Is there a performance difference between select * from tablename and select column1, column2 from tablename? [duplicate] - sql

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Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Select * vs Specifying Column Names
Which is faster/best? SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc.
Is there a performance difference between select * from tablename and select column1, column2 from tablename?
When it is select * from, the database pulls out all fields/columns which are more than 2 fields/columns. So does the first query cost more time/resources?

If you do select * from, there are two performance issues:
the database has to determine which columns exist in the table
there is more data sent from the server to the client (all columns instead of only two)

The answer is YES in general! Because for small databases you don't see a performance difference ... but with biggest databases could be relevant differences if you use the unqualified * selector as shorthand!
In general, it's better to instantiate each column from which you want to retrieve data!
I can suggest you to read the official document about how to optimize SELECT and other statements!

In each case you always should test your changes. You could use a profiler to do that.
For mysql see :

there is difference, specially in case when the other columns are BLOB or (big) TEXT fields. in case, your table contains just the two columns, there is no difference.

I've checked with the profiler - and it seems that the answer is no - both queries took the same time to execute.
The table had relatively small fields so the result set wasn't bloated with large quantities of data I potentially wouldn't need.
If you have large data fields you don't need in your result-set don't include them in your query

And while this may not make a big difference with one query run one time, if you use select * through the application, and especially if you use it when you are doing joins where you are definitely returning unneeded data, you are clearly slowing down the system for no good reason other than developer laziness. Select * should almost never be used on a production system.

Well, I guess it would depend on which type of performance you're talking about: Database or Programmer.
Speaking as someone who has had to clean up database queries that were written in the
select * from foo
format, it's a total nightmare. The database can and does change, so now the neat and tidy normalized database has become denormalized for performance reasons, and the host of sloppy queries written to grab everything are now slogging tons more data back.
If you don't need it, don't ask for it. Take a moment, think of the people who will follow after you and need to deal with your choices.
I've still got an entire section in our LIMS to uncluster, thanks for reminding me. -- Sigh


SQL select * vs. selecting specific columns [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is SELECT * considered harmful?
(16 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I was wondering which is best practice. Lest say I have a table with 10+ columns and I want to select data from it.
I've heard that 'select *' is better since selecting specific columns makes the database search for these columns before selecting while selecting all just grabs everything. On the other hand, what if the table has a lot of columns in it?
Is that true?
It is best practice to explicitly name the columns you want to select.
As Mitch just said the performance isn't different. I even heard that looking up the actual columns names when using * is slower.
But the advantage is that when your table changes then your select does not change when you name your columns.
I think these two questions here and here have satisfactory answers.
* is not better, actually it is slower is one reason that select * is not good. In addition to this, according to OMG Ponies, select * is anti-pattern. See the questions in the links for detail.
selecting specific columns is better as it is raises the probability that SQL Server can access the data from indexes rather than querying the table data.
It's also require less changes, since any code that consumes the data will be getting the same data structure regardless of changes you make to the table schema in the future.
Definetly not. Try making a SELECT * from a table which has millions of rows and tens of columns.
The performance with SELECT * will be worse.
It depends on what you're about to do with the result. Selecting unnecessary data is not a good practice either. You wouldn't create a bunch of variables with values you would never use. So selecting many columns you don't need is not a good idea either.
It depends.
Selecting all columns can make query slower because of need of reading all columns from disk -- if there are a lot of string columns (which are not in index) then it can have huge impact on query (IO) performance. And from my practise -- you rely need all columns.
From the other hand -- for small database with a few user and good enough hardware it's much easier to select just all columns -- especially if schema changes often.
However -- I would always recommended to explicitly select columns to make sure it doesn't hurt performance.

Is there a speed difference between "select *" and a select with all columns? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
select * vs select column
Suppose there is a table with 20 columns. Is there any speed difference between a select * and a select that includes all 20 columns explicitly?
If there is no difference, what would you advise? Should I use the lazy select * or should I create a query string with each column?
(If it makes any difference: I use SQL Server.)
Not so much about speed, but maintainability...
If your application requests columns specifically, and the table structure changes (column removed or renamed) then the statement will break when it runs, indicating exactly where the issue lies.
select * will still work after a structure change, but may cause a more subtle issue later on in the application that will be more difficult to trace.
It is additional work up front, but better for maintainability to explicitly list columns.
Assuming the where clause is paramaterised the SQL is only parsed once, and should be in the statement cache after that, execution speed won't be much different.
As a good practice its better to include column names in the select statement itself. Because the structure of the table can change in the future, and you would be pulling unwanted data..
Performance wise
When you use select * , sql server compiler has to replace the * with column names, which is an additional task, but I think that is negligible

Is it really bad to use * in SQL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SQL: Using Select *
Hi everyone!
I wonder if it is really a bad idea to use the * symbol in stored procedure in SQL server?
Is really better to write
For sure is only 3 columns in the table.. For performances is it better to enumerate every column?
Tanks for help..
While you might be using all the columns now it's possible (likely even) that the table will have columns added to it in the future. When this happens you will be selecting extra data and depending what you are doing with it this could cause problems.
Stolen from duplicate post Which is faster/best? SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc:
You may be willing to dismiss this as
a minor cost, but realize that columns
that you don't need still must be:
Read from database
Sent across the network
Marshalled into your process
(for ADO-type technologies) Saved in a data-table in-memory
Ignored and discarded / garbage-collected
I would say that it's only bad when you do something along the lines of
insert into Table1
select * from Table2
Because what if someone adds a column to Table2 or something like that.
It doesn't matter how you specify the necessary columns in a select statement, it won't affect performance.
If you really are listing every column in the table, then the performance should be equivalent.
The trouble is when you later add more columns to that table, then they are getting selected by the stored procedure and not used unless you go back and update all your procs after each table change (I don't).
Using SELECT * instead of selecting all columns doesn't make a difference at all. In fact, SELECT * could be a little bit faster, because less bytes have to be sent to the server to execute the command.

SQL: Using Select * [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Which is faster/best? SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc.
Is it bad practice to use Select * ?
I was going through some old code and saw some 'SELECT *' statements. My previous coworker had told me Select * was bad practice, but I couldn't really see the reason why (unless of course I only needed to return a few fields). But for full 'detail retrieves' (Get by Id type queries) Select * seems right.
It's bad practice.
If your schema changes down the road, the calling application may get more fields than it knows what to do with.
Also, you are getting more info than you need, which affects performance.
Also also, it implies you don't know what the columns are.
Using SELECT * is bad practice for two reasons:
It can return extra columns that you don't need, wasting bandwidth
It can break your code if someone adds a column
Yes, Select * is a bad practice. For one, it is not clear to other developers which columns you really are using. Are you actually using all of them? What happens when you add columns are you using those too? That makes it much more difficult to refactor column names should that need arise. Second, there are some instances where some database systems will remember which columns existed at the time you created an object. For example, if you create a stored procedure with Select *, it will bake in the columns that exist in the table at the time it is compiled. If the table changes, it make not reflect those changes in the stored procedure. There really isn't any reason to use Select * beyond laziness.
Yes, it is deemed bad practice.
It is better to specify an explicit column list, especially if the table contains many columns and you only really need some of them.
If any schema changes occur (extra columns are added), these will be caught by your application. This might be undesirable, say, if you bind a grid dynamically to a DataTable. Also it incurs more overhead on network communications.
Even if you are selecting all columns as of today, define the columns by name - its readable and explicit. Any additional columns will then not cause any problems with your code.
When you use SELECT *, you choose to trade immediate productivity (writing a query faster) for potential maintenance productivity (should your underlying query change and thus break dependent code/queries). The "bad-ness" of the practice is a risk management activity.
Even if you need to select all columns it is still better to specify them rather then use 'select *'

SQL query - Select * from view or Select col1, col2, ... colN from view [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the reason not to use select *?
(20 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
We are using SQL Server 2005, but this question can be for any RDBMS.
Which of the following is more efficient, when selecting all columns from a view?
Select * from view
Select col1, col2, ..., colN from view
This is the cardinal rule of query design!
There are multiple reasons for this. One of which is, that if your table only has three fields on it and you use all three fields in the code that calls the query, there's a great possibility that you will be adding more fields to that table as the application grows, and if your select * query was only meant to return those 3 fields for the calling code, then you're pulling much more data from the database than you need.
Another reason is performance. In query design, don't think about reusability as much as this mantra:
It is best practice to select each column by name. In the future your DB schema might change to add columns that you would then not need for a particular query. I would recommend selecting each column by name.
Just to clarify a point that several people have already made, the reason Select * is inefficient is because there has to be an initial call to the DB to find out exactly what fields are available, and then a second call where the query is made using explicit columns.
Feel free to use Select * when you are debugging, running casual queries or are in the early stages of developing a query, but as soon as you know your required columns, state them explicitly.
Select * is a poor programming practice. It is as likely to cause things to break as it is to save things from breaking. If you are only querying one table or view, then the efficiency gain may not be there (although it is possible if you are not intending to actually use every field). If you have an inner join, then you have at least two fields returning the same data (the join fields) and thus you are wasting network resources to send redundant data back to the application. You won't notice this at first, but as the result sets get larger and larger, you will soon have a network pipeline that is full and doesn't need to be. I can think of no instance where select * gains you anything. If a new column is added and you don't need to go to the code to do something with it, then the column shouldn't be returned by your query by definition. If someone drops and recreates the table with the columns in a different order, then all your queries will have information displaying wrong or will be giving bad results, such as putting the price into the part number field in a new record.
Plus it is quick to drag the column names over from the object browser, so that is just pure laziness not efficiency in coding.
It depends. Inheritance of views can be a handy thing and easy to maintain (SQL Anywhere):
create view v_fruit as select, S.strain from F key join S;
create view v_apples as select v_fruit.*, C.colour from v_fruit key join C;
If you're really selecting all columns, it shouldn't make any noticeable difference whether you ask for * or if you are explicit. The SQL server will parse the request the same way in pretty much the same amount of time.
Always do select col1, col2 etc from view. There's no efficieny difference between the two methods that I know of, but using "select *" can be dangerous. If you modify your view definition adding new columns, you can break a program using "select *", whereas selecting a predefined set of columns (even all of them, named), will still work.
I guess it all depends on what the query optimizer does.
If I want to get every record in the row, I will generally use the "SELECT *..." option, since I then don't have to worry should I change the underlying table structure. As well, for someone maintaining the code, seeing "SELECT *" tells them that this query is intended to return every column, whereas listing the columns individually does not convey the same intention.
For performance - look at the query plan (should be no difference).
For maintainability. - always supply a fieldlist (that goes for INSERT INTO too).
from Your-View
this one is more optimizer than Using the
select *
from Your View