How to add CheckBox at DevExpress xtraGrid -

I want to add CheckBox at DevExpress's xtraGrid column so for this what should i do

Create a new Editor Repository Item (CheckEdit) in the grid's designer (under In-Place Editor Repository) and add it to the ColumnEdit property of the column (under Columns)
EDIT: Adding programmatically
Dim repstryItemCheckEdit As New RepositoryItemCheckEdit
Dim chckEdtColumn As GridColumn = myGrid.Columns.AddField("Select")
With chckEdtColumn
.VisibleIndex = myGrid.Columns.Count
End With
myGrid.Columns("Select").ColumnEdit = repstryItemCheckEdit


How to display text on a programatically created button?

I've created buttons programatically, and they have a text value but for some reason don't show it.
Dim NodeButton As New Control
NodeButton.Name = "Button" & NodeID
NodeButton.BackColor = Color.Red
NodeButton.Text = (NodeID)
Where NodeID is a variabe declared elsewhere in the program
First, as already said in the comments you should change Dim NodeButton As New Control to Dim NodeButton As New Button
In second place I believe that you should add the new control to your form using something like this:

DataGridView bound to DataTable is not showing

I am trying to show a DataGridView in a form that is bound to a DataTable, but it's not showing up. I was doing this using a C1TrueDBGrid and that was working...I decided to switch to using a DataGridView due to some complications with the TrueDBGrid. Can anyone help me figure out why nothing is showing?
In the form I declare these:
Public binData As DataSet
Friend WithEvents dgvData As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
The binData is filled with tables created via a separate calculation routine. Then this is the form load event:
'create a tab page and add data grid view for every table in the set
For i = 0 To binData.Tables.Count - 1
Dim tabPage As C1.Win.C1Command.C1DockingTabPage = New C1.Win.C1Command.C1DockingTabPage
tabPage.Text = binData.Tables(i).TableName
Dim dgvData = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
Dim binding As New BindingSource
binding.DataSource = binData.Tables(i)
With dgvData
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
.AllowUserToOrderColumns = False
.AllowUserToAddRows = False
.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.BottomLeft
.DataSource = binding
.AutoGenerateColumns = True
End With
Next 'DataTable In binData.Tables
When the form loads, the tab pages are there and labeled as expected, but they look empty (no table).
I did try instead setting the DataSource to the DataSet called binData (as opposed to a specific table), and then setting dgvData's DataMember property to the name of the specific table I want to display in it...that made no difference.
Note: I need to be able to do this programmatically at runtime as opposed to using the visual designer because I do not know the exact number of grids I need until the form loads with a particular dataset - the dataset it gets can have a different number of tables depending on what the user wants.
Here's some rough code to add dgvs to a flow panel:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Static dgvCount As Integer
dgvCount += 1
Dim dgvNew As New DataGridView
dgvNew.Width = DataGridView1.Width
dgvNew.Height = DataGridView1.Height
dgvNew.Name = "dgv" & dgvCount
' clone other properties as need
Debug.Print(FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls(FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count - 1).Name)
End Sub
Starts with one dgv - DataGridView1 as the model for properties. Anchoring is not working in the flow panel so some custom code may be need to change width.
Flow panel doesn't scroll so may not be the best choice - look into TableLayout as a possibility. TabControl is another option.
OK, well it turns out there was nothing wrong with what I was doing. The issue turned out to be in one line of code that has nothing to do with binding the DGV's datasource or anything.
ComponentOne has a control called a ThemeController in which you can set themes for your forms and the controls within. I had a line of code to set the theme for dgvData to my default application theme (which sets visual style and details regarding colors, fonts, etc.). For whatever reason, THAT was rendering my grid non-visible. I will be logging a ticket with them.

How to reference controls located on different Tabs (VB.NET)

I have an application written in VB.NET that reads data from a file and displays the data on the screen.
Depending on the data in the file, the program has a TabControl with up to 3 tabs and each tab in turn has a DataGridView for displaying data. For example I have a TabControl that has a tab called "Saturday" and a tab called "Sunday".
The problem I am having is that when I read data from a file, the program displays all the data on the Saturday's tab grid because I am not sure how to reference the Grid on the Sunday tab.
To add the DataGridView I am using the following code:
Grid = New DataGridView
Grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Grid.Name = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
Grid.Tag = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
And this is how I am reading the data in:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
If reader.Name = "cell" Then
y = y + 1
Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
End If
What I almost want to do is something like (pseudocode):
SelectedTab.Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
However when I use the above code it complains:
'Grid' is not a member of 'String'
I hope you understand the issue. Let me know if you need clarification
Your code is a little unclear. However, it appears to me that the following line:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
is creating at least one problem. It looks like you are attempting to refer to a Tabpage control by the string representation of its name, but unless I missed something, what that line is actually doing is trying to make a tabpage control type("SelectedTab") refer to a string type. If that is the case, then you will want to try this instead:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
TabControl1.SelectedTab = TabControl1.TabPages(
End If
It is a little hard to tell from the code you have posted, but that might get you headed down the right path.
UPDATE: It appears from your code that you are naming each DGV control by appending the index of the tab on which it is located to the string "grid." I am going to assume that you are using a class member variable named "SelectedTab" to represent the current tab selected in the control. I will assume that at the top of your class you have done something like this:
'Form-or-class scoped memebr variables:
Private SelectedTab As TabPage
Private SelectedGrid As DataGridView
You should be able to refer to the active grid control using something like this:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
' Set SelectedTab member variable to refer to the new selected tab page:
SelectedTab = TabControl1.SelectedTab
' Set the SelectedGrid to refer to the grid control hosted on the selected tab page:
SelectedGrid = TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls("Grid" & TabControl1.SelectedIndex.ToString())
End Sub
From here, you should be able to use the member variable for SelectedGrid to refer to the grid present on which ever tab page is selected in your tab control.
It is challenging to address your concerns with only fragments of your code. If you have additional difficulties, please post more of your code, so we can better see what else is going on.
Hope that helps!
Okay, I would go about something like this. Maybe you can simply use a DataSet to load the XML data in one line (if they have been saved with DataSet.WriteXML before).
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim p As TabPage
Dim gv As DataGridView
For i As Integer = TabControl1.TabPages.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each dt As DataTable In ds.Tables
p = New TabPage(dt.TableName)
gv = New DataGridView
' ... configure the gv here...
gv.AutoGenerateColumns = True
gv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' ...
gv.DataSource = dt

Programmatically check a checkbox in ListView

I am trying to programmatically check a checkbox of a ListView (using VB & .NET 4).
The ListView lvVorschlag has been created in the designer, along with three elements. I then do the following:
Dim lviOptimal As New ListViewItem("Optimal")
lviOptimal.SubItems.Add(...) 'several SubItems are added
lvVorschlag.Items(0).Selected = True
All the SubItems are correctly added and the line lvVorschlag.Items(0).Selected = True does not give me an error. But nothing is checked. Any idea why?
Note: I also tried with lvVorschlag.Items("Optimal").Selected = True but it gives me an error saying that this object is Nothing. Too bad, referring by name would have been easier.
You should use the Checked property to check the item(s) you'd like:
lvVorschlag.Items(0).Checked = True
Set the focus on the item
Dim lviOptimal As New ListViewItem("Optimal")
lviOptimal.SubItems.Add(...) 'several SubItems are added
lvVorschlag.Items(0).Selected = True

Change datagrid selected row color programatically using wpf?

I want to change the selected row color dynamically in code behind. I'm using Visual Studio 2008. Can anyone help to do this?
Dim selectedItem As New Style(GetType(DataGridCell))
Dim triggerIsSelected As New Trigger() With {.[Property] = DataGridCell.IsSelectedProperty, .Value = True}
triggerIsSelected.Setters.Add(New Setter(DataGridCell.BackgroundProperty, System.Windows.Media.Color.Red))
Datagrid1.CellStyle = selectedItem