SCSF: display view from another view against button click - cab

i am facing one problem in SCSF.
I have two workspaces
i have two views in a module
Viewer (display in mdiworkspace)
Property Viewer (in deckworkspace)
in Viewer i have a button in toolbar whose purpose is to display PropertyViewer (another View).
how can i display this PropertyViewer in deckworkspace agaist button click event.
NOTE: i am not using Command[CommandName].AddInvoker(control, "click:) and CommandHandler

I'm going to assume your toolbar sits in a SmartPart that implements the MVP pattern. Have the button click event handler in the SmartPart fire an event that its presenter will handle. Your presenter code would look like this:
// Presenter code
protected override void OnViewSet()
this.View.ToolbarButtonClick += View_ToolbarButtonClick;
public void View_ToolbarButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// remove the handler so the property viewer
// will only be added the first time
this.View.OnToolbarButtonClick -= View_ToolbarButtonClick;
var propertyView = new PropertyViewer();

Related mouse double click event for button [duplicate]

Rather than making an event occur when a button is clicked once, I would like the event to occur only when the button is double-clicked. Sadly the double-click event doesn't appear in the list of Events in the IDE.
Anyone know a good solution to this problem? Thank you!
No the standard button does not react to double clicks. See the documentation for the Button.DoubleClick event. It doesn't react to double clicks because in Windows buttons always react to clicks and never to double clicks.
Do you hate your users? Because you'll be creating a button that acts differently than any other button in the system and some users will never figure that out.
That said you have to create a separate control derived from Button to event to this (because SetStyle is a protected method)
public class DoubleClickButton : Button
public DoubleClickButton()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick | ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick, true);
Then you'll have to add the DoubleClick event hanlder manually in your code since it still won't show up in the IDE:
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
doubleClickButton1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(doubleClickButton1_DoubleClick);
void doubleClickButton1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Use this. Code works.
public class DoubleClickButton : Button
public DoubleClickButton()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick |
ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick, true);
DoubleClickButton button = new DoubleClickButton();
button.DoubleClick += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e)
i used to add MouseDoubleClick event on my object like:
this.pictureBox.MouseDoubleClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox_MouseDoubleClick);
A double click is simply two regular click events within a time t of each other.
Here is some pseudo code for that assuming t = 0.5 seconds
button.on('click' , function(event) {
if (timer is off or more than 0.5 milliseconds)
restart timer
if (timer is between 0 and 0.5 milliseconds)
execute double click handler

UWP Light dismiss ContentDialog

Is there a way to make the ContentDialog light dismiss?, so when the user clicks on any thing outside the ContentDialog it should be closed.
By default, ContentDialog is placed in PopupRoot. Behind it, there is a Rectangle which dim and prevent interaction with other elements in the app. You can find it with help of VisualTreeHelper and register a Tapped event to it, so when it's tapped you can hide ContentDialog.
You can do this after calling ShowAsync outside ContentDialog code or you can do it inside ContentDialog code. Personally, I implement a class which derives from ContentElement and I override OnApplyTemplate like this:
protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
// this is here by default
// get all open popups
// normally there are 2 popups, one for your ContentDialog and one for Rectangle
var popups = VisualTreeHelper.GetOpenPopups(Window.Current);
foreach (var popup in popups)
if (popup.Child is Rectangle)
// I store a refrence to Rectangle to be able to unregester event handler later
_lockRectangle = popup.Child as Rectangle;
_lockRectangle.Tapped += OnLockRectangleTapped;
and in OnLockRectangleTapped:
private void OnLockRectangleTapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
_lockRectangle.Tapped -= OnLockRectangleTapped;
Unfortunately ContentDialog does not offer such behavior.
There are two alternatives you can consider:
Popup - a special control built for this purpose, which displays dialog-like UI on top of the app content. This control actually offers a IsLightDismissEnabled for the behavior you need. Since the Anniversary Update (SDK version 1607) also has a LightDismissOverlayMode, which can be set to "On" to automatically darken the UI around the Popup when displayed. More details are on MSDN.
Custom UI - you can create a new layer on top of your existing UI in XAML, have this layer cover the entire screen and watch for the Tapped event to dismiss it when displayed. This is more cumbersome, but you have a little more control over how it is displayed

How to make a default button in UWP app using XAML?

I'm trying to declare a button as default in UWP app but receive an error:
The property 'IsDefault' was not found in type 'Button'
How can I make a default button in UWP app?
I down know what IsDefault is in WPF but to get if a button is pressed in UWP you can use CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().KeyDown. Create a Method that will be called from when the button is pressed or VirtualKey.Enter is clicked.
public MainPage()
CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().KeyDown += MainPage_KeyDown; ;
private void MainPage_KeyDown(CoreWindow sender, KeyEventArgs args)
switch (args.VirtualKey)
case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Enter:
// handler for enter key
You can use key down event which you can place on any textbox for example if you are making a login page then probably there will be 2 textboxes for username and password then just add key down event handler to textbox as it will be the last mandatory field like this:
<PasswordBox KeyDown="PasswordKeyDown"/>
then you can handle this event as:
using System.Windows.Input;
private void PasswordKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
Hope it will help you :)
There is not easy or clean way to solve your problem because IsDefault is not available for uwp apps.
if you are using MVVM or you want to reuse your code I recommend you to use Behaviors and follow the examples that the other guys posted.
I need a Button which user can invoke by pressing the ENTER key.
In an UWP app, by default a Button can be invoked by pressing the Enter key. So I guess what you want is setting the focus on this Button when there are some other UIElements in your page.
You can refer to Keyboard navigation among UI elements,
By default, the tab order of controls is the same as the order in which they are added to a design surface, listed in XAML, or programmatically added to a container.
To focus on the Button which is not the first element, you can just give the TabIndex="1" property to your Button, this property can make your Button get focus whenever the page is loaded, but if you change the focus on other controls in this page, you will need to reselect this button by mouse clicking, touching or TAB key.

Modeless dialog created by modal dialog in Compact Framework

I am working on a Compact Framework application. This particular hardware implementation has a touchscreen, but its Soft Input Panel has buttons that are simply too small to be useful. There are more than one form where typed input is required, so I created a form with buttons laid out like a keypad. The forms that use this "keypad" form are modal dialogs. When a dialog requiring this "keypad" loads, I load the "keypad" form as modeless:
private void CardInputForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
keypadForm = new KeypadForm();
keypadForm.Owner = this;
The SetCallback method tells the "keypad" form where to send the keystrokes (as a Delegate).
The problem I'm having is that the modeless "keypad" form does not take input. It is displayed as I expect, but I get a beep when I press any of its buttons, and its caption is grayed-out. It seems like the modal dialog is blocking it.
I've read other posts on this forum that says modal dialogs can create & use modeless dialogs. Can anyone shed light on this situation? Is there a problem with my implementation?
I found the answer: Set the keypad form's Parent property, not its Owner property, to the form instance wanting the keystrokes. The keypad dialog's title bar stays grayed out, but the form is active.
private void CardInputForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// (do other work)
keypadForm = new KeypadForm();
keypadForm.Parent = this;
keypadForm.Top = 190; // set as appropriate
Be sure to clean up when done with the parent form. This can be in the parent's Closing or Closed events.
private void CardInputForm_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
// (do other work)
There are two panels on the keypad form, one with numerals and one with letters and punctuation that I want. There is also an area not on a panel that is common to both, containing buttons for clear, backspace, enter/OK, and cancel. Each panel has a button to hide itself and unhide its counterpart ('ABC', '123', for example). I have all the buttons for input on the keypadForm fire a common event. All it does is send the button instance to the parent. The parent is responsible for determining what action or keystroke is desired. In my case I named the buttons "btnA", "btnB", "btn0", "btn1", "btnCancel", etc. For keystrokes, the parent form takes the last character of the name to determine what key is desired. This is a bit messy but it works. Any form wishing to use the keypad form inherits from a base class, defining a method for callback.
public partial class TimeClockBase : Form
public TimeClockBase()
// (other implementation-specific base class functionality)
public virtual void KeyCallback(Button button)
The click event on the keypad form looks like this.
private void btnKey_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// play click sound if supported
(Parent as TimeClockBase).KeyCallback(sender as Button);
The method in the parent form looks like this.
public override void KeyCallback(Button button)
switch (button.Name)
case "btnCancel":
// setting result will cause form to close
DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
case "btnClear":
txtCardID.Text = string.Empty;
// (handle other cases)

Forcing Default button on a gridview

I'm using gridview with templates to show and edit some information from a sql database.
When I edit and change the data in that row and then click enter it automatically presses the highest on page button which uses submit to server set to true which means it'll try to delete instead of update.
I've have tried setting a panel round the gridview and setting the panel's default button to the "updatebutton" but it won't allow that because it can't 'see' the buttons.
I had a similar problem and I found a very simple workaround:
Place a button below the GridView and make it invisible by CSS (i.e. position: relative; left: -2000px)
Create a Panel around the GridView and give it as DefaultButton the ID of the button we just created.
Write the following line of code for the click-event of the button:
myGridView.UpdateRow(myGridView.EditIndex, false);
Whenever you press enter in the GridView now, the edited row will be confirmed.
You need to precess KeyDown or KeyPress event of the grid, and check if pressed key if Keys.Enter :
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void dataGridView1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
button1_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Your logic here