SQL Server Indexes - Initial slow performance after creation - sql-server-2005

Using SQL Server 2005. This is something I've noticed while doing some performance analysis.
I have a large table with about 100 million rows. I'm comparing the performance of different indexes on the table, to see what the most optimal is for my test scenario which is doing about 10,000 inserts on that table, among other things on other tables. While my test is running, I'm capturing an SQL Profiler trace which I load in to an SQL table when the test has finished so I can analyse the stats.
The first test run after recreating a different set of indexes on the table is very noticeably slower than subsequent runs - typically about 10-15 times slower for the inserts on this table on the first run after the index creation.
Each time, I clear the data and execution plan cache before the test.
What I want to know, is the reason for this initial poorer performance with a newly created set of indexes?
Is there a way I can monitor what is happening to cause this for the first run?

One possibility is that the default fill factor of zero is coming in to play.
This means that there's 'no room' in the index to accommodate your inserts. When you insert, a page split in the index is needed, which adds some empty space to store the new index information. As you carry out more inserts, more space is created in the index. After a while the rate of splitting will go down, because your inserts are hitting pages that are not fully filled, so splits are not needed. An insert requiring page splits is more expensive than one that doesn't.
You can set the fill factor when you create the index. Its a classic trade off between space used and performance of different operations.
I'm going go include a link to some Sybase ASE docs, 'cos they are nicely written and mostly applicable to SQL Server too.

Just to clarify:
1) You build an index on a table with 100m pre-existing rows.
2) You insert 10k rows into the table
3) You insert another 10k rows into the table
Step 3 is 10x faster than step 2?
What kind of index is the new index - not clustered, right? Because inserts on a clustered index will cause very different behavior. In addition, is there any significant difference in the profile of the 2 inserts, because depending on the clustered index, they will have different behavior. Typically, it should either have no clustered index or be clustered on an increasing key.


Speed-up SQL Insert Statements

I am facing an issue with an ever slowing process which runs every hour and inserts around 3-4 million rows daily into an SQL Server 2008 Database.
The schema consists of a large table which contains all of the above data and has a clustered index on a datetime field (by day), a unique index on a combination of fields in order to exclude duplicate inserts, and a couple more indexes on 2 varchar fields.
The typical behavior as of late, is that the insert statements get suspended for a while before they complete. The overall process used to take 4-5 mins and now it's usually well over 40 mins.
The inserts are executed by a .net service which parses a series of xml files, performs some data transformations and then inserts the data to the DB. The service has not changed at all, it's just that the inserts take longer than they use to.
At this point I'm willing to try everything. Please, let me know whether you need any more info and feel free to suggest anything.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you have exhausted the buffer pools ability to cache all the pages needed for the insert process. Append-style inserts (like with your date table) have a very small working set of just a few pages. Random-style inserts have basically the entire index as their working set. If you insert a row at a random location the existing page that row is supposed to be written to must be read first.
This probably means tons of disk seeks for inserts.
Make sure to insert all rows in one statement. Use bulk insert or TVPs. This allows SQL Server to optimize the query plan by sorting the inserts by key value making IO much more efficient.
This will, however, not realize a big speedup (I have seen 5x in similar situations). To regain the original performance you must bring the working set back into memory. Add RAM, purge old data, or partition such that you only need to touch very few partitions.
drop index's before insert and set them up on completion

Running Updates on a large, heavily used table

I have a large table (~170 million rows, 2 nvarchar and 7 int columns) in SQL Server 2005 that is constantly being inserted into. Everything works ok with it from a performance perspective, but every once in a while I have to update a set of rows in the table which causes problems. It works fine if I update a small set of data, but if I have to update a set of 40,000 records or so it takes around 3 minutes and blocks on the table which causes problems since the inserts start failing.
If I just run a select to get back the data that needs to be updated I get back the 40k records in about 2 seconds. It's just the updates that take forever. This is reflected in the execution plan for the update where the clustered index update takes up 90% of the cost and the index seek and top operator to get the rows take up 10% of the cost. The column I'm updating is not part of any index key, so it's not like it reorganizing anything.
Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be sped up? My thought now is to write a service that will just see when these updates have to happen, pull back the records that have to be updated, and then loop through and update them one by one. This will satisfy my business needs but it's another module to maintain and I would love if I could fix this from just a DBA side of things.
Thanks for any thoughts!
Actually it might reorganise pages if you update the nvarchar columns.
Depending on what the update does to these columns they might cause the record to grow bigger than the space reserved for it before the update.
(See explanation now nvarchar is stored at http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/physical-database-design-consideration.html.)
So say a record has a string of 20 characters saved in the nvarchar - this takes 20*2+2(2 for the pointer) bytes in space. This is written at the initial insert into your table (based on the index structure). SQL Server will only use as much space as your nvarchar really takes.
Now comes the update and inserts a string of 40 characters. And oops, the space for the record within your leaf structure of your index is suddenly too small. So off goes the record to a different physical place with a pointer in the old place pointing to the actual place of the updated record.
This then causes your index to go stale and because the whole physical structure requires changing you see a lot of index work going on behind the scenes. Very likely causing an exclusive table lock escalation.
Not sure how best to deal with this. Personally if possible I take an exclusive table lock, drop the index, do the updates, reindex. Because your updates sometimes cause the index to go stale this might be the fastest option. However this requires a maintenance window.
You should batch up your update into several updates (say 10000 at a time, TEST!) rather than one large one of 40k rows.
This way you will avoid a table lock, SQL Server will only take out 5000 locks (page or row) before esclating to a table lock and even this is not very predictable (memory pressure etc). Smaller updates made in this fasion will at least avoid concurrency issues you are experiencing.
You can batch the updates using a service or firehose cursor.
Read this for more info:
Hope this helps
The mos brute-force (and simplest) way is to have a basic service, as you mentioned. That has the advantage of being able to scale with the load on the server and/or the data load.
For example, if you have a set of updates that must happen ASAP, then you could turn up the batch size. Conversely, for less important updates, you could have the update "server" slow down if each update is taking "too long" to relieve some of the pressure on the DB.
This sort of "heartbeat" process is rather common in systems and can be very powerful in the right situations.
Its wired that your analyzer is saying it take time to update the clustered Index . Did the size of the data change when you update ? Seems like the varchar is driving the data to be re-organized which might need updates to index pointers(As KMB as already pointed out) . In that case you might want to increase the % free sizes on the data and the index pages so that the data and the index pages can grow without relinking/reallocation . Since update is an IO intensive operation ( unlike read , which can be buffered ) the performance also depends on several factors
1) Are your tables partitioned by data 2) Does the entire table lies in the same SAN disk ( Or is the SAN striped well ?) 3) How verbose is the transaction logging . Can the buffer size of the transaction loggin increased to support larger writes to the log to suport massive inserts ?
Its also important which API/Language are you using? e.g JDBC support a batch update feature which makes the updates a little bit efficient if you are doing multiple updates .

Batch index updates?

I'm writing several hundred or potentially several thousand rows into a set of tables at a time, each of which is heavily indexed both internally and via indexed views.
Generally, the inserts are occurring where the rows inserted will be adjacent in the index.
I expect these inserts to be expensive, but they are really slow. I think part of the performance issue is that the indexes are being updated with each individual INSERT.
Is there a way to tell SQL Server to hold off on updating the indexes until I am finished with my batch of inserts so the index trees will only need to be updated once?
These are executed as separate statements due to needing to show the user a progress bar during save and log any individual issues, but are all coming from the same connection in C#. I can place them in a transaction if needed, though I'd prefer not to.
You are paying the cost of adding those rows to the index one way or another. Not updating the index during the insert would cause an issue with accuracy of concurrent statements - any query on that table that used any of the indexes would not "see" the new rows!
If speed is of the essence, and downtime after the insert isn't a major concern, you can:
Disable non-clustered indexes on the target table
Rebuild non-clustered indexes
You probably should clarify some more about your table:
How wide is the table?
How many indexes?
How wide are the indexes?
If you have 20 indexes and each index has 5 fields, you are really updating 100 extra fields per row which can get expensive quickly.

To what degree can effective indexing overcome performance issues with VERY large tables?

So, it seems to me like a query on a table with 10k records and a query on a table with 10mil records are almost equally fast if they are both fetching roughly the same number of records and making good use of simple indexes(auto increment, record id type indexed field).
My question is, will this extend to a table with close to 4 billion records if it is indexed properly and the database is set up in such a way that queries always use those indexes effectively?
Also, I know that inserting new records in to a very large indexed table can be very slow because all the indexes have to be recalculated, if I add new records only to the end of the table can I avoid that slow down, or will that not work because the index is a binary tree and a large chunk of the tree will still have to be recalculated?
Finally, I looked around a bit for a FAQs/caveats about working with very large tables, but couldn't really find one, so if anyone knows of something like that, that link would be appreciated.
Here is some good reading about large tables and the effects of indexing on them, including cost/benefit, as you requested:
Indexing very large tables (as with anything database related) depends on many factors, incuding your access patterns, ratio of Reads to Writes and size of available RAM.
If you can fit your 'hot' (i.e. frequently accessed index pages) into memory then accesses will generally be fast.
The strategy used to index very large tables, is using partitioned tables and partitioned indexes. BUT if your query does not join or filter on the partition key then there will no improvement in performance over an unpartitioned table i.e. no partition elimination.
SQL Server Database Partitioning Myths and Truths
Oracle Partitioned Tables and Indexes
It's very important to keep your indexes as narrow as possible.
Kimberly Tripp's The Clustered Index Debate Continues...(SQL Server)
Accessing the data via a unique index lookup will slow down as the table gets very large, but not by much. The index is stored as a B-tree structure in Postgres (not binary tree which only has two children per node), so a 10k row table might have 2 levels whereas a 10B row table might have 4 levels (depending on the width of the rows). So as the table gets ridiculously large it might go to 5 levels or higher, but this only means one extra page read so is probably not noticeable.
When you insert new rows, you cant control where they are inserted in the physical layout of the table so I assume you mean "end of the table" in terms of using the maximum value being indexed. I know Oracle has some optimisations around leaf block splitting in this case, but I dont know about Postgres.
If it is indexed properly, insert performance may be impacted more than select performance. Indexes in PostgreSQL have vast numbers of options which can allow you to index part of a table or the output of an immutable function on tuples in the table. Also size of the index, assuming it is usable, will affect speed much more slowly than will the actual scan of the table. The biggest difference is between searching a tree and scanning a list. Of course you still have disk I/O and memory overhead that goes into index usage, and so large indexes don't perform as well as they theoretically could.

SQL Server 2005: disk space taken by dropped columns

I have a big table in SQL Server 2005 that's taking about 3.5 GB of space (according to sp_spaceused). It has 10 million records, and several indexes.
I just dropped a bunch of columns from it, such that the record length got reduced to a half, and to my surprise it took zero time to do that. Obviously, sp_spaceused was still reporting the same taken space, SQL server hadn't really done anything when dropping the columns, other than marking them as "dropped".
So I moved all the data from this table into another new table, truncated it, and moved all the data back, so that it'd get all reconstructed.
Now, after that, data is taking 2.8 GB, which IS less than before, but I expected a bigger drop.
Is it possible that the fact that this table originally had these columns is still leaving something there?
Was truncating it not enough? Should I drop it and create it again with the smaller column set?
Or is the data really taking 2.8 GB?
You will need to rebuild the clustered index (assuming you have one - by default, your primary key is the clustered key).
ALTER INDEX (your clustered index) ON TABLE (your table) REBUILD
The data is really the leaf level of your clustered index - once you rebuild it, it will be "compacted" and the rows should be stored on much fewer data pages, reducing your database size, too.
If that doesn't help at all, you might also need to run a DBCC SHRINKDATABASE on your database to really reclaim the space. These two steps together should really get you some smaller database file!
How did you calculate that "expected a bigger drop"? Note that the data comes in 8K pages, which means that even if individual rows are smaller, that does not always mean you need less pages to store them.
For example (an extreme example), if your rows used to be 7.5K each, only one row per page would fit. You drop some columns, your row is 5K, but still it is one row per page.