How do web apps do automated updates without breaking config settings? - scripting

Let's say I have a mediawiki installation. I mess about with it, add little hacks to make the wikipedia logo change into tigger, and bounce up and down.
Now it's time to update to the newest version, so I download it and run the update script. Let say it changed several variables, like $wglogo, the image path to the logo. How does the update script ensure that the logo image path changes (according to the specs of the new version, in this figurative example), while keeping tigger bouncing on the main page?
That is: How do new versions integrate changes to the configuration file without overwriting the user-defined changes in the config file-to-be-overwrit?

Typically we try not to change config files on update. Almost all new configuration settings are optional and thus are not added to the config files upon upgrade. In the rare case where we have to change an existing setting, make the smallest change required to the config file so as not to affect any other things.
Testing is very important. Gather as many real client configurations as possible and create unit tests for the auto-updater to validate that the configs don't gets screwed upon upgrade.


Sylius Stylesheet Not Reloading

So here's a question. I'm new to Sylius, and am working on some simple CSS updates. I have a local copy of Sylius running with the built-in webserver: server:run. I also have a development server on Digital Ocean, which runs an (almost) identical copy of Sylius, aside from the configs of course.
Something strange is happening with my CSS update, however. I made a change to .navbar-brand within web/assets/compiled/backend_backend_4.css.
This change showed up immediately on my local. On the development server, however, when pulling down the change (git), and verifying that it now exists in that file, the change doesn't seem to propegate. It's effects aren't shown, inspecting the stylesheet doesn't show them, and furthermore viewing the css file sourcecode directly in the browser does not show the change. But on the filesystem it's definitely there.
I've tried clearing the cache, to no avail.
I also checked the assetic value in both config_dev.yml files, and verified they are both set to use_controller: true
Even still, I tried dumping assetic, to no avail.
So I'm wondering what's going on. Additionally, I realize that I probably shouldn't edit CSS files within a folder called 'compiled'. I'm sure there's a way to do that using a compiler, but I'm not yet familiar with the process and am just making minor changes and learning about caching so far.
Yes you are right you shouldn't be editing the compiled files.
You should edit the source files, then run gulp
or on my system i have to explicitly run npm run gulp
I've documented the solution that worked for me here. It didn't involve Gulp at all, but instead uses Assetic:
Assets need to be installed as hard copies first (I'm not quite sure
what this does exactly, but it seems like an important step because
it copies a lot of assets to places. Documentation was unhelpful but
it was suggested on Stack Overflow somewhere.):
app/console assets:install web
Assets should be edited in web/bundles/[bundle-here]/css or js. This
is frequently within syliusweb if it has to do with page styles /
Hint: These assets are referred to in files such as
src/Sylius/Bundle/Resources/views/Backend/layout.html.twig (see the
(% stylesheets
tag, or search universally for this tag).
Within this tag, you'll see that stylesheets have an output to the compiled folder, but also list the
bundles where they pull their original css from. You should edit one of the source css files, if you'd like your changes to end up in the destination css.
After editing assets, dump assetic:
php app/console assetic:dump
Note - it is also possible to set an assetic watcher on these assets
(google to find out how, think it's a -w flag somewhere), but this is
said to only work in development mode, as it should.
After dumping assetic, the assets from the source bundles compile into their assets/compiled versions, usually combining multiple stylesheets. You should now see your asset refresh!

Webpack sometimes fails to detect changes saved with Intellij Idea

I'm developing a JavaScript/React application in Intellij Idea and I'm using webpack-dev-server to incrementally build my files. That means that the dev server is watching the files and if a file gets changes, webpack rebuilds it. Pretty standard scenario.
Unfortunately, webpack sometimes decides to ignore certain files. I can change them all I want but webpack does nothing. I have not been able to determine any pattern on which files get ignored. It's arbitrary. Sometimes I just create a new file and webpack ignores it.
What is interesting though is that it only happens when I perform the save using Intellij Idea. If I open the file in another editor (for example vim) and save it, the file gets correctly rebuilt. Actually, simple touch file.js is enough to trigger rebuilding.
I guess there is something wrong in how Intellij Idea saves files. Any ideas?
This is due to an IDE feature known as "safe write". When enabled, the IDE will write the changes to a temporary file over the real one. This means webpack's file watching mechanism cannot pick up the changes. Disable this feature to fix the problem. Reference.
For me this did not work, I'm posting this in case anyone has the same scenario. After each save, webpack watch script builds the new bundles and I'm reloading all files from disk (CTRL + ALT + Y). Only after that the changes are visible.
There is an open issue "Background" changes by external tool not being picked up until VFS refresh happens regarding this behavior: file is saved but one has to reload all from disk in order to see the changes (for example in the browser).

Is it possible to use Dojo build without modifying JS files?

Is it possible to use Dojo build without the need to modify JavaScript files?
The article dgrid and Dojo Nano Build provides the instruction to create the build, but it requires adding the following line into JavaScript file, which initializes the application:
require(['dgrid/dgrid'], function () {
(replacing 'dgrid/dgrid' with your build module name).
However, it is very problematic when using build for own modules, because, of course, in development mode the require with own layer can't be included, otherwise the modifications made to own modules wouldn't be visible. But in production mode this line must be added.
So either you must modify the file manually before production build, or write a script that would modify the file during the build. Both are very error-prone.
Is there a better way to achieve that result? Is it possible for Dojo to recognize that the build is provided and should be used, instead of loading each module separately?
The following line of code can be included in both development and production modes.
require(['dgrid/dgrid'], function () {
I describe the reasons why in my answer here.
What you need to do is configure Dojo differently based on what environment.
In a blog post that I wrote, I describe this in more detail. The following summarizes the post:
I create three modes: Production, Uncompressed, and Development.
When developing code, I will have the js source linked into the web server and the Development mode will point to the dojo.js file and the raw css file(s). The browser will load modules that I need using xhr. And I point to the top level css files which import other css files. The result is that a lot of requests will be made to the server and the loading of the page will be noticeably slow. The benefit is that you can see development changes without having to do a full build.
Production mode points the main dojo file at the dojo.js that is built using the build tool. I also create <script> elements for the other layers that are needed in the page. I point the css to the built css files which the build tool has inlined the imported css. The page loads quickly, but it is difficult to debug
Similar to production, but I point to the .uncompressed.js files. Production and Uncompressed are available in the released version of our software. I use uncompressed when trying to troubleshoot an issue in a production environment. The value of this mode is dwindling as the developer tools are better supporting compressed javascript (ie source maps, etc.)
Server side
The default mode is Production, but I use a query parameter to switch modes. I also store the current mode in the session, so that I only have to set the mode once to change it. Subsequent pages will run in the changed mode, until I change it back.
Here is a java implementation of this code.

WIX: Change configuration files even if features set is not changed

I have a wix installer which installs several web sites. Each website is a feature. There is a custom dialog which allows to enter database connection strings. Each feature contains a component which changes configuration file using the data entered in a dialog. It works fine.
Then I run the same installer and select the option Change. I do not change features set but I change connection strings. Then my changes are not applied to configuration files.
I understand why it happens, no feature change = no component run.
But is there a way to always change config files during change operation even if features list doesn't change?

WIX: Saving off user data files during major upgrade

My application runs as a Windows service. During normal execution, some data files are generated in a "data" directory that I create with my WIX install. During an upgrade, I would like to move/migrate those files to the same data dir in the upgraded installation. However, I am running into issues. I am using the "MajorUpgrade" tag as follows:
I tried scheduling later in the process(afterInstallFinalize), but that runs into issues with the service having locks on files during the upgrade. I have combed Stack Overflow and google, and it seems that no one else is describing my scenario. Others have default *.ini files, that the user can potentially edit. However, in my case, it should always be safe to migrate the files, as there are no defaults. They are simply data files that need to be migrated.
I thought I could possibly do this via a custom action, but was not sure how to do it.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Edit: Apparently using "afterInstallFinalize" works fine for me, i.e. data files are migrated, as long as the user does not change the path during upgrade. If I change the path during upgrade, I get warnings about files being locked, and asking to stop the app using the files. However, it ends up not migrating the files in that case.
Ultimately, I solved my own issue by simply overriding the default dialog behavior, and changing the flow such that on upgrade, I skip over the "InstallDirDlg".