WCF Service Design example - wcf

I have to create a WCF service that will accept thousands of requests every 5 minutes, which each request passing a small (1-5KB) text file.
The service will pass the file contents to another assembly, which will process the lines and insert some records into the database. Nothing too heavy on this side.
I need help on the following aspects:
Which WCF configuration should I use that will give me the best performance? The calls to the service will come from the internet not an internal LAN.
The service will accept requests every 5 minutes, which means I have only 5 minutes to process all the requests before the next cycle. Is MSMQ the best solution here?
Any examples online I can read?

For best performance, I'll assume you're talking about less latency. You should pick a TCP transport, like net.tcp. This document can help you to decide Choosing a Transport
About that MSMQ part: you'll receive a lot request and just start processing them after 5 minutes? If yes, your choice is correct: MSMQ will keep that request queue and you can work on them asynchronously.

Use NetTCPbinding
Optimizing WCF Web Service Performance
Creating high performance WCF services


Recommended WCF client channel lifetime with Message security

I have a question with regards to WCF client channel lifetime while using Message security, but first, a few notes on my company's setup and guidelines:
Our client-server applications are solely for intranet use
Our clients are WPF applications
Our company's guidelines for WCF usage are:
Use wsHttpBinding
Use Message Security
Service InstanceMode: PerCall
Service ConcurrencyMode: Multiple
It is the first time I have to use message security on an intranet setup. Here's how I typically use my client channels to limit the amount of resources kept on the client and server and literally just to keep things simple:
Instantiate + open channel (with ChannelFactory)
Make the WCF call
Close / dispose the channel asap
While monitoring this strategy with Fiddler 2, I noticed that because of Message Security, a single WCF call ended up causing 5 round-trips to my service:
3 initial round-trips for handshaking
1 round-trip for the actual WCF call
1 call to close the session (since I am using PerCall, I am assuming this is more a security session at the IIS level)
If I were to turn off Message Security, as one would expect, one WCF ended up being... A single round-trip.
As of now, I must use Message Security because that's our guideline. With this in mind and knowing that we make hundreds of WCF calls from each client WPF app a session, would you therefore advise to open the client channel and keep it open for re-use instead of disposing of it every time?
I would advise not to preemptively turn off features until you know they are a known problem. Preoptimization is needless work. Until you notice your clients having lagging problems, I would not worry about the message security. At that point, try a few things: one of your approaches of keeping a client open longer; two, try grouping requests together without turning off message security; three, consider caching, if you can; four, if the message security is the final culprit, then try a different method. I wouldn't just turn something off because I see a bit more network traffic until I knew it was the absolute last thing that I could do to improve performance.

when to use duplex service?

Well, I know that in a duplex contract the service can send messages to the client, but I would like to know when that is really useful.
I have a common application that send request to the service to get data from the a database, insert data... etc. Also, I need to store files about 40MB in the database, so I need a good performance. For this reason, I would like to use the net.tcp binding with transfer mode streamed, but the problem is that a net.tcp duplex service can't use the streamed transfer mode.
So I think I have some options.
1.- study if I really need a duplex contract for this kind of application. Perhaps in a chat application, for example, it has more sense a duplex contract because the server perhaps need to notify to the client when a contact is connected... etc. But in a common client that access to a data base, is necessary a duple contract? what kind of operations would can need a duplex contract?
2.- Other option it's not to have a duplex contract, but implement a no duplex contract in the server and other single contract in the the client, so when a client connect to the service, the service receive the needed information to connect to the service of the client. But, is this a good way to avoid a duplex contract?
3.- Really for my application I need tcp instead of a duplex HTTP that allows a streamed transfer mode? What is the advantages of the tcp over the HTTP in terms of performance?
You need duplex if you want to implement callback pattern. Callback means that client does not know when some event happens in server.
If you do not know when event happens you have two options to implement:
Polling - send requests every X minutes to check if event happened. Server should either return event details (if it happened) or return flag saying that you need to continue calling. Server also can return recommended timeout in advanced scenarios.
Callback - client sends some form of description what server should do if event happened. This may be pointer to function in C, delegate in .NET or endpoint schema in WCF. Server remembers that info and makes call from their side when time came.
As you can see duplex/callback means that at some point server works as client (initiates communication) and this is a big game change.
WCF duplex communications may require special network configuration because in many cases network allows you to call external services (you work as client) but forbids external resources to call you (external service works as client). This is implemented for security purposes.
Returning to your questions:
You do not need duplex if you only need to download big amount of data. You may need it if you want to catch updates that happened in server and notify clients. Duplex should work for Chat because in chat there are many scenarios when client needs to be notified with changes introduced by others.
What you described is hand-made variant of duplex channel. You should use proved and tested duplex implementation made by MS If you want server to call your method. Otherwise your option is polling.
You are right, you need tcp + streamed transfer mode to deal with big amount of data. TCP uses binary serialization which is more compact comparing to text serialization + with TCP you do not need to send any HTTP headers or SOAP envelops. Disable security if you do not need it. It has a big performance impact.
Addressing each point:
1, 2. I think that for your scenario a duplex service is an overkill. As you say yourself a duplex service is usually handy when both the client and service need to keep notifying each other on a constant basis, what you're doing, getting lots of data in/out of a database doesn't seem to be a good case for using duplex communication. Regarding netTcpBinding not allowing Streaming with duplex, you can just return a byte array (byte[]) instead of a stream. 40 MB is a lot, but I don't think Streaming will necessarily have a significant performance gain over a duplex service which will return a byte array (up to you to test each setup and compare the results). So you have a few options here, don't stream and return a byte array (you can do this with your duplex service) or you can just forget about making your service duplex since there doesn't seem to be a strong case for you to make it duplex and just return a Stream:
Stream RetrieveFile(long _fileId);
long SaveFile(Stream _stream);
3. netTcpBinding has a considerable performance advantage over HTTP bindings, but it comes with a price, mostly because its TCP ports are sometimes blocked by internet firewalls, although you can use netTcpBinding over the internet, it's not recommended. Choosing a binding depends on what you're looking to do, if your clients are going to consume your service over the internet, then netTcpBinding is not a good idea (blocked TCP ports, firewalls etc.), but if your clients are consuming the service in the same network (LAN) then netTcpBinding is the most sensible choice. wsDualHttpBinding (doesn't support streaming :#) is a good choice if you want to stick to a duplex service (equivalent of PollingDuplexHttpBinding in Silverlight), or any other HTTP based bindings if you let go of the idea of a duplex service.
Some articles that may help you out, performance comparison of various WCF bindings:
And about Streaming large data with WCF over HTTP, according to the authors, both samples have been tested with up to 2GB of data:
You shouldn't think that you must use netTcpBinding or you must use Streamed transfer for your service, netTcpBinding only becomes more performant than HTTP bindings after you enable throttling and configure some socket level properties. And streaming 40 MB will not have significant performance gains over buffered transfer. So you have a lot of options and a lot of trade-offs to make. There is no black and white and right or wrong, it's about how you customise your service to suit your needs best, most solutions will work. Your scenrio is a very common one and there are lots of stuff online about large data transfer in WCF, do more research ;)

MSMQ between WCF services in a load balanced enviroment

I'm thinking of adding a queue function in a product based on a bunch of WCF services. I've read some about MSMQ, first I thought that was what I needed but I'm not sure and are considering to just put the queue in a database table. I wonder if somone here got some feedback on which way to go.
Basicly I'm planning to have a facade WCF service called over http. The facade service should only write all incoming messages to a queue to give a fast response to the calling system. The messages in the queue should then be processed by another component, either a WCF service or a Windows service depending om my choice of queue.
The product is running in a load balanced enviroment with 2 to n web servers.
The options I'm considering and the questions I got are:
To let the facade WCF write to a MSMQ and then have anothther WCF service reading from this queue to do the processing of the messages. What I don't feel confident about for this alternative from what I've read is how this will work in a load balanced enviroment.
1A. Where should the MSMQ(s) be placed? One on each web server? One on a separate server? Mulitple on a separate server? (not considering need of redundance and that data in rare cases could be lost and re-sent)
1B. How it the design affected if I want the system redundant? I'd like to be alble to lose a server (it never comes up online again) holding the MSMQ without losing the data in that queue. From what I've read about MSMQ that leaves me to the only option of placing the MSMQ on a windows cluster. Is that correct? (I'd like to avoid using a windows cluster fo this).
The second design alternative is to let the facade WCF service write the queue to a database. Then have two or more Windows services to do the processing of the queue. I don't have any questions on this alternative. If you wonder why I don't pick this one as it seems simpler to me then it is because I'd like to build this not introducing any windows services to the solution, that I beleive the MSMQ got functionality I don't want to code myself and I'm also curious about using MSMQ as I've never used it before.
Best Regards
OK, so you're not using WCF with MSMQ integration, you're using WCF to create MSMQ messages as an end-product. That simplifies things to "how do I load balance MSMQ?"
The arrangement you use is based on what works best for you.
You could have multiple webservers sending messages to a remote queue on a central machine.
Instead you could have a webservers putting messages in local queues with a central machine polling the queues for new arrivals.
You don't need to cluster MSMQ to make it resilient. You can instead make your code resilient so that it copes with lost messages using dead letter queues, transactional queues, journaling, and so on. Hardware clustering is the easy option :-)
Load-balancing MSMQ - a brief
Oil and water - MSMQ transactional
messages and load balancing
After reading some more on the subjet I haver decided to not use MSMQ. It seems like I really got no reason to go down this road. I need this to be non-transactional and as I understand it none of the journaling or dead letter techniques will help me with my redundancy requirement.
All my components will be online most of the time (maybe a couple of hours per year when they got access problems).
The MSQM will only add complexity to the exciting solution, another technique and maybe another server to keep track of.
To get full redundance to prevent data loss in MSMQ I will need a windows cluster or implement send/recieve to multiple identical queues. I don't want to do either of those.
All this lead me to front my recieving application with a WCF facade accepting http calls writing to a database queue. This database is already protected from data loss. The queue will be polled by muliple active instances of a Windows Servce containing all the heavy business logic. With low process priority these services could be hosted on the already existing nodes used by the load balaced web application. If I got time to use MSMQ or if I needed it for another reason in my application I might change my decision.

How to process Queued WCF Web service requests

I have a requirement to Queue web service requests and then process each request based on priority and request time. And then send response back.
The approach I'm thinking is as follows
1 Create a web service method to submit requests and enqueue requests.
2 Create two queues (high priority requests and lower priority requests)
3 Create a Processing method to process each request one at a time(dequeue the high priority queues first if it exists) process and then store the response
4 Create a dictionary to store response for the respective request.
5 create a web service method to get the response
I'm thinking to use in memory queue since I expect few number of requests queued at a time.
The problem I'm having is in step 3. I want the processor method to continuously run as long as there are requests in the queue.
How can I accomplish step 3 using WCF web service ?
I'm using .NET 4.0 environment.
I really appreciate any ideas or suggestions.
I would create my service contract to make it clear that the operations will be queued. Something like:
string EnqueueRequest(int priority, RequestDetails details);
bool IsRequestComplete(string requestId);
I would have EnqueueRequest place each request into an MSMQ queue. I'd have a Windows Service processing the requests in the queue. That service would be the only process that has access to the SDLC device.
Have you coded the service in a plane jane, meat and potatoes way and profiled to see if it's necessary to queue requests? There is overhead involved in queuing. It's a good idea to do some measurement and see if just servicing requests is adequate.
Another way to approach it would be to use Microsoft Message Queue. Here is even some tight integration between message queues and WCF. The thought is, if you do actually need a queue, why not use something that is already built and tested.

Service instances in WCF

I'm using perfmon to examine my service behaviour. What I do is I launch 6 instances of client application on separate machines and send requests to server in 120 threads (20threads per client application).
I have examined counters and maximum number of instances (I use PerSession model and set number of instances to 100) is 12, what I consider strange as my response times from service revolve around 120 seconds... I thought that increasing number of instances will cause WCF to create more instances, and as a result response times would be quicker.
Any idea why WCF doesn't create even more instances of service?
Thanks Pawel
WCF services are throttled by default - it's a service behavior, which you can tweak easily.
See the MSDN docs on ServiceThrottling.
Here are the defaults:
maxConcurrentSessions="10" />
With these settings, you can easily control how many sessions or concurrent calls can be handled, and you can make sure your server isn't overwhelmed by (fraudulent) requests and brought to its knees.
Ufff, last attempt to understand that silly WCF.
What I did now is:
create client that starts 20 threads, every thread sends requests to service in a loop. Performance counter on server claims that only 2 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is about 40seconds (I start measuring before proxy call and finish after call returns).
modify that client to start 5 threads and launch 4 instances of that client (to simulate 20 threads behaviour from previous example). Performance monitor shows that 8 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is 20seconds.
Could somebody tell me what is going on? I thought that there is a problem with server that it doesn't want to handle more requests at concurently, but apparently it is client that causes a stir and don't want to send more requests concurently... Maybe there is some kind of configuration option that limits client from sending more then two requests at one time... (buffer,throttling etc...)
Channel factory is created in every thread.
You might want to refer to this article and make adjustment to your WCF configuration (specifically maxConnections) to get the number of connections you want.
Consider using something like http://www.codeplex.com/WCFLoadTest to hit the service.
Also, perfmon will only get you so far. If you want to debug WCF service you should look at the SvcTraceViewer and SvcConfigEditor in the Windows SDK.
On your service binding what have you set the maxconnections to? Calls to connect will block once the limit is reached.
Default is 10 I think.