sql : How to move full text catalogue - sql

I want to move full text catalogue for 1 database to a different location on same SQL server. I am using SQL 2005. One of the source said:
SQL Server 2005 full-text
search provides the ability to easily
detach and move full-text catalogs in
the same way that SQL Server database
files may be detached, moved, and
re-attached. Full-text catalogs are
included with sp_detach_db and
sp_attach_db. After detaching a
database, you may move the full-text
catalog and/or database data files,
and then re-attach the database.
Full-text catalog metadata is updated
to reflect the change of location.
This capability simplifies building,
testing, moving, and deploying
databases across multiple servers.
Beleiving it, i only moved data and log file using attach and detach method, copied Full text catalog and rebuild it. Still
sp_help_fulltext_catalogs ''
shows same output with old path.
Another source:
mentions Stopping and starting full text search service as a part of move. I can't restart full text service as it is being used by the other databases.
Is there any option using which I can move a single full text catalogue without restarting full text service?

I didn't have to restart service at all..
I just tried it without restarting and it worked as per:


SQL 2005 Moving from Godaddy SQL Server to a company owned server

What is the best way to go about moving a database from a Godaddy SQL 2005 account to a local SQL 2005 server? I have access to the DB through Server Management Studio Express and also through the Godaddy SQL explorer.
However, I have no idea where to start. In MySQL, I would just export the data through the PHPMyAdmin page, and conversely import it on the other server using an ASCII file. In access, I'd just use the migrate tool. In Server Management Studio, I've thought about using the "Backup" and "Restore" method, but I'm afraid that I won't have the ability to create a new object with the correct permission schema on the new server.
What are your thoughts? Keep in mind that I do not have access to the MDF or temp files. I've been studying this page.
SMSS should be able to do it for you. If you are looking to move the entire database and not just a few tables, the Backup and Restore method is probably your best bet.
Your steps might include:
connect to Godaddy sql server in ssms
Right click the database you want to move and select Tasks > Backup
Keep/set Backup type = "Full" and add a destination at the bottom that you will be able to access.
After backup completes, move the .bak file to a location that your local sql server can see.
Connect to your local sql server in ssms.
Right click Databases > Restore Database
Enter the database name you want in "To Database:"
Select "From device:" and locate the .bak file you created before.
In the row that shows up in the grid display, check the restore check box.
If it matters to you where the recreated files will be stored, select options on the top left menu and confirm the file locations under the "Restore As" column in the data grid.
Click ok and the restore should start.
To migrate users, follow the directions at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918992
Don't be so afraid of the backup and restore. You have a much better chance at getting a high fidelity copy of your data than trying to roll your own. Give it a shot, test it out, and see what happens. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Questions about Sql Server 2008 FullText Search

I'm using Sql Server 2008 FullText Search for a project. I need to be able to search PDf files, and I had some questions relating to that:
How do I enable PDF searching? I've heard of the adobe filter, but couldn't find a clear guide on how to get started.
Are the PDF files stored in the DB itself, or in the file system? I was mainly concerned about the space on shared hosting services like DiscountASP. Typically, we get only about 100MB of space for the DB, but a lot more (in GBs) for the File System.
So, if these PDF files are going to be stored directly in the DB, then it may get expensive, right?
I would like to provide snippets of the search results (like Google). How can I achieve this with Sql Server 2008 FTS?
Full text search can only search database content. It will not index content outside the database. Fulltext is extensible through a programming API and Adobe has providers for PDF content, as you already know. SQL Fulltext can use those providers.
However there is another feature you may be interested in, namely the new SQL 2008 FILESTREAM data type. Filestreams are stored in the file system as files but are maintained as part of the database from the point of view of transaction consitency, backup and restore etc. Luckly FILESTREAM and FULL TEXT work together.
Sounds like you want to use Microsoft Indexing Services
This will index files on the file system so you can search their contents.
Here is an example of querying indexing services using ASP.NET
You need a PDF IFilter. Here's the one from Foxit Software.
I believe you can only use 'Sql Server Full Text Search" if the PDF files are stored within the database.
I haven't found a way to do this other than opening the file and searching for the context myself for each result.

Modifying SQL Database on Shared Hosting

I have a live database on a shared hosting server. I am making some major changes to my site's code and I would like to fix some stupid mistakes I made in initially designing the database. These changes involve altering the size of a large number of fields, and enforcing referential integrity between tables properly. I would like to make the changes on both my local test server and the remote server if possible.
I should note that while I'm fairly comfortable with writing complex queries to handle data, I have very little experience modifying database structure without a graphical interface.
I can access the remote database in the visual studio database explorer but I can not use that for anything other than data manipulation. I installed Sql Management Studio express last night and after 40+ crashes I gave up - I couldn't even patch the damn thing.
The remote server is SQL 2005 / The MyLittleAdmin web interface is available.
So my question is what is the best way to accomplish these changes. Is there a graphical interface I can use on the remote server? If not is there an easy way to copy the database to my local machine, fix it, and re upload? Finally if none of the above are viable does anyone have links to a decent info on fixing referential integrity via query?
Sorry for the somewhat general question - I feel like I am making this far harder than it should be but after searching / trying all night i haven't gotten anywhere. Thanks in advance for the help. I really appreciate it.
...Also does anyone have a time machine I can borrow- I need to go kick my past self's ass for this.
Usually hosting providers allow you to backup and restore your database, so the easiest way to accomplish the move is to backup your live DB, download the backup file, restore it locally, do all the changes, do a backup of the local db, upload it, then restore it in the live service. Your site should be placed on an administrative shutdown during this time so it does not continue to update the data while you're doing this operations. You have to make sure your local SQL instance is exactly at the same build version (##version) like the hosting provider, otherwise your local SQL may upgrade the database structure and you'll be unable to restore it back on the hosting provider (or you'll be unable to restore in on your local server if your version is earlier than the host's). The MSDN BOL has a detailed guid on how to Copy Databases using Backup/Restore.
An alternative to backup/restore is to detach/attach the database, but I do not recommend this because you need to move both the MDF and the LDF in sync, and they're also larger in size than a backup.
This assumes you can do all the schema changes on your local copy in a wizardly manner, ie. fast and correct. Of course, that is not easy. The recommended way is to prepare in time a script that applies all the transformations needed to reach the new schema. There are tools like SQL Diff, SQL Compare, SQL Delta and other that can generate such a script. Also Visual Studio Database Edition can do this.
How I would do this would be like this:
Ensure I have exactly the same schema on my dev machine as on the live host. If not sure, I can take a backup of the live server and restore it localy. This would be my reference, v1. schema.
Keep the backup of v1. for reference
Start developing a script that changes the schema to my target. Sometimes I need to refresh my memory on script syntax myself, and what I do is I go to the SQL Server Management Studio wizards for the operation I want to do, select all the options in the UI and then select the 'show script options', that will show me exactly the script SSMS is running to accomplish my desired change.
For each change I add to the script, I can test it by restoring the v1. reference backup I have from step 1 and running the script.
Keep iterating on the script, adding one change at a time, until all the needed schema changes are done. After each change, I can test it again like in step 4.
Yourscript should do not only DDL changes to the schema, but also any DML changes needed (modifying reference data, changing values, moving columns between tabels etc).
When the script is ready, I can download a newer backup, apply the script, and upload the updated backup and restore it on the live host. Alternatively you can simply run the script on the live host (after of course you backed it up in case something goes horribly wrong).
In my projects I always rely on scripts to deploy and upgrade the database. In fact I use the database extended properties to store a 'version' of my application deployed schema and in my code I simply roll forward all the scripts that bring the schema to my last version. I have an article on my blog describing this technique: Version Control and your Database.

Move/copy SQL Server 2005 full text index

We are moving our database server to a bigger box. I have several databases with full text indexes. What is the best way to move the full text indexes?
I find backup and restore is the only reliable way to move databases. The FTS should move with it when you do that. Detaching and reattaching databases never really sits well with me.
If you are moving the databases, move the folders that contain the FTS information and you should be fine.
If you're doing a restore, you should be fine as is.
My first attempt was to copy over the database files and reattach them. I ran into the following error when attempting to access the catalog:
Full-text catalog 'database name' is in an unstable state. Drop and re-create this full-text catalog. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7624
My second and Successful attempt was to restore the database from backup as Craig suggested. My catalog did come over but I received the following error:
Property IsAccentSensitive is not available for FullTextCatalog '[CatalogName]'" This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
After a quick google search I found the answer
MS KB 910067
Simply detach and reattach the database and I was fine.

What is the best way to transfer a table or tables from one SQL server to another?

I have been developing in VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 for a while now, but haven't got into live installs yet. In the database system I used be on it had the ability to archive multiple tables into a .dga file, as it was called. I could then restore the .dga file into another database or on another server.
I'm looking for the easiest way to accomplish something similar in SQL Server.
If you want to transfer specific tables, then using Data Transformation Services (right click on the database in SQL Server Management studio and select "Import Data" and it will bring the dialog up for it). Of course, this assumes that you have both databases available to you.
If you are comfortable with replacing the database as a whole, you can easily backup the database and then restore it into a new one through SQL Server Management studio (or through calling the appropriate SP).
I would go for one of the following :
From MS SQL Management Studio, right click on the database / Tasks / Generate scripts
From Visual Studio, in the Server Explorer tab, "publish to provider"
Both will launch a wizard allowing you to export the tables you want the way you want (including data or not, creation scripts or not, etc etc.)
If you want to move tabless without data, the simpliest thing is to script the tables you want and run the script.
We script all our db changes and commit them to subversion and then run them as part of the deplyment process.
If you want to put the whole database on prod including data (scrub out test records first!), then do a backup and restore onthe other server.
For future changes, wescript all our db changes and commit them to subversion and then run them as part of the deployment process. There also are tools that look at the structural differnces bewteen the two servers and creates scripts. REd-Gate's SQL Compare is really good for this.
In addition to HLGEM's suggestions, you can look into SSIS if this is an ongoing process.