I have a SQL query I am running. What I was wanting to know is that is there a way of selecting the rows in a table where the value in on one of those columns is distinct? When I use the distinct function, It returns all of the distinct rows so...
select distinct teacher from class etc.
This works fine, but I am selecting multiple columns, so...
select distinct teacher, student etc.
but I don't want to retrieve the distinct rows, I want the distinct rows where the teacher is distinct. So this query would probably return the same teacher's name multiple times because the student value is different but what I would like is to return rows where the teachers are distinct, even if it means returning the teacher and one student name (because I don't need all the students).
I hope what I am trying to ask is clear but is it possible to use the distinct function on a single column even when selecting multiple columns or is there any other solution to this problem? Thanks.
The above is just an example I am giving. I don't know if using 'distinct' is the solution to my problem. I am not using teacher etc. that was just an example to get the idea accross. I am selecting multiple columns (about 10) from different tables. I have a query to get the tabled result I want. Now I want to query that table to find the unique values in one particular column. So using the teacher example again, say I have wrote a query and I have all the teachers and all the pupils they teach. Now I want to go through each row in this table and email the teacher a message. But I don't want to email the teacher numerous times, just the once, so I want to return all the columns from the table I have, where only the teacher value is distinct.
Col A Col B Col C Col D
a b c d
a c d b
b a a c
b c c c
A query I have produces the above table. Now I want only those rows where Col A values are unique. How would I go about it?
You have misunderstood the DISTINCT keyword. It is not a function and it does not modify a column. You cannot SELECT a, DISTINCT(b), c, DISTINCT(d) FROM SomeTable. DISTINCT is a modifier for the query itself, i.e. you don't select a distinct column, you make a SELECT DISTINCT query.
In other words: DISTINCT tells the server to go through the whole result set and remove all duplicate rows after the query has been performed.
If you need a column to contain every value once, you need to GROUP BY that column. Once you do that, the server now needs to do which student to select with each teacher, if there are multiple, so you need to provide a so-called aggregate function like COUNT(). Example:
SELECT teacher, COUNT(student) AS amountStudents
FROM ...
GROUP BY teacher;
One option is to use a GROUP BY on Col A. Example:
SELECT * FROM table_name
That should return you:
Based on the limited details you provided in your question (you should explain how/why your data is in different tables, what DB server you are using, etc) you can approach this from 2 different directions.
Reduce the number of columns in your query to only return the "teacher" and "email" columns but using the existing WHERE criteria. The problem you have with your current attempt is both DISTINCT and GROUP BY don't understand that you one want 1 row for each value of the column that you are trying to be distinct about. From what I understand, MySQL has support for what you are doing using GROUP BY but MSSQL does not support result columns not included in the GROUP BY statement. If you don't need the "student" columns, don't put them in your result set.
Convert your existing query to use column based sub-queries so that you only return a single result for non-grouped data.
, (SELECT TOP 1 b FROM Table1 t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a) AS b
, (SELECT TOP 1 c FROM Table1 t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a) AS c
, (SELECT TOP 1 d FROM Table1 t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a) AS d
FROM dbo.Table1 t1
WHERE (your criteria here)
This query will not be fast if you have a lot of data, but it will return a single row per teacher with a somewhat random value for the remaining columns. You can also add an ORDER BY to each sub-query to further tweak the values returned for the additional columns.
I'm not sure if I am understanding this right but couldn't you do
SELECT * FROM class WHERE teacher IN (SELECT DISTINCT teacher FROM class)
This would return all of the data in each row where the teacher is distinct
distinct requires a unique result-set row. This means that whatever values you select from your table will need to be distinct together as a row from any other row in the result-set.
Using distinct can return the same value more than once from a given field as long as the other corresponding fields in the row are distinct as well.
As soulmerge and Shiraz have mentioned you'll need to use a GROUP BY and subselect. This worked for me.
[Teacher] [NVarchar](256) NOT NULL ,
[Student] [NVarchar](256) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #table VALUES ('Teacher 1', 'Student 1')
INSERT INTO #table VALUES ('Teacher 1', 'Student 2')
INSERT INTO #table VALUES ('Teacher 2', 'Student 3')
INSERT INTO #table VALUES ('Teacher 2', 'Student 4')
SELECT TOP 1 T2.[Student]
FROM #table AS T2
WHERE T2.[Teacher] = T.[Teacher]
) AS [Student]
FROM #table AS T
GROUP BY T.[Teacher]
Teacher 1, Student 1
Teacher 2, Student 3
You need to do it with a sub select where you take TOP 1 of student where the teacher is the same.
You may try "GROUP BY teacher" to return what you need.
What is the question your query is trying to answer?
Do you need to know which classes have only one teacher?
select class_name, count(teacher)
from class group by class_name having count(teacher)=1
Or are you looking for teachers with only one student?
select teacher, count(student)
from class group by teacher having count(student)=1
Or is it something else? The question you've posed assumes that using DISTINCT is the correct approach to the query you're trying to construct. It seems likely this is not the case. Could you describe the question you're trying to answer with DISTINCT?
You will need to say how your data is stored in-memory for us to say how you can query it.
But you could do a separate query to just get the distinct teachers.
select distinct teacher from class
I am struggling to understand exactly what you wish to do.. but you can do something like this:
If you only select a singular column, the distinct will only grab those.
If you could clarify a little more, I could try to help a bit more.
You could use GROUP BY to separate the return values based on a single column value.
All you have to do is select just the columns you want the first one and do a select Distinct
Select Distinct column1 -- where your criteria...
The following might help you get to your solution. The other poster did point to this but his syntax for group by was incorrect.
Get all teachers that teach any classes.
Select teacher_id, count(*)
from teacher_table inner join classes_table
on teacher_table.teacher_id = classes_table.teacher_id
group by teacher_id
Noone seems to understand what you want. I will take another guess.
Select * from tbl
Where ColA in (Select ColA from tbl Group by ColA Having Count(ColA) = 1)
This will return all data from rows where ColA is unique -i.e. there isn't another row with the same ColA value. Of course, that means zero rows from the sample data you provided.
select cola,colb,colc
from yourtable
where cola in
select cola from yourtable where your criteria group by cola having count(*) = 1
declare #temp as table (colA nchar, colB nchar, colC nchar, colD nchar, rownum int)
insert #temp (colA, colB, colC, colD, rownum)
select Test.ColA, Test.ColB, Test.ColC, Test.ColD, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by ColA) as rownum
from Test
select t1.ColA, ColB, ColC, ColD
from #temp as t1
join (
select ColA, MIN(rownum) [min]
from #temp
group by Cola)
as t2 on t1.Cola = t2.Cola and t1.rownum = t2.[min]
This will return a single row for each value of the colA.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DistinctList
#Delim CHAR
SET #list = LTRIM(RTRIM(#list)) + #Delim
SET #pos = CHARINDEX(#delim, #list, 1)
WHILE #pos > 0
SET #list1 = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#list, #pos - 1)))
IF #list1 <> ''
SET #list = SUBSTRING(#list, #pos+1, LEN(#list))
SET #pos = CHARINDEX(#delim, #list, 1)
SELECT #rlist = COALESCE(#rlist+',','') + item
RETURN #rlist
Please see the TSQL below:
create table #IDs (id varchar(100))
insert into #IDs values ('123')
insert into #IDs values ('456')
insert into #IDs values ('789')
insert into #IDs values ('1010')
create table #Notes (Note varchar(500))
insert into #Notes values ('Here is a note for 123')
insert into #Notes values ('A note for 789 here')
insert into #Notes values ('456 has a note here')
I want to find all the IDs that are referenced in the #Notes table. This works:
select #IDs.id from #IDs inner join #Notes on #Notes.note like '%' + #IDs.id + '%'
However, there are hundreds of thousands of records in both tables and the query does not complete. I was thinking about FreeText searching, but I don't think it can be applied here. A cursor takes too long to run as well (I think it will take over one month). Is there anything else I can try? I am using SQL Server 2019.
The size of the input is only one aspect of the solution.
By splitting the text to tokens you indeed increase the number of records, but in the same time you enable equality join, which can be implemented using Hash Join.
You should get the query results in a few minutes top, basically the time it takes to your system to do a full scan on both tables, plus some processing time.
No need for temp tables.
No need for indexes.
Select id
from #IDS
where id in (select w.value
from #Notes as n
cross apply string_split(n.Note, ' ') as w
Per the OP request -
Here is a code that handles more complicated scenario, where an id could contain various characters (as defined by #token_char) and the separators are potentially all other characters
declare #token_char varchar(100) = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
with cte_notes as
select Note
,replace(translate(Note,#token_char,space(len(#token_char))),' ','') as non_token_char
from #Notes
select id
from #IDS
where id in
select w.value
from cte_notes as n
cross apply string_split(translate(n.Note,n.non_token_char,space(len(n.non_token_char))),' ') as w
where w.value != ''
The Fiddle data sample was altered accordingly, to reflect the change
If you are going to do this search often you may want to explore using a wonderful (if underused) feature of SQL Server called 'Full Text Search.' To quote Microsoft:
A LIKE query against millions of rows of text data can take minutes to
return; whereas a full-text query can take only seconds or less
against the same data, depending on the number of rows that are
I have seen searches go from minutes to seconds using this feature.
You would need to create a Full Text Search Catalog and then create indexs on the tables you want to search. It's not hard and will take you a few minutes to learn how to do this.
This is a good starting point:
I would apply CTE with string_split to filter out all alphabetic components and then join #ID table with the result of the CTE by id column. The query was tested on a sample of 1 mm rows.
With CTE As (
Select T.value As id
From #Notes Cross Apply String_Split(Note,' ') As T
Where Try_Convert(Int, T.value) Is Not Null
Select I.id
From #IDs As I Inner Join CTE On (I.id=CTE.id)
If you just want to extract a numeric value from a string, in this case join is excessive.
Select T.value As id, #Notes.Note
From #Notes Cross Apply String_Split(Note,' ') As T
Where Try_Convert(Int, T.value) Is Not Null And T.value Like '%[0-9]%'
Here is a note for 123
A note for 789 here
456 has a note here
No matter what, under the given circumstances, I would use join to filter out those numbers that are not represented in #IDs table.
With CTE As (
Select distinct(id) As id
From #IDs
Select T.value As id, #Notes.Note
From #Notes Cross Apply String_Split(Note,' ') As T
Inner Join CTE On (T.value=CTE.id)
Where Try_Convert(Int, T.value) Is Not Null
And T.value Like '%[0-9]%'
If the string contains brackets or parenthesis instead of spaces like this:
"456(this is an id number) has a note here" or "456[01/01/2022]"
as last resorts (since it degrades performance) you can use TRANSLATE to replace those brackets with spaces as follows:
With CTE As (
Select distinct(id) As id
From #IDs
Select T.value As id, #Notes.Note
From #Notes Cross Apply String_Split(TRANSLATE(Note,'[]()',' '),' ') As T
Inner Join CTE On (T.value=CTE.id)
Where Try_Convert(Int, T.value) Is Not Null
And T.value Like '%[0-9]%'
I have the following table:
I have the quantity in another table
I want to generate a result of 20 lines (depending on the quantity) with an auto generated column which will have a sequence of:
Here's your sql query.
with cte as (
select 1 as ctr, t2.Qty, t1.EventID, t1.DocumentId, t1.EventDesc from tableA t1
inner join tableB t2 on t2.DocumentId = t1.DocumentId
union all
select ctr + 1, Qty, EventID, DocumentId, EventDesc from cte
where ctr <= Qty
)select *, concat('ITEM_TAG_', right('000'+ cast(ctr AS varchar(3)),3)) from cte
option (maxrecursion 0);
Best is to introduce a numbers table, very handsome in many places...
Something along:
Create some test data:
DECLARE #MockNumbers TABLE(Number BIGINT);
DECLARE #YourTable1 TABLE(DocumentID INT,ItemTag VARCHAR(100),SomeText VARCHAR(100));
DECLARE #YourTable2 TABLE(DocumentID INT, Qty INT);
INSERT INTO #YourTable1 VALUES(1,'FirstItem','qty 5'),(2,'SecondItem','qty 7');
INSERT INTO #YourTable2 VALUES(1,5), (2,7);
--The query
SELECT CONCAT(t1.ItemTag,'_',REPLACE(STR(A.Number,3),' ','0'))
FROM #YourTable1 t1
INNER JOIN #YourTable2 t2 ON t1.DocumentID=t2.DocumentID
The result
The idea in short:
We use an INNER JOIN to get the quantity joined to the item.
Now we use APPLY, which is a row-wise action, to bind as many rows to the set, as we need it.
The first item will return with 5 lines, the second with 7. And the trick with STR() and REPLACE() is one way to create a padded number. You might use FORMAT() (v2012+), but this is working rather slowly...
The table #MockNumbers is a declared table variable containing a list of numbers from 1 to 100. This answer provides an example how to create a pyhsical numbers and date table. Any database should have such a table...
If you don't want to create a numbers table, you can search for a tally table or tally on the fly. There are many answers showing approaches how to create a list of running numbers...a
How can I get records from my table where any of a list of integers is in the range defined by columnA and columnB integer values?
I know about the IN operator when comparing against a column value instead of a range defined by a pair of columns.
For example: select * from mytable where mytable.colA in (1,3,5,6); would get all records where colA is either 1,3,5 or 6.
Is there anything like that for ranges? Or should I do like:
select * from mytable where 1 between mytable.colA and mytable.colb
3 between mytable.colA and mytable.colb
5 between mytable.colA and mytable.colb
6 between mytable.colA and mytable.colb;
Maybe this way:
select distinct mytable.*
from mytable
join (select 1 nr union all select 3 union all select 5 union all select 6) n
on n.nr between mytable.colA and mytable.colb
Just tested on MariaDB (10.0.19) and a 1M-row indexed table.. Your original query is ways faster.
A common tactic is to set up a temporary table, and use that to join on your main table.
A simple way to set one up is like so:
DECLARE #TempList table (LookFor int not null)
INSERT #TempList (LookFor) values
As this is a table, you can use querying logic to populate it.
Next up, join this into your target table. For your example above:
from myTable mt
inner join #TempList tl
on tl.LookFor = mt.ColA
And, if I'm interpreting correctly, this might be what you're really looking for:
from myTable mt
inner join #TempList tl
on tl.LookFor between mt.ColA and mt.ColB
I'm still a n00b at SQL and am running into a snag. What I have is an initial selection of certain IDs into a temp table based upon certain conditions:
WHERE ICC_Code = 1 AND ICC_State = 'CA'
Later in the query I SELECT a different and much longer listing of IDs along with other data from other tables. That SELECT is about 20 columns wide and is my result set. What I would like to be able to do is add an extra column to that result set with each value of that column either TRUE or FALSE. If the ID in the row is in #TEMPTABLE the value of the additional column should read TRUE. If not, FALSE. This way the added column will ready TRUE or FALSE on each row, depending on if the ID in each row is in #TEMPTABLE.
The second SELECT would be something like:
FROM ...
NEWCOLUMN's value for each row would depend on whether the ID in that row returned is in #TEMPTABLE.
Does anyone have any advice here?
Thank you,
If you left join to the #TEMPTABLE you'll get a NULL where the ID's don't exist
T.ID IS NOT NULL AS NEWCOLUMN -- Gives 1 or 0 or True/false as a bit
FROM ... X
ON T.ID = X.ID -- DEFINE how the two rows can be related unquiley
You need to LEFT JOIN your results query to #TEMPTABLE ON ID, this will give you the ID if there is one and NULL if there isn't, if you want 1 or 0 this would do it (For SQL Server) ISNULL(#TEMPTABLE.ID,0)<>0.
A few notes on coding for performance:
By definition an ID column is unique so the DISTINCT is redundant and causes unnecisary processing (unless it is an ID from another table)
Why would you store this to a temporary table rather than just using it in the query directly?
You could use a union and a subquery.
Select . . . . , 'TRUE'
From . . .
Where ID in
(Select id FROM #temptable)
SELECT . . . , 'FALSE'
FROM . . .
(Select id FROM #temptable)
So the top part, SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ID IN (Subquery), does a SELECT if the ID is in your temptable.
The bottom part does a SELECT if the ID is not in the temptable.
The UNION operator joins the two results nicely, since both SELECT statements will return the same number of columns.
To expand on what someone else was saying with Union, just do something like so
SELECT id, TRUE AS myColumn FROM `table1`
SELECT id, FALSE AS myColumn FROM `table2`
I have a table which has records that contain a persons information and a filename that the information originated from, so the table looks like so:
|id, first-name, last-name, ssn, filename|
I also have a stored procedure that provides some analytics for the files in the system and i'm trying to add information to that stored procedure to shed light into the possibility of duplicates.
Here is the current stored procedure
SELECT [filename],
COUNT([filename]) as totalRecords,
COUNT(closedleads.id) as closedRecords,
ROUND(--calcs percent of records closed in a file)
FROM table
LEFT OUTER JOIN closedleads ON closedleads.leadid = table.id
GROUP BY [filename]
What I want to add is the ability to see maybe # of possible duplicates, defined as records with matching SSNs and I am at a loss as to how I could perform a count on a sub query or join and include it in the results set. Can anyone provide some pointers?
What I'm trying to do is add something like this to my procedure above
INNER JOIN Table T2 on T1.SSN = T2.SSN
WHERE T1.id != T2.id
) as PossibleDuplicates
What I'm looking for is merging this code with my procedure above so I can get all of the same data in one and possible have this # of duplicates across each filename, so for each filename I get a result of # of records, # of records closed and # of possible duplicates
I'm very close to my desired goal but I'm failing on the last little bit--getting the number of possible duplicates BY filename, here is my query
select [q1].[filename], [q1].leads, [q1].closed, [q2].dups
SELECT [filename], count([filename]) as leads,
count(closedleads.id) as closed
FROM Table
left join closedleads on closedleads.leadid = Table.id
group by [filename]
) as [q1]
select count([ssn]) as dups, [filename] from Table
group by [ssn], [filename]
having count([ssn]) > 1
) as [q2] on [q1].[filename] = [q2].[filename]
This works but it showing multiple results for each filename with values of 2-5 instead of summing the total count of possible duplicates
Working Query
Hey everyone, thanks for all the help, this is eventually what I got to that worked exactly as I wanted
select [q1].[filename], [q1].leads, [q1].closed, [q2].dups,
round(([q1].closed / [q1].leads), 3) as percentClosed
SELECT [filename], count([filename]) as leads,
count(closedleads.id) as closed
FROM Table
left join closedleads on closedleads.leadid = Table.id
and [filename] is not null
group by [filename]
) as [q1]
select [filename], count(*) - count(distinct [ssn]) as dups
from Table
group by [filename]
) as [q2] on [q1].[filename] = [q2].[filename]
You'll probably want to make use of a HAVING clause somewhere, eg:
SELECT SSN, COUNT(SSN) - 1 DupeCount FROM Table T1
HAVING COUNT(SSN) > 1 ) AS PossibleDuplicates
ON table.ssn = PossibleDuplicates.SSN
If you want to include 0 possible duplicates (rather than null) you actually don't need the HAVING clause, just the left join.
Edit - Updated with a better example which matches your question better
Here's an example if I understand correctly.
create table #table (id int,ssn varchar(10))
insert into #table values(1,'10')
insert into #table values(2,'10')
insert into #table values(3,'11')
insert into #table values(4,'12')
insert into #table values(5,'11')
insert into #table values(6,'13')
select sum(cnt)
from (
select count(distinct ssn) as cnt
from #table
group by ssn
having count(*)>1
) dups
You shouldn't need to self join the table if you group by ssn and then pull back only ssn's where you have more then one.
I think the existing answers don't quite understand your question. I think I do but it's not completely specified yet. Is it a duplicate if the same SSN appears in two different files or only within the same file? Because you group by filename, that becomes the grain.
The Output of your query is like
StateFarm1, 500, 50, 10%, <your new value goes here>
AllState2, 100, 90, 90% <your new value goes here>
So if you have the same SSN in those two files, you have 1 duplicate, so on which row do you show 1, on the AllState row or the Statefarm row? If you say both, invariably someone will SUM that column and get a doubling of the results.
Now What if you have a Geico row with the same SSN, is that 1 duplicate or 2? and again which row?
I know this isn't a final answer but these questions do highlight the the question as it stands is unanswerable... you fix this and I'll change the answer,
please no downvotes in the meantime
I believe the only thing you are missing is a DISTINCT.
select [q1].[filename], [q1].leads, [q1].closed, [q2].dups
SELECT [filename], count([filename]) as leads,
count(closedleads.id) as closed
FROM tbldata
left join closedleads on closedleads.leadid = Table.id
group by [filename]
) as [q1]
select count( DISTINCT [ssn]) as dups, [filename] from Table '<---- here'
group by [ssn], [filename]
having count([ssn]) > 1
) as [q2] on [q1].[filename] = [q2].[filename]
You don't need the outer COUNT - your inner SELECT COUNT(*)... will return you just one number, a count of records with duplicate SSN but different id.