know if a signalling object is still valid. But when the object is gone it will not signal anything, those when you can receive the signal you are just fine. Because i choose to watch the NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld value with a void* context, it gets even signaled before the objects artificial "willDealloc" property is set (well, not even set). The KVO can arrive without a valid object but has still a context to compare to. You just need the ping

dealloc is being called and I am not sure why

I have a view with some buttons, text fields, and methods. When I load the view, switch to another view, and then switch back, my app crashes. I added in an NSLog in each method to see what the last method call before the crash was, and it was -(void)dealloc{
I am wondering why this method was called? Is it called every time you reload a view? I've double checked my code and I definitely do not call it anywhere.
EDIT : Found my problem, I was releasing an array that I was using to store views. Thanks to #Darren I traced my problem.
Dealloc is called when a class is no longer needed and removed from memory.
When you have no more pointers holding onto anything in the view, then it's dealocated.
How are you switching to/from the view?
if you set a (strong) pointer to the view then it won't be dealocated automatically.
-dealloc is called whenever an object's reference count drops to 0. To find your problem, figure out what object's -dealloc was called. What's the second method on the call stack? The third? Was -dealloc sent to a valid object pointer in the first place?
There are several ways to approach this sort of thing. A good first step is to turn on NSZombies (Google for it). That'll let you know if you're sending a message (like, say, dealloc) to an invalid object. Usually, that causes a crash, but with NSZombies you'll get a nice error message instead.

Protecting my code from zombies from completion blocks

I'm familiar with the delegate pattern and nilling my delegates, especially when doing asynchronous calls which are still in progress when my view controllers disappear. I nil the delegate, and the callback successfully returns on a nil object.
I'm now experimenting with using completion blocks to make my code a little easier to read.
I call a network service from my view controller, and pass a block which updates my UITableView. Under normal circumstances it works fine. However, if I leave the view before it completes, the completion handler block is executed - but the UITableView is now a zombie.
Whats the usual pattern for handling this?
This is an iPad app, I have two view controllers on screen at once, like a split view. One is the detail, and the other is a grid of images. I click an image and it tell the detail to load the info. However, if i click the images too fast before they have chance to do the network call - I have the problems. On changing images the code below is called which counts the favourites of a image....
So here is my dilemma, if I use the code below - it works fine but it leaks in instruments if you switch images before the network responds.
If I remove the __block and pass in self, then it crashes with zombies.
I can't win... I'm sure i'm missing something fundamental about using blocks.
__block UITableView *theTable = [self.table retain];
__block IndexedDictionary *tableData = [self.descriptionKeyValues retain];
FavouritesController *favourites = [Container controllerWithClass:FavouritesController.class];
[favourites countFavouritesForPhoto:self.photo
completion:^(int favesCount) {
[tableData insertObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", favesCount]
forKey:#"Favourites:" atIndex:1];
[theTable reloadData];
[tableData release];
[theTable release];
Any tips? Thanks
I changed the way I loaded the favourites. Instead of the favourites being a singleton, I create an instance on each photo change. By replacing this and killing the old one - the block has nowhere to callback (i guess it doesn't even exist) and my code now just looks like the below, and it appear to be working:
[self.favourites countFavouritesForPhoto:self.photo
completion:^(int favesCount) {
[self.descriptionKeyValues insertObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", favesCount]
forKey:#"Favourites:" atIndex:1];
[self.table reloadData];
It doesn't leak, and doesn't appear to be crashing either.
I recommend you test that the tableview is not nil at the start of the block. It sounds like the tableview is properly discarded when its parent view goes off-screen, so after that point, no tableview operations are valid.
Retaining the UITableView within the block is a bad idea, because datasource/tableview updates can result in implicit method calls and notifications that will not be relevant if the tableview is not on-screen.
Block will retain any object that it references, except for those annotated with __block. If you want not to execute completion blocks at all, just make some property like isCancelled and check whether it is YES before calling completion block.
So you have a background operation which has to call back another object after it finishes and the object can be destroyed in the meantime. The crashes you describe happen when you have non retained references. The problem as you see is that the referred object goes away and the pointer is invalid. Usually, what you do is unregister the delegate inside the dealloc method so that the background task continues, and whenever it is ready to communicate the results back it says "Shoot, my callback object is nil", and at least it doesn't crash.
Still, handling manually weak references is tedious and error prone. You can forget to nil a delegate inside a dealloc method and it may go without notice for months before you encounter a situation where the code crashes.
If you are targeting iOS 5.0 I would read up upon ARC and the weak references it provides. If you don't want to use ARC, or need to target pre 5.x devices, I would recommend using zeroing weak reference libraries like MAZeroingWeakRef which work also for 3.x devices.
With either ARC's weak references or MAZeroingWeakRef, you would implement the background task with one of these fancy weak reference objects pointing back to your table. Now if the pointed object goes away, the weak pointer will nil itself and your background task won't crash.

Memory management, and async operations: when does an object become nil?

I have a view that will be displaying downloaded images and text. I'd like to handle all the downloading asynchronously using ASIHTTPRequest, but I'm not sure how to go about notifying the view when downloads are finished...
If I pass my view controller as the delegate of the ASIHTTPRequest, and then my view is destroyed (user navigates away) will it fail gracefully when it tries to message my view controller because the delegate is now nil?
i.e. if i do this:
UIViewController *myvc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
request.delegate = myvc;
[myvc release];
Do myvc, and request.delegate now == a pointer to nil?
This is the problem with being self-taught... I'm kinda fuzzy on some basic concepts.
Other ideas of how to handle this are welcome.
update: Looking at the source code for ASIHTTPRequest, it does not retain its delegate, so your code will either have to ensure that the delegate has not been released, or set the request's delegate property to nil before releasing your controller.
If you are going to have several asynchronous HTTP requests running, it may be a good idea to create an HTTPRequestManager class to act as delegate for all of your HTTP requests. This HTTPRequestManager class would remain in memory for the entire lifetime of your application, and it could take care of failing gracefully if/when your view controllers are released.
I would like to add a clarification about Cocoa's reference-counted memory management. It is important to remember that a released object is not automatically set to nil. Sending a message to nil is perfectly legal (and simply does nothing), but sending a message to a deleted object is undefined behaviour. Keeping a pointer to a deleted object is asking for trouble, and such living/dead pointers are referred to as zombies.

Checking for a valid delegate object before sending it a message

I am trying to implement the delegate Pattern in Objective-C, however I am experiencing a Bad Access exception when invoking the delegate sometimes. It seems this is caused by the delegate being released. Apple does not recommend to retain delegates.
How can I check my delegate if is still valid before trying to send it a message?
If there's a chance that the delegate will get released by the setter, then there's something wrong with your design. You should only set delegates on objects that have a shorter lifespan than the delegate itself. For example, setting a delegate on a subview/controller is fine, because the subview/controller has a shorter lifespan than the caller.
AFAIK, there is no reliable way to detect if an object has been released already.
What Apple means about not retaining delegates is that objects should not retain their delegates because they don't own them. These are only objects that handle messages.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't retain delegates at all. The object that creates the delegate needs to own it. In the context of non-GC apps this means it should handle the retain and release cycle, and for GC apps, it means that the controller object keeps hold of a pointer to the delegate in an iVar.
without seeing some code or the error message, it is hard to find the root of this problem.
In a photoviewer application I'm using asynchronous http to load images; it happens that the user often dismisses the current view (referenced by my async http object through a delegate) before the http download completed causing a BAD_ACCESS when calling the view controller delegate method. I solved this by setting the .delegate to nil inside the dealloc block of the view controller
I'd like to share my experience also, which is very similar to Nico's one.
I've been working with a modified example of LazyTablesCode, wich is an example that comes direcly from Apple and loads images in a UITableView asynchronously. Communication between the downloader and the view it's made via delegates.
In my code, I had the problem that sometimes the load of the image finishes when the form that should be called through the delegate has been released. I've been forced to add this piece of code inside the code of the viewController (dealloc method):
if (self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading != nil) {
for (id theKey in self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading) {
Myobj *downloader = [self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading objectForKey:theKey];
downloader.delegate = nil;
It seems that these lines are solving the problem. Anyway It would be very appreciated opinions about if it's a good solution or not or even about memory issues when doing downloader.delegate = nil;
Thanks and greetings,