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I have to write up a technical document in Framemaker that explains various programming source-code.
So my document consists of a bunch of text, followed by a bunch of source code (Java, XML) and then followed by more text, etc.
This question is not about whether I should or should not use Framemaker - that is the software I have to use . . .
What I'm confused about is how to format source code as part of my document. Has anyone done this for a technical document and come across any instructions or tips? So far my Googling hasn't produced anything relevant to what I need to do.
At the very least, create a paragraph style for code samples, use a good monospaced font, and don't forget to turn off hyphenation.
When I used to do this, I would create a table style and paste the code in there, so I had a nice title header above it, and it stood out a bit. The only gotcha there is that Frame table cells won't break across a page break, so if your code is longer than a page or threatens to go below the bottom of a page, you'll need to create multiple rows in your table and break up the code across the rows.
From a paper I wrote on this some years ago which will be available again online next week.
Typographers are primarily concerned with legibility, and have tools, practices, and traditions
dating back hundreds and indeed thousands of years on which to rely when setting texts in
natural languages. However, computer programs are not written in natural languages. They
are written in ‘programming languages’: artificial languages, which have their own rules of
syntax, their own conventions of presentation, and their own criteria of legibility. Computer
code is therefore a special domain for typesetting, just as are music, mathematics, and chemistry.
These domains have their own rules, which are not the rules used when setting natural
Computer programming itself is of very recent origin, and the
practice of setting it in type doesn’t go back more than about 45 years: significant volumes of
computer code have only been published in the last 20 years or less. The associated typographical
discipline is immature or indeed practically non-existent, and the typographical
expectations of the practitioners in the field are also low, as you can see by inspecting many trade books. There's no reason why you can't try to do better.
Use a sans serif font. In one of my books I used the same font family, FF Scala for the text and FF Scala Sans for the code. I think it looks great but there are contrary opinions: these may force you to use a monospaced font, although personally I think this is very outdated. Avoid Courier, it doesn't blend with anything.
Indentation is part of the notation. You must respect the existing left indents. The source code will already be tabbed. Reduce each tab to one or two spaces at most, otherwise you will run out of horizontal room.
Try to lose as much vertical space as possible, e.g. suppress blank lines.Try to get the entire sample on to one page. Let it float if necessary to accomplish that.
Line breaks are part of the notation. Don't add line breaks without consulting the author.
Quotation marks are part of the notation. Don't change single to double or vice versa.
Justification: Computer programs are always written, viewed, and set left-justified, right-ragged.
Page breaks. When setting computer code in a book, page breaks can’t just follow the simple orphan/widow principles used when typesetting natural languages. Instead, the logical ‘blocks’ of the code must be kept together if possible. It is not usually possible for the typographer
to determine the block boundaries in code, although a blank line is generally an acceptable
point for a page break. ‘Block comments’ should be kept with the following block of code.
If you don’t know what these are, ask the author.
Hyphenation. Programming languages are not natural languages and do not observe the usual hyphenation conventions. Consult the author if you need to hyphenate, or just don't. Words in program text must never be hyphenated or line-broken except in accordance with the author’s instructions.
Upper and lower case. Case in program code is usually significant to the computer, and practically always to writers and their readers. Pairs of words are often used which differ only in case, representing different things: e.g. BufferedOutputStream and bufferedOutputStream.
Programmers, especially author-programmers, are usually highly systematic about
case, in ways which may not necessarily make sense to the typographer (or other programmers!).
Practical recommendations
Indent in em units. The solution to many of the issues in typesetting computer programs is the em. The author’s tabs will most likely be to the next multiple of 8 spaces (1 , 9 , 17, …); typographic tabs for program code should be in multiples of 1 or 2 ems. Adopting the em as the unit of indentation may at first ‘look funny’ to the author, as the indents may be much narrower than seen on screens or printouts. However, as long as the vertical alignment of tab stops is preserved, the author’s intention is fully preserved.
Line breaks must be as per MS.
Page breaks: If page breaks may occur in the middle of program code, the author must be consulted as to preferred page break points. Usually this is to be avoided altogether in short examples; in longer programs, the author should indicate all possible page breaks in the MS.
Quotes: Conventionally, ‘straight’ quotes are used, not typographic quotes. This is historically determined, by the use of fonts without typographic quotes (e.g. Courier, Helvetica) in typeset computer code. It is not required by the properties of the notation.
I see no reason against using typographic quotes when setting computer programs as
long as single quotes stay single and double quotes stay double, i.e. as long as the author’s
quotes are preserved rather than ‘corrected’ to standard typographic practice.
Numerals: Conventionally, lining numerals have always been used in program code. If you can be bothered using old-style numerals in program code, or if the font is built that way, I can see no reason against it. You must choose a font in which 1, I, and l (lower-case L) are distinct, as also 0 (zero) and O.
For I18n testing, I'm looking for a test string that have a good representation of all commonly used languages (supported by UTF-8) and have all the special chars of these languages that normally have issues in display.
Will use this test string to keep sure that our system process these languages correctly and have the correct font that can display all these languages correctly.
E.g. the sample text should have chars from latin languages, Far East Languages, right to left languages...
There is no clear answer to your question, as it is full of ambiguous terms, for instance "commonly used languages" or "normally have issues in display". This is highly dependent on OS, OS version, the text engine used to display the text, fonts installed. Pretty much the whole tech stack.
Sprinkling "all" in the question (all the special chars, all ... languages) make any answer useless.
You will looking at a string of tens thousands of characters. Then you have a lot of combining marks, and ligatures. Do you want to check all of those combinations too? Those might also have "issues in display"
If all you want to do is check that your application works in (most) languages, try taking some (not all) characters from each Unicode block. Might also want to avoid historical scripts (i.e. cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphs, etc.) the are not covered by common fonts.
In general, if you application does not corrupt the string somehow, it will render properly. And if it does not, then it is not your app at fault, it is some limitation in the underlying technology (i.e. the Windows console)
If you explain what you are trying to do, you might get a better answer.
Or you can just search for internationalization testing.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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The structure of a FiM++ program requires that it end with the closing of a letter and the code author's name in a specific manner.
Dear Princess Celestia and Stack Exchange and String: A Sample:
Your faithful student, Southpaw Hare!
According to the language specification, the keyword "Your faithful student," (including the comma but not the following space) is used as an end tag for class definitions, and the following name is a comment with no syntactical effect.
The fact that the author is automatically included (if not strictly required) in every file makes me wonder if it can be used as a form of interpretable documentation akin to Java Docs. In other words, that other programs or editors would be able to parse out this name and use it in some manner.
What is the requirement of such internal comment-based documentation? Is there anything in this particular type of syntax that would cause problems?
Is the keyword sufficient to fit with the theme? It occurs to me that the lack of ability to use "Your faithful students," for a plural form (or possibly "Yours faithful," or "Yours truly," for an ambiguous version) would make listing multiple authors look awkward and unnatural (and looking like a natural human-written letter is one of the core design paradigms).
If creating a Java Docs methodology was considered, then what other features should be included? For one, a date seems common. Including some form of date comment at the top of the letter would probably look natural and not defy the design paradigm.
Since the language is new, unfamiliar to most, and honestly quite silly, here are a few resources to consider:
Original Release Announcement
October Followup
Sorry no one's given this any concern before me!
I'm heading development of the language, so I think I have a good grasp on the answer, here.
What is the requirement of such internal comment-based
documentation? Is there anything in this particular type
of syntax that would cause problems?
I've never considered an auto documentation technique like Javadoc, so there is no formal syntax for that. The compiler I'm working on completely discards comments, so it won't support it, but I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly hard.
Is the keyword sufficient to fit with the theme? It occurs to me
that the lack of ability to use "Your faithful students," for a
plural form (or possibly "Yours faithful," or "Yours truly," for an
ambiguous version) would make listing multiple authors look awkward
and unnatural (and looking like a natural pony-written letter is one
of the core design paradigms).
The idea of the author name on the last line was intended for the foremost author of the report, so multiple authors was never suggested before now. However, Your faithful students, would work nicely!
If creating a Java Docs methodology was considered, then what other
features should be included? For one, a date seems common. Including
some form of date comment at the top of the letter would probably
look natural and not defy the design paradigm.
Indeed! Perhaps something at the bottom of the report, like
(Written 2013-04-11)
Hope this help you. You have some great ideas, here, too! You should join the team!
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Why do most (all?) websites only support usernames in ASCII? Are there any security considerations if an admin decides to start accepting Unicode usernames?
Homoglyph attacks. User 'cat' and 'сat' are different unicode strings although they look the same. The first letter in the second 'сat' is Russian 'с' - "CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES" to be exact. The system can't easily tell that you're spoofing another user's name - to the computer the nicks are different.
Edit: Preventing mixed scripts does not solve the problem. For example 'сосо' is pure Cyryllic and can be used to spoof ascii 'coco'.
Also, left-to-right override (and friends.) Leave them unsanitized and they'll mess up your whole page.
HTTP authentication?
There could be some problems with sending the unicode username (and/or password) over existing protocols. One case that I have run into before is with Basic authentication. There is no well defined way to handle sending these unicode usernames/passwords in the basic auth headers.
While it is at all questionable why there should ever be username and not just a 'password' to identify a user, I think there's no reason to disallow unicode usernames.
What's more important, is that password to be validated as lanuguage-agnostic: it should treat keystokes regardless of user's keyboard setting. This means, "שלום" and "akuo" would be the same password. This is important, because the user often doesn't see the password characters he's typing, and they are getting severely pissed if the CAPSLOCK is on.
While you can go ahead and allow unicode, understand that some usernames will not work as expected thanks to different cultures applying different rules to the same characters.
Consider the basic case for breaking case sensivitity: In Turkish, the usernames "Id1" and "id1" are different (in Turkish there are two different Is, one with a dot and one without, resulting in 2 captial and 2 small letters that do not match the same captialization rules as English). So while any Turkish person can enter their name in their own language, the program will not treat their name as they expect - instead it will undergo a strange transformation into mutant English.
Special latin characters in European languages have similar overlaps, making it seemingly random as to which language they are being entered in. Other regions of the world have similar shared characters where the rules of use differ - in some cases national and cultural hatreds could result in some very angry people when the characters making up their username are treated as if it was written in the language of their hated enemy (due to that being the operating systems default setting for those foreign characters).
Your observation is not always true. And, the choice of ASCII is largely human factors rather than technical or security issues.
For most of the case, it is just for the ease of programming. A programmer never know that all software, libraries, utilities in website will break or not with some characters. Why risks the website development while ASCII works well? Also, some packaged web software would hinder the use of Unicode in user name. This contributes the issue that many websites only support usernames in ASCII.
Theoretically, all current software can handle 8-bit data well. There is no problem in storage or transmission nowadays. Even if some protocols not, they can translate in UTF-7 or with other transformation schemes.
There are some issues with Unicode. It is more on the side of data processing. It might be display, fonts, readiness of software and software libraries for non-BMP characters, collation, comparison, input methods, writing directions. Administrators might not knowledgeable enough to handle them. Depending on the nature of website, it could be a problem, but mostly not.
For admin purpose, it is not easy to type some exotic characters. It makes admin hard to search for users. It is also hard for an admin to keep offensive usernames in foreign languages off the website.
However, it is not uncommon that Chinese usernames are used Chinese website. It might not always in ASCII. So do other cultures and languages. Some global projects accept nearlly all kinds of Unicode characters. Wikipedia is an example.
Plain ASCII is rare, I'd say. Often it's just that no one thinks of it since in Western Europe Latin 1 suffices and for the US as well. Some databases make distinctions between text in legacy character sets and Unicode (varchar vs. nvarchar) or for other databases a special character set has to be set.
Especially in the US many people never even notice that ASCII won't be enough. Some try to find excuses with »Users have to enter it« or similar which are mostly bogus, though.
To answer your question, I doubt there are security considerations, except maybe for spoofing other people's names using different scripts (a and а look identical, but one is Latin, one is Cyrillic – this has been done with URLs before). Generally I see it as an oversight by developers who probably should know better.
I would say a big reason is the lack of support for unicode in most PHP installations. It isn't easy to work with, so why allow it when the possibilities in ASCII are sufficient to cover your entire user base?
Or, we could just stop giving a crap about what a username looks like, and whether WE can pronounce/ remember it. That should be the USERS concern. If no one remembers you, that's your loss. And, as for name spoofing, that is almost unavoidable in any case. And yet, rarely do you ever hear of username spoofs.
Imagine a forum, imagine someone posts with an account that LOOKS identical to yours. You get in trouble, say you didn't do it, post a link to your history, see the post isn't there. Click the profile of the guy who ACTUALLY posted it, and bam, you have his profile. He's now bannable.
Having the same name doesn't mean you have the same user data. Any application that doesn't make it easy for you to differentiate two similar users is piss poor anyway and needs to be rewritten.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing a user manual and I have come to a discussion with a colleague. He says I cannot use the word "you" anywhere in the manual. Now I remember something about this at school but that was not for writing procedures. Also, doing some googling I observed that most tutorials where using it a lot. I would prefer using it but only if this is considered good practice. what do you think?
The alternatives that I know of are:
'You' (second person singular) - "You should put the plate on the table."
Imperative - "Put the plate on the table."
'We' (first person plural) - "We should put the plate on the table."
'The user' (third person singular) - "The user should put the plate on the table."
Passive - "The plate should be put on the table."
My own preferences are:
I prefer the imperative as the default mode, because it's the briefest (least verbiage).
I avoid the passive, and the first person plural.
I use the second person pronoun ("you") or a third person noun (e.g. "your system administrator") when I want an explicit subject instead of the imperative.
Some people believe that manuals should be written as if they were scientific papers. Others believe that technical accuracy and readability is more important. I'm of the latter persuasion - use "you" if it fits with your overall style, but be consistent in your usage - I find documents that switches between "you" and "we" are irritating (and it's a sin I've been guilty of myself).
Which is easier to understand?
Click the button. You will see a dialog box where you can type your name.
The action of clicking the button will cause the appearance of a dialog box allowing the possibility for the user to enter his or her name.
The first is much easier to grasp. (Using "you" can sometimes be sloppy, but that tends to be in cases where it's used as a substitute for "one", or "some people", or "people in general". It's fine to use it where you are actually referring to the person reading the text.)
If you want, you can avoid the
you-style by writing in the
passive/imperative style. You can
also try the 'we' approach, but that
might sound a bit childish. You're
doing nothing wrong with using you
To avoid writing in the you-style,
use the passive/imperative style. The
we-approach might also work, though
it might sound a bit childish. There
is nothing wrong with using you
We can avoid writing in the you-style
by employing the passive/imperative
style. Or we could use the
we-approach, though we might sound a
bit childish. One could try the one
approach, but risk sounding to
stiff-upper-lip and alienating the
reader. We don't mind using you once
in a while, though.
I myself do prefer the second line. A series of commands is easier to follow then a story in the you-form.
You should be writing explantions in the third person.
The Java streams model is a classic Decorator pattern example.
You should write instructions in the second person, but even then, it's still not a good idea to refer to the reader as "you".
Create a constructor that can initialize lists based on a given list of lists.
Now, how did you feel after I issued 2 commands to you, my reader?
Technical Writing Enforce the rule of using passive text only. which mean avoiding "you" will be a good idea to stay in the safe side. that's based on how i do it personally.
I would do what Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc do. Here's a random Help page from Google:
shows that "you" is being used. You can check how Microsoft writes their User Manual too.
As a side note, I wouldn't use "I" or "we".
I think if you are providing imperatives, such as "Open the door", or otherwise directly addressing the reader, then you should use "you" instead of making yourself more difficult to comprehend by talking about some abstract user.
Even in scientific papers, some of the most formal writing I can think of, it is debatable whether or not I, we and other first person language is permissible. As much as high school grammar teachers might like you to think otherwise, there is no universally appropriate scheme.
I would say just be careful. It could come across as too casual. If the intended audience is business-y, I would avoid it. However, if it's a home user scenario or the marketing is casual (think Southwest Airlines), I'd say go with it.
Just don't overuse. Then it becomes taxing on the reader.
Sample of how it's intended to be used?
It all depends on the tone and style of your writing. Formal approaches discourage the use of "you". Personally, I like
to use a style that is concise, to the point and relatively informal. I have no problem with the "you" word when used sparingly.
Avoid over usage as in:
When you want to start the application you have to enter your password and then you have to select the function you want to use.
From the Handbook of Technical Writing. 8th Edition (p. 262):
You can make sentences shorter by leaving out some articles(a, an, the), some pronouns (you, this, these), and some verbs, but such sentences may result in telegraphics style and be harder to understand.
So, I'd say it's OK to use you, but like Gilbert Le Blanc said in his comment, it's often better to write 'then click the button' instead of 'then you click the button'.
Impersonal form should be preferred. The use of 'you' would be too clear, and most of your clients will believe you are not professional. A clear manual will also reduce the need for post-sale customer support, and cause losses to the company.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend a program to create user manuals with? Not a markup language (like LaTeX or DocBook) but more something interactive like Scribus. As I'm not the only one that will update the manual the software should be something that's easy for a novice to pick up but still has some advanced features (like linking in text from external sources/tables, handling masterpages/themes etc.).
Technical Publishing Software - Views on FrameMaker and Its Alternatives
I've done spec documents with LaTeX and Framemaker, and designed a Framemaker workflow to support a team of 5 analysts producing a spec document for an insurance underwriting system. The document was expected to get to 2,000 pages or so. Many years ago (around 1992-1993) I also worked briefly as a typesetter.
Framemaker is designed for technical documentation and does it very well indeed. It also has features designed to support very large documents with multiple authors - people use this system to do documents with more than 100,000 pages. It is also more accessible than LaTeX to users familiar with word processing software.
Key features of Framemaker:
Documents consisting of multiple
files: You can pull together a
'Book' with multiple subsections in
different files. The document can
also be kept in source control.
Textual MIF format for
import/export: The importer is
somewhat finicky (I found generating
working LaTeX to be easier) but you can
generate items such as data
dictionaries and import them into
the document. The file has textual
anchors (see below) so you can
create cross-reference links that
will be stable across imports. I
find this to be a key feature for
specs as it allows cross-references
to link directly to generated items.
Powerful tagging, indexing and cross-referencing System: Everything
is based on tags in Framemaker and
it is easy to apply tags quickly.
This means that cross-referencing,
indexing, conditional text and
applying styles en-masse is easy and
just works. You can generate indexes and TOCs based on tags, so
having multiple specialised indexes
(such as a list of data field names
from screens or a data dictionary)
is easy to do. The document I
described above had 4 separate
Stable: Framemaker is designed for
professionals so it doesn't second
guess you in the way that word does.
It is also much more stable on large
documents. Anyone who's tried to
write a document of more than 50-100
pages on Word should have a pretty
fair idea of what this implies.
Scriptable: FM has a C API and there
are various scripting plugins
(FrameScript and FMPython
being probably the most widely used)
which can be used to automate jobs
in FM. Framemaker 10 adds support
for a Javascript based scripting tool
called Extendscript, presumably
ported across from the scripting facility
in InDesign.
Single-sourcing: From a single FM
document you can produce PDF,
Windows Help (CHM), HTML and print
documents fairly easily. The
cross-references also resolve to
Global style controls: You can
easily set up styles for a document
and apply it across the whole
document. It also facilitates
running headers and footers with a
great deal of flexibility in having
them track sections, versions,
chapters etc.
Alternatives to Framemaker
LaTeX/Lout: You've already indicated
that you don't want a markup
lanaguage, but the TeX and
Lout systems are used for large
structured documents and do this
Ventura Publisher: Probably the
only real alternative to Framemaker
if you want that sort of user interface
without paying bodily parts for the
It has strong support for structured
documents and an XML-based document
interchange format. It's now owned
by Corel, who still appear to be actively promoting it.
There are a couple of other technical publishing tools on the market: Quicksilver (which used to be known as Interleaf) and ArborText. These two are powerful tools - Interleaf used to be the market leader in this field at one point - but quite expensive.
Adobe Indesign: Although Adobe
claim you can do large documents
with InDesign, the cross-referencing
and other large document features
tend to be viewed as lacking by
Framemaker afficionados. There is,
however, a text entry system for it
called InCopy that apparently
does have this sort of
functionality and quite
a large body of Third-party
plugins, some of which do
support tagging and other such facilities.
InDesign also has a scripting API and
a JavaScript interpreter for executing
I haven't used Indesign,
so I can't really comment on how
well it works in practice.
DocBook: This is really just
a standard format for structured
documents but has a large ecosystem
of tools surrounding it for writing
and rendering documents. If you
don't want to use LaTeX you will
probably not want to use DocBook for
similar reasons. As Vinko Vrsalovic
points out (+1), This link goes to a StackOverflow
post from someone describing using
DocBook in practice.
I've never really used DocBook and I've
made so many edits to this post that it's now in Wiki mode, so
someone familiar with DocBook might
want to elaborate on this.
Word processing software: Word
has serious shortcomings as a
technical publishing tool and is not
recommended. OpenOffice has
somewhat better structured
documentation functionality than
word and may be a better choice if
politics or requirement to use .doc
as a document interchange format
preclude a better alternative.
Wordperfect is also
considerably better for
documentation-in-the-large than word
and still has a presence in several vertical markets
such as legal offices.
Madcap Software's Blaze and Flare: These
are new kids on the block and live
in roughly the same space as
Framemaker. The company was founded by former
eHelp (creators of RoboHelp) employees and is
actively developing, with multiple releases yearly. Their
offerings have greatly expanded in the past two years,
to the detriment of the quality of the individual products.
It seems focus has been on turning out new products and
by consequence there are a lot of "fit and finish" issues in
each. The authors have chosen to reinvent the wheel in many ways,
resulting in confusing and often broken implementations. Save often,
you will encounter unhandled exceptions. Source control integration
is flaky. For example, moving or deleting a group of files will result in
one source control commit for each file deletion. Big PITA when
you have source control email notifications. Hello 500 emails.
Flare can import Word and Framemaker files, but the import
is far from seamless. Expect to retain all of your content
but plan on completely re-styling from scratch.
Flare shares many of Word's tendancies to do too much behind
the scenes and assume what the user would choose. The HTML looks
like what Word outputs when you export HTML - lots of custom tags
and attributes, deeply nested inline styles, etc. The text
editor is maddening, for example, its cursor model is different
than any other software you've ever used.
Framemaker vs. LaTeX
These two are main systems I have used to produce large, presentable system documents and I've had good results with both.
Ease of Learning: TeX can give you absolute control but actually
achieving this on a complex LaTeX
document without breaking other
items isn't trivial, particularly
where a large number of macro
packages are involved. Basic LaTeX
isn't hard to learn, but making
modified versions of .sty files that
still work takes a bit of tinkering
if you're not a really deep TeX
hacker. It can be done but be
prepared to spend quite a lot of
time fiddling.
Framemaker can give you a good degree of control on the look of the document and isn't that hard to learn. Getting a house style and tweaking the layout (which you probably will have to do) will be easier with Framemaker.
Ease of Text Entry: You can use tools such as Lyx to provide a
wordprocessor-like front end to
LaTeX, and these work well if you
want to write large bodies of text.
Framemaker's DTP-like user interface
works in a way familiar to people
who are used to wordproessing
software. From this perspective
there is little practical
Templating Document Structure: Framemaker allows a document
structure to be defined in terms of
tags or an XML schema (if using
Structured Framemaker). LaTeX has a
set of canned structural elements
that are flexible enough to be
useful. Adding additional
structural elements (e.g. a data
dictionary item) can be done as a
macro, but making them auto-number
is a bit more challenging and you will
need to poke around behind the
scenes. Both can do it, but it's
considerably more technical to do it
in LaTeX in anything but trivial
Also, LaTeX does not have
the facility to template the
document structure in the way that
Structured Framemaker does.
However, you can achieve this type
of effect with DocBook and then
generate to LaTeX if desired.
Ease of Integration: I found making a generator for non-trivially
complex MIF files to be quite
fiddly. The MIF parser is quite
pernickety in FM and doesn't really
give good diagnostics. LaTeX
produces far better error messages
and is quite a bit less fussy.
Technical Publishing Software vs. Layout Software
Page layout software started with Pagemaker and the other main players in this space were its competitor Quark Xpess and now InDesign, with which Adobe is essentially trying to deprecate and replace it and Framemaker. Scribus, which you mentioned before, lives in the same space as these products.
If you are producing a manual with less than (say) 50-100 pages, one of the packages would probably do an adequate job. They are really designed for advertising and layout-heavy publication tasks such as magazines, so their support for large-document features of the sort found in Framemaker is fairly limited. The key issue with these products is scalability - they do not work well on large documents.
Just for reference I have actually typeset a 200-page book (someone's autobiography) using Pagemaker. While the fine-grained kerning and leading control helps a bit for copyfitting, it is still a highly manual process to lay out a book sized document. In this case the book was just straight text with no significant cross-referencing or structure other than chapters. Doing a complex technical spec document or manual this size with Pagemaker would have been very fiddly and probably next to impossible to get right without any mistakes.
Technical Publishing vs. Word Processing Software
This is more of a description of key shortcomings of MS-Word for large spec documents. However, it will illustrate some of the main features required for documentation-in-the-large:
Indexing and Cross-Referencing: This is a real chore in Word, and
quite unstable. Framemaker's
tagging features and LaTeX's labels
mean that you can assign a tag or
known label (in a predictable format
if necessary). The textual format
for the tag anchors is exposed in
the user interface, and is used for
the linkage. In Word, the anchors
are much more opaque and not
easily controllable in this way.
Combined with the clumsy user
interface and instability of the
product, this makes maintaining
these fiddly, and often unstable -
you often have to manually fix them
Templated Layouts: Style support in word are quite basic and
numbering tends to be somewhat
unstable. FrameMaker is all about
driving from the tags and applying
styles based on the tags. Global
style changes just work in
Framemaker in a way that they do not
in Word.
Large multi-file Documents: I've never been able to make this work
well in Word, but it is a key
feature in Framemaker and LaTeX.
Again, Word's instability means that
you tend to spend a lot of time
tidying up after it. As the
document grows larger, the
proportion of time spent on this
work grows quadratically -
propensity for breakage proportional
to n (size of document) * time to
fix proportional to size n (time
to fix)
Why is Word so Unstable: Word does a lot behind the scenes to
support novice users and intervene
in layouts. It is also not really
frame-based (text flow conceptually
separate from document layout), but
the developers try to implement
various frame-like behaviours in the UI. When
the A.I. second-guesses you on a
complex document it often does the
wrong thing. Framemaker 'treats the
user as an adult' and does none of
this so things stay where you put
Other word processors such as
Open Office and WordPerfect do not
misbehave in quite the same way as
Word, which is one of the reasons
that just about any word
processor other than Word will do a
better job of technical documents.
Pre-Flighting: In documentation-speak, this is the
process of checking that your
assemblage of files for the document
(image files etc.) is correct before
committing to print. The
professional systems will complain
about things that are wrong, giving
you a chance to correct it. Word
will just put on a happy face and
try to fix things behind the scenes.
A good example of this is a word
file with linked graphics. If you
copy the file and graphics to
another directory and update one of
the graphics in situ, word may well
still read the file from the old
path (I've seen it do this) and not
the new one you've just updated.
However, this behaviour is not consistent and
typifies the rampant abuse of
unstable heuristics in that product.
Pre-Press Support: A publishing system extends into the pre-press
phase of the workflow. This means
it covers preparation for print.
Word processing software tends not
to have this functionality or have
it in a very limited form.
Without getting too far into this, a key difference is that publishing software tends to treat you like a consenting adult and not get in the way when you want to scale or automate things. One can use word processing software for large scale documentation but it has many design decisions adapted to casual users writing short documents with little regard for quality. These adaptations come at the expense of fitness-for-task on large scale document preparation work. The main issues I find with Word for spec documents are the poor indexing and cross-referencing and general instability issues where I am always having to go back and fix things. However, political considerations in most environments (I'm a contractor) mean one is often stuck with it.
Some general comments on the state of technical documentation software
Framemaker would be the obvious choice if Adobe didn't keep giving off signals that they are trying to deprecate it and move its user base to InDesign. However, FM is widely used in aerospace, software and engineering circles and Adobe's management would face a lynch mob if they actually EOL'd the product without a credible migration path. From what one reads on the web, Adobe's acquisition of FM was driven by John Warnock, but he was ousted and FM became a victim of office politics. The net result is that it's been moved to maintenance mode and is quite stagnant.
Ventura Publisher has also been relegated to a niche market to some extent, but at least Corel do not have two competing product lines in the way that Adobe do. It is probably a passable substitute for FM and may be more politically acceptable to PHB types as it is marketed as a 'business publishing' system.
Quicksilver and Arbortext both seem to be viable products, but are very expensive. I've not used either, so I can't really make any real judgement on their merits.
The markup language systems are free and very powerful in many ways. Lout might be a bit easier to work with as it doesn't have quite the level of legacy baggage that LaTeX does. DocBook is also quite widely used and does have quite a bit of tool support. These technologies put a significant squeeze on the 'geek' end of Framemaker's market share and do so on their merits - they have probably taken quite a chunk out of Adobe's profit margins over the years. I would not dismiss these technologies out of hand, but they will be harder to learn in practice.
You might try evaluating InDesign and a selected set of plugins (concentrate on those for tagging and cross-ref/index management). Finally, some of the word processing software (Wordperfect and OpenOffice) give you a reasonable toolkit for structured documentation and work considerably better for this than MS-Word.
Yes, that is a pun. I haven't touched on Pre-Press functionality of any of these products. Printing and Pre-Press are technical fields in their own right and the scope for expensive mistakes means you should probably leave this up to specialists.
Framemaker, InDesign, Ventura, QuickSilver, Arbortext and (presumably) the MadCap products all come with facilities to do pre-press preparation. By and large, word processing software does not.
Doing pre-press with LaTeX tends to involve post-processing the PS output with software like psutils or rendering to PDF and taking the pre-press workflow from there. Generally, most pre-press houses can work from PDF, so a good PDF writing tool like Distiller is the best interface for work prepared from tools that are not designed for prepress work. Note that the quality of the output from Distiller tends to be better than the Ghostscript based ones like PDFCreator.
Note that the RGB colour space of a monitor does not have a direct map to a CYMK colour space used by a printing press. Actually getting colours - especially colour photos - to come out correctly on a press is somewhat fraught if you do not have the right kit. For print production, see a specialist unless you have reason to believe you know what you're doing. For a casual user I would still recommend this 15 years after I was involved in the industry, as mistakes are very expensive to fix once they're committed to print.
If you really do want to do colour print work in-house, you will probably need to calibrate your monitor. For best results, you should get a high-fidelity monitor like this one from HP. In order to calibrate the monitor you may also need a sensor like one of the ones described in this review if the monitor does not come with one. Most professional graphics cards like these from Nvidia, AMD or Matrox have facilities to support gamma correction; many consumer ones do as well. You will also need to get calibration data for the press you are going to be using to print, although the pre-press house will probably be able to do this.
As stated before, print media is quite technical in its own right, easy to get wrong and expensive to fix once it's gone to print. If you're not 100% certain you've got your calibration right, get a colour proof like a Chromalin. This is done from the actual film separations (and is thus quite expensive), so it gives an accurate rendition of the actual colour of the final printed article. Doing this for a few sample pages will give you accurate feedback about whether your calibration is set up right.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Aidan Ryan for expanding the section on Madcap products.
I would recommend "Help & Manual" from EC Software. You can create a printed manual, PDF, Windows help file (CHM), and HTML web based help from a single source document.
I've heard good things about FrameMaker. I've not used it myself, but have had it recommended to me for just such an application.
Adobe Framemaker indeed is the classic tool for writing user manuals. I've used it for all kinds of long documents, and it works very well. Too bad that Adobe left it to rot for years, before noticing that users wouldn't switch.
MSWord took till 2003 to get the bullet/numbering bugs out, and I don't know if they finally got master document working.
LaTeX still is a reasonable alternative. The format is easy to process, and you could generate it from a wiki.
If you want collaboration, then a language-based approach (LaTeX would be my preference although XML-based ones are also good -- Docbook being the flagship here) does make sense, especially if you are tracking files with a version control system.
Anything that does complicate things like any software with a binary or proprietary format will not help you here.
Sorry if it is not the answer you want.
I agree with Ollivier that using DocBook (or LaTEX) is the sanest approach to have easy conversion, sane formatting, nice version control.
Happily, you can try to have your cake and eat it too with a DocBook editor.
Try the ones on this list and see if any satisfies your needs (I haven't used any).
We are using "Help & Manual" from EC Software and it works quite well. Our authors are spread through the U.S. so we share our content files via a hosted SVN server to manage version control. On each workstation we use Tortoise SVN to stay in sync. The product is extremely easy to use and productive.
A VERY nice explanation on what O'Reilly (actually the ones selling all these books...) uses:
O'Reilly Toolchain
It may seem complicated, but depending on the amount of pages you are going to write you maybe should put some consideration into it.
Word (or your favorite word processor)
I make all my user manuals (not to be confused with user HELP files) in Word. Then I can determine if they need to be in PDF, RTF, DOC or even converted to HTML. To solve the multi-user updating issue, I store the file in Source Control which handles all those fun things.
See the Fastware Project blog for an in depth discussion of the tradeoffs of using DocBook etc. Scott Meyer has tried out a lot of possibilities and shares what he's thinking.
Adobe InDesign CS5.5 is much better at cross references and long documents than earlier versions. It is very powerful and relatively easy to learn and use. The feature set is very rich and the more you learn about it the more you can do with it. It supports very powerful XML features and can import and export XML as needed. It can also map Styles to Tags and Tags to styles allowing you to create your XML in an automated fashion if you simply use a full set of character and paragraph styles. I have used the program for years and produced multiple projects from books to one-off advertisements. It is a graphic design tool, but has support for many aspects of book and manual production. I recommend it if you are more concerned with graphics, images or illustrations. InDesign support a wide number of import and export formats.
InDesign CS5.5 has added and improved support for both interactive content and export for EPUB (electronic book) and Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) electronic magazine formats.
Framemaker is an excellent tool for books, manuals and long technical documents. It is a bit harder to learn than InDesign but has a richer set of tools for building variables and running headers and footers, if you have the time and inclination to learn how to use them. It also has a very robust XML feature-set, but I have not used it personally.
Unfortunately, Framemaker suffers from lack of support for graphic design. The color system is based very kludgey and spot (PMS) colors are hard to define. Simple things like adding a stroke color and fill color are rudimentary at best. For example, you still can't select a stroke color that's different from an objects fill color. The program is intended to output to laser and inkjet printers and not really to printing presses.
One feature that is really cool is the ability to apply master pages based on the Paragraph styles appearing on the page. The paragraph/illustration numbering in Framemaker is superior to any other program that I have ever used. But it is also difficult to learn and use.
Both programs support output to PDF and PostScript file formats and can generate hyperlinks and interactive content.