Exporting Charts of Access to Image Format? - vb.net

I have created a chart in Access forms and exported it in Image Format. It's easily done, but the problem comes when after it, when I close the Form, It Shows a Pop-up message.
"The operation on the Chart object failed.
The OLE server may not be registered.
To register the OLE server, reinstall it. "
Then I have done some change and the Code looks Like:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim grpApp As Graph.Chart
Set grpApp = Me.Graph1.Object
grpApp.Export "C:\Graph1.jpg", "JPEG"
Me.Graph1.Enabled = True
Me.Graph1.Locked = False
Set grpApp = Nothing
Me.Graph1.Action = acOLEClose
End Sub
Now the problem is that after the export is done, the chart becomes bad, the fonts were big
and condensed and the bars looked short...
I'm really stuck..

After trying various workarounds, I found pretty much the same question and a proper fix for the problem:
Try unlocking the graph before the export, and restore the lock afterwards
'Unlock the control...
Me!YourOLEChart.Locked = False
Me!YourOLEChart.Enabled = True
'Do the actual export...
Set oleGrf = Me!YourOLEChart.Object
oleGrf.Export filename, "JPEG"
Set oleGrf = Nothing
Me!YourOLEChart.Action = acOLEClose
'Restore the lock...
Me!YourOLEChart.Locked = True
Me!YourOLEChart.Enabled = False
Important: remember to set the Action acOLEClose to avoid the OLE server from crashing.
You are not alone—I had the same problem. On several runs of the form, after the export execution, the chart/graph/OLEFrame became wrong (on the form View), its format got changed and I hadn't known why.


What is causing the delay between recordset.update and the form/report getting the information?

Short version
I'm entering information in a database and fetching it shortly after, but for some reason, when I enter the information, it isn't immediately entered, so that when I try to fetch it, I get old results. Why does this happen? I thought the operations were synchronous.
Long version
I have a split Access database. At the moment the backend is on my own hard drive to speed up testing, eventually this backend will land on a server. Back when it was a combined frontend/backend database and before I had done a major code refactor (tbh, it was quite the clusterfornication before that), and now this is happening in a number of different scenarios, but pretty much every time I enter information and try to fetch it right after that. Why this happens is a mystery to me, since everything I was reading told me there is no multi-threading in VBA and that everything is synchronous if not specified otherwise, and I haven't enabled any asynchronous options.
Two Examples:
I add a record to the database then refresh the form that contains those new records. I'm not going to post the full code (unless it is deemed necessary), since I've modularized the code a lot. But essentially it boils down to this: the user clicks a button which executes this:
Private Sub Anhang_hinzufügen_Click()
If IsNull(Me.Parent.ID) Then
MsgBox "Bitte erst Felder ausfüllen, und anschließend Anhänge hinzufügen", vbInformation
AnhängeAuswählen Me.Parent.Name, Me.Parent.ID
End If
End Sub
As part of the AnhängeAuswählen method, the method AddRecord is called:
Function AddRecord(TableName As String, fields() As String, values) As Long
Dim Table As DAO.Recordset
Set Table = LUKSVDB.OpenRecordset(TableName)
For i = LBound(fields) To UBound(fields)
If TypeName(Table.fields(fields(i)).Value) = "Recordset2" Then
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset2
Set rs2 = Table.fields(fields(i)).Value
If IsArray(values(i)) Then
For j = LBound(values(i)) To UBound(values(i))
rs2!Value = values(i)(j)
Next j
rs2!Value = values(i)
End If
Table.fields(fields(i)) = values(i)
End If
Next i
AddRecord = Table!ID
End Function
The record is created, that's not the problem. But when it executes Me.Form.Requery, the new record doesn't appear in the form. Only when I execute Me.Form.Requery a fraction of a second later does the record appear.
I add a record to the database using a form, update some information in the recordset with VBA, then requery the subreport with the records. The record appears immediately, but the details I added programmatically only appear when I execute Me.Parent.Requery a couple of seconds later.
The first form is a data entry form, so that as soon as the data is saved, it's blank in order to create a new record. The previous should then appear in the form. The button to create the new record looks like this:
Private Sub Anmerkung_Hinzufügen_Click()
currentID = Me.ID
mSaved = True
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
UpdateRecord "Anmerkungen", currentID, StringArray("Person", "Datum"), Array(User, Now)
End Sub
The UpdateRecord is similar to the AddRecord method:
Function UpdateRecord(TableName As String, ByVal ID As Integer, fields() As String, values)
Dim Table As DAO.Recordset
Set Table = SeekPK(TableName, ID, True)
For i = LBound(fields) To UBound(fields)
If TypeName(Table.fields(fields(i)).Value) = "Recordset2" Then
Dim subtable As DAO.Recordset2
Set subtable = Table.fields(fields(i)).Value
If IsArray(values(i)) Then
On Error Resume Next
Dim t
t = LBound(values(i))
If Developer Then On Error GoTo -1 Else On Error GoTo Fehler
If Err.Number = 0 Then
For j = LBound(values(i)) To UBound(values(i))
subtable!Value = values(i)(j)
Next j
End If
subtable!Value = values(i)
End If
Table.fields(fields(i)) = values(i)
End If
Next i
End Function
Does anyone know why this happens, and how I can prevent it? I could do a bit of a workaround with timers on the forms, so that it refreshes the form a couple of seconds later, but that seems like a kludgy workaround to me, especially considering I don't know how long it specifically takes, and the times could change drastically once the backend is on the server.
Additional information, in case it's necessary:
In the code I've posted I've removed some additional code for error handling and performance logging, but it doesn't have any impact on what's happening otherwise.
When the database is opened, a global variable LUKSVDB As DAO.Database is initialized:
Function ConnectDatabase(Backend As Integer)
Select Case Backend
Case 0: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which the production/beta database is located on the server
Case 1: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which I have a personal testing database on the server
Case 2: DatenOrt = 'redacted, folder in which I have the testing database on my own computer
End Select
Set LUKSVDB = OpenDatabase(DatenOrt & "\LUKS-Verwaltung_be.accdb", False, False, ";pwd=PASSWORD")
End Function
For testing purposes, ConnectDatabase is launched with a value of 2. However, if it's a problem on my own SSD, where latency is just about 0, then I can only assume it will be a problem on the server as well, where the latency is definitely not 0.

Setting AutoCAD ActiveSpace to ModelSpace VB.NET

I am trying to ensure that I am addressing entities in ModelSpace, but I get an exception that gives no hint at what the problem is because it's a COM object I guess. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? If I take out that line (and the zoom extents line) the remaining code works just fine, so I know my document object is being set correctly.
Dim acDWG As AutoCAD.AcadDocument
' open the drawing
acDWG = acApp.Documents.Open(dgvr.Cells("FullName").Value.ToString)
' ensure the drawing has the modelspace tab activated (doesnt work)
acDWG.ActiveSpace = AutoCAD.AcActiveSpace.acModelSpace
' zoom to extents (sometimes works, sometimes not) '
' build a selectionset of all blocks named 'Solid1' and then delete them all
Dim ss As AutoCAD.AcadSelectionSet = acDWG.SelectionSets.Add("DELETE")
Dim gpCode(1) As Int16
Dim dataValue(1) As Object
gpCode(0) = 0 : dataValue(0) = "Insert"
gpCode(1) = 2 : dataValue(1) = "Solid1"
ss.Select(AutoCAD.AcSelect.acSelectionSetAll,,, gpCode, dataValue)
ss = Nothing
Update: I discovered why I am getting the error. The code is correct, but the problem is that the drawing has not completed opening yet. If I put a "wait for 5 seconds" line of code directly after the Open line, it works just fine. So it seems my question is how to open the drawing and have VB.Net wait for a signal from the COM object that it is "ready to continue"? (not sure how to word it)
Use a combination of Do...Loop and a Try...Catch block to "wait" like this:
Dim acDWG As AutoCAD.AcadDocument
acDWG = acApp.Documents.Open(dgvr.Cells("FullName").Value.ToString)
Dim bOpen As Boolean = False
Do Until bOpen = True
acDWG.ActiveSpace = AutoCAD.AcActiveSpace.acModelSpace
bOpen = True
Catch ex As Exception
' ignore the error and try again until it is open
End Try

VBA code when refering a SubReport from a Main Report in Access

I am setting an instruction (VBA) in On Load Event on a report in MS Access.
When I open the report,the code works perfect.
But when i try to embeded the report as a subreport on a main report, the code doesnt work.
I think the problem is that I should be referering the field different(Me.Service1...), since I am trying to call the field now from a main report, but i havent found the right syntaxis.
This is the code i wanna embeed on my main report:
Private Sub Report_Load()
If Me.Service1 = "Scanmachine" Then
Me.Vessel.Visible = True
Me.Label400.Visible = True
Me.Vessel.Visible = False
Me.Label400.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Any suggestions?
Indeed, you need to change the relative reference of your sub report controls. Over the course of my Access database development work, I have used this Access MVPs resource, even bookmarked the webpage (though it uses forms, the same naming setup applies to reports).
Consider the following, adjusting names accordingly and run this on the main report's OnOpen() event:
Private Sub Report_Load()
If Me![subreportcontrolname].Report!Service1 = "Scanmachine" Then
Me![subreportcontrolname].Report!Vessel.Visible = True
Me![subreportcontrolname].Report!Label400.Visible = True
Me![subreportcontrolname].Report!Vessel.Visible = False
Me![subreportcontrolname].Report!Label400.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

VB 2013 Application Out of Memory

I'm new to VB but recently created my first working app :) Anyway it just compresses files and little bit more. The latest thing that I added was a marquee style progress bar to animate while the operation was in progress and stop when it ends and the user can do the next zip operation. The progress bar wasn't updating, so I used a background worker to do the actual task while the button click just did the animation. Since then I've notcied serious degredation in the app. It struggles to load. I even got an out of memory error. Not sure if the background worker is related, but I thought I'd mention as it was the last update. Has anyone experienced anything similar? If I can provide and specific info, please ask me for it! Many thanks.
UPDATE: So I understand that I'm not using the BGWorker correctly. I will change that. But I found even with that removed, I still had issues. So I created a new form and started adding in bits of my code one by one. Anyway, I fell at the first hurdle with my form load sub. So I added that in slowly. I found that when ever I have any statements that load a variable from settings for persistent settings that the app falls over. Below is my code. Can anyone see what's up?????
UPDATE: I've found that if I load from settings the memory useage shoots up. I tried this too with saving settins on form closed. Below is the error received. The same out of memory occurs when trying to load settings too. I never experienced this on the first form I created. So perhaps I have missed some settings on the second, because the implementation in the code hasn't changed.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Failed to save settings: An error occurred executing the configuration section handler for userSettings/Backup_Tool.My.MySettings. ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred executing the configuration section handler for userSettings/Backup_Tool.My.MySettings. ---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
This is when I added in the code below:
Private Sub Form1_Closed(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosed
' Save controls to settings.
My.Settings.StartPathTextBox1 = StartPathTextBox1.Text
My.Settings.ZipPathTextBox1 = ZipPathTextBox1.Text
My.Settings.CopyPathTextBox1 = CopyPathTextBox1.Text
My.Settings.ZipSelectCheckBox1 = ZipSelectCheckBox1.Checked
My.Settings.CopySelectCheckBox1 = CopySelectCheckBox1.Checked
For Each s As String In StartNameListBox1.Items()
For Each s As String In StartNameListBox1.SelectedItems()
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' FORM 1.
' Initialise specialised string collections.
If My.Settings.StartNameListBoxItems1 Is Nothing Then
My.Settings.StartNameListBoxItems1 = _
New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
End If
If My.Settings.StartNameListBoxSelectedItems1 Is Nothing Then
My.Settings.StartNameListBoxSelectedItems1 = _
New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
End If
' Restore controls from saved settings.
StartPathTextBox1.Text() = My.Settings.StartPathTextBox1
ZipPathTextBox1.Text() = My.Settings.ZipPathTextBox1
CopyPathTextBox1.Text() = My.Settings.CopyPathTextBox1
ZipSelectCheckBox1.Checked = My.Settings.ZipSelectCheckBox1
CopySelectCheckBox1.Checked = My.Settings.CopySelectCheckBox1
For Each s As String In My.Settings.StartNameListBoxItems1()
For Each s As String In My.Settings.StartNameListBoxSelectedItems1()
' Decide controls initial states.
If StartNameListBox1.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
ZipSelectCheckBox1.Enabled = False
RunButton1.Enabled = False
End If
If ZipSelectCheckBox1.Checked = False Then
ZipPathTextBox1.Enabled = False
ZipBrowseButton1.Enabled = False
End If
If ZipPathTextBox1.Text = String.Empty Then
CopySelectCheckBox1.Enabled = False
End If
If CopySelectCheckBox1.Checked = False Then
CopyPathTextBox1.Enabled = False
CopyBrowseButton1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
It appears to be that you are only ever adding the current selections to the Settings collections. You might well clear the ListBox when they make new selections, but you do not do the same thing with the Settings Collections like My.Settings.StartNameListBoxItems1:
For Each s As String In StartNameListBox1.Items()
The collection will have all the items in it from all the other times it has ever run already and you are now going to add more to it. Eventually you will have many, many, many items in it.
My.Settings.StartNameListBoxItems1.Clear ' REMOVE ALL OLD ITEMS
' Save just the current items to the collection
For Each s As String In StartNameListBox1.Items()
use .Clear on both Collections

Close modal form in Access and access module code

I've inherited a Access database that is used to import some data in SQL. The MDB opens with a form, in a modal mode: no Access menubar or buttons are visible. I can view the tables with content by using the Visual Studio 'Data Connection' tool, but I cannot see the module's code.
I've looked at this question here, but the answers there aren't really what I need. Is there a way to either force the form to close (and access the modules) or to extract the VBA code ?
[EDIT] I am using Access 2007, not sure what the original developer used.
Hold down the shift key when you open the database. This will prevent it from loading the automatic script it's running and allow you to gain access to the tables, queries, and VBA scripts.
This is a rather long addendum to, or comment on, Michael Todd's reply in response to edosoft's comment.
Rather than choosing to enable the content, check the start-up options (either (file->options->current database->display form) or (tools->start up->display form)) and remove the name of the form, having taken a note, and ensure that Allow Full Menus (same page) is ticked. You may also like to press Alt+F11 to display code, and check that for start-up code, finally, see if there is an AutoRun macro and rename it.
EDIT re Comments
You do not have to open an mdb to change the start-up form, for example, code such as this could be run from another mdb using the full name and path of the mdb you wish to change.
Sub SetStartForm(DBFile As String)
Dim prp As Object
Dim db As Database
Const PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND As Integer = 3270
Set db = OpenDatabase(DBFile)
db.Properties("StartupForm") = "(none)"
If Err.Number > 0 Then
'' Create the new property, but this is not relevant in this case
End If
End If
Set db = Nothing
Set prp = Nothing
End Sub
Button close with function:
Private sub cmdClose_Click()
End sub
Public Sub CloseForm(ByVal strFormName As String)
Dim iCounter As Integer
For Each frm In Forms
With frm
If (.Name = strFormName) Then
iCounter = iCounter + 1
End If
End With
If (iCounter > 0) Then
For i = 1 To iCounter
DoCmd.Close acForm, strFormName, acSaveNo
End If
End Sub