Storing Range attributes as an object? - vba

I'm having trouble with the way I designed this little report I'm making. Is it possible to create a variable for a Range object in Excel VBA, for the purposes of applying the formatting to another Range? Here is my example:
I'm creating a dictionary from the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library:
Dim d as Scripting.Dictionary
With this I'm adding labels, values, and (trying to add) Ranges.
Dim rng as Range
rng.Font.Bold = True
d.Add 1, Field("test1", 12345, rng)
rng.Font.Bold = False
d.Add 2, Field("TestTwo", "Testing field", rng)
rng.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
d.Add 3, Field("threeeee", 128937912, rng)
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In d.keys
Range("A" & key).value = d(key).Label
Set Range("B" & key).value = d(key).rng
Next key
Here is my Field function:
Private Function Field(Label As String, val As Variant, rng As Range) As cField
Dim f As New cField
f.Label = Label
f.val = val
Set f.rng = rng
Set Field = f
End Function
And here is my cField class:
Option Explicit
Dim mVarValue As Variant
Dim mStrLabel As String
Dim mRng As Range
Property Let val(ByVal val As Variant)
mVarValue = val
End Property
Property Get val() As Variant
val = mVarValue
End Property
Property Let Label(ByVal val As String)
mStrLabel = val
End Property
Property Get Label() As String
Label = mStrLabel
End Property
Property Let rng(ByVal val As Range)
Set mRng = val
End Property
Property Get rng() As Range
Dim a As Range
a.value = mVarValue
Set rng = a
End Property
The idea is that the key in the dictionary is going to be the row location for the field. This way if changes need to be made to the report I'm making, the only thing that needs to be changed is the key for that particular value in the dictionary. I have been successful storing the label for the value, and the value itself, but I also want to store the formatting for that Range (bold, justification, borders, etc...).
I get a 'Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set' error on the line immediately following the rng declaration. I'm wondering if its not possible to have a generic Range that doesn't have a location on a sheet, or if somehow my syntax is off.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Is it possible to create a variable for a Range object in Excel VBA, for
the purposes of applying the
formatting to another Range?
I'm wondering if its not possible to have a generic Range that doesn't have
a location on a sheet...
The short answer is no.
The quick answer is...I suggest creating a "format" worksheet, which can be hidden or very hidden, that contains ranges, or Named Ranges, with the formatting you need. This allows you to range.Copy the "formatted" range then use range.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats.
I dislike overwriting the user's clipboard, but it is difficult to programmatically copy the formatting of one range to another. I use this method in numerous solutions because it is flexible, maintainable, reusable, and does not rely on complex code. Moreover, I can visually change formatting without touching code.

Good question! Unfortunately, I don't think you can store a range that hasn't been initialized to an existing range of cells on your worksheet. I can think of a couple of options:
Use a hidden worksheet to store the range information
Store the range information manually, in a handful of member variables
Option 1 could be the easiest, despite the fact that it sounds like overkill to have an extra sheet kicking around. I'm picturing one hidden worksheet, defined specifically for this purpose.
Option 2 might be simplified if you only need to keep track of a couple of range properties (borders and color, for example).

You are correct - it is not possible to have a generic Range object. You have to 'Set' your range variable to some actual range to be able to read and write its properties.
But if you're "Letting" your rng property, then it seems you should already have a reference to a range. Why do you have a Property Let rng if you're not going to use that property in the Get statement.

How about this solution?
Create a class with
the range address as text, ie."$A$3:$A$11,$A$18:$A$24,$D$29".
The value
Save the formatting of the range as a format-text.
Then you could create the range by Range(RangeAdressAsText) and use something like the following
Private Sub ApplyFormatting(r As Range, ByVal f As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
f = UCase$(f)
Dim IterateRange As Range
Dim Formatarray() As String
Formatarray = Split(f, " ")
Dim i As Integer
With r
For i = LBound(Formatarray) To UBound(Formatarray)
Select Case Formatarray(i)
Case "BOLD"
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Italic = True
Case "TOP"
.VerticalAlignment = xlTop
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.Font.Underline = True
End Select
Next i
End With
Erase Formatarray
Exit Sub
LogInformation Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & " - " & ": # ApplyFormatting in xlPrinter " & " - " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & " - " & Err.Source & " - " & Err.LastDllError
End Sub


How to set a different link in each cell in a range?

I'm programming a Macro in VB for Excel 2013 that search for coincidences in different worksheets, and add a link to the cells that match.
I'm havin torubles to insert the link in the cell, since the link must be different for a range of cells, I need help here.
Here is my code
Dim bufferDetails As String
Dim tmpCell As String
Dim spot As String
Dim cell As Variant
Dim cellSpots As Variant
For Each cell In Worksheets("MMS-Locations").Range("D2:D1833")
If (cell.Value2 = "NULL") Then
cell.Value2 = "NULL"
tmpCell = cell.Text
If (Left(tmpCell, 3) = "A62") Then
spot = spotName(tmpCell)
For Each cellSpots In Worksheets("DetailedMap").Range("G60:CF123")
If (cellSpots.Value2 = spot) Then
For Each linkToSpot In Worksheets("MMS-Locations").Range("H2:H1833")
Worksheets("MMS-Locations").Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=Range(linkToSpot), _
Address:="", _
ScreenTip:="Microsoft Web Site", _
Next linkToSpot
Debug.Print ("Encontrado " + cellSpots)
End If
Next cellSpots
End If
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Function spotName(fullName As String) As String
Dim realSpot As String
Dim lenght As Integer
lenght = Len(fullName) - 3
realSpot = Right(fullName, lenght)
spotName = realSpot
End Function
As I was thinking the linkToSpot variable contains the actual cell in the range, so I can move my selection of the sell, but my code fails in there with this error:
Error in the Range method of the '_Global' object,
Just for reference, here is what I use to convert a phone number to an email for texting..setting it as a hyperlink in the current cell.
ActiveCell.Value = myNumbr
Set myRange = ActiveCell
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=myRange, Address:="mailto:" & myRange.Value, TextToDisplay:=myRange.Value`
Keep your code simple to start with, until you find a working script, then add other items. Make good use of the F8 key to step through your code to find out exactly where an error occurs.

someExcel VBA: Cannot create a range object successfully

This is my first question here, so bear with me. I'm a security consultant working on a huge firewall migration, for which I got my VBA skill from under a thick layer of dust. So far I have managed to get all my issues resolved by searching, but this issue: I get errors when doing exactly how I find it everywhere.
What I want to do:
I have an array that contains (among other things), strings formatted like this: "A3:P59", representing a cell range.
Now, this are ranges within a table. When I get the address of a certain cell in the table, I want to test if it's in that range.
I wrote a test function:
Function TestCellRange() As Boolean
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim cell, rng, test As range
Dim range As range
Dim bRow, eRow As Integer
Set tbl = shRulebase.ListObjects("tblBFFirewallRules")
With shRulebase
cell = tbl.DataBodyRange(5, 1).Address(False, False) 'it's this command that gives me issues
Set range = .range(.Cells(bRow, 1), .Cells(eRow, 16))
Debug.Print cell
'Set rng = shRulebase.range(range)
Debug.Print rng
Set test = Application.Intersect(cell, range(range(A3), range(P59)))
If test Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("oops")
TestCellRange = False
MsgBox ("yup yup")
TestCellRange = True
End If
End With
End Function
Now whatever I try, I keep getting blocked on the set range:
set range = .Range("A3:P59") -> will return "object required", on the "set test" line (if i use intersect (cell, range))
Set range = range("A3:P59") -> will return object variable or with block variale not set on the same line
Set range = .range(.Cells(bRow, 1), .Cells(eRow, 16)) -> will step through, but debug.print returns a type mismatch and "Set test = Application.Intersect(cell, range)" returns a "object required"
Any help would be really appreciated...I'm all to familiar with networks ip's and the bits and bytes of it, but here I am a bit out of my comfort zone and I need to finish this by tomorrow :(
EDIT Some More tries:
rng and cell as variant:
cell = tbl.DataBodyRange(5, 1).Address(False, False)
rng = .range("A3:P59").Address(False, False)
Set test = Application.Intersect(cell, rng)
==>I would get objects required
just using rng as range and trying to set it without "set"
rng = .range("A3:P59")
EDIT 2 : I found a way around using the range.
So what I was trying to do, was the following:
I had a table that contains information about firewall rules. However, not every line describes a rule. There are also lines that described the context in which the rules below that line were to be placed.
Outside of the table, aside of those lines there would be a cell with the range of cells for that context. I wanted to use that to describe the context for those rules, if I pulled them.
I ended up looping through the table rows and identifying those specific rows and setting a "context" variable when, a row like that was met.
Try setting the cell as well as following:
set cell = tbl.DataBodyRange(5, 1).Address(False, False)
What is cell? A Range?
You do not need to add 'set' to the range value assignment.
Try just
range = .Range("A3:P59")
Function TestCellRange() As Boolean
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim cellToTest As Range
Dim testResult As Range
Set tbl = shRulebase.ListObjects("tblBFFirewallRules")
Set cellToTest = tbl.DataBodyRange.Cells(5, 1)
'or with one more level of indirection
'Set cellToTest = shRulebase.range(tbl.DataBodyRange.Cells(5, 1).Value)
Set testResult = Application.Intersect(cellToTest, [A3:P59])
If testResult Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("oops")
TestCellRange = False
MsgBox ("yup yup")
TestCellRange = True
End If
End Function
Thanks to the post of VincentG I found the working solution. Thanks for that.
Function TestCellRange() As Boolean
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim cellToTest As range
Dim testResult As range
Set tbl = shRulebase.ListObjects("tblBFFirewallRules")
Set cellToTest = tbl.DataBodyRange.Cells(5, 1)
'or with one more level of indirection
'Set cellToTest = shRulebase.range(tbl.DataBodyRange.Cells(5, 1).Value)
Set testResult = Application.Intersect(cellToTest, range("A3:P59"))
If testResult Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("oops")
TestCellRange = False
MsgBox ("yup yup")
TestCellRange = True
End If
End Function

Using .range property on string that includes sheet name

I have a string inside a cell in a workbook that I am using to define the address of a range that a lookup should be done upon.
As an example, let's say the string is called LookupRange and has the value:
''Rate Sheet'!Y111:AA126
My problem is that in my code, when I set the range I have to use:
Set yRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Rate Sheet").Range(LookupRange)
Is there a way to use the .Range() property without using the .Worksheets() property?
For instance, maybe a way to do something like:
Set yRange = ThisWorkbook.Range(LookupRange)
If not, I guess I might have to write some code to extract the sheetname from the sheet range?
Assuming LookupRange is a String, you can extract the Sheet and Range from the string using Mid() and InStr():
Sub TestIt()
Dim LookupRange As String
LookupRange = "'Rate Sheet'!Y111:AA126"
SheetL = Mid(LookupRange, 2, InStr(2, LookupRange, "'") - 2)
RangeL = Mid(LookupRange, InStr(1, LookupRange, "!") + 1, Len(LookupRange))
Set yRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetL).Range(RangeL)
End Sub
I don't know exactly what sort of look up you are doing, but this should work..(parse it as a string)
Sub range_set()
Dim rr As Range
Set rr = Range(CStr(Range("LookupRange")))
Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(1, rr, 2, False)
End Sub
Where the named range "LookupRange" is a single cell that contains the sheet address "Sheet2!Y111:AA126" (or whatever) to be used in a "lookup".
Set yRange = Application.Range("'Rate Sheet'!Y111:AA126")

Find cell based on a property

I need to find a cell into a worksheet but I'd like to avoid looking for a string.
The problem I have is that the worksheet will be edited by my client. If ever he decides to write the string I'm looking for before the good one, the app will crash.
Sub FindSpecificCell()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("TP 1")
Dim myRange As Range
Dim rangeFinal As Range
Set monRange = ws.Range("A:AJ")
Set rangeFinal = myRange.Find("Description du test")
Debug.Print " "
Debug.Print "Looking for ""Description du test"" in TP 1 "
Debug.Print "column : " & rangeFinal.Column
Debug.Print "row : " & rangeFinal.Row
End Sub
Is there a way to insert a kind of property inside the cell in order to be sure that I'm working on the good one?
You can't associated properties with a specific cell directly, but you can use properties with the worksheet to store this information. I've used a couple methods like this before:
'Set the provided value of the custom property with the provided name in the provided sheet.
Private Sub SetCustomPropertyValue(InSheet As Worksheet, WithPropertyName As String, WithValue As Variant)
Dim objCP As CustomProperty
Dim bolFound As Boolean
bolFound = False 'preset.
For Each objCP In InSheet.CustomProperties
'if this property's name is the one whose value is sought...
If (StrComp(objCP.Name, WithPropertyName, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
objCP.Value = WithValue
bolFound = True
Exit For
End If
'if the property didn't already exist on the sheet, add it.
If (Not bolFound) Then Call InSheet.CustomProperties.Add(WithPropertyName, WithValue)
End Sub
'Return the value of the custom property with the provided name in the provided sheet.
Private Function GetCustomPropertyValue(InSheet As Worksheet, WithPropertyName As String) As Variant
Dim objCP As CustomProperty
GetCustomPropertyValue = Empty
For Each objCP In InSheet.CustomProperties
'if this property's name is the one whose value is sought...
If (StrComp(objCP.Name, WithPropertyName, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
GetCustomPropertyValue = objCP.Value
Exit For
End If
End Function
Then you can do something like this to write and read back values:
Sub test()
Dim strPropName As String
strPropName = "MyRange_" & Selection.Address
Dim strWhatIWantToStore As String
strWhatIWantToStore = "Here's what I want to store for this range"
Call SetCustomPropertyValue(ActiveSheet, strPropName, strWhatIWantToStore)
MsgBox GetCustomPropertyValue(ActiveSheet, strPropName)
End Sub

Excel VBA Runtime Error 1004 when renaming ActiveSheet

I'm at a loss when trying to figure out where this code is tripping up. I am looking to rename the activesheet by using a concat of two ranges on the activesheet and some static text. When only one worksheet is in the workbook, the code works great. As soon as a second worksheet is added, I get a Runtime Error 1004. I'll highlight the line of code where it is breaking. This code currently resides in a normal module.
Option Explicit
Sub updateName()
Dim fNumber
Dim pCheckNumber
Dim asName As String
Dim tempASName As String
Dim worksheetName As Object
If ActiveSheet.Name = "Launch Page" Then Exit Sub
fNumber = ActiveSheet.Range("FlightNumber").Value
pCheckNumber = ActiveSheet.Range("PerformanceCheckNumber").Value
If fNumber <> "" And pCheckNumber <> "" Then
tempASName = "Flight " & fNumber & " | Run " & pCheckNumber & " (0.0%)"
asName = tempASName
MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name & vbCr & asName
ActiveSheet.Name = asName
worksheetName.Caption = asName
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
I'm in the process of adding error checking to ensure that I don't have duplicate sheet names. However, due to the nature of the field names, this will never occur.
I appreciate all of the insights!
The error you are reporting is, most likely, provoked because of trying to rename a Worksheet by using a name already in use. Here you have a small code to avoid this kind of situations:
Dim newName As String: newName = "sheet1"
Dim addition As String: addition = "_2"
Do While (Not sheetNameFree(newName))
newName = newName & addition
Where sheetNameFree is defined by:
Function sheetNameFree(curName As String) As Boolean
sheetNameFree = True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If (LCase(Sheet.Name) = LCase(curName)) Then
sheetNameFree = False
Exit Function
End If
Next Sheet
End Function
You can adapt this code to your specific needs (for example, by converting addition into a number which grows after each wrong name).
In your code I see one other problem (although it shouldn't be triggering a 1004 error): you are accessing the property Caption from an non-instantiated object (worksheetName), whose exact functionality is not too clear. Just delete this line.
NOTE: good point from KazJaw, you might be using an illegal character. If fNumber and pCheckNumber are numbers or letters, it would be OK.
NOTE2: if with worksheetName you want to refer to an ActiveX Label in your workSheet, better do: ActiveSheet.Label1.Caption (where Label1 is the name of the Label). You cannot define worksheetName as a Label, because it is not a "conventional Label".