Testing authenticated file uploads in merb - file-upload

This is something that has been driving me mad over the past few days. I have an action which allows authenticated users to upload assets to the site. I know that the controller action is correct as I can run through the process manually however I want to test it using rspec.
I have to use the request helper so I can reuse an authenticated session which is a :given for this set of tests.
it "should allow authenticated file uploads" do
file = File.open(a_valid_file)
mock_file = mock("file")
request( resource(:assets), :method => "POST",
:params => { :file =>
{:tempfile => mock_file, :filename => File.basename(file.path)} }
If I breakpoint inside the spec it all works nicely, however when I run the spec and try to access the path in the controller action through the debugger I get this:
e file[:tempfile].path
NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `path' for "#[Spec::Mocks::Mock:0x3fda2a4736c0 #name=\"file\"]":String
My guess is that the stub!(:path) is not being set for whatever mock object is making it through the request.
The question is: Am I going about the right way for testing file uploads and if not what is another way?

I was doing it wrong. By using request it was calling to_s on all paramaters, so my mock object was being passed as "#[Spec::Mocks::Mock:0x3fda2a4736c0 #name=\"file\"]". That will teach me to pay more attention to exception output.
Instead I should use multipart_post and stub out the authentication calls in a block.
it "should allow authenticated file uploads" do
file = File.open(a_valid_file)
multipart_post( resource(:assets), :method => "POST",
:params => { :file => file } ) do |controller|


Rails 3 functional tests: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: controller, action

When running functional tests on my controller code in a Rails 3 project, I have a fatal error; the params variable contains controller and action, and ActiveModel is not happy about it:
ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: controller, action
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activemodel-3.2.1/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/sanitizer.rb:48:in `process_removed_attributes'
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activemodel-3.2.1/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/sanitizer.rb:20:in `debug_protected_attribute_removal'
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activemodel-3.2.1/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security/sanitizer.rb:12:in `sanitize'
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activemodel-3.2.1/lib/active_model/mass_assignment_security.rb:228:in `sanitize_for_mass_assignment'
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activerecord-3.2.1/lib/active_record/attribute_assignment.rb:75:in `assign_attributes'
/Users/phooze/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/activerecord-3.2.1/lib/active_record/base.rb:495:in `initialize'
/Users/phooze/Documents/rails-app/app/controllers/credentials_controller.rb:40:in `new'
The application call is to the "new" method (where the error is occurring), the code is:
# Credential#create (POST)
def create
#credential = Credential.new(params)
# ... controller continues
Finally, my test case:
test "should create credential" do
assert_difference('Credential.count', 1) do
post :create, { :fid => "foobarbaz", :credentials_hash => "f00ba7f00ba7", :uid => "10023", :cid => "342" }
assert_response :created
Changing my controller code to a "separate" parameter hash containing ONLY the fid, credentials_hash, uid, and cid makes it work. I'm pretty sure Rails is trying to be "nice" and provide me with addtional values for testing, but it seems to be causing problems.
Any recommendations on how to solve this?
Looks like you have set config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict
in your test environment only, but not in development or production, because params always contains controller and action, in any environment.
I think the best-practice recommendation here is to always use form_for, so that you'd have your credentials in params[:credential], or, indeed, do params.slice(:fid, :uid, etc).

Deprecated offline_access on facebook with RoR

We have a problem in our RoR app. We are using a facebook authentication with omniauth, and searching the user friends with Koala. But lately, when we try to show a friend photo, we got this error:
Koala::Facebook::APIError in Homes#show
Showing /home/daniel/Homes/app/views/shared/_event.html.erb where line #19 raised:
OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1328727600. The current unix time is 1328802133.
Extracted source (around line #19):
16: <img src="../assets/friends-icon.png" alt="User profile apicture" height="33" width="43">
17: <% if current_user %>
18: <% event.friends_in_event(#person).each do |f| %>
19: <%= link_to(image_tag(f.fb_picture, :size => "43x33"), person_path(f.id)) %>
20: <% end %>
21: <% end %>
22: </div>
The authentication works good, but facebook has already deprecated the offline_access option, that was working good, but now, we have this issue.
is It any way to extends the access_token?, or are there another solution?.
This is our omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, ENV['FB_KEY'], ENV['FB_SECRET'],
{ :scope => 'email,offline_access,user_photos,publish_stream',
:client_options => { :ssl => { :ca_path => "/etc/ssl/certs" } } }
And our koala.rb
Koala.http_service.http_options = {
:ssl => { :ca_path => "/etc/ssl/certs" }
Thanks in advance.
There are 2 solutions to this problem:
Extend the user's access token:
As per this article on the Facebook docs, you may request a 60-day extension on a user's access token. However, if the user does not return within that period, this method won't help you.
You can find a PHP code snippet to do this at this StackOverflow question.
To do this, send a post to this API endpoint: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=APP_ID&client_secret=APP_SECRET&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=EXISTING_ACCESS_TOKEN
Catch the OAuthException and request a new access token:
Facebook provides a PHP code snippet outlining this solution on their dev blog.
Basically, you follow these steps:
Make a call to the graph with the user's current access_token.
If the call succeeds, the access_token is fine. If it throws an OAuthException, redirect the user to https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=APP_ID&redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL
The user will be sent to that URL and then redirected to your CALLBACK_URL with a code in the parameters.
Send a post to the following URL with the code to obtain a new access_token: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=APP_ID&redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL&client_secret=APP_SECRET&code=CODE&display=popup
Read the post on their dev blog for more information.
Edit (adding example Ruby on Rails code):
Add the following to the top of your ApplicationController:
rescue_from Koala::Facebook::APIError, :with => :handle_fb_exception
Add the following protected method to your ApplicationController:
def handle_fb_exception exception
if exception.fb_error_type.eql? 'OAuthException'
logger.debug "[OAuthException] Either the user's access token has expired, they've logged out of Facebook, deauthorized the app, or changed their password"
oauth = Koala::Facebook::OAuth.new
# If there is a code in the url, attempt to request a new access token with it
if params.has_key? 'code'
code = params['code']
logger.debug "We have the following code in the url: #{code}"
logger.debug "Attempting to fetch a new access token..."
token_hash = oauth.get_access_token_info code
logger.debug "Obtained the following hash for the new access token:"
logger.debug token_hash.to_yaml
redirect_to root_path
else # Since there is no code in the url, redirect the user to the Facebook auth page for the app
oauth_url = oauth.url_for_oauth_code :permissions => 'email'
logger.debug "No code was present; redirecting to the following url to obtain one: #{oauth_url}"
redirect_to oauth_url
logger.debug "Since the error type is not an 'OAuthException', this is likely a bug in the Koala gem; reraising the exception..."
raise exception
The Koala calls were all taken from the following 2 tutorials:
For those of you who don't have time to make this change, I found that you can disable this migration in Settings -> Advanced. The name of the option is "Remove offline_access permission:"

rails aws-s3 delete file throws AWS::S3::PermanentRedirect error - EU bucket problem?

I'm building a rails3 app on heroku, and I'm using aws-s3 gem to manipulate files stored in an Amazon S3 eu bucket.
When I try to perform a AWS::S3::S3Object.delete filename, 'mybucketname' command, I get the following error:
AWS::S3::PermanentRedirect (The bucket you are attempting to access
must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future
requests to this endpoint.):
I have added the following to my application.rb file:
:access_key_id => "myAccessKey",
:secret_access_key => "mySecretAccessKey"
and the following code to my controller:
def destroy
song = tape.songs.find(params[:id])
AWS::S3::S3Object.delete song.filename, 'mybucket'
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :nothing => true }
end end
I found a proposed solution somewhere to add AWS_CALLING_FORMAT: SUBDOMAIN to my amazon_s3.yml file, as supposedly, aws-s3 should handle differently eu buckets than us.
However, this did not work, same error is received.
Could you please provide any assistance?
Thank you very much for your help.
the problem is you need to type SUBDOMAIN as uppercase string in config, try this out
You can specify custom endpoint at connection initialization point:
:access_key_id => 'myAccessKey',
:secret_access_key => 'mySecretAccessKey',
:server => 's3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.com'
you can find actual endpoint through the AWS console:
full list of valid options - here https://github.com/marcel/aws-s3/blob/master/lib/aws/s3/connection.rb#L252
VALID_OPTIONS = [:access_key_id, :secret_access_key, :server, :port, :use_ssl, :persistent, :proxy].freeze
My solution is to set the constant to the actual service link at initialization time.
in config/initializers/aws_s3.rb
AWS::S3::DEFAULT_HOST = "s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com"
:access_key_id => 'access_key_id',
:secret_access_key => 'secret_access_key'

How can I use RSpec to test my model's interaction with external services

I have a method in a model that interacts with an external video encoding service (Zencoder). It uses the zencoder_rb gem. https://github.com/zencoder/zencoder-rb
class EncodingRequest
def check_encoding_status
response = Zencoder::Job.details(self.request_id)
if response.success?
# do something
# do something else
The Zencoder::Job#details method makes a call to the Zencoder web service to find out if the video encoding is complete.
The question is how can I hijack the Zencoder::Job#details method so when it is called by check_encoding_status it will return an object that I can craft. The plan is to make that object respond to #success? in whatever way makes sense for my test.
So here's how I'd like the spec to look
it "should mark the encoding as failed if there was an error in Zencoder" do
dummy_response = Zencoder::Response.new(:body => {:state => "finished"}, :code => 200)
# code that will force Zencoder::Job#details to return this dummy_response
#encoding = EncodingRequest.new(:source_asset => #final_large, :target_asset => #final_small)
#encoding.status.should eql "success"
I am currently using rspec 2.5.
I read a bit about mocks and stubs, but I am not sure it's possible to use them in this scenario.
Your help is much appreciated.
Zencoder::Job.stub_chain(:details, :success).and_return(true)

How do I write a Rails 3.1 engine controller test in rspec?

I have written a Rails 3.1 engine with the namespace Posts. Hence, my controllers are found in app/controllers/posts/, my models in app/models/posts, etc. I can test the models just fine. The spec for one model looks like...
module Posts
describe Post do
describe 'Associations' do
it ...
... and everything works fine.
However, the specs for the controllers do not work. The Rails engine is mounted at /posts, yet the controller is Posts::PostController. Thus, the tests look for the controller route to be posts/posts.
describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all posts as #posts" do
Posts::Post.stub(:all) { [mock_post] }
get :index
assigns(:posts).should eq([mock_post])
which yields...
1) Posts::PostsController GET index assigns all posts as #posts
Failure/Error: get :index
No route matches {:controller=>"posts/posts"}
# ./spec/controllers/posts/posts_controller_spec.rb:16
I've tried all sorts of tricks in the test app's routes file... :namespace, etc, to no avail.
How do I make this work? It seems like it won't, since the engine puts the controller at /posts, yet the namespacing puts the controller at /posts/posts for the purpose of testing.
I'm assuming you're testing your engine with a dummy rails app, like the one that would be generated by enginex.
Your engine should be mounted in the dummy app:
In spec/dummy/config/routes.rb:
Dummy::Application.routes.draw do
mount Posts::Engine => '/posts-prefix'
My second assumption is that your engine is isolated:
In lib/posts.rb:
module Posts
class Engine < Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace Posts
I don't know if these two assumptions are really required, but that is how my own engine is structured.
The workaround is quite simple, instead of this
get :show, :id => 1
use this
get :show, {:id => 1, :use_route => :posts}
The :posts symbol should be the name of your engine and NOT the path where it is mounted.
This works because the get method parameters are passed straight to ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator#initialize (defined here), which in turn uses #named_route to get the correct route from Rack::Mount::RouteSet#generate (see here and here).
Plunging into the rails internals is fun, but quite time consuming, I would not do this every day ;-) .
I worked around this issue by overriding the get, post, put, and delete methods that are provided, making it so they always pass use_route as a parameter.
I used Benoit's answer as a basis for this. Thanks buddy!
module ControllerHacks
def get(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "GET")
# Executes a request simulating POST HTTP method and set/volley the response
def post(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "POST")
# Executes a request simulating PUT HTTP method and set/volley the response
def put(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "PUT")
# Executes a request simulating DELETE HTTP method and set/volley the response
def delete(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
process_action(action, parameters, session, flash, "DELETE")
def process_action(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, method = "GET")
parameters ||= {}
process(action, parameters.merge!(:use_route => :my_engine), session, flash, method)
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.include ControllerHacks, :type => :controller
Use the rspec-rails routes directive:
describe MyEngine::WidgetsController do
routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }
# Specs can use the engine's routes & named URL helpers
# without any other special code.
– RSpec Rails 2.14 official docs.
Based on this answer I chose the following solution:
RSpec.configure do |config|
# other code
config.before(:each) { #routes = UserManager::Engine.routes }
The additional benefit is, that you don't need to have the before(:each) block in every controller-spec.
Solution for a problem when you don't have or cannot use isolate_namespace:
module Posts
class Engine < Rails::Engine
In controller specs, to fix routes:
get :show, {:id => 1, :use_route => :posts_engine}
Rails adds _engine to your app routes if you don't use isolate_namespace.
I'm developing a gem for my company that provides an API for the applications we're running. We're using Rails 3.0.9 still, with latest Rspec-Rails (2.10.1). I was having a similar issue where I had defined routes like so in my Rails engine gem.
match '/companyname/api_name' => 'CompanyName/ApiName/ControllerName#apimethod'
I was getting an error like
No route matches {:controller=>"company_name/api_name/controller_name", :action=>"apimethod"}
It turns out I just needed to redefine my route in underscore case so that RSpec could match it.
match '/companyname/api_name' => 'company_name/api_name/controller_name#apimethod'
I guess Rspec controller tests use a reverse lookup based on underscore case, whereas Rails will setup and interpret the route if you define it in camelcase or underscore case.
It was already mentioned about adding routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }, although it's possible to specify this for all controller tests:
# spec/support/test_helpers/controller_routes.rb
module TestHelpers
module ControllerRoutes
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
routes { MyEngine::Engine.routes }
and use in rails_helper.rb:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include TestHelpers::ControllerRoutes, type: :controller