Does Debug.Writeline in VB.NET stop thread execution? -

I have a VB.NET application that uses threads to asynchronously process some tasks in a "Scheduled Task" (console application).
We are limiting this application to run 10 threads at once, like so:
- Create a generic list of 10 threads
- Spawn off the threadproc for each one
- Do a thread.join statement for each thread to wait for the longest running one to complete.
I am finding that if the code called by the threadproc contains any "Debug.Writeline" or "Trace.Traceinformation" statements, the thread hangs. I can see the thread in the Debug - Windows - Threads window and switch to it, but it highlights the Debug.Writeline statement and never gets past it.
Is there something special about the Debug or Trace statements that make them non-thread-safe?
Why would this hang things up? If I leave the debug statement in, the thread never completes. If I take the debug statement out, the thread completes in less than 5 seconds.

Yes and no.
Internally, Debug.WriteLine ends up calling into TraceInternal.WriteLine. This particular function does not explicitly stop thread execution but it does acquire a process global lock during the execution of the method. This lock protects both the list of trace listeners and serializes the processing of WriteLine commands.
It's possible for 2 threads to simultaneously hit this WriteLine statement and hence have one thread pause for a short period of time. It is also possible for a custom trace listener to be doing a very long lived or blocking operation which would essentially freeze all other threads for a noticable period of time.
Use Visual Studio to check and see what other threads are currently broken in this function. See if that gives you a clue as to what is holding up this process.

You may have a trace listener that maybe is interfering with the Debug.WriteLine.

There is a custom trace listener in this application. Once I commented it out, my locking problems were solved. Now if I could only track down the original developer to find out what they were doing with this custom listener...


ProcessPoolExecutor stuck indefinitely when child process dies

I have a script running on one of my linux servers which handles batch file processing with a ProcessPoolExecutor and generally runs fine days or even weeks on end without any issue. Sometimes though it looks like a few of my child processes just die (I have no error message or exception at all and can't reproduce it even with killing cp's from the shell) and lead to the parent process just waiting for the return indefinitely...
Thats the call (the initializer doesn't have any effect in this case, it's just to handle the reverse scenario described in another very helpful thread on s.o.)
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(config['PERFORMANCE']['NumberOfProcesses']),
) as executor:, file_list)
From what I've gathere the Pool should be able to recover in exactly the described scenario:
Anyone got any idea? (thought about switching to the pebble library with it's timeout functionality or creating a separate watchdog script)

TimeOut in Thread with a query from io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLClient;

Well, I a new developer with Vert.x... so, I have a problem with an implementation with a database connection.
In one or many querys, I have a lot of information like 160K records, those records will be in a JSON object throw GraphQL; so... when the query time is over 30000(ms)... the console says:
Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] has been blocked for 5026 ms, time limit is 2000 ms
io.vertx.core.VertxException: Thread blocked
So I investigated about this, and I cannot find a way to resolve, maximize or set a bigger value to the query until these is finish or get all records.
This question is actually covered in detail in the official documentation.
you can’t call blocking operations directly from an event loop, as
that would prevent it from doing any other useful work
That's what you're doing at the moment - calling a blocking operation.
An alternative way to run blocking code is to use a worker verticle A
worker verticle is always executed with a thread from the worker pool.
Run your "slow" code in a worker verticle. Communicate between EventLoop verticls and workers using EventBus. As long as you're inside same VM, passing even large collections over EventBus has no overhead.

Labview: Stop a While Loop On Completion of a VI Outside of Loop

I am calling the System Exec VI and in parallel would like a while loop to do a task repeatedly until the System Exec VI finishes, but I have not found a way for a while loop to either start before receiving all inputs, or be able to change an input's value after execution (through shift registers, etc) correctly for what I am trying to accomplish.
There are many options for communicating between parallel sections of code. My suggestion would be either a notifier (and you do your repetitive task when the wait times out) or an event structure (same idea - you do the repetitive task in the timeout event and you trigger the completion event with the data you get back from the System Exec VI, which then also stops the loop).
Note that in any case, the System Exec VI will only give you the output after it was done, so there's no way of knowing how much progress was made, unless your repetitive task involves looking at the number of files.

Will detached NSThreads always complete prior to application exit?

When using NSThread's detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:, I'm finding that the thread will fully complete its execution before the application is terminated normally if the user were to attempt to quit the application while the background process was executing.
In this case, this is the behavior I desire, but I couldn't find anything in Apple's docs that suggests that this will always be the case. The only relevant information I was able to find was the following, from Apple's Threading Programming Guide:
Important: At application exit time, detached threads can be terminated immediately but joinable threads cannot. Each joinable thread must be joined before the process is allowed to exit. Joinable threads may therefore be preferable in cases where the thread is doing critical work that should not be interrupted, such as saving data to disk.
So from this, I know that detached threads can be terminated at the time of application exit, but will they ever be terminated automatically? Or, am I always safe to assume the thread will complete its execution before the application quits?
You cannot assume that any thread -- including the main thread -- will ever complete execution normally, regardless of the documentation.
This is because the user can quit an application at any time, the system may lose power/panic, or the app may crash.
As for detached threads, it would not be unheard of for the system frameworks to automatically terminate the app forcibly after some timeout once the main event loop has given up the ghost.

Run long-running sproc (that doesn't need to return) from ASP.NET page

I would like to know how you would run a stored procedure from a page and just "let it finish" even if the page is closed. It doesn't need to return any data.
A database-centric option would be:
Create a table that will contain a list (or queue) of long-running jobs to be performed.
Have the application add an entry to the queue if, when, and as desired. That's all it does; once logged and entered, no web session or state data need be maintained.
Have a SQL Agent job configured to check every 1, 2, 5, whatever minutes to see if there are any jobs to run.
If there are as-yet unstarted items, mark the most recent one as started, and start it.
When it's completed, mark it as completed, or just delete it
Check if there are any other items to run. If there are, repeat; if not, exit the job.
Depending on capacity, you could have several (differently named) copies of this job running, concurrently processing items from the list.
(I've used this method for very long-running methods. It's more an admin-type trick, but it may be appropriate for your situation.)
Prepare the command first, then queue it in the threadpool. Just make sure the thread does not depend on any HTTP Context or any other http intrinsic object. If your request finishes before the thread; the context might be gone.
See Asynchronous procedure execution. This is the only method that guarantees the execution even if the ASP process crashes. It also self tuning and can handle spikes of load, requests are queued up and processed as resources become available.
The gist of the solution is leveraging the SQL Server Activation concept, which allows you to run a stored procedure in a background thread in SQL Server without a client connection.
Solutions based on SqlClient asynch methods or on CLR thread pool are unreliable, the calls are lost as the ASP process is recycled, and besides they build up in-memory queues of requests that actually trigger a process recycle due to memory consumption.
Solutions based on tables and Agent jobs are better, as they are reliable, but they lack the self tuning of Activation based solutions.