dojo.keys.HELP - what key is it? - dojo

I'm working on context sensitive help in DOJO-based web UI.
such help should be also accessible using keyboard.
this has brought me to dojo.keys.HELP that seems to be created
for such purpose. unfortunately I can't find what key is it:/
in dojo._base.event it's mapped to key code 47 which is '/' ('?').
but after pressing '/':
console.log("current: " + event.keyCode + " / " + event.charOrCode + " target: " + dojo.keys.HELP);
current: 0 / / target: 47
I've tested most of keys on my keyboard and none has returned event.keyCode equal to dojo.keys.HELP . I'm using DOJO 1.3.1 .

I think you want to just use evt.charCode since charOrCode will return the keyChar (e.g. 'a') first.
For instance, this outputs 47 when I press '/' on my keyboard:
function(evt) {
console.log( evt.charCode );
Dojo normalizes the charCode so this is cross-browser compliant.


WIX API fetch to repeater

I am experiencing issues populating wix API fetched data to a repeater, though i did follow some example here i get an error, not sure why...
Link to a example: Wix: Populate repeater with external API call
here is the error:
Wix code SDK error: Each item in the items array must have a member named `_id` which contains a unique value identifying the item.
Wix code SDK Warning: The data that was passed to data contained at least two items with the same ID: . Only the first item was accepted.
my current code
import {getCurrentTemp} from 'backend/serviceModule';
export function buttonFetch_click(event, $w) {
.then(CurrentTemp => {
// add an _id property to each object
CurrentTemp.forEach(item => item._id =
// feed the data to the repeater
$w('#repeater1').data = CurrentTemp;
} );
export function repeater1_itemReady($item, itemData, index) {
$item("#textResults").text = "Name: " + itemData.Title + "\n"
+ "Symbol: " + itemData.BreachDate + "\n"
+ "Rank: " + itemData.Description + "\n"
+ "Price (USD): " + itemData.DataClasses;
Each item must have unique id.
Install uuid here
and setup id for each item
import uuid from 'uuid';
// .....
$w('#repeater1').data = => {
item._id = uuid();
return item;
// .....

Acrobat DC preflight processes non-PDF files

I want to process and verify that PDFs within a folder are valid PDF/A files. The problem is that I need to process a folder with piles of files including word and excel among others that preflight converts to PDFs, processes, and then hangs for user input to discard the temperary file. There are some hundred files, so waiting for user input isn't doable.
Perhaps I'm not using the correct phrases when I search, but I can't find out how to force Adobe Acrobat DC to only process PDF files. I've found that in Acrobat X you can specify source files, but I've not found an equivalent in DC.
Is there a way to force an action to only process PDF files?
Following #Joel Geraci's suggestion and finding this post, I've created the following script that runs in an action. At this point, It seems to run the profile, but I don't know if it actually modifies the document, since the call to this.closeDoc() doesn't prompt to save the document, and the resulting document doesn't seem to be saved as a PDF/A file.
/* Convert PDF/A-3a */
if(this.path.split('.').pop() === 'pdf')
var oProfile = Preflight.getProfileByName("Convert to PDF/A-3a");
if( oProfile != undefined )
var myPreflightResult = this.preflight( oProfile);
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numErrors + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numWarnings + " Warnings.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numInfos + " Infos.");
console.println( "Preflight fixed " + myPreflightResult.numFixed + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight not fixed " + myPreflightResult.numNotFixed + " Errors.");
$error = theError;
this.closeDoc( {bNoSave : true} );
Edit 2:
I ended up settling on using the saveAs function. I'm not sure how to export the XML data to a file, but this seems to be sufficient.
/* Convert PDF/A-3a */
if(this.path.split('.').pop() === 'pdf')
var oThermometer = app.thermometer;
var oProfile = Preflight.getProfileByName("Convert to PDF/A-3a");
if( oProfile != undefined )
var myPreflightResult = this.preflight( oProfile, false, oThermometer );
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numErrors + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numWarnings + " Warnings.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numInfos + " Infos.");
console.println( "Preflight fixed " + myPreflightResult.numFixed + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight not fixed " + myPreflightResult.numNotFixed + " Errors.");
if(myPreflightResult.numErrors > 0) {
var cXMLData =;
$error = theError;
this.closeDoc( {bNoSave : true} );
Edit 3:
So the problem is that non-PDF files are converted and read before my JavaScript is executed, which means that the this.path.split('.').pop() === 'pdf' doesn't actually filter out anything. I found that the requiresFullSave property of the Doc class specifies whether the document is a temp file or not. I have, however, found that I am still asked if I want to save the temp file, which doesn't help.
Edit 4
Calling Doc.closeDoc(true) on a temporary file causes Acrobat to crash and there doesn't seem to be another way to close a document without saving. I've found there is no clear way (that I've found) to close a temp document without prompting the user to save and have resorted to deleting all non-PDF files.
Final script:
/* Convert PDF/A-3a */
console.println(path + " is temp: " + requiresFullSave);
var oThermometer = app.thermometer;
var oProfile = Preflight.getProfileByName("Convert to PDF/A-3a");
if( oProfile != undefined )
var myPreflightResult = this.preflight( oProfile, false, oThermometer );
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numErrors + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numWarnings + " Warnings.");
console.println( "Preflight found " + myPreflightResult.numInfos + " Infos.");
console.println( "Preflight fixed " + myPreflightResult.numFixed + " Errors.");
console.println( "Preflight not fixed " + myPreflightResult.numNotFixed + " Errors.");
if(myPreflightResult.numErrors > 0) {
var cXMLData =;
// As noted in the documentation found [here][2]
// Note:If the document is temporary or newly created, setting dirty to false has no effect. That is, the user is still asked to save changes before closing the document. See requiresFullSave.
// this.dirty = false;
// this.closeDoc(true);
Rather than creating an action that runs preflight, try creating an action that runs some JavaScript. The JavaScript would test for the file extension of the file being processed and then execute preflight via JavaScript if it's a PDF, skipping it if not.

Override dimple tooltip text only

How do I override the label / value of a tooltip while maintaining all other formatting?
I have tried incorporating the following examples and have been able to override the text, but the formatting always follows the example. I end up with either the sketchy arrow which doesn't fit in my svg or the text is in top right corner.
This is the code I eventually got around to using.
series.getTooltipText = function (e) {
var capitalized_metric = metric.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + metric.substring(1) + "s";
return [
"Date: " + moment(e.x).format("MM/DD/YYYY"),
capitalized_metric + ": " + e.y

noflo 0.5.13 spreadsheet example broken?

I am new to noflo and looking at examples in order to explore it. The spreadsheet example looked interesting but I couldn't make it run. First, it takes some time and manual debugging to identify missing components, not a big deal and I believe will be improved in the future, for now the error message I get is
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket);
TypeError: undefined is not a function
Apparently, before this isAddressable() was also undefined. Checked with this SO issue but I don't have any noflo 0.4 as a dependency anywhere. Spent some time to debug it but seemingly stuck at it, decided to post to SO.
The question is, what are the correct steps to run the spreadsheet example?
For reproduction, here is what I have done:
0) install the following components
i) edit spreadsheet/parse.fbp, because first error was
throw new Error("No outport '" + port + "' defined in process " + proc
Error: No outport 'error' defined in process Read (Read() ERROR -> IN Display())
apparently couchdb ReadDocument component does not provide Error outport. therefore replaced ReadDocument with ReadFile.
< 'tika-app-0.9.jar' -> TIKA Read(ReadDocument)
> 'tika-app-0.9.jar' -> TIKA Read(ReadFile)
ii) at this point, received the following:
if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
TypeError: undefined is not a function
and improvised a stunt by checking if isAddressable is defined at this location of code:
## -259,9 +261,11 ##
throw new Error("No outport '" + port + "' defined in process " + + " (" + (socket.getId()) + ")");
- if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
+ if (process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable && process.component.outPorts[port].isAddressable()) {
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket, index);
return process.component.outPorts[port].attach(socket);
and either way fails. Again, the question is What are the correct steps to run the spreadsheet example?
Thanks in advance.

PhantomJS Version 1.9.1 - Issues with Proxy Authentication

Can someone please help me out on this?
I have spent a considerable amount of time setting up PhantomJS to save JPGs of specific web-pages and it works/ed really well until I went to deploy it on a machine which accesses the net through a proxy.
Now, whatever I try, I can not get the authentication right?
Has anyone EVER managed to do this?
I am using command line arguments:
I have checked on the Proxy (TMG) which still insists that my username is anonymous rather than the one which I am sending through using the command line.
From the --debug, I am able to see that proxy, proxyType and proxyAuth have all been populated correctly so PhantomJS is understanding the command line, yet when it runs, it still returns 'Proxy requires authentication'
Where am I going wrong?
Thanks for reading this and, hopefully, helping me out
BTW - I am using Windows 7 - 64 bit
OK, so I've done a whole load of digging on this and have got it working. So I thought I would publish what I found in case it might help someone else.
One of the things that I found when I was searching around is that there was a bit of a discussion about the inclusion of the following in the headers which are submitted by the JS which is used to drive PhantomJS:
page.customHeaders={'Authorization': 'Basic '+btoa('username:password')};
rather than using
page.settings.userName = 'username';
page.settings.password = 'password';
which will not work. Please refer to Previous Discussion
This is fine if you are using basic levels of authentication on the proxy. It will not work if you are using Integrated Authetication as this will still require NTLM/Kerberos or whatever.
The way around this is to change the settings on the client.
You need to allow the client access to the outside world WITHOUT it routing through the proxy. Certainly in TMG, this is done by changing the settings which apply to the Client Network Software which is installed on the client hardware.
By allowing the PhantomJS Executable to bypass the proxy, you will overcome the problems which I and many others have experienced but you will still have a bit of an issue as you will have just broken your system security so be aware and hope that there is a new version PhantomJS which handles NTLM/Kerberos.
Alternatively, change your Proxy to use Basic Authentication which will allow the use to the customHeaders solution to work as above but this is potentially an even greater risk to you security than allowing the client to bypass the proxyy.
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'),
fs = require('fs'),
fileName = 'phantomjs',
extension = 'log',
file = + '.' + extension, 'w'),
version = phantom.version.major + '.'
+ phantom.version.minor + '.'
+ phantom.version.patch ;
if (system.args.length === 1){
console.log('Usage: example.js <some URL> delay');
// Handle the command line arguments
address = system.args[1];
output = system.args[2];
delay = system.args[3];
// Write the Headers into the log file
file.writeLine("PhantomJS version: " + version);
file.writeLine("Opening page: " + address);
file.writeLine("Writing image to: " + output);
file.writeLine("Applying a delay of: " + delay + " milliseconds");
function quit(reason, value) {
console.log("Quit: " + reason);
file.writeLine("Quit: " + reason);
if (value !== 1){
// If there has been an error reported, stick a datetime stamp on the log to retain it
var d = new Date();
var dateString = d.getFullYear().toString() +
((d.getMonth() + 1) <= 9 ? '0' : '') + (d.getMonth() + 1).toString() +
(d.getDate() <= 9 ? '0' : '') + d.getDate().toString() +
(d.getHours() <= 9 ? '0' : '') + d.getHours().toString() +
(d.getMinutes() <= 9 ? '0' : '') + d.getMinutes().toString() +
(d.getSeconds() <= 9 ? '0' : '') + d.getSeconds().toString();
fs.move(fileName + '.' + extension, fileName + '_' + dateString + '.' + extension);
page.onResourceError = function(resourceError) {
page.reason = resourceError.errorString;
page.reason_url = resourceError.url;
page.onError = function (msg, trace) {
trace.forEach(function(item) {
console.log(' ', item.file, ':', item.line);
//file.writeLine(' ', item.file, ':', item.line);
quit("Failed", 0);
page.onResourceRequested = function (request) {
file.writeLine('Request: ' + JSON.stringify(request, undefined, 4));
page.onResourceReceived = function (response) {
file.writeLine('Receive: ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 4));
// Set a user agent - if required
//page.settings.userAgent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)';
// And open the page, function (status) {
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('Unable to load the address: \"' + page.reason_url + '\": ' + page.reason);
file.writeLine('Unable to load the address: \"' + page.reason_url + '\": ' + page.reason);
quit("Failed", 0);
else {
window.setTimeout(function() {
console.log('Saving the page!');
file.writeLine('Saving the page!');
quit("Finished", 1);
}, delay);