Why does NHibernate delete then insert composite-elements on select? - nhibernate

Can someone explain this little mystery to me about how NHibernate handles composite elements.
I have classes that look like this;
public class Blog
public virtual int Id
private set;
public virtual ISet<Comment> Comments
public class Comment
public virtual string CommentText
public virtual DateTime Date
and mappings like this;
<class name="Blog" table="blog">
<id name="Id" column="id" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="hilo"/>
<set name="Comments" table="blog_comments">
<key column="blog_id" />
<composite-element class="Comment">
<property name="CommentText" column="comment" not-null="true" />
<property name="Date" column="date" not-null="true" />
However when i perform a select like this;
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
Blog blog = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Blog))
.SetFetchMode("Comments", FetchMode.Eager)
NHibernate issues a select with a join to get the blog with posts BUT then deletes all comments and then inserts the comments! Why is it doing this? If i do not use a transaction then it will ONLY perform the select and not the DELETE and INSERT as I would expect. What am I missing? I am using NHibernate 2.0

I think you need to override Equals() and GetHashCode() on Comment. NHibernate doesn't have an ID to go on for entity equality so you have to define what makes a comment entity equal to another comment.
Could be wrong :)
From nhibernate.info (8.2)
Note: if you define an ISet of composite elements, it is very important to implement Equals() and GetHashCode() correctly.
And an example of implementing Equals / GetHashCode from nhibernate.info (4.3)
public class Cat
public override bool Equals(object other)
if (this == other) return true;
Cat cat = other as Cat;
if (cat == null) return false; // null or not a cat
if (Name != cat.Name) return false;
if (!Birthday.Equals(cat.Birthday)) return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int result;
result = Name.GetHashCode();
result = 29 * result + Birthday.GetHashCode();
return result;

My question would be why you are committing if you only need to do a select? I believe the reason it's deleting all the comments is that when you call commit on the transaction, the blog object and it's associated comments are cached in the session that is used to create the transaction. When you call the commit, you are causing all the objects in the session to be saved which is causing the save back to the database. I'm not clear on why it's deleting the comments but it is correct behaviour to save the objects.
I also stumbled upon this today:
NHibernate is deleting my entire
collection and recreating it instead
of updating the table.
This generally happens when NHibernate
can't figure out which items changed
in the collection. Common causes are:
replacing a persistent collection entirely with a new collection instance
passing NHibernate a manually constructed object and calling Update on it.
serializing/deserializing a persistent collection apparently also causes this problem.
updating a with inverse="false" - in this case, NHibernate can't construct SQL to update an individual collection item.
Thus, to avoid the problem:
pass the same collection instance that you got from NHibernate back to it (not necessarily in the same session),
try using some other collection instead of ( or ), or
try using inverse="true" attribute for .


NHibernate Many-to-one cascade

I have the below two classes:
public class Project
public virtual int ProjectId { get; set; }
public virtual string ProjectName { get; set; }
public virtual LegalEntity LegalEntity { get; set; }
public class LegalEntity
public virtual int LegalEntId { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
with mappings as:
<class name="Project" table="Project" dynamic-update="true">
<id name="ProjectId">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="ProjectName" />
<many-to-one name="LegalEntity" column="LegalEntId" fetch="join" cascade="all-delete-orphan" />
<class name="LegalEntity" table="LegalEnt" dynamic-update="true">
<id name="LegalEntId">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="Name" />
In database, Project table has a FK to LegalEntity's PK column. One Project will have only one legal entity. Different projects can have same legal entity. So thats the reason I have gone for many-to-one. Not sure if this is correct though.
Insert and update is working fine. But if I update a legal entity id in a project and that legal entity becomes orphan, I want it to be deleted. But its not happening. Am I wrong in understanding delete-all-orphan? If yes, how can I achieve this behaviour?
The many-to-one cascade does not support all-delete-orphan, see:
5.1.10. many-to-one
cascade="all|none|save-update|delete" (4)
Also, it would be almost impossible to handle this feature by NHibernate's session. Because it does not have to be clear, that the referenced many-to-one is really orphan. There should be some farther checks in DB... there could be other places referencing this table row...
Suggestion: do it in your code as a part of the DAO or Business Facade implementation. Check if there are really no dependencies, and then issue explicit Delete()
EXTEND: Here is a QueryOver syntax to get a list of all "orphan" LegalEntity
// subquery
var subquery = QueryOver.Of<Project>()
.Select(x => x.LegalEntity.LegalEntId);
// just these legal entities, which are NOT used
var query = session.QueryOver<LegalEntity>()
.WhereProperty(y => y.LegalEntId)
// orphans
var list = query
Now all-delete-orphan and delete-orphan have been implemented for many-to-one as you can see in this commit from Nov 19, 2014.
Those were not supported when the OP asked the questions or when Radim Köhler wrote his answer, but I think future visitors will appretiate the update.
The documentation is also updated and now says:
But the documentation is confusing now, because it still has the following note:
The cascade attribute permits the following values: all, save-update, delete, none.
So I've created a defect to fix that last part of the documentation.

nhibernate composite-id with not existing key-many-to-one record

i have old legacy DB which has dead links in their tables. I have class mapped in nhibernate like this:
<class name="Visible" table="table_visible">
<key-many-to-one column="object_id" name="ObjectA" />
<key-many-to-one column="sub_object_id" name="SubObject" />
<property column="visible" name="VisibleRow" />
public class Visible
public virtual ObjectAClass ObjectA { get; set; }
public virtual SubObjectClass SubObject { get; set; }
public virtual bool VisibleRow { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var other = ((Visible)obj);
return this.ObjectA.Equals(other.ObjectA) && this.SubObject.Equals(other.SubObject);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.ObjectA.GetHashCode() + (this.SubObject != null? this.SubObject.GetHashCode(): 0);
Now all works fine when all joins in database are correct, but when i find such sub_object_id which doesnt have entity, nhibernate throws me error
No row with the given identifier exists:[SubObject#123]
Is there a way to map composite key so that when its subentity is not found, the whole entity wouldnt be loaded (like with inner join)?
NHibernate v2.0.50727
Following Daniel Schilling idea of fetch Visible entities with a where exists sub-query, found that there is loader element available in mappings.
<class name="ObjectA" table="table_object">
<set name="VisibleList" cascade="all" lazy="false" inverse="true">
<key column="object_id" />
<one-to-many class="Visible" />
<loader query-ref="valid_entities"/>
<sql-query name="valid_entities">
<load-collection alias="v" role="ObjectA.VisibleList"/>
SELECT {v.*}
FROM table_visible v
INNER JOIN table_sub_entities e ON e.sub_entity_id=v.sub_entity_id
WHERE v.object_id=?
And nothing else needed to be changed.
<key-many-to-one column="sub_object_id" name="SubObject" not-found="ignore" />
... may be helpful. From the NHibernate Documentation...
ignore will treat a missing row as a null association
Please be aware of the performance penalty associated with using this option. Whenever NHibernate fetches a Visible entity, it will also have to fetch SubObject. If you don't go ahead and fetch it in your query, this means that NHibernate will be issuing lots of lazy loads.
This doesn't meet your "when its sub-entity is not found, the whole entity wouldn't be loaded" goal. Instead NHibernate would give you an entity with a null sub-entity. If you want that inner-join-like behavior, then I think you would need to fetch your Visible entities with a where exists sub-query to make sure the SubObject actually exists.
The best option would be to fix the data in the database and add a foreign key constraint.
I just ran across this: Relations with not-found="ignore". I promise I'm not copying Ricci's content - I'm writing this from my own experience.

NHibernate: Updating collections during EventListener "PreUpdateEvent"

I'm trying to write an audit tracking for Nhibernate that hooks into the PreUpdate event. I have an AuditLogEntry class (when, who, etc), that contains a list of AuditLogEntryDetails (i.e. individual properties that changed). If I isolate the AuditLogEntry class from the entity being audited then my code runs with no errors. However, if I add a list of AuditLogEntry's to the entity being audited then my code throws a
collection [DomainObjects.AuditTracking.AuditLogEntry.Details] was not processed by
assertion failure when I attempt to save the modified list inside the event listener. This only happens when the audited item already has one (or more) AuditLogEntry instance in the list. If there are no entries then a new list is created and added to the entity being audited and this is fine.
I think by isolating the issue to the above it would appear to be around (lazy) loading the existing list to add the new instance of AuditLogEntry too. However I've been unable to progress any further. Adding 'Lazy="False"' to the list mapping doesn't appear to help. I'm really in the early days of using NHibernate, having borrowed concepts from both the HN 3.0 Cookbook and this blog post. My code is very similar to this, but attempts to add the audit history to the item being audited in a list (and as such I think that I need to also do that in the pre, rather than post update event).
A snap shot of the entity interfaces/classes in question are:
public class AuditLogEntry : Entity
public virtual AuditEntryTypeEnum AuditEntryType { get; set; }
public virtual string EntityFullName { get; set; }
public virtual string EntityShortName { get; set; }
public virtual string Username { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime When { get; set; }
public virtual IList<AuditLogEntryDetail> Details { get; set; }
public interface IAuditTrackedEntity
Guid Id { get; }
IList<AuditLogEntry> ChangeHistory { get; set; }
public class AuditTrackedEntity : StampedEntity, IAuditTrackedEntity
public virtual IList<AuditLogEntry> ChangeHistory { get; set; }
public class LookupValue : AuditTrackedEntity
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
For the mappings I have:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="DomainObjects" namespace="DomainObjects.AuditTracking">
<class name="AuditLogEntry">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="guid.comb" />
<version name="Version" />
<property name="AuditEntryType"/>
<property name="EntityFullName"/>
<property name="EntityShortName"/>
<property name="Username"/>
<property name="When" column="`When`"/>
<list name ="Details" cascade="all">
<key column="AuditLogEntryId"/>
<list-index column="DetailsIndex" base="1"/>
<one-to-many class="AuditLogEntryDetail"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="DomainObjects" namespace="DomainObjects">
<class name="LookupValue">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="guid.comb" />
<discriminator type="string">
<column name="LookupValueType" unique-key="UQ_TypeName" not-null="true" />
<version name="Version" />
<property name="Description" unique-key="UQ_TypeName" not-null="true" />
<property name="CreatedBy" />
<property name="WhenCreated" />
<property name="ChangedBy" />
<property name="WhenChanged" />
<list name ="ChangeHistory">
<key column="EntityId"/>
<list-index column="ChangeIndex" base="1"/>
<one-to-many class="DomainObjects.AuditTracking.AuditLogEntry"/>
The EventListener PreUpdate event handler calls the follow code:
The lines that cause the problem are commented near the end of the code block
public void TrackPreUpdate(IAuditTrackedEntity entity, object[] oldState, object[] state, IEntityPersister persister, IEventSource eventSource)
if (entity == null || entity is AuditLogEntry)
var entityFullName = entity.GetType().FullName;
if (oldState == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No old state available for entity type '" + entityFullName +
"'. Make sure you're loading it into Session before modifying and saving it.");
var dirtyFieldIndexes = persister.FindDirty(state, oldState, entity, eventSource);
var session = eventSource.GetSession(EntityMode.Poco);
AuditLogEntry auditLogEntry = null;
foreach (var dirtyFieldIndex in dirtyFieldIndexes)
if (IsIngoredProperty(persister, dirtyFieldIndex))
var oldValue = GetStringValueFromStateArray(oldState, dirtyFieldIndex);
var newValue = GetStringValueFromStateArray(state, dirtyFieldIndex);
if (oldValue == newValue)
if (auditLogEntry == null)
auditLogEntry = new AuditLogEntry
AuditEntryType = AuditEntryTypeEnum.Update,
EntityShortName = entity.GetType().Name,
EntityFullName = entityFullName,
Username = Environment.UserName,
//EntityId = entity.Id,
When = DateTime.Now,
Details = new List<AuditLogEntryDetail>()
// The next three lines cause a problem when included,
// collection [] was not processed by flush()
if (entity.ChangeHistory == null)
entity.ChangeHistory = new List<AuditLogEntry>();
var detail = new AuditLogEntryDetail
//AuditLogEntryId = auditLogEntry.Id,
PropertyName = persister.PropertyNames[dirtyFieldIndex],
OldValue = oldValue,
NewValue = newValue
As previously stated, in this configuration I get an assertion failure "collection [] was not processed by flush()". If I remove the three lines above and the list mapping in the lookupcode.hmb.xml then everything works as expected, other than the entity being audited no longer contains a reference to it's own audited items.
we were facing very similar problem, exactly same exception, but in different situation. No solution found yet...
We have NH event listener implementing IPreUpdateEventListener and OnPreUpdate method used for audit log. Everything is fine for simple properties updating, dirty checking works well, but there are problems with lazy collections. When updating some object which has lazy collection and accessing any object field in the event listener OnPreUpdate method, the same exception as mentioned above is thrown. When lazy set to false, problem disappears.
So it seems there is some problem with lazy collections (and no influence of collection initialization before saving). Our problem isn't connected with creating new collection items; only reading existing object, only its field accessing from the event listener causes the problem.
So in your case, maybe, lazy set to false only for the associatioon could fix the problem, but on the other hand probably you really want to have the collection to be lazy. So hard to say, if the problem has resolution or IInterceptor have to be used instead.
Ok, I have found your problem, this line is actually causing the problem.
Details = new List<AuditLogEntryDetail>()
You can't initialize an empty collection before you save because the EntityPersister will not persist the collection, but it will error that the collection has not been processed.
Also, once nHibernate calls event listeners, cascades do not work (not sure if this is by design or not). So even though you are adding the detail item to the collection later, you are only calling save on the detail, not the parent, so the change is not propagated. I would recommend re-factoring so that items are completed in this order...
Detail, then save,
AuditLogEntry, then save,
Entity, then update.
I had exactly same problem while using EventListener. I was looping through properties one-by-one to detect changes, that included enumerating collections. However when I added a check for the collection using NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(collection), problem disappeared. I wouldn't catch-and-ignore the AssertionFailure exception since it might have unknown side-effects.
There's an issue still open to solve this problem. There's a patch at the end of topic that solved it to me.

How do I change a child's parent in NHibernate when cascade is delete-all-orphan?

I have two entities in a bi-directional one-to-many relationship:
public class Storage
public IList<Box> Boxes { get; set; }
public class Box
public Storage CurrentStorage { get; set; }
And the mapping:
<class name="Storage">
<bag name="Boxes" cascade="all-delete-orphan" inverse="true">
<key column="Storage_Id" />
<one-to-many class="Box" />
<class name="Box">
<many-to-one name="CurrentStorage" column="Storage_Id" />
A Storage can have many Boxes, but a Box can only belong to one Storage.
I have them mapped so that the one-to-many has a cascade of all-delete-orphan.
My problem arises when I try to change a Box's Storage. Assuming I already ran this code:
var storage1 = new Storage();
var storage2 = new Storage();
storage1.Boxes.Add(new Box());
The following code will give me an exception:
// get the first and only box in the DB
var existingBox = Database.GetBox().First();
// remove the box from storage1
// add the box to storage2 after it's been removed from storage1
var storage2 = Database.GetStorage().Second();
Session.Flush(); // commit changes to DB
I get the following exception:
NHibernate.ObjectDeletedException : deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)
This exception occurs because I have the cascade set to all-delete-orphan. The first Storage detected that I removed the Box from its collection and marks it for deletion. However, when I added it to the second Storage (in the same session), it attempts to save the box again and the ObjectDeletedException is thrown.
My question is, how do I get the Box to change its parent Storage without encountering this exception? I know one possible solution is to change the cascade to just all, but then I lose the ability to have NHibernate automatically delete a Box by simply removing it from a Storage and not re-associating it with another one. Or is this the only way to do it and I have to manually call Session.Delete on the box in order to remove it?
See http://fabiomaulo.blogspot.com/2009/09/nhibernate-tree-re-parenting.html
Basically, it boils down to this... You need to define a custom collection type for NHibernate that re-defines what it means to be an orphan. NHibernate's default behavior is to do just as you discovered - to consider a child to be orphaned if it has been removed from the parent. Instead, you need NHibernate to test the child to see if it has been assigned to a new parent. NHibernate does not do this by default because it would require additional information on the one-to-many mapping - it would need to know the name of the corresponding many-to-one property on the child.
Change your Storage mapping to look like this:
<class name="Storage">
<bag name="Boxes" cascade="all-delete-orphan" inverse="true" collection-type="StorageBoxBag">
<key column="Storage_Id" />
<one-to-many class="Box" />
Define a new type named StorageBoxBag (note - this code is written against NHibernate 2.1 - if you are using NH3 you may have to tweak this a bit):
public class StorageBoxBag : IUserCollectionType
public object Instantiate(int anticipatedSize)
return new List<Box>();
public IPersistentCollection Instantiate(ISessionImplementor session, ICollectionPersister persister)
return new PersistentStorageBoxBag(session);
public IPersistentCollection Wrap(ISessionImplementor session, object collection)
return new PersistentStorageBoxBag(session, (IList<Box>)collection);
public IEnumerable GetElements(object collection)
return (IEnumerable)collection;
public bool Contains(object collection, object entity)
return ((IList<Box>)collection).Contains((Box)entity);
public object IndexOf(object collection, object entity)
return ((IList<Box>) collection).IndexOf((Box) entity);
public object ReplaceElements(object original, object target, ICollectionPersister persister, object owner, IDictionary copyCache, ISessionImplementor session)
var result = (IList<Box>)target;
foreach (var box in (IEnumerable)original)
return result;
... and a new type named PersistentStorageBoxBag:
public class PersistentStorageBoxBag: PersistentGenericBag<Box>
public PersistentStorageBoxBag(ISessionImplementor session)
: base(session)
public PersistentStorageBoxBag(ISessionImplementor session, ICollection<Box> original)
: base(session, original)
public override ICollection GetOrphans(object snapshot, string entityName)
var orphans = base.GetOrphans(snapshot, entityName)
.Where(b => ReferenceEquals(null, b.CurrentStorage))
return orphans;
The GetOrphans method is where the magic happens. We ask NHibernate for the list of Boxes that it thinks are orphans, and then filter that down to only the set of Boxes that actually are orphans.

How best to retrieve and update these objects in NHibernate?

I previously asked a question regarding modeling of a situation with Users, Items, and UserRatings. In my example UserRatings are associated with one User and one Item. A good answer was provided by Nathan Fisher and I've included the model he suggested below.
But I now have a question regarding retrieval of these objects.
The model links the entities by holding references to the entities.My question is, how best do I retrieve a particular UserRating to be updated? In this situation I would have the userID (from the asp.net auth session), and the itemID (from the URL). Also, there could be 1000s of ratings per user or item.
Back in the old school this would be as simple as one update query 'where x = userID and y=itemID. Easy. However the best way to accomplish this in NHibernate using a proper object model is not so clear.
A) I understand that I could create a repository method GetRatingByUserAndItem, and pass it both a User and Item object, which it would do an HQL/criteria query on to retrieve the Rating object. However to do this I assume that I would first need to retrieve User and the Item from the ORM before passing these back to the ORM in the query. I would then get the UserRating object, update it, and then have the ORM persist the changes. This seems ridiculously inefficent to me, compared to the old school method.
B) Maybe I could just new-up the UserRating object, and do a createorupdate type call the ORM (not sure on exact syntax). This would be better, but presumably I would still need to first retrieve the User and Item, which is still pretty inefficient.
C) Perhaps I should just retrieve the User (or the Item) from the ORM, and find the correct UserRating from its UserRatings collection. However, if I do that, how do I make sure that I'm not retrieving all of the UserRatings related to that User (or Item), but just the one related to the specific item and specific user?
D) It occured to me that I could just drop the full-blown references to User and Item from UserRating in the model, and instead have primitive references (UserID and ItemID). This would allow me to do something as simple as the oldschool method. Very tempting, but this just doesn't seem right to me - not very Object Oriented (and surely that's the main reason we are using an ORM in the first place!)
So, can anyone offer some sage advice? Am I on the right track with any of the options above? Or is there a better way that I have not considered?
Thanks in advace for your help! :)
I've just posted a bounty for this, and understand this better, I would also like to know, using a similar approach, how best to perform the following queries:
Retrieve all the Items which a user had NOT rated.
Retrieve the Item(s) and Item rating(s) which the user had rated the lowest.
The Model follows below:
public class User
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
public class Item
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual string ItemName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
public class UserRating
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public virtual Item Item { get; set; }
public virtual Int32 Rating { get; set; }
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Test" namespace="Test" >
<class name="User">
<id name="UserId" >
<generator class="native" />
<property name="UserName" />
<bag name="Ratings" generic="true" inverse="true" table="UserRating">
<key column="UserId" />
<one-to-many class="UserRating"/>
<class name="Item" >
<id name="ItemId" >
<generator class="native" />
<property name="ItemName" />
<bag name="Ratings" generic="true" inverse="true" table="UserRating">
<key column="ItemId" />
<one-to-many class="UserRating"/>
<class name="UserRating" >
<key-many-to-one class="User" column="UserId" name="User" />
<key-many-to-one class="Item" column="ItemId" name="Item" />
<property name="Rating" />
Normally, when you use an ORM, you want to implement the business logic (say: changing data) object oriented. This requires to load the objects from the database. NH allows you to load them once, and change it without any reference to any database related stuff, but just changing property values.
This said, it is not always as easy as that. Sometimes there are performance reasons which requires other ways to update data.
You could use HQL updates or even SQL updates.
Another, more classical way to accomplish this is to only load UserRatings. This requires to make it an independent entity (it needs an id, avoid the composite id anyway, replcae it with many-to-one references). Then you filter the UserRatings by user and item, load the items you want to change in the database, and change them using object oriented programming.
It is always a trade-off between performance and object oriented programming. You should try to make it as OO as possible, and only do optimizations if it is needed. Maintainability is important.
I would avoid moving foreign keys to the domain model.
I would choose option C. Your concerns about performance indicate you may be optimizing prematurely. I think it would be fine for you to have a GetUser(int userId) method, then look for the appropriate item in its Ratings collection, and update it.
This does, however, bring up a common problem that ORMs suffer called the N+1 SELECT problem. Looking at each UserRating to find the appropriate one would likely result in one SELECT statement per UserRating. There are several ways to address this. One being to change your mapping file to either disable lazy loading of the Ratings collection, or else load it using 'join' fetching - see this section of the NHibernate documentation.
Using HQL your query would look like this
Select From UserRating
Where ItemId=: #ItemId
and UserId=: #UserId
This will give you the UserRating object that you are after then you can updated in and save it as necessary
And alternative would be
This was the simplest way I could get this to work. I am not happy with the embedded strings but it works.
public void UpdateRating( int userId, int itemId, int newRating, ISession session )
using( var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var ratingCriteria = session.CreateCriteria<UserRating>()
.CreateAlias( "Item" "item" )
.CreateAlias( "User" "user" )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "item.ItemId", itemId ) )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "user.UserId", userId ) );
var userRating = ratingCriteria.UniqueResult<UserRating>();
userRating.Rating = newRating;
You will need to test this as it has been a while since I used the criteria api but essentially what this does is creates alias for two association paths and then using those aliases, adds restrictions to the User and Item so that you only get the UserRating you are interested in.
Everything is done inside a transaction and by relying on NHibernate's dirty-state tracking, the change will be flushed to the database when the transaction commits.
Depending on the version of NHibernate you are using, you could also query using NHLinq or the NHLambda stuff that has been integrated and is now accessible via session.QueryOver<T>.
To retrieve a list of all the items that a user has not rated, you will need to use a subquery to identify all of the items the user has rated and then apply a not in clause to all of the items ( essentially get me all the items not in the items the user has rated ).
var ratedItemsCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<UserRating>()
.CreateAlias( "Item" "item" )
.SetProjection( Projections.Property( "item.ItemId" ) )
.CreateCriteria( "User" )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "UserId", userId ) );
var unratedItemsCriteria = session.CreateCriteria<Item>()
.Add( Subqueries.PropertyNotIn( "ItemId", ratedItemsCriteria ) );
var unratedItems - unratedItemsCriteria.List<Item>();
In general, I think most of your problems could be resolved by judicious application of google, nhforge and the nhibernate user mailing list.
Query the database (using HQL, Criteria, SQL query, etc.) for the UserRating you want to modify
Change the UserRating however you like
Commit your changes
In pseudocode, this would look something like this:
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
UserRating userRating = userRatingRepository.GetUserRating(userId, itemId);
userRating.Rating = 5;
This will involve two queries (as opposed to the one query "old school" solution). The first query (which happens in the GetUserRating call) will run a SQL "SELECT" to grab the UserRating from the database. The second query (which happens on transaction.Commit) will update the UserRating in the database.
GetUserRating (using Criteria) would look something like this:
public IList<UserRating> GetUserRating(int userId, int itemId)
session.CreateCriteria(typeof (UserRating))
.Add(Expression.Eq("UserId", userId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("ItemId", itemId))
I see that this Q has not been marked as answered, so I'll give it a shot. In my opinion, you have to look a lot at how the objects are used. It seems to me that you'd relate a UserRating more to an Item than to a user, simply because you'd display it next to the item in a UI. It doesn't feel that important to always display it for a user.
That is why I would remove the list of ratings from the user:
public class User
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
If you want the ratings for a user, you'd get that through a repository.
I'd leave the Item class unchanged, since you always want to see the ratings with an item:
public class Item
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual string ItemName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
The UserRating class could be completely disconnected from the Item and User classes. Just keep the ids in there, so you could retrieve an Item or User from a repository if you need to:
public class UserRating
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual Int32 Rating { get; set; }