Is there an index on the primary key of a table? [duplicate] - sql

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sql primary key and index
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Does having a primary key column mean there is an index on that column? If so, what kind of index is it?

For SQL Server, which I believe from previous questions is what you're using, when you define a PRIMARY KEY, it will automatically have a index on that column which will default to being a CLUSTERED index. You can define whether it should be a NONCLUSTERED or a CLUSTERED index when you create the constraint.

Yes, a primary key implies an index.
If the primary key is clustered, the index will be part of the main table file. It it's not clustered, it will be part of a separate index file.

It depends on the database.
Some databases either require or automatically create primary key indexes as a way to enforce the uniqueness of a primary key. Others are perfectly happy to perform a full scan of the table.
Which database are you using?
SQLServer (versions 7 - 2008) creates indexes or primary keys - you can control whether or not it is clustered.
Older versions of Oracle (8i,9i) also create indexes when you add a unique key constraint. Newer versions (10g) don't seem to, based on the test case I just looked at.

In any "real" database, yes having a primary key means having a unique index. In some databases, the primary key index can/will cluster on key values too.

In all the DBs I've used, PRIMARY KEY is basically just a UNIQUE index.


What are the main differences between a primary key and a unique constraint?

I answered that tables had only one primary key but could have many unique constraints.
But what else?
Primary column can never be null, a unique column can be.
Some differences I could think of:
Primary Key can't be null whereas unique will allow one null value.
You can have multiple unique keys on a table but only one Primary Key.
Some taken from WikiPedia - Unique key - Differences from primary key constraints:
Primary Key constraint
A Primary Key cannot allow null (a primary key cannot be defined on columns that allow nulls).
Each table cannot have more than one primary key.
On some RDBMS a primary key generates a clustered index by default.
Unique constraint
A unique constraint can be defined on columns that allow nulls.
Each table can have multiple unique keys.
On some RDBMS a unique key generates a nonclustered index by default.
It's hard to say what the interviewer might have been looking for. There are lots of options.
In standard SQL, a constraint declared primary key and a constraint declared not null unique behave the same at the logical level. For example, both of those can be the target of foreign key references. The interviewer might have wanted to know about how null fits into that. A bare unique constraint allows nulls; a primary key constraint implicitly declares each column not null in T-SQL.
Or the interviewer might have been looking to see whether you distinguished a unique constraint from an unique index. AFAIK, every dbms implements unique constraints by using a unique index. But a constraint expresses something about the database at a logical level, and a unique index expresses something about the database at the physical level.
SQL Server in particular
The interviewer might have wanted to see whether you knew that some computed columns, but not all of them, can be indexed. (That one's a long shot.)
Maybe the interviewer wanted to see if you'd say anything about clustering. A primary key constraint defaults to clustered in SQL Server, but an index defaults to nonclustered.
Maybe the interviewer wanted to see whether you'd say anything about permissions. You typically need broader permissions to add a constraint than you need to add an index.

What’s the difference between a primary key and a clustered index? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Performance difference between Primary Key and Unique Clustered Index in SQL Server
I make sure that I searched this forum but nobody asked this question before and I couldn't find any answer in anywhere too.
My question is = "What’s the difference between a primary key and a clustered index?"
Well, for starters, one is a key, and the other one is an index.
In most database lingo, key is something that somehow identifies the data, with no explicit relation to the storage or performance of the data. And a primary key is a piece of data that uniquely identifies that data.
An index on the other hand is something that describes a (faster) way to access data. It does not (generally) concern itself with the integrity and meaning of the data, it's just concerned with performance and storage. In SQL Server specifically, a clustered index is an index that dictates the physical order of storage of the rows. The things that it does are quite complex, but a useful approximation is that the rows are ordered by the value of the clustered index. This means that when you do not specify a order clause, the data is likely to be sorted by the value of the clustered index.
So, they are completely different things, that kinda-sorta compliment each other. That is why SQL Server, when you create a primary key via the designer, throws in a free clustered index along with it.
Before you can ask the difference between primary key and clustered index, you have to know that a key and an index are not the same thing.
A key can be a primary key or a foreign key. There can be only one primary key per table (but it might be more than one column). A key is a logical thing, it serves the business logic and defines the integrity of data. A foreign key is a reference to a primary key of another table.
Indexes helps to speed up your queries, because it builds references to columns of your choice. So it creates separate files that helps your queries that use indexed columns.
A clustered index is a special index that defines the physical order of your table (it should be a sequential data).
I tried to explain this with my own words, but you'll find all resources you need with a google search (and I definitely recommend that you read a lot of this ! )
Primary key is unique identifier for record. It's responsible for unique value of this field. It's simply existing or specially created field or group of fields that uniquely identifies row.
And clustered index is data structure that improves speed of data retrieval operations through an access of ordered records. Index is copy of one part of table. It takes additional physical place on hard disk.
In much of the RDBMS, as far as I know, when you create PK the engine in back creates clustered index. PK used for Entity integrity when clustered index sets data order and used for performance.

How to convert clustered primary key to non-clustered without dropping referring foreign keys in SQL Server 2005

I've made mistake creating clustered primary key on GUID column.
There are many tables that reference that table with defined foreign keys.
Table size is not significant.
I would like to convert it from clustered to non-clustered without manually dropping and recreating any foreign keys or even primary key constraint.
Is it possible to achieve that in MS SQL2005 and how if yes ?
Is it possible to achieve that ONLINE (without db down time) if yes ?
You could try creating the unique nonclustered NC index first, then drop the clustered PK. The FK should recognise this other index (but might not: never tried it).
When you run ALTER TABLE to drop the clustered PK use the ONLINE option. However, it's only available in Enterprise edition.
You can't use ONLINE for the ADD CONSTRAINT bit.
Basically, your options are limited without blocking, or creating another table first and moving data over...

What is the difference between a primary key and a unique constraint?

Someone asked me this question on an interview...
Primary keys can't be null. Unique keys can.
A primary key is a unique field on a table but it is special in the sense that the table considers that row as its key. This means that other tables can use this field to create foreign key relationships to themselves.
A unique constraint simply means that a particular field must be unique.
Primary key can not be null but unique can have only one null value.
Primary key create the cluster index automatically but unique key not.
A table can have only one primary key but unique key more than one.
TL;DR Much can be implied by PRIMARY KEY (uniqueness, reference-able, non-null-ness, clustering, etc) but nothing that can't be stated explicitly using UNIQUE.
I suggest that if you are the kind of coder who likes the convenience of SELECT * FROM... without having to list out all those pesky columns then PRIMARY KEY is just the thing for you.
a relvar can have several keys, but we choose just one for underlining
and call that one the primary key. The choice is arbitrary, so the
concept of primary is not really very important from a logical point
of view. The general concept of key, however, is very important! The
term candidate key means exactly the same as key (i.e., the addition
of candidate has no real significance—it was proposed by Ted Codd
because he regarded each key as a candidate for being nominated as the
primary key)... SQL allows a subset of a table's columns to be
declared as a key for that table. It also allows one of them to be
nominated as the primary key. Specifying a key to be primary makes
for a certain amount of convenience in connection with other
constraints that might be needed
What Is a Key? by Hugh Darwen
it's usual... to single out one key as the primary key (and any other
keys for the relvar in question are then said to be alternate keys).
But whether some key is to be chosen as primary, and if so which one,
are essentially psychological issues, beyond the purview of the
relational model as such. As a matter of good practice, most base
relvars probably should have a primary key—but, to repeat, this rule,
if it is a rule, really isn't a relational issue as such... Strong
recommendation [to SQL users]: For base tables, at any rate, use
PRIMARY KEY and/or UNIQUE specifications to ensure that every such
table does have at least one key.
SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code
By C. J. Date
implies uniqueness but you can specify that explicitly (using UNIQUE).
implies NOT NULL but you can specify that explicitly when creating columns (but you should be avoiding nulls anyhow!)
allows you to omit its columns in a FOREIGN KEY but you can specify them explicitly.
can be declared for only one key per table but it is not clear why (Codd, who originally proposed the concept, did not impose such a restriction).
In some products PRIMARY KEY implies the table's clustered index but you can specify that explicitly (you may not want the primary key to be the clustered index!)
For some people PRIMARY KEY has purely psychological significance:
they think it signifies that the key will be referenced in a foreign key (this was proposed by Codd but not actually adopted by standard SQL nor SQL vendors).
they think it signifies the sole key of the table (but the failure to enforce other candidate keys leads to loss of data integrity).
they think it implies a 'surrogate' or 'artificial ' key with no significance to the business (but actually imposes unwanted significance on the enterprise by being exposed to users).
Every primary key is a unique constraint, but in addition to the PK, a table can have additional unique constraints.
Say you have a table Employees, PK EmployeeID. You can add a unique constraint on SSN, for example.
Unique Key constraints:
Unique key constraint will provide you a constraint like the column values should retain uniqueness.
It will create non-clustered index by default
Any number of unique constraints can be added to a table.
It will allow null value in the column.
ALTER TABLE table_name
UNIQUE (column_name1, column_name2, ...)
Primary Key:
Primary key will create column data uniqueness in the table.
Primary key will create clustered index by default
Only one Primay key can be created for a table
Multiple columns can be consolidated to form a single primary key
It wont allow null values.
ALTER TABLE table_name
PRIMARY KEY (column_name)
In addition to Andrew's answer, you can only have one primary key per table but you can have many unique constraints.
Primary key's purpose is to uniquely identify a row in a table. Unique constraint ensures that a field's value is unique among the rows in table.
You can have only one primary key per table. You can have more than one unique constraint per table.
A primary key is a minimal set of columns such that any two records with identical values in those columns have identical values in all columns. Note that a primary key can consist of multiple columns.
A uniqueness constraint is exactly what it sounds like.
The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.
The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns.
A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.
Note that you can have many UNIQUE constraints per table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint per table
Primary key can't be null but unique constraint is nullable.
when you choose a primary key for your table it's atomatically Index that field.
Primary keys are essentially combination of (unique +not null). also when referencing a foreign key the rdbms requires Primary key.
Unique key just imposes uniqueness of the column.A value of field can be NULL in case of uniqe key. Also it cannot be used to reference a foreign key, that is quite obvious as u can have null values in it
Both guarantee uniqueness across the rows in the table, with the exception of nulls as mentioned in some of the other answers.
Additionally, a primary key "comes with" an index, which could be either clustered or non-clustered.
There are several good answers in here so far. In addition to the fact that a primary key can't be null, is a unique constraint itself, and can be comprised of multiple columns, there are deeper meanings that depend on the database server you are using.
I am a SQL Server user, so a primary key has a more specific meaning to me. In SQL Server, by default, primary keys are also part of what is called the "clustered index". A clustered index defines the actual ordering of data pages for that particular table, which means that the primary key ordering matches the physical order of rows on disk.
I know that one, possibly more, of MySql's table formats also support clustered indexing, which means the same thing as it does in SQL defines the physical row ordering on disk.
Oracle provides something called Index Organized Tables, which order the rows on disk by the primary key.
I am not very familiar with DB2, however I think a clustered index means the rows on disk are stored in the same order as a separate index. I don't know if the clustered index must match the primary key, or if it can be a distinct index.
A great number of the answers here have discussed the properties of PK vs unique constraints. But it is more important to understand the difference in concept.
A primary key is considered to be an identifier of the record in the database. So these will for example be referenced when creating foreign key references between tables. A primary key should therefore under normal circumstances never contain values that have any meaining in your domain (often automatically incremential fields are used for this).
A unique constraint is just a way of enforcing domain specific business rules in your database schema.
Becuase a PK it is an identifier for the record, you can never change the value of a primary key.

Create a mysql primary key without a clustered index?

I'm a SQL Server guy experimenting with MySQL for a large upcoming project (due to licensing) and I'm not finding much information in the way of creating a primary key without a clustered index. All the documentation I've read says on 5.1 says that a primary key is automatically given a clustered index. Since I'm using a binary(16) for the primary key column (GUID), I'd rather not have a clustered index on it. So...
Is it possible to create a primary key without a clustered index? I could always put the clustered index on the date_created column instead, but how do I prevent mysql from creating the clustered index on the primary key automatically?
If not possible, will I be OK performance wise with a unique index on the GUID column and no primary key on the table? I'm planning to use nhibernate here, so I'm not sure if having no primary key is allowed (haven't got that far yet).
It depends on which storage engine you are using. MyISAM tables do not support clustered indices, so primary keys on MyISAM tables are not clustered. The primary key on an InnoDB table, however, is clustered.
You should consult the MySQL Manual for further details about the pros and cons of each storage engine.
You need to have a primary key; if you don't create one yourself, MySQL will create a hidden one for you. You could always just create an AUTO_INCREMENT field for the primary key (this is preferable to having MySQL have hidden fields in your table, I think).
Considering what is said on Clustered and Secondary Indexes, it seems you cannot really define on which column the clustered index is set :
it's either on the PK column
or on the first column with a UNIQUE index that only has non-null values
or on some internal column -- not that usefull in your case ^^
About the second question in your post : no PK on the table, and a UNIQUE index on the GUID ; it might be possible, but it will not change anything about the clustered index : it will still probably be on the GUID column.
Some kind of a hack might be to :
not define a primary key
place a UNIQUE index on your date_created field (if you don't create too many rows in short periods of time, it could be viable... )
Not sure you can place a second UNIQUE index on the GUID... Maybe ^^
And not sure that would change much about the clustered index ; but might be worth a try...