Why are my buttons not positioned at 0x0 within the box panels ?
main: layout [
size 680x400
origin 0x0
space 0x0
pad 0x0
at 0x0
Menu1: box brick 200x200
Menu2: box blue 200x300
Menu1-items: layout [
origin 0x0
space 0x0
at 0x0
button "1"
button "2"
button "Quit" [quit]
Menu2-items: layout [
origin 0x0
space 0x0
at 0x0
button "3"
button "4"
Menu1/pane: Menu1-items
Menu2/pane: Menu2-items
Show Menu1
Show Menu2
View Main
The menu1-items layout itself has a default offset. Ditto for menu2-items.
There are two ways to address that. I've used one method for menu1-items, and the other for menu2-items. Pick the one you prefer:
main: layout [
size 680x400
origin 0x0
space 0x0
pad 0x0
at 0x0
Menu1: box brick 200x200
Menu2: box blue 200x300
Menu1-items: layout/offset [ ;; added /offset
origin 0x0
space 0x0
at 0x0
b1: button "1"
button "2"
button "Quit" [quit]
] 0x0 ;; added 0x0 for value of /offset refinement
Menu2-items: layout [
origin 0x0
space 0x0
at 0x0
button "3"
button "4"
menu2-items/offset: 0x0 ;; inserted setting of /offset variable
Menu1/pane: Menu1-items
Menu2/pane: Menu2-items
Show Menu1
Show Menu2
View Main
Another similar solution is to use the /tight refinement of layout like this :
Menu1-items: layout/tight [
space 0x0
button "1"
button "2"
button "Quit" [quit]
Menu2-items: layout/tight [
space 0x0
button "3"
button "4"
Another approach would be to use PANEL element instead of BOX for having the sub-layouts inlined in one big block.
I have a Rebol2 console app (Rebol Core) which I would like to disable the keyboard character echo to the console. The app is run from a minimal Linux kernel/initramfs, and is started by busybox inittab (not from terminal). It has a minimal console user interface using ansi codes for color, etc., and responds to menu selections via single key presses. To 'quiet' the console, I have the cursor turned off, and don't see the output of the key presses (until recently).
I previously thought I had the problem solved by calling 'stty -echo' within Rebol, but it actually does not work as I just discovered- there is one function that takes 5-10 seconds and can see the echoed key presses while waiting for the function to complete.
I'm not quite sure why I only see the echoed characters while this one function is running, but it is the only function which takes any amount of time. The keyboard is polled by opening the console:// in binary mode, waiting for a key press, then a switch statement to choose the function. The reading of the keys in binary/console seem to 'consume' the key echo-
minimal example, pressing 'a'-
cons: open/binary console://
first cons
== 97
(the value is returned as I want, and the char is not echoed, which is good- I think in most functions my keys are 'consumed' in the get-key loop, but the longer function does not get a chance to 'consume' them, and end up echoing to the console)
Is there some way to disable the console character echo inside Rebol2? I have looked in system/console and system/ports/input,output, but don't see anything obvious. My current workaround is to simply change the text color to match the background so any key presses are not visible while the specific function runs.
here is a minimal example of what I'm doing-
get-key: func [ /local cons ch ][
cons: open/binary console://
ch: lowercase to-string to-char first cons
all [ equal? ch "^[" append ch copy/part cons 2 ]
close cons
forever [
switch get-key [
;up arrow
"^[[A" [ some-function1 ]
;down arrow
"^[[B" [ some-function2 ]
"^M" [ some-function3 ]
"q" [ break ]
The forever loop seems to 'consume' the keyboard input (nothing echoed), but if one of the functions takes any amount of time, any keyboard input will get echoed to the screen wherever the cursor happens to be. In most cases I never see any echoed characters as the time between calling get-key is minimal. I would also note that the echoed characters do not also show up in the subsequent call to get-key.
here is a better sample of code to see the problem-
get-key: has [ cons ch ][
cons: open/binary console://
ch: lowercase to-string to-char first cons
prin rejoin [ "<" ch ">" ] ;show get-key chars
long-func: does [ call/wait {sleep 10} ]
reb-func: does [ wait 10 ]
forever [
switch get-key [
"f" [ long-func ]
"r" [ reb-func ]
"q" [ break ]
I figured out that my 'long' function is using call's which can take a few seconds, so the problem arises when a call is used.
The above code, when run will show that keys are echoed only because they are printed in the get-key function (brackets), when the long-func is running, then keys are echoed outside of get-key (no brackets), and when done the get-key will process those keys also. Or simply run 'call/wait {sleep 10}' and you will get echoed keys while waiting, and also get the sames keys echoed by Rebol when the call returns. Keys are not echoed when reb-func runs, and get-key will process all buffered keys when reb-func is done. The keyboard input is being handled twice when call is used.
I have tried redirecting stdin/stdout in the call command (in the call string command, like at bash prompt), but have not found a combo that works. (My actual code runs call with /output/error to capture all output).
Without optimizing your code with waiting on the port and an awake function I guess your problem can be solved by placing opening and closing the console port outside your get-key function as in
get-key: func [ /local ch ][
ch: lowercase to-string to-char first cons
all [ equal? ch "^[" append ch copy/part cons 2 ]
cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
forever [
switch get-key [
;up arrow
"^[[A" [ some-function1 ]
;down arrow
"^[[B" [ some-function2 ]
"^M" [ some-function3 ]
"q" [ break ]
close cons
ok, here is an optimized version including your second example
long-func: does [ call/wait {stty -echo ; sleep 10} ]
reb-func: does [ wait 10 ]
cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
cons/awake: func [port] [
key: to-char first port
print ["<" key ">"]
switch key [
#"f" [long-func]
#"r" [reb-func]
#"q" [break]
forever [
wait [cons]
you can see, that all keys are catched without extra echo
The rearranged console code is not necessary (and all keys are cached no matter which arrangement is used), although the ability to add an awake function is nice to know. In my real code, the get-key has a '/timeout t' option where I can do a 'wait [ cons t ]' and return a string (for extended key codes like up arrow) or none, which means I can also flush the console input before my switch get-key (so any keys pressed while running functions get flushed).
forever [
while [ get-key/timeout 0.1 ][] ;flush
switch get-key [ ;wait for key
The 'stty -echo' works well in the example given, and would seem to solve my problem, but I still see a few characters echoed if I press a bunch of keys while the long functions are running (I inserted {stty -echo; } in all commands). Somehow, in the Rebol call creating of processes (fork/exec I assume), tty input/output can still 'leak' i/o characters. Or maybe one of the programs called is opening a tty even though it inherits the file descriptors of the parent.
Here is what I ended up doing- changing the way I call commands so they run in background, but still wait for them to complete.
;used by other funcs to parse output of commands
set 'cmd-output "" ;output from 'call' commands
set 'cmd-error "" ;error from 'call commands
set 'cmd func [ str [string!] /local ret ][
;clear previous
cmd-output: copy ""
cmd-error: copy ""
write %out ""
write %err ""
attempt [ delete %ret ]
;ret: call/wait/output/error str cmd-output cmd-error
;--new-- stdout->out stderr->err exitcode->ret
call rejoin [ str { >out 2>err; echo -n $? > ret} ]
;wait for return code, (up to 20 seconds, should be plenty)
loop 200 [ all [ exists? %ret break ] wait 0.1 ]
cmd-output: read %out
cmd-error: read %err
ret: to-integer read %ret
;debug-cmd writes info to a logfile
debug-cmd str ret
This works, as I cannot get any (unwanted) characters to show on the screen as before (and I guess it proves those characters were coming from the called processes).
The xfce4 desktop environment goes black on random occasions during use.
Install xf86-video-ffbdev.
Will post updates here, and the solution as soon as I've found it.
$ uname -v
DragonFly v4.2.4-RELEASE #6: Sun Aug 9 13:25:14 EDT 2015 root#www.shiningsilence.com:/usr/obj/home/justin/release/4_2/sys/X86_64_GENERIC
n00b207: you shouldn't need xf86-video-fbdev (that warning is because how Xorg probes available devices)
$ pciconf -lv
hostb0#pci0:0:0:0: class=0x060000 card=0x50001458 chip=0x0c008086 rev=0x06 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = '4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller'
class = bridge
subclass = HOST-PCI
vgapci0#pci0:0:2:0: class=0x030000 card=0xd0001458 chip=0x041e8086 rev=0x06 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = '4th Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller'
class = display
subclass = VGA
$ xset q
Keyboard Control:
auto repeat: on key click percent: 0 LED mask: 00000000
XKB indicators:
00: Caps Lock: off 01: Num Lock: off 02: Scroll Lock: off
03: Shift Lock: off 04: Group 2: off 05: Mouse Keys: off
auto repeat delay: 500 repeat rate: 20
auto repeating keys: 00feffffdffffbbf
bell percent: 0 bell pitch: 400 bell duration: 100
Pointer Control:
acceleration: 2/1 threshold: 4
Screen Saver:
prefer blanking: yes allow exposures: yes
timeout: 600 cycle: 600
default colormap: 0x22 BlackPixel: 0x0 WhitePixel: 0xffffff
Font Path:
DPMS (Energy Star):
Standby: 600 Suspend: 600 Off: 600
DPMS is Enabled
Monitor is On
Font cache:
Server does not have the FontCache Extension
n00b207: could you try "xset dpms force off" to check if it freezes (might need to repeat few times to fully go into turn off screen mode)
dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/9tk5JCBf
n00b207: looks like you hit xfce+Xorg combo, try "xset -dpms && xset s noblank && xset s off" to see if it repeats again
I am having trouble regarding Smalltalk. I am attempting to populate an array with the numbers that are read from the file, but it doesn't seem to work. I've tried numerous options and I was hoping someone would explain to me what I'm doing wrong.
Object subclass: #MyStack
instanceVariableNames:'anArray aStack'
MyStack class comment: 'Creates a Stack Class.'
MyStack methodsFor: 'initialize Stack'
new "instance creation"
^ super new.
init "initialization"
anArray := Array new: 32.
aStack := 0.
! !
!MyStack methodsFor: 'methods for stacks' !
pop "Removes the top entry from the stack"
| item |
item := anArray at: aStack.
aStack := aStack - 1.
push: x "Pushes a new entry onto the stack"
aStack := aStack + 1.
anArray at:aStack put:x.
top "Returns the current top of the stack"
^anArray at: aStack.
empty "True if the stack is empty"
^aStack = 0.
full "True if the stack is full"
^aStack = 32.
printOn: aStream "Prints entire stack one entry per line, starting the top entry"
aStream show: 'Stack:'.
aStack to:1 by:-1 do:[:i |(anArray at:i) printOn:aStream. ].
aStream show: ''
! !
Object subclass: #IOExample
instanceVariableNames: 'input output'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
IOExample class comment: '
basic I/O.
IOExample methodsFor: 'initialize'
^ super new.
[ input := FileSelectionBrowser open asFilename readStream. ]
on: Error
do: [ :exception |
Dialog warn: 'Unable to open file'.
exception retry.
[ output := FileSelectionBrowser open asFilename writeStream. ]
on: Error
do: [ :exception |
Dialog warn: 'Unable to open file'.
exception retry.
! !
IOExample methodsFor: 'copy input to output turning :: into :'
| data lookAhead theStack myStack|
[ input atEnd ] whileFalse: [
data := input next.
(data isKindOf: Integer)
ifTrue: [
(input atEnd) ifFalse: [
"myStack push: data."
lookAhead = input peek.
(lookAhead asCharacter isDigit)
ifTrue: [
output show: myStack.
input close.
output close.
! !
Did you try to run this code? If you did, I'm surprised you didn't get a compilation warning due to #2 below.
There are a number of problems in #copy (besides the fact that I don't understand exactly what it's trying to do)...
First you seems to expect the data to be numbers: data isKindOf: Integer. But then later you treat it as a stream of Characters: lookAhead asCharacter isDigit. If the first condition is true to get you past that point, the second one never can be, as you would've matched [0-9], which aren't ASCII values for digits.
lookAhead = input peek. Here you're comparing uninitialized lookAhead (nil) with the peeked value, and then throwing away the result. I assume you meant lookAhead := input peek.
Then there is the empty inner condition ifTrue: [ ]. What are you trying to do there?
Then there's the odd protocol name, 'copy input to output turning :: into :'. What does that mean, and what does that have to do with copying numbers between streams?
Justin, let me try to help you with the class MyStack and defer to another answer any comments on your example.
I've divided your code into fragments and appended my comments.
Fragment A:
Object subclass: #MyStack
instanceVariableNames:'anArray aStack'
Comments for A:
A Smalltalker would have used instance variable names without indeterminate articles a or an
Object subclass: #MyStack
instanceVariableNames:'array stack'
Fragment B:
MyStack class comment: 'Creates a Stack Class.'
Comments for B:
This is weird. I would have expected this instead (with no class):
MyStack comment: 'Creates a Stack Class.'
Fragment C:
MyStack methodsFor: 'initialize Stack'
new "instance creation"
^ super new.
Comments for C:*
This code puts new on the instance side of the class, which makes no sense because you usually send new to the class rather than its instances. The correct form requires adding class:
MyStack class methodsFor: 'initialize Stack'
^super new.
You forgot to send the initialization method (however, see Fragment D below)
^super new init.
Fragment D:
init "initialization"
anArray := Array new: 32.
aStack := 0.
Comments for D:
In Smalltalk people use the selector initialize so it can send super first
super initialize.
array := Array new: 32.
stack := 0.
Note that this change would require also writing new as
^super new initialize.
However, if your dialect already sends the initialize method by default, you should remove the implementation of new from your class.
Fragment E:
pop "Removes the top entry from the stack"
| item |
item := anArray at: aStack.
aStack := aStack - 1.
Comments for E:
You forgot to answer the item just popped out
| item |
item := array at: stack.
stack := stack - 1.
Fragment F:
push: x "Pushes a new entry onto the stack"
aStack := aStack + 1.
anArray at:aStack put:x.
Comments for F:
This is ok. Note however that the stack will refuse to push any item beyond the limit of 32.
push: x
stack := stack + 1.
array at: stack put: x.
Fragment G:
top "Returns the current top of the stack"
^anArray at: aStack.
empty "True if the stack is empty"
^aStack = 0.
full "True if the stack is full"
^aStack = 32.
Comments for G:
These are ok too. However, a more appropraite name for empty would have been isEmpty because all collections understand this polymorphic message. Similarly, the recommended selector for full would be isFull:
^array at: aStack.
^stack = 0.
^stack = 32.
Note also that isFull repeats the magic constant 32, which you used in the initialization code. That's not a good idea because if you change your mind in the future and decide to change 32 with, say, 64 you will have to modify two methods an not just one. You can eliminate this duplication in this way
^stack = array size.
Fragment H:
printOn: aStream
"Prints entire stack one entry per line, starting the top entry"
aStream show: 'Stack:'.
aStack to:1 by:-1 do:[:i |(anArray at:i) printOn:aStream. ].
aStream show: ''
Comments for H:
The last line of this code is superfluous and I would get rid of it. However, you may want to separate every item from the next with a space
printOn: aStream
stream show: 'Stack:'.
stack to: 1 by: -1 do:[:i |
aStream space.
(array at: i) printOn: aStream].
I draw a dynamic callgraph with Roassal from within a Glamour browser in Pharo 2.0.
By default not only the nodes, but also the edges are clickable.
As i have no further information to display for the edges, i want them not to be clickable. How do i remove the "clickability"?
That's how i draw the callgraph from within a Glamour browser:
methodsUnderTestAsCallGraphIn: constructor
constructor roassal
painting: [ :view :testFailure |
view shape rectangle
size: 30;
fillColor: ThreeColorLinearNormalizer new.
view nodes: (tests methodsUnderTest: testFailure).
view shape arrowedLine.
view edges: (tests methodsUnderTest: testFailure) from: #yourself toAll: #outgoingCalls.
view treeLayout ];
title: 'Callgraph of methods under test'
I think GLMRoassalPresentation>>renderOn: is responsible for adding the "clickability":
self shouldPopulateSelection ifTrue: [
aView raw allElementsDo: [:each |
each on: ROMouseClick do: [:event | self selection: each model ]] ].
I want to to keep this behaviour for the nodes, but not for the edges.
It helps to have a self contained example to clarify the behaviour you want, so I've re-framed your question.
With the two commented-out lines , I guess is the behaviour you don't want. Does uncommmenting those two lines provide the behaviour you want?
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #myRoassal ; column: #mySelection.
browser transmit
to: #myRoassal ;
[ : aGLMPresentation |
aGLMPresentation roassal
[ : view : numbers | |edges|
view shape rectangle ; withText ; size: 30.
view nodes: numbers.
view interaction noPopup.
view edges: numbers from: [ :x | x / 2] to: [ :x | x ].
" view edges do: [ :edge | edge model:#doNotSelectMe ]."
view treeLayout.
browser transmit
to: #mySelection ;
from: #myRoassal ;
" when: [ :selection | selection ~= #doNotSelectMe ] ;"
[ : aGLMPresentation |
aGLMPresentation text
display: [ : selectedItem | selectedItem asString ]
browser openOn: (1 to: 10).
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment because the clicking is hardcoded in GLMRoassalPresentation. However, you are right that we should find a solution, so I opened an issue:
I am not sure what you mean by "clickability". You have no interaction defined, so the default interaction is a simple popup. If you want to remove the popup, then just insert a "view interaction noPopup". Try this in a fresh Roassal easel:
view shape rectangle size: 40.
view nodes: #(1 2).
view interaction noPopup.
view edgesFrom: 1 to: 2.
I want to create a wizard for the logo badge below with 3 parameters. I can make the title dynamic but for image and gradient it's hardcoded because I can't see how to make them dynamic. Code follows after pictures:
alt text http://reboltutorial.com/bugs/wizard1.png
alt text http://reboltutorial.com/bugs/wizard2.png
custom-styles: stylize [
lab: label 60x20 right bold middle font-size 11
btn: button 64x20 font-size 11 edge [size: 1x1]
fld: field 200x20 font-size 11 middle edge [size: 1x1]
inf: info font-size 11 middle edge [size: 1x1]
ari: field wrap font-size 11 edge [size: 1x1] with [flags: [field tabbed]]
panel1: layout/size [
origin 0 space 2x2 across
styles custom-styles
h3 "Parameters" font-size 14 return
lab "Title" fld_title: fld "EXPERIMENT" return
lab "Logo" fld_logo: fld "http://www.rebol.com/graphics/reb-logo.gif" return
lab "Gradient" fld_gradient: fld "5 55 5 10 10 71.0.6 30.10.10 71.0.6"
] 278x170
panel2: layout/size [
;layout (window client area) size is 278x170 at the end of the spec block
at 0x0 ;put the banner on the top left corner
box 278x170 effect [ ; default box face size is 100x100
draw [
anti-alias on
line-width 2.5 ; number of pixels in width of the border
pen black ; color of the edge of the next draw element
fill-pen radial 100x50 5 55 5 10 10 71.0.6 30.10.10 71.0.6
; the draw element
box ; another box drawn as an effect
15 ; size of rounding in pixels
0x0 ; upper left corner
278x170 ; lower right corner
pad 30x-150
Text fld_title/text font [name: "Impact" size: 24 color: white]
image http://www.rebol.com/graphics/reb-logo.gif
] 278x170
main: layout [
vh2 "Logo Badge Wizard"
pad 20
button "Parameters" [panels/pane: panel1 show panels ]
button "Rendering" [show panel2 panels/pane: panel2 show panels]
button "Quit" [Unview]
box 2x170 maroon
panels: box 278x170
panel1/offset: 0x0
panel2/offset: 0x0
panels/pane: panel1
view main
Make the block for the 2nd layout a template.
Put the variables you want there and surround with ( )
When rendering, do a copy/deep to make a template copy, then compose/deep to replace the variables as taken from the parameters screen, create the layout from your copy of the template and set the pane to the new layout.