Nhibernate query issue - nhibernate

Considering the following mapping file where TemporaryAccessOpenCommand and TemporaryAccessCloseCommand both inherit from base class Command
<class name="Command" table="xxx_Commands" lazy="false">
<id name="Id" type="Int32" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity"/>
<property name="BeginDate" />
<property name="EndDate" />
<component name="Result" class="CommandResult">
<property name="Status" column="ResultStatus"/>
<property name="Details" column="ResultDetails" />
<many-to-one name="Requestor" class="xxx.Domain.SessionInfo, xxx.Domain" column="SessionInfoId" lazy="false" />
<joined-subclass name="xxx.TemporaryAccess.Commands.TemporaryAccessCloseCommand, xxx.TemporaryAccess" table="xxx_Commands_TemporaryAccess_Close">
<key column="CommandId"/>
<joined-subclass name="xxx.TemporaryAccess.Commands.TemporaryAccessOpenCommand, xxx.TemporaryAccess" table="xxx_Commands_TemporaryAccess_Open">
<key column="CommandId"/>
<many-to-one name="EndUser" ...... />
<property name="Reason"/>
<property name="AccessRight"/>
<property name="AccessType"/>
<bag name="CloseAccessCommands" cascade="all" lazy="false">
<key column="OpenCommandId"/>
<one-to-many class="xxx.TemporaryAccess.Commands.TemporaryAccessCloseCommand, xxx.TemporaryAccess"/>
What would be the nhibernate query to retrieve every OpenAccessCommand having no succeeded CloseAccessCommand ?
I tried this :
public IList<TemporaryAccessOpenCommand> FindOpenCommandsWithoutSucceededCloseCommand()
return this.HibernateTemplate.ExecuteFind<TemporaryAccessOpenCommand>(delegate(ISession session)
return session.CreateCriteria(typeof(TemporaryAccessOpenCommand))
.Add(Expression.Not(Expression.Eq("Result.Status", CommandStatus.Succeeded)))
But it will return an OpenAccessCommand that has tow CloseCommand (one failed and one succeeded) when it should return an empty list.
Thanks for your help (and excuse my poor english)

I managed to get something working this way (I'm open to suggestions if it's not the best way)
public IList<TemporaryAccessOpenCommand> FindOpenCommandsWithoutSucceededCloseCommand()
return this.HibernateTemplate.ExecuteFind<TemporaryAccessOpenCommand>(delegate(ISession session)
string sql = string.Format(#"
SELECT temp_c.OpenCommandId
FROM VSA2_Commands_TemporaryAccess_Close temp_c
INNER JOIN VSA2_Commands c
ON temp_c.CommandId = c.Id
WHERE c.ResultStatus = {0}
) AS OpenCommandId"
, (int)CommandStatus.Succeeded);
var subCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<TemporaryAccessCloseCommand>();
subCriteria = subCriteria.SetProjection(Projections.SqlProjection(sql, new string[] { "OpenCommandID" }, new IType[] { NHibernateUtil.Int32 }));
return session.CreateCriteria(typeof(TemporaryAccessOpenCommand))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Result.Status", CommandStatus.Succeeded))
.Add(Subqueries.PropertyNotIn("Id", subCriteria))


Hibernate: join with 2 NOT primary key

i want to do a left outer join from 2 table, but with 2 key that are not primary key.
This is the native sql query used:
Maybe there is a better way to do it?
SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("
select {A.*},{B.*} from A_TABLE A left outer join B_TABLE B on A.QUOTE_ID = B.QUOTE_NUM ")
.addEntity("A", A_Class.class)
.addJoin("B", "A.bDocs");
for(Object result : query.list())
The mapping A file:
<class name="A_Class" table="A_TABLE" schema="S">
<id name="rowId" type="string">
<column name="ROW_ID" length="60" />
<generator class="assigned" />
<set name="BDocs" inverse="true" fetch="select" lazy="false">
<column name="QUOTE_NUM" length="60" not-null="true" />
<one-to-many class="B_Class" />
public class A_Class implements java.io.Serializable
private String rowId;
private String QuoteId;
private Set BDocs= new HashSet(0);
// omitted all the set and get
The mapping B file:
<class name="B" table="B_TABLE" schema="S">
<id name="rowId" type="string">
<column name="ROW_ID" length="60" />
<generator class="assigned" />
<many-to-one name="A" class="A_Class" fetch="select" lazy="false" outer-join="true" foreign-key="QuoteId" property-ref="QuoteId">
<column name="QUOTE_NUM" length="60" not-null="true" />
public class B_Class implements java.io.Serializable
private String rowId;
private String quoteNum;
// omitted all the set and get
From this query i obtain 2 objects, one of A type and the other of B Type with a lot of correct datas but the set BDocs in the object of A type isn't filled. The goal is to get only the A Object with the variable BDocs filled with the B Objects.
I don't understand if the problem is in the query or in the mapping files. Anyone can help me?

NHibernate discriminator-value="null" not working on base class - filter not applied

For following class mapping:
<class name="Person" table="Person" discriminator-value="null">
<id name="ID" column="ID" >
<generator class="identity"/>
<discriminator column="MasterId" />
<property name="LongName" column="LONGNAME" />
<property name="ShortName" column="SHORTNAME" />
// other stuff here ...
<subclass name="PersonHistory" discriminator-value="not null">
<property name="MasterId" />
when I execute:
var query =
from lac in session.Query<Person>()
orderby lac.LongName
select lac;
return query.ToList();
I get all entries from Person table, both with MasterId set to null and not null. Is there a way to get NHibernate fetch only entities with MasterId = null?
How about using discriminator formula in your case?
<discriminator formula="case when MasterId is null then 0 else 1 end" />
And then have discriminator attribute values set for classes:
For Person: discriminator-value="0"
For PersonHistory: discriminator-value="1"
In order to achieve what I wanted, I've created base class + two subclasses. This is the configuration:
subclasses with discriminator-value:
<subclass name="People" discriminator-value="null">
<subclass name="PeopleHistory" discriminator-value="not null">
<property name="MasterRowId" />
discriminator in base class:
<discriminator column="MasterRowId" />

Cascade ="all" not saving child entities

I think the object model below is saying a Party and PartyName to have a many to one relatioship. An I think the cascade=all i the Party.hbm sshould be having NHib save the child PartyName(s).
But it clearly isn't...
Can someone explain why PartyName isn't being saved with Party and what to do to fix?
<class name="Party" table="Parties">
<id name="Id">
<column name="PartyId" />
<generator class="hilo" />
<discriminator column="Type" not-null="true" type="string" />
<set access="field.camelcase-underscore" cascade="all" inverse="true" name="Names">
<key foreign-key="Party_PartyName_FK">
<column name="PartyNameId" />
<one-to-many class="Parties.Domain.Names.PartyName, Parties.Domain" />
name="Smack.Core.TestingSupport.NHibernate.TestableDomain.SomeDopeyDomainModel.Student, Smack.Core.TestingSupport"
<property name="Number" />
class="Smack.Core.TestingSupport.NHibernate.TestableDomain.SomeDopeyDomainModel.Course, Smack.Core.TestingSupport"
<column name="CourseId" index="CourseIndex" />
<many-to-one access="field.camelcase-underscore" class="Parties.Domain.Party" foreign-key="Party_FK" name="Party">
<column name="PartyId" index="PartyIndex" not-null="true"/>
<property name="TheRequiredName" not-null="true" length="50"/>
<property name="EverythingElse" />
<property name="ContextUsed" length="50"/>
<property name="Salutation" length="20"/>
<property name="EffectivePeriod" type="Smack.Core.Data.NHibernate.UserTypes.DateRangeUserType, Smack.Core.Data">
<column name="EffectiveStart"/>
<column name="EffectiveEnd"/>
Failing Test (and output)
public void CanSaveAndLoad_AllProperties()
var partyName = NameSeeds.DevName;
partyName.Party = _party;
Assert.That(_party.Names.First(), Is.EqualTo(partyName));
using (var tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
Party foundParty;
using (var tx = _session.BeginTransaction())
foundParty = _session.Get<Party>(_party.Id); *** <=== name s/b saved!!
PartyName foundName = foundParty.Names.First();
Assert.That(foundName, Is.EqualTo(partyName));
Assert.That(foundName.Party, Is.Not.Null);
Assert.That(foundName.TheRequiredName, Is.EqualTo(partyName.TheRequiredName));
Assert.That(foundName.EverythingElse, Is.EqualTo(partyName.EverythingElse));
Assert.That(foundName.ContextUsed, Is.EqualTo(partyName.ContextUsed));
Assert.That(foundName.Salutation, Is.EqualTo(partyName.Salutation));
Assert.That(foundName.EffectivePeriod, Is.EqualTo(partyName.EffectivePeriod));
NHibernate: INSERT INTO Parties (Type, PartyId) VALUES ('Parties.Domain.Party', #p0);#p0 = 32768 [Type: Int32 (0)]
NHibernate: SELECT party0_.PartyId as PartyId2_0_, party0_.Number as Number2_0_, party0_.CourseId as CourseId2_0_, party0_.Type as Type2_0_ FROM Parties party0_ WHERE party0_.PartyId=#p0;#p0 = 32768 [Type: Int32 (0)]
With the mapping of the Names <set> inverse=true, you will have to explicitly call session.Save(partyNameObject) on each member of the collection. If you are looking to have NHibernate automatically save the members of the set when the PartyObject is saved, you need to change the Names <set> inverse attribute to inverse=false. This tells Nhibernate that you want Party to control the relationship between Party and PartyName. You must also remember to add each partyNameObject to the Party.Names collection. Otherwise, they won't be saved when you call Session.Save(partyObject). Keep in mind that having the parent control the relationship may be handy, but if you happen to save the PartyObject without having Loaded the PartyNames collection, NHibernate will update their Party FK to Null. In this scenario with certain Cascade options set on the Names <set>, you might find Nhibernate Deleting them as well.

NHibernate.PropertyValueException : not-null property references a null or transient

I am getting the following exception.
NHibernate.PropertyValueException : not-null property references a null or transient
Here are my mapping files.
<class name="Product" table="Products">
<id name="Id" type="Int32" column="Id" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity"/>
<set name="PriceBreaks" table="PriceBreaks" generic="true" cascade="all" inverse="true" >
<key column="ProductId" />
<one-to-many class="EStore.Domain.Model.PriceBreak, EStore.Domain" />
Price Breaks
<class name="PriceBreak" table="PriceBreaks">
<id name="Id" type="Int32" column="Id" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity"/>
<property name="ProductId" column="ProductId" type="Int32" not-null="true" />
<many-to-one name="Product" column="ProductId" not-null="true" cascade="all" class="EStore.Domain.Model.Product, EStore.Domain" />
I get the exception on the following method
public void Can_Add_Price_Break()
IPriceBreakRepository repo = new PriceBreakRepository();
var priceBreak = new PriceBreak();
priceBreak.ProductId = 19;
Assert.Greater(priceBreak.Id, 0);
Following up on Jan reply. I've removed the ProductId from priceBreak map. This works!!
public int AddPriceBreak(Product product, PriceBreak priceBreak)
using (ISession session = EStore.Domain.Helpers.NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
return priceBreak.Id;
Remove the ProductId property from the mapping and from the PriceBreak class. And use the PriceBreaks collection to add PriceBreaks, you don't need the PriceBreakRepository, but only a ProductRepository.
using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var product = session.Get<Product>(19);
product.AddPriceBreak(new PriceBreak());
And in the Product:
class Product
// ...
public void AddPriceBreak(PriceBreak pb)
pb.Product = this;
Your usage of Id properties along with the actual references is incorrect.
First, remove this line:
<property name="ProductId" column="ProductId" type="Int32" not-null="true" />
Then, instead of assigning ProductId (you should remove that property completely), use:
priceBreak.Product = session.Load<Product>(19);
(You might need to add the Load method to your repository).

NHibernate: Persist an object with children

I am trying to persist an object with a collection of child objects. I can't persist the children first as there is a FK relationship. I could save the parent first and then add the children on to it, but this would introduce more work. Basically I'm just trying to save a fully populated object in one step and not break it into parts. Is there something wrong with my mapping (sorry it looks so ugly) or is it my methods?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
<class name="NetworkOrderManagement.Core.Order, NetworkOrderManagement.Core" table="NETORDMGMT.ORDERHEADER" lazy="false" >
<id name="OrderId" column="ORDERID" type="int">
<generator class="seqhilo">
<param name="sequence">ORDERID_SEQ</param>
<property name="TransmissionDate" column="TRANSMISSIONDATE" type="DateTime"/>
<property name="StoreNumber" column="STORENUMBER" type="Int16"/>
<property name="Department" column="DEPARTMENT" type="Int16"/>
<property name="OrderType" column="ORDERTYPE" type="Int16"/>
<property name="OrderSequence" column="ORDERSEQUENCE" type="Int16"/>
<property name="ExtractTime" column="EXTRACTTIME" type="DateTime"/>
<property name="Status" column="STATUS" type="Int16"/>
<property name="ReceivedTime" column="RECEIVEDTIME" type="DateTime"/>
<bag name="OrderDetail" table="NETORDMGMT.ORDERDETAIL"
lazy="false" cascade="all" inverse="true">
<key column="ORDERID" on-delete="cascade"/>
<one-to-many class="NetworkOrderManagement.Core.OrderDetail, NetworkOrderManagement.Core" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
<class name="NetworkOrderManagement.Core.OrderDetail, NetworkOrderManagement.Core" table="NETORDMGMT.ORDERDETAIL" lazy="false">
<id name="OrderDetailId" column="ORDERDETAILID" type="int">
<generator class="seqhilo">
<param name="sequence">"ORDERDTLID_SEQ"</param>
<many-to-one name="Order" class="NetworkOrderManagement.Core.Order, NetworkOrderManagement.Core"
column="OrderId" lazy="false" not-null="true" />
<property name="ItemNumber" column="ITEMNUMBER" type="Int32"/>
<property name="OrderQuantity" column="ORDERQUANTITY" type="Int32"/>
<property name="ErrorCode" column="ERRORCODE" type="Int32"/>
Here's my exception:
Test method NetworkOrderManagement.Tests.DataAccess.QuickTests.QuickTest threw exception:
Distribution.Exceptions.DataAccessException: NHibernate Exception --->
NHibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient valueNetworkOrderManagement.Core.OrderDetail.Order.
I get this when my test below tries to add an orderdetail to the order while it is still transient:
public void QuickTest()
myOrderRepository = NetworkOrderManagement.Data.RepositoryFactory.Instance.GetOrderRepository();
myOrderDetailRepository = NetworkOrderManagement.Data.RepositoryFactory.Instance.GetOrderDetailRepository();
myOrder = new Order { StoreNumber = RandGen.LittleRand(), Department = RandGen.LittleRand(), TransmissionDate = DateTime.MinValue, ExtractTime = DateTime.MinValue, ReceivedTime = DateTime.MinValue };
myOrder = myOrderRepository.Save(myOrder);
myOrderDetail1 = new OrderDetail {OrderId = myOrder.OrderId, ItemNumber = RandGen.BigRand(), OrderQuantity = RandGen.LittleRand() };
myOrderDetail2 = new OrderDetail {OrderId = myOrder.OrderId, ItemNumber = RandGen.BigRand(), OrderQuantity = RandGen.LittleRand() };
myOrderDetail1 = myOrderDetailRepository.Save(myOrderDetail1);
myOrderDetail2 = myOrderDetailRepository.Save(myOrderDetail2);
Specify cascading on the collection, and let NHibernate figure it out for you
Okay, I've seen that you've done that. :)
What you haven't done, is specify the back-reference.
I mean: you add an item to your collection, but this added item has a property to its owner, which you haven't set:
Order o = new Order();
OrderDetail detail = new OrderDetail ();
detail.Order = o;
o.OrderLines.Add (detail);
What would be even better (imho) is this (simplified) :
public class Order
private IList<OrderDetail> _details = new List<OrderDetail>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<OrderDetail> Details
return new List(_details).AsReadOnly();
public void AddOrderLine( OrderDetail d )
d.Order = this;
_details.Add (d);
public void RemoveOrderLine( OrderDetail d )
_details.Remove (d);