SQL Alternative to performing an INNER JOIN on a single table - sql

I have a large table (TokenFrequency) which has millions of rows in it. The TokenFrequency table that is structured like this:
Table - TokenFrequency
id - int, primary key
source - int, foreign key
token - char
count - int
My goal is to select all of the rows in which two sources have the same token in it. For example if my table looked like this:
id --- source --- token --- count
1 ------ 1 --------- dog ------- 1
2 ------ 2 --------- cat -------- 2
3 ------ 3 --------- cat -------- 2
4 ------ 4 --------- pig -------- 5
5 ------ 5 --------- zoo ------- 1
6 ------ 5 --------- cat -------- 1
7 ------ 5 --------- pig -------- 1
I would want a SQL query to give me source 1, source 2, and the sum of the counts. For example:
source1 --- source2 --- token --- count
---- 2 ----------- 3 --------- cat -------- 4
---- 2 ----------- 5 --------- cat -------- 3
---- 3 ----------- 5 --------- cat -------- 3
---- 4 ----------- 5 --------- pig -------- 6
I have a query that looks like this:
SELECT F.source AS source1, S.source AS source2, F.token,
(F.count + S.count) AS sum
FROM TokenFrequency F
INNER JOIN TokenFrequency S ON F.token = S.token
WHERE F.source <> S.source
This query works fine but the problems that I have with it are that:
I have a TokenFrequency table that has millions of rows and therefore need a faster alternative to obtain this result.
The current query that I have is giving duplicates. For example its selecting:
source1=2, source2=3, token=cat, count=4
source1=3, source2=2, token=cat, count=4
Which isn't too much of a problem but if there is a way to elimate those and in turn obtain a speed increase then it would be very useful
The main issue that I have is speed of the query with my current query it takes hours to complete. The INNER JOIN on a table to itself is what I believe to be the problem. Im sure there has to be a way to eliminate the inner join and get similar results just using one instance of the TokenFrequency table. The second problem that I mentioned might also promote a speed increase in the query.
I need a way to restructure this query to provide the same results in a faster, more efficient manner.

I'd need a little more info to diagnose the speed issue, but to remove the dups, add this to the WHERE:
AND F.source<S.source

Try this:
SELECT token, GROUP_CONCAT(source), SUM(count)
FROM TokenFrequency
GROUP BY token;
This should run a lot faster and also eliminate the duplicates. But the sources will be returned in a comma-separated list, so you'll have to explode that in your application.
You might also try creating a compound index over the columns token, source, count (in that order) and analyze with EXPLAIN to see if MySQL is smart enough to use it as a covering index for this query.
update: I seem to have misunderstood your question. You don't want the sum of counts per token, you want the sum of counts for every pair of sources for a given token.
I believe the inner join is the best solution for this. An important guideline for SQL is that if you need to calculate an expression with respect to two different rows, then you need to do a join.
However, one optimization technique that I mentioned above is to use a covering index so that all the columns you need are included in an index data structure. The benefit is that all your lookups are O(log n), and the query doesn't need to do a second I/O to read the physical row to get other columns.
In this case, you should create the covering index over columns token, source, count as I mentioned above. Also try to allocate enough cache space so that the index can be cached in memory.

If token isn't indexed, it certainly should be.


Getting Duplicates in Person ID and ASSIGNMENT_ID

This is the query I'm using:
---------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------ -------------------- -------------------
300000048030404 1 300000137711224 300000048033078 NANO_CLASS SUCCESS anonymous G_1
300000048030404 1 300000137637946 300000048033078 INCREASE SALES BY 40% SUCCESS REDDI.SAREDDY G_1
300000048030404 1 300000137637946 300000048033078 INCREASE SALES BY 40% SUCCESS CURTIS.FEITTY
Your output does not contain duplicates. You have more than one row for PERSON_ID (300000048030404) but that's because the master table (? HRG_GOAL_ACCESS ?) has multiple rows in its child tables.
Each row has different details, so the set is valid. There are different values of HRG_GOALS.GOAL_ID, HRG_GOALS.GOAL_NAME and HRG_GOAL_PLN_ASSIGNMENTS.CREATED_BY.
If this response does not make you happy you need to explain more clearly what your desire output would look like. Alternatively you need to figure out your data model and understand why your query returns the data it does. Probably you have a missing join condition; the use of distinct could be hindering you in finding that out.

SQL Determining differences in near-identical rows

If I have a table of correct data I need to check with my actual table to make sure the data is correct and I have some rows like the following:
FRUIT ------- PRICE ------- WEEKS_FRESH ------- SUPPLIER
Apple $1 1 Big Co.
Banana $1 1 Super Co.
and the actual table with this info:
FRUIT ------- PRICE ------- WEEKS_FRESH ------- SUPPLIER
Apple $2 1 Big Co.
Banana $1 1 Super Co.
...and assume there are many other rows, some match up fine and others have inconsistencies in certain areas (Maybe the wrong price? Or wrong supplier? Maybe even both.) How would I do a select to find these rows that are inconsistent with the actual data?
Select dt.Fruit,dt.Price, dt.Weeks_Fresh,dtc.Fruit,dtc.Price, dtc.Weeks_Fresh,...
From DataTable dt
DataTable_Check dtc
ON dt.Fruit = dtc.Fruit
AND dt.Price = dtc.Price
Where dt.Fruit IS NULL OR dtc.Fruit IS NULL
The full join includes records from each table regardless of whether there is a match, so if either side is null then you know there is a mismatch.
The following to find actual records not matching correct records:
select *
from Data_Table
select *
from Data_Check_Table

Selecting rows using multiple LIKE conditions from a table field

I created a table out of a CSV file which is produced by an external software.
Amongst the other fields, this table contains one field called "CustomID".
Each row on this table must be linked to a customer using the content of that field.
Every customer may have one or more set of customIDs at their own discretion, as long as each sequence starts with the same prefix.
So for example:
Customer 1 may use "cust1_n" and "cstm01_n" (where n is a number)
Customer 2 may use "customer2_n"
PKID CustomID Description
---- --------------- --------------------------
1 cust1_001 Something
2 cust1_002 ...
3 cstm01_000001 ...
4 customer2_00001 ...
5 cstm01_000232 ...
Now I have created 2 support tables as follows:
---- --------------------
1 Customer 1
2 Customer 2
PKID FKCustomerID SearchPattern
---- ------------ -------------
1 1 cust1_*
2 1 cstm01_*
3 2 customer2_*
What I need to achieve is the retrieval of all rows for a given customer using all the LIKE conditions found on the CustomIDs tables for that customer.
I have failed miserably so far.
Any clues, please?
Thanks in advance.
To use LIKE you must replace the * with % in the pattern. Different dbms use different functions for string manipulation. Let's assume there is a REPLACE function available:
FROM ImportedRows ir
JOIN CustomIDs c ON ir.CustomID LIKE REPLACE(c.SearchPattern, '*', '%')
WHERE c.FKCustomerID = 1;

SQL - ordering results by parent child

i have entries in my table of products and categories with columns id and parent.
lets say i have the following
0 ----- 0 ------ home
1 ----- 4 ------ PD1
2 ----- 0 ------ CAT1
3 ----- 2 ------ PD2
4 ----- 2 ------ CAT2
the fist col being the id, second being parent and a title at the end.
is there a way (using ORDER or some other method) of returning the results in the following order?
0 ----- 0 ------ home
2 ----- 0 ------ CAT1
3 ----- 2 ------ PD2
4 ----- 2 ------ CAT2
1 ----- 4 ------ PD1
Try this:
SELECT id, parent, title
FROM yourtable
ORDER BY parent, id
try this
SELECT * FROM yourtablename ORDER BY parentfieldname
could it be as simple as
Firstly, if you want to order in a custom way (not using PKs or alphabetic on a name field), you need to add a field to define the ordering weight of the various objects. I would add a field to the table called something like ordering_weight - you do not want to use the field name order or sequence b/c they are reserved SQL words.
Secondly, you need an order by clause: ORDER BY top_level.ordering_weight, next_level.ordering_weight, ..., deepest_level.ordering_weight Notice that my order by clause orders first by the highest level of my tree, and last by the lowest or deepest level of the tree.
Of course, disregard the above if all you are looking fo a dynamic level of recursion.
Generally when I see a parent child relationship like this I see people wanting to do more than 1 level of recursion. The problem with your schema is that It doesn't support dynamic levels of recursion as it is. You can only fetch the top level parent's children, every additional level requires another join (there are some clever ways to get past this, but they still require additional SQL per level).
I think what might be more useful to you is to look into the Nested Set Model, which allows querying of infinite levels of recursion.
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_set_model
For example the following tree of parent child relationships is extremely difficult using standard joins, but is very easy using a model like nested set.
Category A
- Category B
- - Category D
- Category E
Category F
- Category G
- - Category H
- - - Category I
- - - - Category J

Storing parameterized definitions of sets of elements and single pass queries to fetch them in SQL

Suppose a database table containing properties of some elements:
Table Element (let's say 1 000 000 rows):
ElementId Property_1 Property_2 Property_3
------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 abc 1 1
2 bcd 1 2
3 def 2 4
The table is being frequently updated. I'd like to store definitions of sets of these elements so that using a single SQL statement I would get eg.
SetId Element
--- -------
A 2
B 1
B 3
C 2
C 3
I'd also like to change the definitions when needed. So far I have stored the definitions of the sets as unions of intersections like this:
Table Subset (~1 000 rows):
SubsetId Property Value Operator
-------- -------- ----- --------
1 1 bcd =
1 3 1 >
2 2 3 <=
Table Set (~300 rows):
SetId SubsetId
--- ------
E 3
E 4
F 7
F 9
In SQL I suppose I could generate lots of case expressions from the tables, but so far I've just loaded the tables and used an external tool to do essentially the same thing.
When I came up with this I was pleased (and also implemented it). Lately I've been wondering whether it is as wonderful as I thought. Is there a better way to store the definitions of the sets?
I would think using duck-typing may be intuitive here, as an alternative.
For example all modern-languages (C#, Java, Python) have the concept of sets. If you are going to "intersect" or "union" (set operators) via SQL, then you have to store them in a relational way. Else, why not store them in a language native way ?. (as opposed to relational). By native way, I would mean that if it was done in Python and we used a Python set, then that is what I would persist. Same with Java or C#.
So if a set-id 10 had the members 1,4,5,6 it would be persisted in the DB as follows:
SetId Set
10 1,4,5,6
11 2,3
12 null
Sure, this has the disadvantage that it could be proprietary, or maybe even non-performant - which you can perhaps tell as you have the complete problem definition. If you need SQL to analyze it, maybe my suggestion has further downsides.
In a sense, the set representation feature of each of these languages are like a DSL (Domain specific Language) - if you will need to 'talk' a lot of set-stuff between your application classes / objects, then why not use the natural fit?