AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher - wcf

I have a WCF Web application that uses a WCF Class Library.
My project is a WCF Web project and I am self-hosting.
My problem is that all my web service methods hang with:
And "Unable to automatically step into the server...etc".
The error (not very helpful) returned is:
The operation has timed out
When I invoke the same method(s) using the WCF Test Client
I get the correct response and everything goes smoothly.
So, something must be wrong with my web application.
Following up on a similar post, I used the Service Trace Viewer.
I am getting the error:
The message with To
cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the
EndpointDispatcher. Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses
After reading a related post, I tried adding:
And recompiling my class library and updating my services to no avail... still hangs.
I have tried adding both my web service and my web project as startup projects but
I am still unable to step into the code. I also have all the appropriate DEBUG attributes
set in Web.config and App.config.
Any suggestions out there?

From my experience the mex/mex error occurs when I update a service reference in Visual Studio. I have come to the conclusion that this is just part of how Visual Studio figures out how to update the web service rere

Without knowing what your configuration looks like, it's hard to say what's wrong. However, why does your URL have /mex twice in it? Are you sure that's right?


WCF Service Error - DispatchOperation requires Formatter

I recently started getting an error when browsing one of my WCF services (from IIS) and I have no idea what the root cause is at the moment. Any input would be appreciated as I can't seem to find much (if anything) on the web about it.
I should note that the service is configured no differently than other services I have that are running fine.
The error is:
The DispatchOperation '[service method]' requires Formatter, since DeserializeRequest and SerializeReply are not both false.

WCF message: protocol in To element changes

I have a WCF service to consume in .NET. As per requirement the Action element in the header has to be "http://abc" and the To element has to be "ws://xyz" in order for the service to recognize and respond to the request. The soapAction of the operation is however blank in WSDL and it can't be changed.
My service configuration built programmatically is this:
text message encoding binding with Soap11 envelope version and WSAddressing10 addressing version
no security biding
http transport binding
The setup I found achieving this requirement is "ws://xyz" as the endpoint URL and Request.Headers.Action set to "http://abc" in BeforeSendRequest using a message inspector added using an endpoint behaviour attached to the endpoint. Then I also attach a ClientViaBehavior with the URL of "http://abc".
On my development machine this causes as required
However on the test server it generates
I don't know exact configuration of the server but I believe it is Windows server as is my development box. Does the same code generates different messages on two different machines or how else would I achieve this? I should also say it worked fine for several weeks and stopped last Monday.
I have found the following later:
The test server has .NET 4.5 on it as well as another machine I tried it on (also failed). The dev machine where it works fine has just .NET 4.0 on it which would suggest it could have something to do with it. However I have no evidence it is caused by .NET 4.5 as it was installed several weeks before the problem appeared. Moreover there have been no Windows updates since it stopped to work!
I've also tried to set the To element in my ClientMessageInspector implementation but the protocol still gets flipped to http.
I think the BeforeSendRequest is not called due miss configration of your service bindings. Check if you have added the the extention configuration to you service endpoints you want to have the behavior.

WebReference vs ServiceReference

I have to following problem. In my application I used a service reference to a non-WCF service from some external company. I created a proxy class using svcutil.exe tool. Everything worked fine for about a year.
Yesterday however, clients reported that it's not possible to get any response from the service. I figured out that the error returned from the service was:
The formatter threw an exception while
trying to deserialize the message:
There was an error while trying to
deserialize parameter
http://serviceurl:someResponse. The
InnerException message was 'There was
an error deserializing the object of
type specificType
So, what I did I firstly updated the service reference and also generated the new proxy using svcutil.exe. The problem still occurs.
I resolve the problem by using either 1) wsdl.exe tool to generate proxy class 2) add web reference (which behind the scenes using wsdl.exe tool internally to create proxy).
My question is : Why everything worked fine for a quite long time even if I used a service reference? How can I checked whether has something changed in the web service? Any help would be appreciated.
Contact the company that provides the web service and find out what changed.

Unable to reference WSDL of WCF web service hosted on AppFabric

I have developed a WCF service and, while in Visual Studio 2010, I can import the WSDL without a problem. After I've deployed it to AppFabric, I get the WSDL, but several schema files referenced internally in the WSDL cannot be found, for some reason. I don't know if it's a configuration issue, or what. The error I get when I try to process the WSDL in Visual Studio 2010 follows below:
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved:
The WSDL document contains links that could not be resolved.
There was an error downloading ''.
The request failed with HTTP status 502: Proxy Error ( The
specified network name is no longer available. ).
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved:
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address
or SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the
solution and adding the service reference again.
The error is a proxy error because it goes through a proxy, but the error is because the page isn't there. I've tried accessing http://localhost:9871/app_deploy/MyAppService.svc?xsd=xsd0 at the server, but I get 404.
Why wouldn't these xsd files being found? Is it a deployment issue?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Man, I finally found the problem here. I needed write permission on C:\Windows\Temp for Application Pool user!

"Add Service Reference" reference.svcmap and ServiceReference.ClientConfig empty

I have an ASMX service that I wan't to add to my Silverlight project (in the near future this will be converted to a WCF service).
When using the "Add (or Update) Service Reference" not all the files seem to be created and files under Reference.svcmap aren't created and the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig is empty.
Has anyone ever come across this before?
Not sure I have a good answer for this one. I see this every so often. Usually the problem can be traced by looking at the output window entires that occured during the attempted proxy generation.
Sometimes it is caused because invalid or unsupported Wsdl or just some silly issue with serialization of one of the types.
Try to give your client (Silverlight) application the WSDL, not just the ASMX when adding the service reference.
Remove the service reference altogether from your client project, and try adding it again this time with the WSDL.