Best way to write a named SQL query that returns if row exists? - sql

So I have this SQL query,
<named-query name="NQ::job_exists">
select 0 from dual where exists (select * from job_queue);
Which I plan to use like this:
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("NQ::job_exists");
List<Integer> results = q.getResultList();
boolean exists = !results.isEmpty();
return exists;
I am not very strong in SQL/JPA however, and was wondering whether there is a better way of doing it (or ways to improve it). Should I for example, write (select from job_queue jq) instead of using a star??
EDIT:This call is very performance critical in our app.
EDIT:Did some performance testing, and while the differences were almost negligible, I finally decided to go with:
select distinct null
from dual
where exists (
select null from job_queue

IF you are using EXISTS Oracle I recommend using null:
select null
from dual where exists (select null from job_queue);
The following will be the one with lower cost on Oracle:
select null
from job_queue
where rownum = 1;
Update: To include the case when there are no rows on table you can run the following query:
select count(*)
from (select null
from job_queue
where rownum = 1);
With this query you have a optimum plan and only two possible results: 1 if there are rows and 0 if there are no rows.

If you do an "exists" then it will stop looking as soon as it finds a match. This can stop it from doing a full table scan. Same with TOP 1 if you don't have an ORDER BY. If you do a TOP 1 ID and ID is in an index it might use the index and not even go to the table at all. Stopping the full table scan is where the biggest saving in performance is.
Another small savings is that if you do "SELECT 1" or "SELECT COUNT(1)" instead of "SELECT * " or "SELECT COUNT(*)" it saves the work of getting the table structure.
So I would go with:
FROM job_queue
return !results.isEmpty();
This is the least amount of work that I can think of.
For Oracle it would be:
FROM job_queue
WHERE rownum<2;
Set Rowcount 1
FROM job_queue

Why not just do:
select count(*) as JobCount from job_queue
If JobCount = 0, then there's your answer!


selecting minimum value depending on other value

Is there any better way for below sql query? Don't want to drop and create temporary table just would like to do it in 1 query.
I am trying to select minimum value for price depending if its order sell where obviously price is higher then in buy and it just shows 0 results when I try it.
DROP TABLE `#temporary_table`;
CREATE TABLE `#temporary_table` (ID int(11),region int(11),nazwa varchar(100),price float,isBuyOrder int,volumeRemain int,locationID int,locationName varchar(100),systemID int,security_status decimal(1,1));
INSERT INTO `#temporary_table` SELECT * FROM hauling WHERE isBuyOrder=0 ORDER BY ID;
SELECT * FROM `#temporary_table`;
SELECT * FROM `#temporary_table` WHERE (ID,price) IN (select ID, MIN(price) from `#temporary_table` group by ID) order by `ID`
UPDATE: when I try nvogel answer and checked profiling thats what I get:
Any chance to optimize this or different working way with 700k rows database?
Try this:
FROM hauling AS h
WHERE isBuyOrder = 0
AND price =
(SELECT MIN(t.price)
FROM hauling AS t
WHERE t.isBuyOrder = 0
AND t.ID = h.ID);
You don't need a temporary table at all. You can basically use your current logic:
FROM hauling h
WHERE h.isBuyOrder = 0 AND
(, h.price) IN (SELECT, MIN(h2.price)
FROM hauling h2
WHERE h2.isBuyOrder = 0
There are many other ways to write similar logic. However, there is no need to rewrite the logic; you just need to include the comparison on isBuyOrder in the subquery.
Note that not all databases support IN with tuples. If your database does not provide such support, then you would need to rewrite the logic.

optimising/simplifying cursor sql

i've got the below code, and it operates just fine, only it takes a couple of seconds to calculate the answer - i was wondering whether there is a quicker/neater way of writing this code - and if so, what am i doing wrong?
select case when
(select LSCCert from matterdatadef where ptmatter=$Matter$) is not null then
(select case when
(SELECT top 1 dbo.matterdatadef.ptmatter
From dbo.workinprogress, dbo.MatterDataDef
where ptclient=(
select top 1 dbo.workinprogress.ptclient
from dbo.workinprogress
where dbo.workinprogress.ptmatter = $matter$)
and dbo.matterdatadef.LSCCert=(
select top 1 dbo.matterdatadef.LSCCert
from dbo.matterdatadef
where dbo.matterdatadef.ptmatter = $matter$)
)=ptMatter then (
SELECT isnull((DateAdd(mm, 6, (
select top 1 Date
from OfficeClientLedger
where (pttrans=3)
and ptmatter=$matter$
order by date desc))),
(DateAdd(mm, 3, (
WHERE ptMatter = $Matter$)))
from lamatter
where ptmatter=$matter$)
It looks like this your sql was generated from a reporting tool. The problem is you are executing the SELECT top 1 dbo.matterdatadef.ptmatter... query for every row of table lamatter. Further slowing execution, within that query you are recalculating comparison values for both ptclient and LSCCert - values that aren't going to change during execution.
Better to use proper joins and craft the query to execute each part only once by avoiding correlated subqueries (queries that reference values in joined tables and must be executed for every row of that table). Calculated values are OK, as long as they are calculated only once - ie from within the final where clause.
Here is a trivial example to demonstrate a correlated subquery:
Bad sql:
select a, b from table1
where a = (select c from table2 where d = b)
Here the sub-select is run for every row, which will be slow, especially without an index on table2(d)
Better sql:
select a, b from table1, table2
where a = c and d = a
Here the database will scan each table at most once, which will be fast

TSQL NOT EXISTS Why is this query so slow?

Debugging an app which queries SQL Server 05, can't change the query but need to optimise things.
Running all the selects seperately are quick <1sec, eg: select * from acscard, select id from employee... When joined together it takes 50 seconds.
Is it better to set uninteresting accesscardid fields to null or to '' when using EXISTS?
( SELECT Id FROM Employee
WHERE Employee.AccessCardId = ACSCard.acs_card_number )
WHERE Visit.AccessCardId = ACSCard.acs_card_number )
ORDER by acs_card_id
Do you have indexes on Employee.AccessCardId, Visit.AccessCardId, and ACSCard.acs_card_number?
The SELECT clause is not evaluated in an EXISTS clause. This:
...should raise an error for dividing by zero, but it won't. But you need to put something in the SELECT clause for it to be a valid query - it doesn't matter if it's NULL or a zero length string.
In SQL Server, NOT EXISTS (and NOT IN) are better than the LEFT JOIN/IS NULL approach if the columns being compared are not nullable (the values on either side can not be NULL). The columns compared should be indexed, if they aren't already.

SQL: Get a random entry iff condition is false

Using Firebird:
I want to select a random entry in the table if the first SQL query returns 0 rows. Is there anyway to combine these two queries?
SELECT * FROM table WHERE cond=1;
SELECT FIRST 1 * FROM table ORDER BY rand();
Im using ExecuteNativeQuery on the java-side which takes basic SQL statements. Sadly, If-Else statements don't work. And if i could make a single query to the database instead of two, that would make my code appear faster.
try this: Not sure but think it will work...
Select FIRST 1 t1.*
FROM table t1
left Join Table t2
On =
And t2.cond=1
ORDER BY Case When t2.Cond = 1
Then 0 Else rand() End
if(exists(select 1 from table where cond=1))
SELECT * FROM table WHERE cond=1;
SELECT FIRST 1 * FROM table ORDER BY rand();
something like this, though I forgot whether the then keyword is needed in if statements in FirebirdSQL databases.

Difference between EXISTS and IN in SQL?

What is the difference between the EXISTS and IN clause in SQL?
When should we use EXISTS, and when should we use IN?
The exists keyword can be used in that way, but really it's intended as a way to avoid counting:
--this statement needs to check the entire table
select count(*) from [table] where ...
--this statement is true as soon as one match is found
exists ( select * from [table] where ... )
This is most useful where you have if conditional statements, as exists can be a lot quicker than count.
The in is best used where you have a static list to pass:
select * from [table]
where [field] in (1, 2, 3)
When you have a table in an in statement it makes more sense to use a join, but mostly it shouldn't matter. The query optimiser should return the same plan either way. In some implementations (mostly older, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2000) in queries will always get a nested join plan, while join queries will use nested, merge or hash as appropriate. More modern implementations are smarter and can adjust the plan even when in is used.
EXISTS will tell you whether a query returned any results. e.g.:
FROM Orders o
FROM Products p
WHERE p.ProductNumber = o.ProductNumber)
IN is used to compare one value to several, and can use literal values, like this:
FROM Orders
WHERE ProductNumber IN (1, 10, 100)
You can also use query results with the IN clause, like this:
FROM Orders
WHERE ProductNumber IN (
SELECT ProductNumber
FROM Products
WHERE ProductInventoryQuantity > 0)
Based on rule optimizer:
EXISTS is much faster than IN, when the sub-query results is very large.
IN is faster than EXISTS, when the sub-query results is very small.
Based on cost optimizer:
There is no difference.
I'm assuming you know what they do, and thus are used differently, so I'm going to understand your question as: When would it be a good idea to rewrite the SQL to use IN instead of EXISTS, or vice versa.
Is that a fair assumption?
Edit: The reason I'm asking is that in many cases you can rewrite an SQL based on IN to use an EXISTS instead, and vice versa, and for some database engines, the query optimizer will treat the two differently.
For instance:
FROM Customers
FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.CustomerID = Customers.ID
can be rewritten to:
FROM Customers
FROM Orders
or with a join:
SELECT Customers.*
FROM Customers
INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.ID = Orders.CustomerID
So my question still stands, is the original poster wondering about what IN and EXISTS does, and thus how to use it, or does he ask wether rewriting an SQL using IN to use EXISTS instead, or vice versa, will be a good idea?
EXISTS is much faster than IN when the subquery results is very large.
IN is faster than EXISTS when the subquery results is very small.
CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT, title VARCHAR(20), someIntCol INT)
CREATE TABLE t2 (id INT, t1Id INT, someData VARCHAR(20))
SELECT 1, 'title 1', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 'title 2', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 3, 'title 3', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 4, 'title 4', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT null, 'title 5', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT null, 'title 6', 5
SELECT 1, 1, 'data 1' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 1, 'data 2' UNION ALL
SELECT 3, 2, 'data 3' UNION ALL
SELECT 4, 3, 'data 4' UNION ALL
SELECT 5, 3, 'data 5' UNION ALL
SELECT 6, 3, 'data 6' UNION ALL
SELECT 7, 4, 'data 7' UNION ALL
SELECT 8, null, 'data 8' UNION ALL
SELECT 9, 6, 'data 9' UNION ALL
SELECT 10, 6, 'data 10' UNION ALL
SELECT 11, 8, 'data 11'
Query 1
Query 2
WHERE not in (SELECT t2.t1id FROM t2 )
If in t1 your id has null value then Query 1 will find them, but Query 2 cant find null parameters.
I mean IN can't compare anything with null, so it has no result for null, but EXISTS can compare everything with null.
If you are using the IN operator, the SQL engine will scan all records fetched from the inner query. On the other hand if we are using EXISTS, the SQL engine will stop the scanning process as soon as it found a match.
IN supports only equality relations (or inequality when preceded by NOT).
It is a synonym to =any / =some, e.g
select *
from t1
where x in (select x from t2)
EXISTS supports variant types of relations, that cannot be expressed using IN, e.g. -
select *
from t1
where exists (select null
from t2
where t2.x=t1.x
and t2.y>t1.y
and t2.z like '℅' || t1.z || '℅'
And on a different note -
The allegedly performance and technical differences between EXISTS and IN may result from specific vendor's implementations/limitations/bugs, but many times they are nothing but myths created due to lack of understanding of the databases internals.
The tables' definition, statistics' accuracy, database configuration and optimizer's version have all impact on the execution plan and therefore on the performance metrics.
The Exists keyword evaluates true or false, but IN keyword compare all value in the corresponding sub query column.
Another one Select 1 can be use with Exists command. Example:
SELECT * FROM Temp1 where exists(select 1 from Temp2 where conditions...)
But IN is less efficient so Exists faster.
I think,
EXISTS is when you need to match the results of query with another subquery.
Query#1 results need to be retrieved where SubQuery results match. Kind of a Join..
E.g. select customers table#1 who have placed orders table#2 too
IN is to retrieve if the value of a specific column lies IN a list (1,2,3,4,5)
E.g. Select customers who lie in the following zipcodes i.e. zip_code values lies in (....) list.
When to use one over the other... when you feel it reads appropriately (Communicates intent better).
As per my knowledge when a subquery returns a NULL value then the whole statement becomes NULL. In that cases we are using the EXITS keyword. If we want to compare particular values in subqueries then we are using the IN keyword.
Which one is faster depends on the number of queries fetched by the inner query:
When your inner query fetching thousand of rows then EXIST would be better choice
When your inner query fetching few rows, then IN will be faster
EXIST evaluate on true or false but IN compare multiple value. When you don't know the record is exist or not, your should choose EXIST
Difference lies here:
select *
from abcTable
where exists (select null)
Above query will return all the records while below one would return empty.
select *
from abcTable
where abcTable_ID in (select null)
Give it a try and observe the output.
The reason is that the EXISTS operator works based on the “at least found” principle. It returns true and stops scanning table once at least one matching row found.
On the other hands, when the IN operator is combined with a subquery, MySQL must process the subquery first, and then uses the result of the subquery to process the whole query.
The general rule of thumb is that if the subquery contains a large
volume of data, the EXISTS operator provides a better performance.
However, the query that uses the IN operator will perform faster if
the result set returned from the subquery is very small.
In certain circumstances, it is better to use IN rather than EXISTS. In general, if the selective predicate is in the subquery, then use IN. If the selective predicate is in the parent query, then use EXISTS.
My understand is both should be the same as long as we are not dealing with NULL values.
The same reason why the query does not return the value for = NULL vs is NULL.
As for as boolean vs comparator argument goes, to generate a boolean both values needs to be compared and that is how any if condition works.So i fail to understand how IN and EXISTS behave differently
If a subquery returns more than one value, you might need to execute the outer query- if the values within the column specified in the condition match any value in the result set of the subquery. To perform this task, you need to use the in keyword.
You can use a subquery to check if a set of records exists. For this, you need to use the exists clause with a subquery. The exists keyword always return true or false value.
I believe this has a straightforward answer. Why don't you check it from the people who developed that function in their systems?
If you are a MS SQL developer, here is the answer directly from Microsoft.
Determines whether a specified value matches any value in a subquery or a list.
Specifies a subquery to test for the existence of rows.
I found that using EXISTS keyword is often really slow (that is very true in Microsoft Access).
I instead use the join operator in this manner :
If you can use where in instead of where exists, then where in is probably faster.
Using where in or where exists
will go through all results of your parent result. The difference here is that the where exists will cause a lot of dependet sub-queries. If you can prevent dependet sub-queries, then where in will be the better choice.
Assume we have 10,000 companies, each has 10 users (thus our users table has 100,000 entries). Now assume you want to find a user by his name or his company name.
The following query using were exists has an execution of 141ms:
select * from `users`
where `first_name` ='gates'
or exists
select * from `companies`
where `users`.`company_id` = `companies`.`id`
and `name` = 'gates'
This happens, because for each user a dependent sub query is executed:
However, if we avoid the exists query and write it using:
select * from `users`
where `first_name` ='gates'
or users.company_id in
select id from `companies`
where `name` = 'gates'
Then depended sub queries are avoided and the query would run in 0,012 ms
I did a little exercise on a query that I have recently been using. I originally created it with INNER JOINS, but I wanted to see how it looked/worked with EXISTS. I converted it. I will include both version here for comparison.
SELECT DISTINCT Category, Name, Description
FROM [CodeSets]
WHERE Category NOT IN (
SELECT def.Category
FROM [Fields] f
INNER JOIN [DataEntryFields] def ON f.DataEntryFieldId = def.Id
INNER JOIN Section s ON f.SectionId = s.Id
INNER JOIN Template t ON s.Template_Id = t.Id
WHERE t.AgencyId = (SELECT Id FROM Agencies WHERE Name = 'Some Agency')
AND (t.Name like '% OH %')
AND (def.Category IS NOT NULL AND def.Category <> '')
Here are the statistics:
Here is the converted version:
SELECT DISTINCT cs.Category, Name, Description
FROM [CodeSets] cs
WHERE NOT Exists (
SELECT * FROM [Fields] f
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [DataEntryFields] def
WHERE def.Id = f.DataEntryFieldId
AND (def.Category IS NOT NULL AND def.Category <> '')
AND def.Category = cs.Category
WHERE f.SectionId = s.Id
WHERE s.Template_Id = t.Id
WHERE Name = 'Some Agency' and t.AgencyId = Id)
AND (t.Name like '% OH %')
The results, at least to me, were unimpressive.
If I were more technically knowledgeable about how SQL works, I could give you an answer, but take this example as you may and make your own conclusion.
The INNER JOIN and IN () is easier to read, however.
EXISTS Is Faster in Performance than IN.
If Most of the filter criteria is in subquery then better to use IN and If most of the filter criteria is in main query then better to use EXISTS.
If you are using the IN operator, the SQL engine will scan all records fetched from the inner query. On the other hand if we are using EXISTS, the SQL engine will stop the scanning process as soon as it found a match.