NHibernate using single configuration file to connect to multiple dbs - nhibernate

I'd like to have a single configuration file and then when I'm creating a session change the hibernate-configuration->session-factory->connection.connection_string property to what I want it to be programmatically? Is it possible?
I believe I may be able to do this like this
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.Properties["connection.connection_string"] = ...
What I would wonder than, if that is ok, Is this a bad way to handle connecting to a different database for each session? if so why etc. I'd also like to know if/how you can open an nhibernate session with a .net connection object?

Use the ISessionFactory.OpenSession() overload that takes a IDbConnection.
That's how Castle's DifferentDatabaseScope does it.

I think it is better to use different configuration files per each data base just becouse you will be able to switch dialects very esasy.

You may also see this answer as it allows full configuration of session factories through one file. Configure NHibernate hibernate.cfg.xml file to have more connection strings


Appsettings.json How does one check to see what environment is being used?

If one has a running .net core web app and there are multiple appsettings.json files in the root, how can you tell what environmentname is set to? I guess one way is to write your own utility or status page where you use code to write out the value of this variable. Is there another way?
Instead of using some sort of transform as in the case with web.config files, you now generally deploy all the environment-specific appsettings files, and let the app determine the value of the environment. This seems kinda confusing, in that you no longer can simply look at a config file and know what settings the app is using.
You can check the value of IHostingEnvironment.Environment as William suggested in the comments, but a better approach would be to call either IHostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment() or IHostingEnvironment.IsEnvironment() and it will do the name checking for you.
Methods for checking for production (IHostingEnvironment.IsProduction()) and staging (IHostingEnvirionment.IsStaging()) exist as well.

how to connect multiple Parse servers to the same mongodb?

I would like to have two separate Parse servers (configured with a different app ID) connect to the same mongodb, so they can see the same set of users, so that I can create 2 different apps that share the same userbase.
Is this something Parse would support? Are there any expected conflicts or config caveats? I was unable to find info about this on Parse's github..
There's nothing to do, besides setting the database URL option to the same value on both servers, and that your database is accessible from both servers.
I'm not sure why you would need two different applicationId's as you want the same data and likely, logic running on both apps.
No, Parse Server does not support sharing classes between applications.
What you could do is have one of the instances or maybe a third one handle authentication and store your user information. I am pretty sure this would mean you will have to manually set user info on your requests and objects to save on the other two instances.
Another option is for each of the instances have an afterSave hook on the user class that saves and updates the info at the other instance. This seems easier to do and maintain.
I would choose the second option.

BizTalk 2010 - Using external source for credentials

On my BizTalk server I use several different credentials to connect to internal and external systems. There is an upcoming task to change the passwords for a lot of systems and I'm searching for a solution to simplify this task on my BizTalk server.
Is there a way that I could adjust the File/FTP adapters to extract the information from an XML file so that I can change it only in the XML file and everything will be updated or is there an alternative that I could use such as PowerShell?
Did someone else had this task as well?
I rather don't want to create a custom adapter but if there is no alternative I will go for that one. Using dynamic credentials for the send port can be solved with Orchestration but I need this as well for the receive port.
You can export the bindings of all your applications. All the passwords for the FTP and File Adapter will be masked out with a series off * (asterisks).
You could then edit your binding down to just those ports you want to update, replace the masked out passwords with the correct passwords, and when you want the passwords changed, import them.
Unfortunately unless you have already prepared tokenised binding files the above is a manual effort.
I was going to recommend that you take a look at Enterprise Single Sign-On, but on second thoughts, I think you probably just need to 'bite the bullet' and make the change in the various Adapters.
ESSO would be beneficial if you have a single Adapter with multiple endpoints/credentials, but I infer from your question that isn't the case (i.e. you're not just using a single adapter). I also don't think re-writing the adapters to include functionality to read usernames/passwords from file is feasible IMHO - just changing the passwords would be much faster, by an order of weeks or months ;-)
One option that is available to you however, depending on which direction the adapter is being used: if you need to change credentials on Send Adapters, you should consider setting usernames/passwords at runtime via the various Adapter Property Schemas (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa560564.aspx for the FTP Adapter Properties for example). You could then easily create an encoding Send Pipeline Component that reads an Xml file containing credentials and updates the message context properties accordingly, the message would then be send with the appropriate credentials to the required endpoint.
There is also the option of using ESSO as your (encrypted) config store instead of Xml files / database etc. Richard Seroter has a really good post on this from way back in 2007 (its still perfectly valid tho.)

eclipselink without persistence.xml

I'm not a big fan of XML files. Therefore I'm wondering if there is a way to use eclipselink without its persistence.xml configuration file. Why?
Because I want to manage different databases dynamically. It would be much easier to do it without the XML file.
I'm surprised that I couldn't find anything on the web for now.
Not really, but you could create an EclipseLink ServerSession directly and wrap it with an EntityManagerFactoryImpl, but I would not suggest it.
You would be better off creating a persistence.xml. You can still do dynamic databases, you just need to pass a properties file to createEntityManagerFactory(Map) that include your database info.
Though it is not an direct answer to your question, this will help for the second part of your question. For managin multiple database connections, you can define multiple server sessions in sessions.xml and access those where you want.
you may use follwoing lines for accessing particular session
ServerSession aSession = = (ServerSession) SessionManager.getManager().getSession("session_2");

Disable cache for one model

I got a table which is modified by two applications. One of them is using nhibernate. How do I disable caching for that table? Can it be done in the mapping file?
Cache is not enabled by default.
If you are referring to the "first level cache", i.e. the Session, there is something wrong with your usage pattern.
Assuming you have the L2 cache enabled for the session factory (via cache.use_second_level_cache), you should be able to exclude the <cache> element in your mapping file for that model.