What would be a better way to handle this sql logic? - sql

Inside of a stored procedure, I populate a table of items (#Items). Just basic information about them. However for each item, I need to make sure I can sell them, and in order to do that I need to perform a whole lot of validation. In order to keep the stored procedure somewhat maintainable, I moved the logic into another stored procedure.
What would be the best way to call the stored procedure for each item in the temp table?
The way I have it now, I apply an identity column and then just do a while loop, executing the stored procedure for each row and inserting the validation result into a temporary table. (#Validation)
However now that logic has changed, and in between the creation of #Items and the execution of the loop, some records are deleted which screws up the while loop, since the Identity no longer equals the counter.
I could handle that by dropping the identity column and reapplying it before the while loop, but I was just wondering if there was a better way. Is there a way to get a specific row at an index if I apply an order by clause?
I know I could do a cursor, but those are a pain in the ass to me. Also performance is somewhat of a concern, would a fastforward readonly cursor be a better option than a while loop? The number of rows in the #Items table isn't that large, maybe 50 at most, but the stored procedure is going to be called quite frequently.

Turn your validation stored procedure into a user defined function that accepts an item id or the data columns needed to validate an item record
Create the temp table
Insert all your items
Write a delete query for the temp table that calls your new UDF in the WHERE clause.

I agree that if you can do it set-based then do it that way. Perhaps put the validation into a user-defined function instead of a sproc to enable that. Which may pave the way for you to be able to do it set-based.
SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE dbo.fnIsValid(dataitem1, dataitem2....) = 1
However, I know this is may not be possible depending on your exact scenario, so...
Correction edit based on now understanding the IDENTITY/loop issue:
You can use ROW_NUMBER() in SQL 2005 to get the next row, doesn't matter if there are gaps in the IDENTITY field as this will assign a row number to each record ordered by what you tell it:
-- Gets next record
FROM #temptable
) s
WHERE s.RowNo = #Counter

Does this kind of business logic really has to be in database?
I don't know much about your scenario, but maybe it would be best to move that decision you're trying to model with SPs into the application?
So you might try to use a function instead of stored procedure for that logic, and include the result of this function as a column in your temporary table? Would that work for you? Or if you need the data in realtime every time you use it later, then function returning 0/1 values, included in select list, could be a good bet anyway

If it's possible to rewrite your stored procedure logic using a query, i. e. a set-based approach?
You should try this first.


Any downside to using a view to make sure stored procedures get all the columns they need?

Let me start by stating that when writing SELECT statements in a stored procedure or elsewhere in application code, I ALWAYS specify columns explicitly rather than using SELECT *.
That said, I have a case where I have many stored procedures that need exactly the same columns back because they are used to hydrate the same models on the client. In an effort to make the code less brittle and less prone forgetting to update a stored procedure with a new column, I am thinking of creating a view and selecting from that in my stored procedures using SELECT *.
To help clarify, here are examples of what the stored procedures might be named:
-- and on and on...
So in each of these stored procedures, I would have
FROM EntityView
WHERE...[criteria based on the stored procedure]
I'm wondering if there is any cost to doing this. I understand the pitfalls of SELECT * FROM Table but by selecting from a view that exists specifically to define the columns needed seems to mitigate this.
Are there any other reasons I wouldn't want to use this approach?
Personally, I don't see a problem with this approach.
However, there is a range of opinions on the use of select * in production code, which generally discourages it for the outermost query (of course, it is fine in subqueries).
You do want to make sure that the stored procedures are recompiled if there is any change to either the view or to the underlying tables supplying the view. You probably want to use schemabinding to ensure that (some) changes to the underlying tables do not inadvertently affect the view(s).
I don't know your system, but using a view would not affect performance?
SELECT * from the view makes sense, but does the view just selects specific columns from one table?
If not then look carefully into performance.
If I remember correctly in MS SQL stored procedure can return a recordset.
If I right you can try to wrap various queries into kind of sub queries stored procedure and have a one main which selects specific columns -- here complication should fail if you miss something in .
Even better would be having stored procedures which ask by various parameters and returns only primary keys (as record set or in temporary table) and one main which fetch all required columns based on returned primary keys.

How do I insert a lot of rows into a temporary table in a stored procedure called from my C# code?

A little background first. I need to write a stored procedure that will grab everything in a table where the id is NOT in a list of other ids. Reading the Azure SQL docs it indicated that if you're going to have a large list of items in an IN or NOT IN clause then you should consider storing those items in a temporary table. So I figured I'd do that as I don't know how many potential items may be in this list. In my Azure Functions (C# code) I will have this list of IDs that I want to be placed into that temporary table. I'm not sure of the best way to do this.
I could not use a stored procedure and write the query in my Azure Functions and use a transaction and a for loop to insert each item into that temporary table (I think at least, I'm not very well-versed in this topic). I read that when inserting a lot of items it's best to batch it by putting it in one transaction.
If I do use a stored procedure, how do I do this? I have the list of IDs in my C# code but I don't know how I'd pass that in to the stored procedure (just one giant array?) or if there's any limits on how many items I could even pass in. And then in the stored procedure, how would it go about inserting this list of IDs that was passed in? Is there some sort of for loop syntax?
Hopefully there's a way to do this that is somewhat efficient.

Fastest way to 'ignore' a row

I am writing a PL/SQL function that processes table rows individually. I pass it a key. What is the fastest way to check whether or not that row has been processed, and if so ignore it? It may sound stupid but please assume that it always tries to process all the rows in the table (mainly because it does other things too).
One solution I had was to create a flag column on that table(fastest I can think of), another was to insert a record into another table and check if the row is not in that table (probably slower).
Assuming you need to be using a PL/SQL function, you should only pass into it the rowset that it needs to handle. That means using plain SQL to select the rows from the table you need and pass that to the function. In any case though, you should look very carefully at what you're doing whenever you end up having to use a cursor in a database environment, because that's not really what databases are optimized for.

stored proc recursion in SQL Server

I have a situation where I want to have a stored proc returning a table that calls itself recursively as part of its calculation.
Unfortunately SQL Server is having none of this and gives me an error along the lines of both being unable to declare a cursor that already exists and about not being able to nest and insert exec statement.
Could I get around some of these issues by using a function? Is there another better way to do this?
The calculation is inherently recursive in nature, so there isn't any getting around this using joins as far as I can tell.
EDIT: to clarify the actual calculation since the code is complicated by other stuff and might complicate the matter-
suppose table A has columns (containerID, objID, objType, weight) and table B has columns (itemID, value).
objType in table A tells you whether objID in table A is a containerID (again in table A) or is and itemID from table B.
(containerID, objID) is a primary key on table A as is itemID on table B.
Generally a container will have tens to hundreds of items or other containers in it. Hopefully the recursion depth isn't more than a dozen levels. (guessing) The calculation is to get a weighted average.
you provide very little information, as a result here is a guess: try using Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions, try set based operations and not a cursor, or try using dynamic SQL.
This article gives 7 different ways to do what you're trying to do.
Recursive CTE methods
The blackbox XML methods
Using Common Language Runtime.
Scalar UDF with recursion
Table valued UDF with a WHILE loop.
Dynamic SQL
The Cursor approach.
I think you get an error because the same cursor name is probably used by every recursive call, and the nested call can't open a cursor of the same name until the parent call closes the cursor. If possible, can you make the cursor name dynamic, maybe something as simple as SOME_CURSOR_{$RECURSION_DEPTH}, and you might have to add the recursion depth as a parameter to the procedure though. I've never done anything like this in SQL Server though so I'm not 100% sure.
Not sure about the next/insert exec problem, though it might be tied to the cursor.
Declaring the cursor with LOCAL scope may resolve the issue. Although I'm not sure how the cursor would act in a recursive context.
Check out this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189238.aspx
The key is the LOCAL term. It will generate a separate cursor definition behind the scenes every time.

Why are SQL-Server UDFs so limited?

From the MSDN docs for create function:
User-defined functions cannot be used to perform actions that modify the database state.
My question is simply - why?
Yes, a UDF that modifies data may have potentially unwanted side-effects.
Yes, there is overhead involved if a UDF is called thousands of times.
But that is the whole point of design and testing - to ensure that such issues are ironed out before deployment. So why do DB vendors insist on imposing these artificial limitations on developers? What is the point of a language construct that can essentially only be used as a wrapper for select statements?
The reason for this question is as follows: I am writing a function to return a GUID for a certain unique integer ID. If a GUID is already allocated for that ID I simply return it; otherwise I want to generate a new GUID, store that into a table, and return the newly-generated GUID. (Yes, this sounds long-winded and possibly crazy, but when you're sending data to another dev company who believes their design was handed down by God and cannot be improved upon, it's easier just to smile and nod and do what they ask).
I know that I can use a stored procedure with an output parameter to achieve the same result, but then I have to declare a new variable just to hold the result of the sproc. Not only that, I then have to convert my simple select into a while loop that inserts into a temporary table, and call the sproc for every iteration of that loop.
It's usually best to think of the available tools as a spectrum, from Views, through UDFs, out to Stored Procedures. At the one end (Views) you have a lot of restrictions, but this means the optimizer can actually "see through" the code and make intelligent choices. At the other end (Stored Procedures), you've got lots of flexibility, but because you have such freedom, you lose some abilities (e.g. because you can return multiple result sets from a stored proc, you lose the ability to "compose" it as part of a larger query).
UDFs sit in a middle ground - you can do more than you can do in a view (multiple statements, for example), but you don't have as much flexibility as a stored proc. By giving up this freedom, it allows the outputs to be composed as part of a larger query. By not having side effects, you guarantee that, for example, it doesn't matter in which row order the UDF is applied in. If you could have side effects, the optimizer might have to give an ordering guarantee.
I understand your issue, I think, but taking this from your comment:
I want to do something like select my_udf(my_variable) from my_table, where my_udf either selects or creates the value it returns
So you want a select that (potentially) modifies data. Can you look at that sentence on its own and tell me that that reads perfectly OK? - I certainly can't.
Reading your description of what you actually need to do:
I am writing a function to return a
GUID for a certain unique integer ID.
If a GUID is already allocated for
that ID I simply return it; otherwise
I want to generate a new GUID, store
that into a table, and return the
newly-generated GUID.
I know that I can use a stored
procedure with an output parameter to
achieve the same result, but then I
have to declare a new variable just to
hold the result of the sproc. Not only
that, I then have to convert my simple
select into a while loop that inserts
into a temporary table, and call the
sproc for every iteration of that
from that last sentence it sounds like you have to process many rows at once, so how about a single INSERT that inserts the GUIDs for those IDs that don't already have them, followed by a single SELECT that returns all the GUIDs that (now) exist?
Sometimes if you cannot implement the solution you came up with, it may be an indication that your solution is not optimal.
Using a statement like this
INSERT INTO IntGuids(IntValue, GuidValue)
SELECT MyIntValues.IntValue, NEWID()
FROM MyIntValues
LEFT OUTER JOIN IntGuids ON MyIntValues.IntValue = IntGuids.IntValue
WHERE IntGuids.IntValue IS NULL
creates all the GUIDs you need to have in 1 statement. No need to SELECT+INSERT for every single value.