Maven findbugs:check - Output Summary Of Bugs - maven-2

Does anybody know how to configure the maven findbugs plugin to output a summary of the bugs to the console (similar to the pmd plugin)?
At present findbugs:check just prints out how many bugs there are in total and I need to check the individual modules target/findbugs directory and each findbugs.xml file to fix the issues.
Ideally it would be good to get a summary report back on the command line. Any ideas?

I use this hack, based on maven-groovy-plugin:
def file = new File("${}/findbugsXml.xml")
if (!file.exists()) {
fail("Findbugs XML report is absent: " + file.getPath())
def xml = new XmlParser().parse(file)
def bugs = xml.BugInstance
def total = bugs.size()
if (total > 0) {"Total bugs: " + total)
for (i in {
def bug = bugs[i]
+ " " + bug.Class.'#classname'
+ " " + bug.Class.SourceLine.Message.text()

There isn't currently a means to do this using the standard plugin. You can create a plugin to read the findbugsChecks.xml and output the information you need though.
The code below will output the total bugs found and the bugs per package for any project with a findbugsChecks.xml in the output directory. You can configure the name of the file it reads by setting the findBugsChecks property on the configuration:
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
* #goal stats
public class FindbugsStatsMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* Where to read the findbugs stats from
* #parameter expression="${findbugsChecks}"
* default-value="${}/findbugsCheck.xml"
private File findbugsChecks;
* Output the Findbus stats for the project to the console.
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (findbugsChecks != null && findbugsChecks.exists()) {
try {
Xpp3Dom dom = FileReader(
// get the summary and output it
Xpp3Dom summaryDom = dom.getChild("FindBugsSummary");
// output any information needed
"Total bug count:"
+ summaryDom.getAttribute("total_bugs"));
Xpp3Dom[] packageDoms = summaryDom.getChildren("PackageStats");
getLog().info(packageDoms.length + " package(s)");
for (int i = 0; i < packageDoms.length; i++) {
String info = new StringBuilder().append("package ")
.append(": types:").append(
.append(", bugs:").append(
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Findbugs checks file missing", e);
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Unable to parse Findbugs checks file", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
"Unable to read Findbugs checks file", e);
To package this code, add it to the src/main/java folder of a Mavenproject with a POM like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Then run mvn install to install the plugin.
To actually use it, you can run it as an additional goal on the command line, or bind it to your project to run as part of the standard lifecycle.
Here's the command to run from the commandline (assuming the project has previously been compiled:
mvn findbugs:check
To bind the configurations to your project so it will be run on each build, use the following configuration:

Following along from the concepts above I have raised this issue on the maven findbugs issue tracker. I have also coded and submitted a patch that shows total bugs for each project. It could easily be modified to get other details.
The code ignores projects specified as producing POM outputs and also ignores projects whose POMs specify true in their findbugs configuration. We are running a large multi-module maven build with the patch applied.
With the patch applied you run mvn findbugs:check and you get something like the following output (output obfuscated to protect the guilty :):
[INFO] Summary
[INFO] -------
[INFO] C:\PATH\Abstraction\PalDefinitions\target/findbugsXml.xml 4
[INFO] C:\PATH\System\target/findbugsXml.xml 19
[INFO] C:\PATH\ApplicationLayer\target/findbugsXml.xml 13
[INFO] C:\PATH\Support\ServiceStub\target/findbugsXml.xml 11
[INFO] C:\PATH\Support\MultiPlatform\target/findbugsXml.xml 10
[INFO] C:\PATH\Support\Serializer\target/findbugsXml.xml 19
[INFO] C:\PATH\Support\Brander\target/findbugsXml.xml 19
[INFO] C:\PATH\PlatformAbstraction\Pal1\target/findbugsXml.xml 8
[INFO] C:\PATH\PlatformAbstraction\Pal2\target/findbugsXml.xml 0
[INFO] C:\PATH\PlatformAbstraction\Pal3\target/findbugsXml.xml 0
[INFO] C:\PATH\PlatformAbstraction\Pal4\target/findbugsXml.xml 0
[INFO] C:\PATH\Framework\Common\target/findbugsXml.xml 12
[INFO] C:\PATH\Framework\legacyFramework\target/findbugsXml.xml 7
[INFO] C:\PATH\Framework\UIFramework\target/findbugsXml.xml 7
[INFO] C:\PATH\ExecutionLayer\Stub\target/findbugsXml.xml 0
[INFO] C:\PATH\ExecutionLayer\BB\BB\target/findbugsXml.xml 1
[INFO] TOTAL = 130
[INFO] -------
[INFO] Number of bugs 130 falls BELOW summaryThreshold 260. Check OK

You can do this with Violations Maven Plugin. It is configured with patterns to identify report files on the filesystem. It needs to run after findbugs, or any other static code analysis tool.
It will
Print the violations in the build log.
Optionally fail the build if number of violations found is higher then a configured number.


Unable to resolve class - Groovy junit testing using maven

I am trying to create groovy tests where i use other methods from other Groovy scripts. Whenever i run mvn test i get unable to resolve class error, referring to the illegal import from another groovy script.
This is the testclass that I've written :
import jenkins_methods.gitMethods
import org.junit.Test
class GitMethodsTest extends GroovyTestCase{
def gitMethods = new gitMethods()
void testGetDvhBranches(){
catch(Exception e){
println e
package jenkins_methods
// src/jobMethods
import dvh.util.AnsiColorDefinition
import jenkins_methods.fileMethods
String getGitDVH_BranchPath_flash() { return '/git-repository1/git/dvh/branches/' }
String dvhBranchNull() { return 'feature/DV-null-repo' }
String getDVH_branches() {
gitURL_DVH= "censored_url"
String response = sh returnStdout: true, script: "git ls-remote -h ${gitURL_DVH()}"
def branches = response.replaceAll(/[a-z0-9]*\trefs\/heads\//, ',')
branches = branches.substring(1, branches.length()).replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\r", "")
return branches
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
The jenkins_methods package contains various groovy scripts that are necessary for the Tests to become relevant.
Structure of the project is as following :
This is the error that i get when i run mvn test
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-plugin:1.5:testCompile (default) on project jenkins-jobs: startup failed:
[ERROR] /C:/Users/jenkins-jobs/src/test/groovy/GitMethodsTest.groovy: 3: unable to resolve class jenkins_methods.gitMethods
[ERROR] # line 3, column 1.
[ERROR] import jenkins_methods.gitMethods
[ERROR] 1 error
How do i solve this problem?

#MicronautTest does not start the embedded server

I am writing a Spock test for controllers in an app using Micronaut. When using #MicronautTest(application=Application), it throws exception with message #MicronautTest used on test but no bean definition for the test present..
On examining the code, I see the following 2 reasons why Micronaut throws this exception. From io.micronaut.test.extensions.spock.MicronautSpockExtension :
if (this.specDefinition == null) {
if (!this.isTestSuiteBeanPresent((Class)spec.getReflection())) {
throw new InvalidSpecException("#MicronautTest used on test but no bean definition for the test present. This error indicates a misconfigured build or IDE. Please add the 'micronaut-inject-java' annotation processor to your test processor path (for Java this is the testAnnotationProcessor scope, for Kotlin kaptTest and for Groovy testCompile). See the documentation for reference:");
My POM configuration is:
If I do not define the annotation the test #MicronautTest, it seems that the application doesn't even start.
Below is the spec code:
#MicronautTest(application= Application)
#PropertySource(value = [
#Property(name='', value = 'EndpointSpec'),
#Property(name = '', value = 'ANONYMOUS'),
#Property(name = MongoSettings.EMBEDDED, value = 'true'),
class EndpointSpec extends Specification {
EmbeddedServer embeddedServer
ApplicationContext applicationContext
def "test health endpoint is working"() {
given: 'a RxHttpClient'
URL server = embeddedServer.getURL()
RxHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(server, new DefaultHttpClientConfiguration(), '/management')
when: '/health is called'
HttpResponse response = client.toBlocking().exchange('/health')
then: 'response is 200 OK and contains valid headers'
response.status == HttpStatus.OK
response.headers.size() == 5
response.headers.contains('content-type') && response.headers.get('content-type') == MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON
//and: 'response contains valid HealthResult'
//HealthResult healthResult = response.body()
// Want to validate the health result here but nothing is present in body
How I can either defined the specDefinition value or mark the test in such a way that it is present as a bean definition and what is the reason for such a behavior. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Micronaut-test makes the tests themselves beans. In order for a Groovy test to be a bean, you need to have micronaut-inject-groovy on the compilation path for test.
Yes, adding the micronaut-inject-groovy to your maven build will resolve the issue. Add the following.

Generate classes with gradle and jaxb for tests with different configuration

I'm using
id "com.bmuschko.docker-java-application" version "3.0.7"
gradle plugin and this configuration:
jaxb {
xsdDir = "${project.projectDir}/src/main/xsd/"
bindingsDir = "${project.projectDir}/src/main/xsd/"
xjc {
taskClassname = "org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.xjc.XJC2Task"
args = [
} += "${generatedSources}"
compileJava.dependsOn xjc
for tests I want to add more arguments to xjc. And run this new task with regular gradle build (depending the test task on this one). Maven solves this with help of executions
But how to solve it in gradle? I want as result 2 sets of classes in different folders - one for production code and one for tests (with additional jaxb plugins enabled).
task tst(type: org.openrepose.gradle.plugins.jaxb.task.JaxbXjc) {
Requires separate configuration
> No value has been specified for property 'bindings'.
> No value has been specified for property 'episodeDirectory'.
> No value has been specified for property 'generatedFilesDirectory'.
> No value has been specified for property 'schemasDirectory'.
> No value has been specified for property 'xsds'.
different from dsl. How to reuse the dsl-based configuration?

how to fail maven build on dependency conflict

Im working on a large multi-module project which uses an internal framework as one of its dependencies. The framework version is set in the top level pom at the beginning of a project, and has to stay constant. If any submodule uses a different version, I want the build to fail.
Ive tried declaring the dependency as a single version:
Ive tried using the enforcer plugin with banned dependencies:
Ive also tried adding the <DependencyConvergence/> tag as mentioned here, but none of these approaches work.
So given this top level pom fragment:
And this (invalid) submmodule:
how do I setup maven so the build will fail when using the child module above, but when I remove the tag <version>6.3</version> it succeeds (or I change the version to match the one from the top level pom?
Well after much search and trying stuff with various plugins and getting nowhere, I decided to write my own plugin to do conflict checking. Using the dependency:tree plugin source as a base I wrote the following:
* Walks the dependency tree looking for anything marked as a conflict, and fails the build if one is found
* code ripped from the dependency:tree plugin
* #param rootNode
* the dependency tree root node to check
private void checkForConflicts( DependencyNode rootNode ) throws MojoExecutionException
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
boolean conflicts=false;
// build the tree
DependencyNodeVisitor visitor = new SerializingDependencyNodeVisitor( writer, SerializingDependencyNodeVisitor.STANDARD_TOKENS);
visitor = new BuildingDependencyNodeVisitor( visitor );
rootNode.accept( visitor );
getLog().debug("Root: "+rootNode.toNodeString() );
DependencyNode node;
Artifact actual, conflict;
DependencyTreeInverseIterator iter = new DependencyTreeInverseIterator(rootNode);
while (iter.hasNext() )
node = (DependencyNode);
if (node.getState() == DependencyNode.OMITTED_FOR_CONFLICT)
actual = node.getArtifact();
conflict = node.getRelatedArtifact();
getLog().debug("conflict node: " + node.toNodeString() );
getLog().debug("conflict with: "+conflict.toString() );
getLog().error(actual.getGroupId()+":"+actual.getArtifactId()+":"+actual.getType()+" Conflicting versions: "+actual.getVersion()+" and "+conflict.getVersion() );
if (conflicts)
throw new MojoExecutionException( "version conflict detected");
You can call this from your existing plugin using the following:
rootNode = dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyTree( project, localRepository, artifactFactory, artifactMetadataSource, null, artifactCollector );
checkForConflicts( rootNode );
catch ( DependencyTreeBuilderException e)
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Cannot build project dependency tree", e);
Then in your plugin pom.xml, include dependencies from the existing dependency plugin source and your good to go.
This works for our project -- but if anyone knows a cleaner or better way, please let me know.

How to attach an artifact with assembly-plugin during custom lifecycle

i'm trying to create a plugin with a custom lifecycle :
* #goal my-goal
* #execute lifecycle="my-custom-lifecycle" phase="attach-foo"
public class MyMojo extends AbstractMojo {
with src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml file :
Assembly-plugin is called unfortunately the zip artifact generated is not attached and install in repo...
Any ideas ?
Which version of the maven-assembly-plugin was used? Per the plugin docs, there is an optional parameter attach available in versions 2.2-beta-1 and later. The value defaults to true meaning the created artifact should end up in the repository.