Multiple foreign keys to a single column - sql

I'm defining a database for a customer/ order system where there are two highly distinct types of customers. Because they are so different having a single customer table would be very ugly (it'd be full of null columns as they are pointless for one type).
Their orders though are in the same format. Is it possible to have a CustomerId column in my Order table which has a foreign key to both the Customer Types? I have set it up in SQL server and it's given me no problems creating the relationships, but I'm yet to try inserting any data.
Also, I'm planning on using nHibernate as the ORM, could there be any problems introduced by doing the relationships like this?

No, you can't have a single field as a foreign key to two different tables. How would you tell where to look for the key?
You would at least need a field that tells what kind of user it is, or two separate foreign keys.
You could also put the information that is common for all users in one table and have separate tables for the information that is specific for the user types, so that you have a single table with user id as primary key.

A foreign key can only reference a single primary key, so no. However, you could use a bridge table:
CustomerA <---- CustomerA_Orders ----> Order
CustomerB <---- CustomerB_Orders ----> Order
So Order doesn't even have a foreign key; whether this is desirable, though...

I inherited a SQL Server database where this was done (a single column used in four foreign key relationships with four unrelated tables), so yes, it's possible. My predecessor is gone, though, so I can't ask why he thought it was a good idea.
He used a GUID column ("uniqueidentifier" type) to avoid the ambiguity problem, and he turned off constraint checking on the foreign keys, since it's guaranteed that only one will match. But I can think of lots of reasons that you shouldn't, and I haven't thought of any reasons you should.
Yours does sound like the classical "specialization" problem, typically solved by creating a parent table with the shared customer data, then two child tables that contain the data unique to each class of customer. Your foreign key would then be against the parent customer table, and your determination of which type of customer would be based on which child table had a matching entry.

You can create a foreign key referencing multiple tables. This feature is to allow vertical partioining of your table and still maintain referential integrity. In your case however, this is not applicable.
Your best bet would be to have a CustomerType table with possible columns - CustomerTypeID, CustomerID, where CustomerID is the PK and then refernce your OrderID table to CustomerID.

I know this is a very old question; however if other people are finding this question through the googles, and you don't mind adding some columns to your table, a technique I've used (using the original question as a hypothetical problem to solve) is:
Add a [CustomerType] column. The purpose of storing a value here is to indicate which table holds the PK for your (assumed) [CustomerId] FK column. Optional - addition of a check constraint (to ensure CustomerType is in CustomerA or CustomerB) will help you sleep better at night.
Add a computed column for each [CustomerType], eg:
[CustomerTypeAId] as case when [CustomerType] = 'CustomerA' then [CustomerId] end persisted
[CustomerTypeBId] as case when [CustomerType] = 'CustomerB' then [CustomerId] end persisted
Add your foreign keys to the calculated (and persisted) columns.
Caveat: I'm primarily in a MSSQL environment; so I don't know how well this translates to other DBMS (ie: Postgres, ORACLE, etc).

As noted, if the key is, say, 12345, how would you know which table to look it up in? You could, I suppose, do something to insure that the key values for the two tables never overlapped, but this is too ugly and painful to contemplate. You could have a second field that says which customer type it is. But if you're going to have two fields, why not have one field for customer type 1 id and another for customer type 2 id.
Without knowing more about your app, my first thought is that you really should have a general customer table with the data that is common to both, and then have two additional tables with the data specific to each customer type. I would think that there must be a lot of data common to the two -- basic stuff like name and address and customer number at the least -- and repeating columns across tables sucks big time. The additional tables could then refer back to the base table. As there is then a single key for the base table, the issue of foreign keys having to know which table to refer to evaporates.

Two distinct types of customer is a classic case of types and subtypes or, if you prefer, classes and subclasses. Here is an answer from another question.
Essentially, the class-table-inheritance technique is like Arnand's answer. The use of the shared-primary-key technique is what allows you to get around the problems created by two types of foreign key in one column. The foreign key will be customer-id. That will identify one row in the customer table, and also one row in the appropriate kind of customer type table, as the case may be.

Create a "customer" table include all the columns that have same data for both types of customer.
Than create table "customer_a" and "customer_b"
Use "customer_id" from "consumer" table as foreign key in "customer_a" and "customer_b"
| |
cusomter_a customer_b


SQL Database Design: Bad practice to have parent table with only primary key?

My database holds two types of orders - internal and external. Since they are both order types I want them to share a primary key, which comes from the superentity 'RentOrder'. This design is shown below:
My questions:
Would it be considered bad practice that my RentOrder table contains only one column, which is the primary key - 'id'?
ExternalRentOrder and InternalRentOrder have a number of fields in common (e.g. orderDate, rentStartDate, rentEndDate etc.). Obviously these columns could be in the parent RentOrder table. However that would mean I would need to do a parent-child JOIN to get all InternalRentOrder or ExternalRentOrder data. This seems less efficient and performance is my priority. Is there a right way to do this and is my current solution ok?
Thank you for your time.
It is not unreasonable. That said, I usually have other columns in tables, such as:
createdAt -- datetime row was inserted
createdBy -- who created the row
In addition, common columns might also be helpful. In your case:
and so on.
In fact, there might be a fair amount of commonality, so you might find a single table is sufficient. Separate tables are helpful if you want foreign key relationships to InternalRentOrder and/or to ExternalRentOrder.
Finally, a type column might also be helpful. Depending on the database you are using, this can make it easier to ensure no duplication between the two tables.

is it necessary to have foreign key for simple tables

have a table called RoundTable
It has the following columns
Now the RoundType will be having values like "Team", "Individual", "Quiz"
is it necessary to have a one more table called "RoundTypes" with columns
and remove the RoundType from the rounds table and have a column "TypeID" which has a foreign key to this RoundType table?
Some say that if you have the RoundType in same table it is like hard-coding as there will be lot of round types in future.
is it like if there are going to be only 2-3 round types, i need not have foreign key??
Is it necessary? Obviously not. SQL works fine either way. In a properly defined database, you would do one of two things for RoundType:
Have a lookup table
Have a constraint that checks that values are within an agreed upon set (and I would put enums into this category)
If you have a lookup table, I would advocate having an auto-incremented id (called RoundTypeId) for it. Remember, that in a larger database, such a table would often have more than two columns:
CreatedAt -- when it was created
CreatedBy -- who created it
CreatedOn -- where it was created (important for distributed systems)
Long name
In a more advanced system, you might also need to internationalize the system -- that is, make it work for multiple languages. Then you would be looking up the actual string value in other tables.
is it like if there are going to be only 2-3 round types, i need not
have foreign key??
Usually it's just the opposite: If you have a different value for most of the records (like in a "lastName" column) you won't use a lookup table.
If, however, you know that you will have a limited set of allowed/possible values, a lookup table referenced via a foreign key is probably the better solution.
Maybe read up on "database normalization", starting perhaps # Wikipedia.
Actually you need to have separate table if you have following association between entities,
One to many
Many to many
because of virtue of these association simple DBMS becomes **R**DBMS ( Relation .)
Now ask simple question,
Whether my single record in round table have multiple roundTypes?
If so.. Make a new table and have foreign key in ROUNDTable.
Otherwise no.
yeah I think you should normalize it. Because if you will not do so then definitely you have to enter the round types (value) again and again for each record which is not good practice at all in case if you have large data. so i will suggest you to make another table
however later on you can make a view to get the desired result as fallow
create view vw_anyname
select RoundName, RoundDescription , RoundLogo, RoundType from roundtable join tblroundtype
on roundtable.TypeID = tblroundtype .typeid
select * from vw_anyname

Do link tables need a meaningless primary key field?

I am working on a couple of link tables and I got to thinking (Danger Will Robinson, Danger) what are the possible structures of a link table and what are their pro's and con's.
I came up with a few possible strictures for the link table:
Traditional 3 column model
id - auto-numbered PRIMARY
table1fk - foreign key
table2fk - foreign key
It's a classic, in most of the books, 'nuff said.
Indexed 3 column model
id - auto-numbered PRIMARY
table1fk - foreign key INDEX ('table1fk')
table2fk - foreign key INDEX ('table2fk')
In my own experience, the fields that you are querying against are not indexed in the traditional model. I have found that indexing the foreign key fields does improve performance as would be expected. Not a major change but a nice optimizing tweak.
Composite key 2 columns ADD PRIMARY KEY ('table1fk' , 'table2fk')
table1fk - foreign key
table2fk - foreign key
With this I use a composite key so that a record from table1 can only be linked to a record on table2 once. Because the key is composite I can add records (1,1), (1,2), (2,2) without any duplication errors.
Any potential problems with the composite key 2 columns option? Is there an indexing issue that this might cause? A performance hit? Anything that would disqualify this as a possible option?
I would use composite key, and no extra meaningless key.
I would not use a ORM system that enforces such rules on my db structure.
For true link tables, they typically do not exist as object entities in my object models. Thus the surrogate key is not ever used. The removable of an item from a collection results in a removal of an item from a link relationship where both foreign keys are known (Person.Siblings.Remove(Sibling) or Person.RemoveSibling(Sibling) which is appropriately translated at the data access layer as usp_Person_RemoveSibling(PersonID, SiblingID)).
As Mike mentioned, if it does become an actual entity in your object model, then it may merit an ID. However, even with addition of temporal factors like effective start and end dates of the relationship and things like that, it's not always clear. For instance, the collection may have an effective date associated at the aggregate level, so the relationship itself may still not become an entity with any exposed properties.
I'd like to add that you might very well need the table indexed both ways on the two foreign key columns.
If this is a true many-to-many join table, then dump unecessary id column (unless your ORM requires one. in that case you've got to decide whether your intellect is going to trump your practicality).
But I find that true join tables are pretty rare. It usually isn't long before I start wanting to put some other data in that table. Because of that I almost always model these join tables as entities from the beginning and stick an id in there.
Having a single column pk can help out alot in disaster recovery situation. So though while correct in theory that you only need the 2 foreign keys. In practice when the shit hits the fan you may want the single column key. I have never been in a situation where i was screwed because I had a single column identifier but I have been in ones where I was screwed because I didn't.
Composite PK and turn off clustering.
I have used composite key to prevent duplicate entry and let the database handle the exception. With a single key, you are rely on the front-end application to check the database for duplicate before adding a new record.
There is something called identifying and non-identifying relationship. With identifying relationships the FK is a part of the PK in the many-to-many table. For example, say we have tables Person, Company and a many-to-many table Employment. In an identifying relationship both fk PersonID and CompanyID are part of the pk, so we can not repeat PersonID, CompanyID combination.
TABLE Employment(PersonID int (PK,FK), CompanyID int (PK,FK))
Now, suppose we want to capture history of employment, so a person can leave a company, work somewhere else and return to the same company later. The relationship is non-identifying here, combination of PersonID, CompanyID can now repeat, so the table would look something like:
TABLE Employment(EmploymentID int (PK), PersonID int (FK), CompanyID int (FK),
FromDate datetime, ToDate datetime)
If you are using an ORM to get to/alter the data, some of them require a single-column primary key (Thank you Tom H for pointing this out) in order to function correctly (I believe Subsonic 2.x was this way, not sure about 3.x).
In my mind, having the primary key doesn't impact performance to any measurable degree, so I usually use it.
If you need to traverse the join table 'in both directions', that is starting with a table1fk or a table2fk key only, you might consider adding a second, reversed, composite index.
ADD KEY ('table2fk', 'table1fk')
The correct answer is:
Primary key is ('table1fk' , 'table2fk')
Another index on ('table2fk' , 'table1fk')
You don't need an index on table1fk or table2fk alone: the optimiser will use the PK
You'll most likely use the table "both" ways
Adding a surrogate key is only needed because of braindead ORMs
i've used both, the only benefit of using the first model (with uid) is that you can transport the identifier around as a number, whereas in some cases you would have to do some string concatenation with the composite key to transport it around.
i agree that not indexing the foreign keys is a bad idea whichever way you go.
I (almost) always use the additional single-column primary key. This generally makes it easier to build user interfaces, because when a user selects that particular linking entity I can identify with a single integer value rather than having to create and then parse compound identifiers.

Should I use an index column in a many to many "link" table?

I have two tables, products and categories which have a many to many relationship, so I'm adding a products_categories table which will contain category_id and product_id.
Should I add another (auto-incrementing) index column or use the two existing ones as primary key?
That depends.
Are you seeing your data more as set of objects (and relational database is just
a storage medium) or as set of facts represented and analyzed natively
by relational algebra.
Some ORMs/Frameworks/Tools don't have good support for multicolumn primary keys.
If you happen to use one of them, you'll need additional id column.
If it's just a many-to-many relationship with no additional data associated with it,
it's better to avoid additional id column and have both columns as a primary key.
If you start adding some additional information to this association, then it may reach a point when it becomes
something more then many-to-many relationship of two entities.
It becomes an entity in it's own right and it'd be more convenient if it had it's own id
independent to entities it connects.
You don't need to add an extra, auto-incrementing index column, but I (perhaps contrary to most others) still recommend that you do. First, it is easier in the application program to refer to a row using a single number, for example when you delete a row. Second, it sometimes turns out to be useful to be able to know the order in which the rows were added.
No, it's not necessary at all, given that these two columns are already executing the function of a primary key.
This third column whould just add more space to your table.
But... You could use it maybe to see the order in which your records where added to your table. That's the only function I can see to this column.
You don't need to add an auto-incrementing index column. Standard practice is to use just the two existing columns as your primary key for M:M association tables like you describe.
I would make the primary key category_id and product_id. Add an auto increment only if the order will ever be relevent in later uses.
There's a conceptual question - is products_categories an entity or is simply a table that represents a relationship between two entities? If it's an entity then, even if there are no additional attributes, I'd advocate for a separate ID column for the entity. If it's a relationship, if there are additional attributes (say, begin_date, end_date or something like that), I'd advocate to have a multi-column primary key.

SQL: Do you need an auto-incremental primary key for Many-Many tables?

Say you have a Many-Many table between Artists and Fans. When it comes to designing the table, do you design the table like such:
ArtistFanID (PK)
ArtistID (FK)
UserID (FK)
(ArtistID and UserID will then be contrained with a Unique Constraint
to prevent duplicate data)
Or do you build use a compound PK for the two relevant fields:
ArtistID (PK)
UserID (PK)
(The need for the separate unique constraint is removed because of the
compound PK)
Are there are any advantages (maybe indexing?) for using the former schema?
ArtistID (PK)
UserID (PK)
The use of an auto incremental PK has no advantages here, even if the parent tables have them.
I'd also create a "reverse PK" index automatically on (UserID, ArtistID) too: you will need it because you'll query the table by both columns.
Autonumber/ID columns have their place. You'd choose them to improve certain things after the normalisation process based on the physical platform. But not for link tables: if your braindead ORM insists, then change ORMs...
Edit, Oct 2012
It's important to note that you'd still need unique (UserID, ArtistID) and (ArtistID, UserID) indexes. Adding an auto increments just uses more space (in memory, not just on disk) that shouldn't be used
Assuming that you're already a devotee of the surrogate key (you're in good company), there's a case to be made for going all the way.
A key point that is sometimes forgotten is that relationships themselves can have properties. Often it's not enough to state that two things are related; you might have to describe the nature of that relationship. In other words, there's nothing special about a relationship table that says it can only have two columns.
If there's nothing special about these tables, why not treat it like every other table and use a surrogate key? If you do end up having to add properties to the table, you'll thank your lucky presentation layers that you don't have to pass around a compound key just to modify those properties.
I wouldn't even call this a rule of thumb, more of a something-to-consider. In my experience, some slim majority of relationships end up carrying around additional data, essentially becoming entities in themselves, worthy of a surrogate key.
The rub is that adding these keys after the fact can be a pain. Whether the cost of the additional column and index is worth the value of preempting this headache, that really depends on the project.
As for me, once bitten, twice shy – I go for the surrogate key out of the gate.
Even if you create an identity column, it doesn't have to be the primary key.
ArtistId (PK)
UserId (PK)
Identity columns can be useful to relate this relation to other relations. For example, if there was a creator table which specified the person who created the artist-user relation, it could have a foreign key on ArtistFanId, instead of the composite ArtistId+UserId primary key.
Also, identity columns are required (or greatly improve the operation of) certain ORM packages.
I cannot think of any reason to use the first form you list. The compound primary key is fine, and having a separate, artificial primary key (along with the unique contraint you need on the foreign keys) will just take more time to compute and space to store.
The standard way is to use the composite primary key. Adding in a separate autoincrement key is just creating a substitute that is already there using what you have. Proper database normalization patterns would look down on using the autoincrement.
Funny how all answers favor variant 2, so I have to dissent and argue for variant 1 ;)
To answer the question in the title: no, you don't need it. But...
Having an auto-incremental or identity column in every table simplifies your data model so that you know that each of your tables always has a single PK column.
As a consequence, every relation (foreign key) from one table to another always consists of a single column for each table.
Further, if you happen to write some application framework for forms, lists, reports, logging etc you only have to deal with tables with a single PK column, which simplifies the complexity of your framework.
Also, an additional id PK column does not cost you very much in terms of disk space (except for billion-record-plus tables).
Of course, I need to mention one downside: in a grandparent-parent-child relation, child will lose its grandparent information and require a JOIN to retrieve it.
In my opinion, in pure SQL id column is not necessary and should not be used. But for ORM frameworks such as Hibernate, managing many-to-many relations is not simple with compound keys etc., especially if join table have extra columns.
So if I am going to use a ORM framework on the db, I prefer putting an auto-increment id column to that table and a unique constraint to the referencing columns together. And of course, not-null constraint if it is required.
Then I treat the table just like any other table in my project.