SQL Selecting rows that are in both tables - sql

How can I select rows that exist is two tables. The intersection I guess? Any help?
ProductosA and ProductosB, they're both tables with the exact same number and type of columns.
How can I select the things that are inside of both using a single select statement?

select * from ProductosA
select * from ProductosB

select a.column1, a.column2
from productosA a
productosB b
a.id = b.id
that will give you what you want

If there is a primary/composite key join the two tables where the keys match, if there is no primary key, join them using where "and"ing match for each column.

INNER JOIN ProductosBTable
ON ProductosATable.NAME = ProductosBTable.NAME

Simply by specifying more than one table in your FROM clause you will get rows that exist in more than one table. Whether you get their entire rows, or just part of them, depends on how many of the columns you specify in the SELECT clause.


Concatenate ALL values from 2 tables using SQL?

I am trying to use SQL to create a table that concatenates all dates from a specific range to all items in another table. See image for an example.
I have a solution where I can create a column of "null" values in both tables and join on that column but wondering if there is a more sophisticated approach to doing this.
Example image
I've tried the following:
Added a constant value to each table
Then I joined the 2 tables on that constant value so that each row matched each row of both tables.
This got the intended result but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this where I don't have to add the constant values:
SELECT c.Date_,k.user_email
FROM `operations-div-qa.7_dbtCloud.calendar_table_hours_st` c
JOIN `operations-div-qa.7_dbtCloud.table_key` k
ON c.match = k.match
ORDER BY Date_,user_email asc
It's not a concatenation in the image given, Its a join
select t1.dates Date ,t2.name Person
from table t1,table t2;
Cross join should work for you:
It joins every row from both tables with each other. Use this when there is no relationship between the tables.
Did not test so syntax may be slightly off.
SELECT c.Date_,k.user_email
FROM `operations-div-qa.7_dbtCloud.calendar_table_hours_st` c
CROSS JOIN `operations-div-qa.7_dbtCloud.table_key` k
ORDER BY Date_,user_email asc

How to choose all column of a single table in a joined table?

I have a query that is like this:
Table A and B are almost equal, but I use the join to filter on certain rows. Now my result table is having all columns twice, and this is causing referencing trouble where I am using this table. Therefore I would like to only show table A's columns. Is there a more easy way to achieve this than retyping all column names on the spot of *?
If you only want the columns from A, then use:
select A.*
You can add additional columns as you like:
select A.*, B.special_column

SQL merge tables with matching columns

How can I merge 2 tables with the same column names into 1 table? Something like this:
The 2nd table should fill in the 1st table.
This is as close as I got
ON Animals.species=Best.species;
But it seems to concatenate the 2nd table on there.
Is LEFT JOIN really the correct way to do this?
You should list the columns in the SELECT. Then you would readily see that all you need is COALESCE():
SELECT a.price, a.species, COALESCE(b.name, a.name) as name
Best b
ON a.species = b.species;

Natural join on in SQL

TableA TableB
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
1 2 1 3
I have two table TableA(Column1,Column2) and TableB(Column3,Column4).I want to join two table using column1 ,column4(LIKE NATURAL JOIN). Is in SQL any things to join two table and return a new table with deleting repeated columns?
I want select this:
column1 column2 column4
1 2 3
DBMSes that support NATURAL JOIN require the column names of the join keys to match, and if you do SELECT * you will get only the unique column names. It doesn't make sense to try to specify column names, because the whole thing works by the names already being the same.
You MUST have same-named columns between the two tables, as it will use every same-named column between them to perform the join. Your tables TableA and TableB are unsuitable for a natural join as they don't share any column names.
So you are relegated to doing a regular join:
A.*, -- you can at least get all the columns from one table
B.Column4 -- but you have to specify the rest one at a time
TableA A
ON A.Column1 = B.Column3
You just have to bite the bullet and write the query. You may want to not have to write the column names, but that's just not possible.
Some notes: When you say "return a new table", I think I know what you mean, but technically it is a rowset since to be a table it would have to be stored in the database with a name.
It may be possible to alias the column in a view or inline derived table, but you haven't told us what specific DBMS you're using so we can answer for its exact capabilities. It might look something like this:
TableA A
SELECT Column1 = Column3, Column4
) B
But notice that you still have to list all the other columns in TableB in order to do this. And I'm not even sure it works.
Joining two tables and querying on some or all columns doesn't return you a new table but record set. To get what you wanted try this. Below query adheres to SQL standard and thus should work on all SQL compliant databases.
SELECT ta.column1, ta.column2, tb.column4 from TableA ta INNER JOIN TableB tb ON (ta.column1 = tb.column4)
If you want to use Natural Join, you need to have same columns.
'Distinct' statement prevents repeating the similar rows too
SELECT Distinct
TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON TableA.Column1 = TableB.Column3

Problem with sql query

I'm using MySQL and I'm trying to construct a query to do the following:
I have:
Table1 [ID,...]
Table2 [ID, tID, start_date, end_date,...]
What I want from my query is:
Select all entires from Table2 Where Table1.ID=Table2.tID
**where at least one** end_date<today.
The way I have it working right now is that if Table 2 contains (for example) 5 entries but only 1 of them is end_date< today then that's the only entry that will be returned, whereas I would like to have the other (expired) ones returned as well. I have the actual query and all the joins working well, I just can't figure out the ** part of it.
Any help would be great!
Thank you!
(SELECT Table2.tID FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.ID = Table2.tID
WHERE Table2.end_date < NOW
The subquery will select all tId's that match your where clause. The main query will use this subquery to filter the entries in table 2.
Note: the use of inner join will filter all rows from table 1 with no matching entry in table 2. This is no problem; these entries wouldn't have matched the where clause anyway.
Maybe, just maybe, you could create a sub-query to join with your actual tables and in this subquery you use a count() which can be used later on you where clause.