Remoting with AIR - air

Hi I am trying to set up remoting in an AIR app.
Does anyone know if I need to define a context-root in the compiler settings.
Can't seem to find any articles about setting it up, only in flex.

compiler setting looks like:
-services "X:\tomcat\webapps\blazeds\WEB-INF\flex\services-config.xml"
however, if you want AIR to work over http you have to setup it abit different than a webapp. dunno why, but when using a webapp its enough to setup the flex-server on blazeDS or whatver backend you use and than use something like
protected function createData(event:MouseEvent):void
var javaObject : RemoteObject = new RemoteObject("YOUR_CONFIGURED_JAVA_CLASS");
javaObject.showBusyCursor = true;
var token : AsyncToken = javaObject.YOUR_JAVA_METHOD();
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(dataResult,handleFault));
but when using AIR you HAVE to setup a destination and endpoint, otherwise it will fail to connect and you will end up with and error like
'Channel.Connect.Failed error
NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP:
Failed: url:
so, for AIR apps you have add the following
javaObject.endpoint = "http://IP:PORT/blazeds/messagebroker/amf";
javaObject.destination = "hello";
where hello again is the config'd java-class you're calling.
hope that helped.


Kotlin for Volley, how can I check the JSON request for newer data in the API?

I'm working on an app that gets a list of documents/source URL from an api. I'd like to periodically check for new or updated contents within that API so users can update saved items in the database. I'm at a loss on the correct wording to search, thus Google and Stack Overflow have both failed me. My fetching function is below:
The URL for the API is
private fun fetchPubs() {
_binding.contentMain.loading.visibility = View.VISIBLE
request = JsonArrayRequest(
JSONArray(),{ response ->
val items: List<Pubs> =
Gson().fromJson(response.toString(), object : TypeToken<List<Pubs>>() {}.type)
val sortedItems = items.sortedWith(compareBy { it.Number })
// Hardcoded pubs moved to Publications Gitlab Repo
_binding.contentMain.loading.visibility = View.GONE
Log.i("LENGTH OF DATA", "${items.size}")
{error ->
Toasty.error(applicationContext, getString(string.no_internet), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, true).show()
private fun setupData(){
adapter = MainAdapter(applicationContext, pubsList!!, this)
_binding.contentMain.recyclerView.adapter = adapter
I tried using ChatGPT to see if that would get me started and that failed miserably. Also searched Google, Reddit and Stack Overflow for similar projects, but mine is a unique scenario I guess. I'm just a hobbyist and intermediate dev I guess. First time working with Volley, everything works, but I would like to find a way to send a notification (preferably not Firebase) if there is updated info within the API listed above. I'm not sure if this is actually doable.
Are you asking if you can somehow find if the remote API has changed its content? If so, how would that service advise you? If the service provider provides a web hook or similar callback you could write a server-based program to send a push notification to your Android app.
Perhaps you intent to poll the API periodically, and then you want to know if there is a change?
If you use a tool such as Postman or curl to easily see the headers of the API you will see, unfortunately, there is no Last-Modified header or ETag header which would allow you to easily determine if there was a change.
Next looking at the content of the API, the author does not provide an obvious version/change date, so no luck there.
What you could do is receive the content as a String, and perform a checksum operation on it, and if it differs you know there has been a change
or if you are deserialising the received JSON in Kotlin data classes, then out of the box, Kotlin will enable you to perform an equality operation on a previous copy of the data to know if there was a change.
This looks like an android app; if so, why don't you create a background service that makes requests to the API and updates the data as needed? You can use an AlarmManager class to set the interval threshold for polling by using the setInexactRepeating() method.
Most apps are updated in this fashion; sometimes, a separate table is created to catalog changesets.
Let me know if this helps.

How to use Miniprofiler storage to support multiple web instances?

I've hooked up Miniprofiler to my local ASP.NET Core project and it works as expected. Now I need it to work in a hosted environment where there are multiple instances of the same website and there are no sticky sessions. It is my understanding that this should be supported if you just set the storage option when configuring the profiler. However, setting the storage does not seem to do anything. I initialize the storage like this:
var redisConnection = "...";
MiniProfiler.DefaultOptions.Storage = new RedisStorage(redisConnection);
After doing this, I expected that I could open a profiled page and a result would be added to my redis cache. I would then also expect that a new instance of my website would list the original profiling result. However, nothing is written to the cache when generating new profile results.
To test the connection, I tried manually saving a profiler instance (storage.Save()) and it gets saved to the storage. But again, the saved result is not loaded when showing profiler results (and regardless, none of the examples I've seen requires you to do this). I have a feeling that I've missed some point about how the storage is supposed to work.
It turns out that my assumption that MiniProfiler.DefaultOptions.Storage would be used was wrong. After changing my setup code to the following, it works.
// Startup.cs ConfigureServices
var redisConnection = "...";
services.AddMiniProfiler(o =>
o.RouteBasePath = "/profiler";
o.Storage = new RedisStorage(redisConnection); // This is new
// Startup.cs Configure

Globalisation of system messages in worklight 5.0.6

wil u pls help out from globalisation of system messages using
WL.ClientMessages.loading = "Custom loading";
which is declared globally in common/js file.
I have gone to worklight docs but i couldnt understand hw to translate it to differnt languages
A device's native system messages can be modified during application start-up by globally assigning a custom value to WL.ClientMessages.messageName before the wlCommonInit() function.
WL.ClientMessages.wlSettings = 'Custom Worklight Settings';
function wlCommonInit(){
As referenced in this post, the loading system message can only be modified when an application does not connect to the Worklight server on start-up.
var wlInitOptions = {
connectOnStartup : false,
System messages are defined in .../wlclient/js/messages.js and can only be modified at start-up in the above fashion. Application specific messages located in common/js/messages.js can be modified at run-time using JavaScript. For examples and additional information please consult IBM's Getting Started Page
WL.ClientMessages.loading = Messages.wrklight;
Will cause an error because the application messages in common/js/messages.js have not been loaded when this statement executes. To translate system messages I recommend using the device language and locale to select a language from a set of conditional statements. Here is a brief example:
if(WL.App.getDeviceLanguage() == 'en' && WL.App.getDeviceLocale() == 'en-US') {
WL.ClientMessages.loading = 'Custom Loading Message';

Authentication with SMTP transport using Swiftmailer

I'm using Swiftmailer to send emails in my Yii based application and it works great, so there is no problems with the Swiftmailer extension wrapper. But now I want to use the SMPT transport to authenticate the users in my application against the mail server. The code I'm using:
$SM = Yii::app()->swiftMailer;
$mailHost = 'XXX';
$mailPort = XXX;
// New transport
$transport = $SM->smtpTransport($mailHost, $mailPort);
// authenticated;
// error;
This isn't working. When I set real login credentials instantly logs in. But when I type wrong ones, it spends some time but at last it logs in too. I don't know why this happens because just when using real credentials Swiftmailer can send emails.
I'm using the right API functions? I'm doing something wrong?
Looking at the source, when you call start(), started is always set to True.
I'm not familiar with switfmailer, but it looks like you'll want to check the results of authenticate()

Another doGet() issue with Google Apps Script - "Unknown macro doGet" error

I'am obviously new to Google Apps Script, nevertheless I have some experience in coding in C, PHP and Java. Since we would like to create a small CRM in our company with Google Apps Script, we need to create an application with a form available on Google Sites. I've been searching an answer for this problem a long time, I haven't unfortunately found any answer. I have a code like this:
var klienci_id = new Array(100);
var klienci_nazwa = new Array(100);
var klienci_adres = new Array(100);
var klienci_osoba = new Array(100);
var klienci_telefon = new Array(100);
var klienci_email = new Array(100);
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
// hello world label
var helloworldLabel = app.createLabel("I love Apps Script!").setStyleAttribute("fontSize","16px");
// add the label to the app container
return app;
function main() {
var klienci = SpreadsheetApp.openById("0ArsOaWajjzv9dEdGTUZCWFc1NnFva05uWkxETVF6Q0E");
var kuchnia_polska = klienci.getSheetByName("Kuchnia polska");
var dane = kuchnia_polska.getRange("D7:F22");
And everytime I try to publish it and enter the given link I get the error "Unknown macro doGet". I know this is a common problem when somebody doesn't use doGet() function but I do - and it still doesn't work. I also believe that Google should create a thorought documentation on Google Apps Script, which would work the way the Unix manual does, since I just cannot get through all these strange pages of goddamn help :) It's neither a Windows help, nor a good manual ;)
I have a suspicion that you made a "version" once, published the app, went to the "real" link and not the "development" link, and then added the doGet() function. When you make a version, it freezes the code at that time. The version that the app is published at is the version of the code that will run at the "real" link (what you give users), which allows you to keep editing the code without disturbing existing users of your app. There is a special "development" link given to you in the publish dialog that always refers to the most recent version of the code, but which will only work for you and no one else.
I'm affraid there is a little misunderstanding on your side concerning the use of the 'doGet()' function. When you want to run an application as a webapp, the doc says indeed that it must contain a doGet function but what it doesn't say explicitely is that this function is supposed to be the starting point of the whole app, ie the function that the url will call in the first place. So it doesn't make much sense to have the doGet function called from a so called "main" function since the "main" function is not the main function...
I cannot imagine right now a situation where some function calls the doGet function since every function in the script is called initially (directly or indirectly) from this doGet function.... in fact the 'end' of any other function in the script 'returns' to the doGet initial function. Well this is maybe not absolutely true in every case but it gives you the general idea about how it works.
I'm hoping this is clear enough and, to return to your code snippet, if you remove the doGet(e) call, it will ideed show a nice "I love Apps Script!" but it will never do anything else, certainly not see the "main" function.
I've copied your code here
and when deployed as a web app appears to work
Only thing I can think of is there is something else in your code not copied into the snippet that is throwing the exception.
[Just before the GUI Builder was published I came up with Creating a framework for custom form interfaces using Google Apps Script which might help you with your project]
Thank you both for help. Serge, yes, it's really not obvious what the structure of Google Apps Scripts should be. They are based on JavaScript, however, due to lack of HTML in the code they have completely different flow - so naturally, there has to be a main function which is executed first. And of course in every programming environment it has to have a different name to make it more distinguishable ;-)
I created a new copy of my application, not changing the code completely - deployed it and it works beautifuly. Since I haven't changed anything in access options, it's quite strange that two applications with the same code and the same options don't give the same result. I think it may be a kind of the environment flaw, maybe someone from Google should look at this :)
Here's the link to the script, I've set access to "Anyone with the link".