Incremented DB Field - sql

Let's say that I have an article on a website, and I want to track the number of views to the article. In the Articles table, there's the PK ID - int, Name - nvarchar(50), and ViewCount - int. Every time the the page is viewed, I increment the ViewCount field. I'm worried about collisions when updating the field. I can run it in a sproc with a transaction like:
#ArticleID int
UPDATE Article set ViewCount = ViewCount + 1 where ID = #ArticleID
IF ##ERROR <> 0
-- Rollback the transaction
-- Raise an error and return
RAISERROR ('Error Incrementing', 16, 1)
My fear is that I'm going to end up with PageViews not being counted in this model. The other possible solution is a log type of model where I actually log views to the articles and use a combination of a function and view to grab data about number of views to an article.

Probably a better model is to cache the number of views hourly in the app somewhere, and then update them in a batch-style process.
-- Edit:
To to elaborate more, a simple model for you may be:
Each page load, for the given page, increment a static hashmap. Also on each load, check if enough time has elapsed since 'Last Update', and if so, perform an update.
Be tricky, and put the base value in the cache ( and, when it times out, [implement the cache removal handler as described in the link] do the update. Set the timeout for an hour.
In both models, you'll have the static map of pages to counts; you'll update this each view, and you'll also use this - and the cached db amount - to get the current 'live' count.

The database should be able to handle a single digit increment atomically. Queries on the queue should be handled in order in the case where there might be a conflict. Your bigger issue, if there is enough volume will be handling all of the writes to the same row. Each write will block the reads and writes behind it. If you are worried, I would create a simple program that calls SQL updates in a row and run it with a few hundred concurrent threads (increase threads until your hardware is saturated). Make sure the attempts = the final result.
Finding a mechanism to cache and/or perform batch updates as silky suggests sounds like a winner.

You don't need to worry about concurrency within a single update statement in SQL Server.
But if you are worried about 2 users hitting a table in the same tenth of a second, keep in mind that there are 864,000 10th of a seconds in a day. Doesn't sound like something that is going to be an issue for a page that serves up articles.

Have no fear!
This update is a single (atomic) transaction - you cannot get 'collisions'. Even if 5,000,000 calls to IncrementView all hit the database at the exact same moment, they will each be processed in a serial, queue like fashion - thats what you are using a database engine for - consistency. Each call will gain an exclusive update lock on the row (at least), so no subsequent queries can update the row until the current one has committed.
You don't even need to use BEGIN TRAN...COMMIT. If the update fails, there is nothing to rollback anyway.
I don't see the need for any app caching - there's no reason why this update would take a long time adn therefore should have no impact on the performance of your app.
[Assuming it's relatively well designed!]


How to consistently track all new rows in a SQL database table

What I am trying to do
I am developing a web service, which runs in multiple server instances, all accessing the same RDBMS (PostgreSQL). While the database is needed for persistence, it contains very little data, which is why every server instance has a cache of all the data. Further the application is really simple in that it only ever inserts new rows in rather simple tables and selects that data in a scheduled fashion from all server instances (no updates or changes... only inserts and reads).
The way it is currently implemented
basically I have a table which roughly looks like this:
-- further data columns...
The server is doing something like this every couple of seconds (pseudocode):
get all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp
lastMaxTimestamp = max timestamp for all data just retrieved
insert new rows into application cache
The issue I am running into
The application skips certain rows when updating the caches. I analyzed the issue and figured out, that the problem is caused in the following way:
one server instance is creating a new row in the context of a transaction. An id for the new row is retrieved from the associated sequence (id=n) and the creation_timestamp (with value ts_1) is set.
another server does the same in the context of a different transaction. The new row in this transaction gets id=n+1 and a creation_timestamp ts_2 (where ts_1 < ts_2).
transaction 2 finishes before transaction 1
one of the servers executes a "select all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp". It gets row n+1, but not n1. It sets lastMaxTimestamp to ts_2.
transaction 1 completes
some time later the server from step 4 executes "select all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp" again. But since lastMaxTimestamp=ts_2 and ts_2>ts_1 the row n will never be read on that server.
Note: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP has the same value during a transaction, which is the transaction start time.
So the application gets inconsistent data into its cache and can't get new rows based on the insertion timestamp OR based on the sequence id. Transaction isolation levels don't really change anything about the situation, since the problem is created in essence by transaction 2 finishing before transaction 1.
My question
Am I missing something? I am thinking there must be a straightforward way to get all new rows of a RDBMS, but I can't come up with a simple solution... at least with a simple solution that is consistent. Extensive locking (e.g. of tables) wouldn't be acceptable because of performance reasons. Simply trying to ensure to get all ids from that sequence seems like a) a complicated solution and b) can't be done easily, since rollbacks during transactions can happen (which would lead to sequence ids not being used).
Anyone has the solution?
After a lot of searching, I found the right keywords to google for... "transaction commit timestamp" to leads to all sorts of transaction timestamp tracking and system columns like xmin:
This post has some more detailed information:
Questions about Postgres track_commit_timestamp (pg_xact_commit_timestamp)
In short:
you can turn on a postgresql option to track timestamps of commits and compare those instead of the current_timestamps/clock_timestamps inside the transaction
it seems though, that it is only tracked when a transaction is completed - not when it is commited, which makes the solution not bullet proof. There are also further issue to consider like transaction id (xmin) rollover for example
logical decoding / replication is something to look into for a proper solution
Thanks to everyone trying to help me find an answer. I hope this summary is useful to someone in the future.

postgresql function or query performance

I have some general queries on executing Postgres function.I recently noticed that if I store the output of any arithmetic or business operation in a variable and then call it at the time of execution in the query instead of doing the operation at time of execution it saved lot of time.
But I am not aware of any practices to be followed in general to reduce the time taken and also improve performance as I am new to Postgres.
Beware of read-modify-write cycles and transaction anomalies.
It's fine to cache values locally so long as you're careful about the scope with which you cache it and with cache invalidation. Be very careful about storing values past the lifetime of the transaction you read it in.
You must also be careful not to use that cached value as an input into a calculation that you write back to the database unless you SELECT ... FOR UPDATE the value in a transaction that stays open during the write, you use a SERIALIZABLE transaction, or you use some form of optimistic concurrency control.
If you aren't careful you can get yourself in real trouble, with classics like the banking concurrency example where account id=1 transfers $100 to accounts id=2 and id=3:
session1 session2
begin; begin;
select balance
from account
where id=1; => 100
select balance
from account
where id = 1; => 100
update account
set balance = balance + 100
where id = 2; -- this is safe
update account
set balance = balance + 100
where id = 3; -- this is safe
update account
set balance = 0 -- 100 - 100 = 0
where id = 1;
update account
set balance = 0 -- 100 - 100 = 0
where id = 1;
Whoops! You just added $100 to two people's accounts but only took $100 out of id=1's. The updates against id=2 and id=3 were OK because they did an in-place modification of the balance (balance = balance + 100). The updates to id=1 were not, because they read the value, modified it client side, and wrote a new value.
This is what I mean by a read-modify-write cycle.
It would've been safe if we'd used SELECT ... FOR UPDATE when reading the balance, because the second transaction would've got stuck until the 1st committed. But it would've been better still if we'd avoided the read-copy-write cycle and just done the updates in-place.
Caching is fine - but can introduce anomalies when the underlying data is updated but your cache doesn't get flushed and refreshed.
Cache invalidation is, in general, a hard problem, but Pg has some tools that help.
In particular, listen and notify, invoked from triggers, can be used to eagerly flush data from a cache stored in memcached/redis/whatever via a helper daemon. That means you're much less likely to have to flush large chunks of cache or drop the whole cache whenever something changes.
You also need to make decisions about how out of date it's acceptable for something to be. Sometimes you just don't care if a value is 5 seconds out of date. Or half an hour. Or a week. It depends on the application, the datum in question, etc.
There's nothing particularly wrong with storing values in variables.
If you're storing values so you can write SQL in a procedural, step-by-step way instead of a set-oriented way, then you'd probably be better off not doing that. SQL is a set-oriented language; it usually performs better if you write set-oriented SQL.
The risk of storing values and using them later is that the data underlying those values might have changed since you stored them. Whether that's a real problem is application-specific, but it's usually a problem best avoided.

Best implementation of a "counter" table in SQL Server

I'm working with a large SQL Server database, and that's built upon the idea of a counter table for primary key values. Each table has a row in this counter table with the PK name and the next value to be used as a primary key (for that table). Our current method of getting a counter value is something like this:
UPDATE CounterValue + 1
SELECT Counter Value
That works mostly well since the process of starting a transaction, then updating the row, locks the row/page/table (the level of locking isn't too important for this topic) until the transaction is committed.
The problem here is that if a transaction is held open for a long period of time, access to that table/page/row is locked for too long. We have situations where hundreds of inserts may occur in a single transaction (which needs access to this counter table).
One attempt to address this problem would be to always use a separate connection from your application that would never hold a transaction open. Access to the table and hence the transaction would be quick, so access to the table is generally available. The problem here is that the use of triggers that may also need access to these counter values makes that a fairly unreasonable rule to have. In other words, we have triggers that also need counter values and those triggers sometimes run in the context of a larger parent transaction.
Another attempt to solve the problem is using a SQL Server app lock to serialize access to the table/row. That's Ok most of the time too, but has downsides. One of the biggest downsides here also involves triggers. Since triggers run in the context of the triggering query, the app lock would be locked until any parent transactions are completed.
So what I'm trying to figure out is a way to serialize access to a row/table that could be run from an application or from a SP / trigger that would never run in the context of a parent transaction. If a parent transaction would roll back, I don't need the counter value to roll back. Having always available, fast access to a counter value is much more important than loosing a few counter values should a parent transaction be rolled back.
I should point out that I completely realize that using GUID values or an identity column would solve a lot of my problems, but as I mentioned, we're talking about a massive system, with massive amounts of data that can't be changed in a reasonable time frame without a lot of pain for our clients (we're talking hundreds of tables with hundreds of millions of rows).
Any thoughts about the best way to implement such a counter table would be appreciated. Remember - access should be always available from many apps, services, triggers and other SPs, with very little blocking.
EDIT - we can assume SQL Server 2005+
The way the system currently works in unscalable. You have noticed that yourself. Here are some solutions in rough order of preference:
Use an IDENTITY column (You can set the IDENTITY property without rebuilding the table. Search the web to see how.)
Use a sequence
Use Hi-Lo ID generation (What's the Hi/Lo algorithm?). In short, consumers of IDs (application instances) check out big ranges of IDs (like 100) in a separate transaction. The overhead of that scheme is very low.
Working with the constraints from your comment below: You can achieve scalable counter generation even with a single transaction and no application-level changes. This is kind of a last resort measure.
Stripe the counter. For each table, you have 100 counters. The counter N tracks IDs that conform to ID % 100 = N. So each counter tracks 1/100th of all IDs.
When you want to take an ID, you take it from a randomly chosen counter. The chance is good that this counter is not in use by a concurrent transaction. You will have little blocking due to row-level locking in SQL Server.
You initialize counter N to N and increment it by 100. This ensures that all counters generate distinct ID ranges.
Counter 0 generates 0, 100, 200, .... Counter 1 generates 1, 101, 201, .... And so on.
A disadvantage of this is that your IDs now are not sequential. In my opinion, an application should not rely on this anyway because it is not a reliable property.
You can abstract all of this into a single procedure call. code complexity will actually not that much bigger. You basically just generate an additional random number and change the increment logic.
One way is to get and increment the counter value in one statement:
DECLARE #NextKey int
UPDATE Counter
SET #NextKey = NextKey + 1,
NextKey = #NextKey

Can you view the contents of a SQL (Server) table in realtime?

Is it possible to have a table or view which updates in real-time - so I can see the changes without refreshing?
The nearest thing I ever found was
raiserror('',0,1) with nowait --to flush the buffer
print 'hello' --say hello
waitfor delay '00:00:01' --pause for 1 second
GO 5 --loop 5 times
but obviously using that for a select gives you multiple tables rather than refreshing the table
Query Notifications can update you in real time when changes in the table occur, but you will have to query again the table to see what changed. At the least it eliminates pooling. As a cache-invalidation solution, is intended to be used with relatively static data that changes seldom.
For frequent changing data the best is to poll and have a way to return only the changes (eg. updated_at) but is rather trickier to detect deletes.
Change Data Capture is a technology that will record changes (and makes discovery of deletes trivial) and you can query for the changes, but is intended for occasionally connected systems (eg. Phones updating the local snapshot from the mothership database), not for live change monitoring.

Getting a Chunk of Work

Recently I had to deal with a problem that I imagined would be pretty common: given a database table with a large (million+) number of rows to be processed, and various processors running in various machines / threads, how to safely allow each processor instance to get a chunk of work (say 100 items) without interfering with one another?
The reason I am getting a chunk at a time is for performance reasons - I don't want to go to the database for each item.
There are a few approaches - you could associate each processor a token, and have a SPROC that sets that token against the next [n] available items; perhaps something like:
(note - needs suitable isolation-level; perhaps serializable: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE)
(edited to fix TSQL)
SET [Owner] = #processor, Expiry = #expiry
You'd also want a timeout (#expiry) on this, so that when a processor goes down you don't lose work. You'd also need a task to clear the owner on things that are past their Expiry.
You can have a special table to queue work up, where the consumers delete (or mark) work as being handled, or use a middleware queuing solution, like MSMQ or ActiveMQ.
Middleware comes with its own set of problems so, if possible, I'd stick with a special table (keep it as small as possible, hopefully just with an id so the workers can fetch the rest of the information by themselves on the rest of the database and not lock the queue table up for too long).
You'd fill this table up at regular intervals and let processors grab what they need from the top.
Related questions on SQL table queues:
Queue using table
Working out the SQL to query a priority queue table
Related questions on queuing middleware:
Building a high performance and automatically backupped queue
Messaging platform
You didn't say which database server you're using, but there are a couple of options.
MySQL includes an extension to SQL99's INSERT to limit the number of rows that are updated. You can assign each worker a unique token, update a number of rows, then query to get that worker's batch. Marc used the UPDATE TOP syntax, but didn't specify the database server.
Another option is to designate a table used for locking. Don't use the same table with the data, since you don't want to lock it for reading. Your lock table likely only needs a single row, with the next ID needing work. A worker locks the table, gets the current ID, increments it by whatever your batch size is, updates the table, then releases the lock. Then it can go query the data table and pull the rows it reserved. This option assumes the data table has a monotonically increasing ID, and isn't very fault-tolerant if a worker dies or otherwise can't finish a batch.
Quite similar to this question: SQL Server Process Queue Race Condition
You run a query to assign a 100 rows to a given processorid. If you use these locking hints then it's "safe" in the concurrency sense. And it's a single SQL statement with no SET statements needed.
This is taken from the other question:
ProcessorID = #PROCID
ProcessorID = 0 --Or whatever unassigned is