Scalar Max in Sql Server - sql

How to implement the scalar MAX in Sql server (like Math.Max). (In essense I want to implement something like Max(expression, 0), to make negative values replaced by 0.)
I've seen in other threads solutions with
creating a scalar function (how's that with performance?)
case when expression > 0 THEN expression ELSE 0) (then 'expression' is evaluated twice?)
complicated uses of
What's the best?
Why does Sql Server not have something like this built in? Any complications I don't see?

In all other major systems this function is called GREATEST.
SQL Server seriously lacks it.
You can make a bunch of case statements, or use something like this:
SELECT MAX(expression)
SELECT expression
) q
) AS greatest
FROM table_that_has_a_field_named_expression
The latter one is a trifle less performant than CASE statements.

you want to create a user-defined scalar function named MAX in sql server to take two parameters as input, an expression and a min value, and return the expression if it exceeds the min value, otherwise return the min value?
I wouldn't worry about the performance of scalar functions, let the server do that.
I'd also use IF instead of CASE to test for > min value.
SQL server doesn't have a built in function for you because they didn't think it would be widely enough used, I guess.

The query optimizer should prevent the expression from being calculated multiple times.
For readability / maintainability, consider using a CTE to calculate the expression before the CASE statement.


SQL conversion failed when converting

following situation:
a column xy is defined as varchar(25). In a view (SQL Server Mgmt Studio 2008) I filtered all values with letters (-> is not like '%[A-Z]%') and converted it to int (cast(xy as int)).
If I now try to make comprisons with that column (e.g. where xy < 1000), I'm getting a conversion error. And the message contains a value that should have been filtered with "is not like '%[A-Z]%'". Whats wrong??
thanks for help in advance...
this works (it folters out for example value 'G8111'):
WHERE (b.CURENT = 'T') and UNID like '%[A-Z]%'
but when i put that in a view, an make select on it:
select * from my_view where xy < 3000
system says 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'G8111' to data type int.' but 'G8111' should be filtered out in query above...
The optimizer does crazy things at times, so despite the fact that an "inner" filter1 "should" protect you, the optimizer may still push the conversion lower down than the filter and cause such errors.
The only semi-documented place where it will not do this is within a CASE expression:
The CASE statement(sic) evaluates its conditions sequentially and stops with the first condition whose condition is satisfied. In some situations, an expression is evaluated before a CASE statement receives the results of the expression as its input.
You should only depend on order of evaluation of the WHEN conditions for scalar expressions (including non-correlated sub-queries that return scalars), not for aggregate expressions
So the only way that should currently work would be:
CASE WHEN xy NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN CONVERT(int,xy) END < 1000
This also uses a double-negative with LIKE to ensure that it only attempts the conversion when the value only contains digits.
1Whether this be in a subquery, a CTE, a View, or even just considering the logical processing order of SELECT and WHERE clauses. Within a single query, the optimizer can and will push conversion operations past filters.

SQL Server - evaluate a function in a dynamic query

I have a piece of dynamic SQL inside part of which retrieves a function dependent on other results from the query, but also uses these results to evaluate this function. I know eval() does not exist in SQL so what do I use?
A very simplified version
select reading, functiontype, #result = eval(f.functionformula)
from readingstables r
join functiontable f on (r.functiontype = f.functiontype)
So basically (note these are only example formulae) I want to use the functionformula which is related to a set of readings via the formulatype
if f.functiontype == 'A' then f.functionformula = reading * reading
if f.functiontype == 'B' then f.functionformula = reading * costant / anothervalue
//etc etc
The real version is a huge piece of dynamic SQL in a stored procedure that drives a cursor. I would prefer to do it in one query but suspect I might have to compromise and have a second dynamic query driven from the first.
Why not simply use the POWER function:
Case functionType
When 'A' Then Power( reading, 2 )
When 'B' Then Power( reading, 3 )
You could even get super fancy like so:
Power( reading, Ascii( functionType ) - Ascii('A') + 2 )
Given your change to your OP, beyond dynamic SQL, there is no way to dynamically execute a function call. You could create a UDF which takes the function type parameter and executes the correct expression however the UDF itself would need to be a large Case expression.
Create Function FunctionTypeExpression( #FunctionType char(1) )
Returns float
Return Case #FunctionType
When 'A' Then ..expression 1
When 'B' Then ..expression 2
One note in this, you will need to make the return value of the function compatible with any possible return type from the expressions. Hopefully, they are all numeric. If they are not all numeric (or all text), then a more detailed explanation for why this is not the case would be needed.

Boolean expression as column value in transact sql

In most RDBMS:es, this work:
select (5 > 3)
and evaluates to true. It doesn't work in MS Transact SQL and the only workaround I've found is to write:
select case when 5 > 3 then 1 else 0 end
Which kind of sucks because it is much more verbose. Is there a better way to write the above kind of checks?
If the problem is arithmetic comparison:
select (5 - 3)
Then at the application level test for < or = or > 0.
You could write it as a scalar-valued function, but it will be very slow on large datasets.
If your program often requires such case constructs you could create your set of functions that will have user functions like Bool_IsGreater(left, right) that will return you your desired 0 or 1.
SQL Server doesn't support boolean value type anyway even for basic column use.
If you will need performance and those 5 and 3 values come naturally from some select query you might want to create a new column and set its value to 1 or 0 by trigger or something, which could help with performance.

Simple Math max function in MySQL

How to find the maximum of two explicit values in MySQL? Something like MAXIMUM(1, #foo).
There are group functions like MAX, MIN, AVG, etc that take column name as an argument and work with result sets. Is it possible to convert two explicit values to a result set and use those functions? Some other ways?
P.S.: I need a max function for one of my stored procedures.
How to find the maximum of two explicit values in MySQL? Something like MAXIMUM(1, #foo).
Use the GREATEST function:
GREATEST(1, #foo)
...will return whichever value is larger - if 1 is larger than the value in #foo, you'll get 1. Otherwise, you'll get whatever value is in #foo. Also, it's not an aggregate function.
The alternative would be to use a CASE statement:
CASE WHEN 1 > #foo THEN 1 ELSE #foo END
...because CASE is ANSI standard - that will work on Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres...
You can use IF(1 > #foo,1,#foo)

Is there a 'greatest' function in db2?

I found in MYSQL and apparently other database engines that there is a "greatest" function that can be used like: greatest(1, 2, 3, 4), and it would return 4. I need this, but I am using IBM's DB2. Does anybody know of such an equivalent function, even if it only accepts 2 parameters?
I found somewhere that MAX should do it, but it doesn't work... it only works on selecting the MAX of a column.
If there is no such function, does anybody have an idea what a stored procedure to do this might look like? (I have no stored procedure experience, so I have no clue what DB2 would be capable of).
Why does MAX not work for you?
select max(1,2,8,3,1,7) from sysibm.sysdummy1
gives me
1 record(s) selected.
As Dave points out, MAX should work as it's overloaded as both a scalar and a column function (the scalar takes 2 or more arguments). This is the case in DB2 for LUW, DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for i5/OS. What exact version and platform of DB2 are you using, and what is the exact statement you are using? One of the requirements of the scalar version of MAX is that all the arguments are "compatible" - I suspect there may be a subtle type difference in one or more of the arguments you're passing to the function.
On Linux V9.1, the "select max (1,2,3) ..." gives -
SQL0440N No authorized routine named "MAX" of type "FUNCTION" having
compatible arguments was found. SQLSTATE=42884
It is a scalar function requiring either a single value or a single column name. On z/os, it behaves differently.
However, It does work as expected on Linux 9.5.
Two options:
What about sorting the column in descending and grabbing the top 1 row?
According to my "SQL Pocket Guide", MAX(x) returns the greatest value in a set.
UPDATE: Apparently #1 won't work if you are looking at columns.
It sounds crazy, but no such function exists in DB2, at least not in version 9.1. If you want to select the greater of two columns, it would be best to use a case expression.
You can also define your own max function. For example:
create function importgenius.max2(x double, y double)
returns double
language sql
contains sql
no external action
begin atomic
if y is null or x >= y then return x;
else return y;
end if;
Defining the inputs and outputs as doubles lets you take advantage of type promotion, so this function will also work for integers. The "deterministic" and "no external action" statements help the database engine optimize use of the function.
If you want another max function to work for character inputs, you'll have to give it another name.
Please check with following query:
select * from table1 a,
(select appno as sub_appno,max(sno) as sub_maxsno from table1 group by appno) as tab2
where a.appno =tab2.sub_appno and a.sno=tab2.sub_maxsno